Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Six: Defeated

The Alpha. Shit. I am so dead. I mean I have defeated some Alphas before, well more specifically, I have killed some Alphas before, but I had my weapons at the time. Now I have nothing but my bare hands. I guess I will have to try though. Suddenly, I couldn't see anything but red. Then I remembered, I have to do it blindfolded too. I am now in some seriously deep shit. The only way to even come close to winning is if I used some strength from my wolf. She was extremely quiet most of the time, but she also knew the perfect times to help.


I'm here Raven. I will give you as much strength as I can. I have a feeling you can actually beat this Alpha.

What makes you so sure?

I am not entirely sure. But I can still see, even though your eyes are covered.

Really? Can you be my guide?

Of course, I can also let you know what moves will be most helpful in certain times, but you need to trust me without any doubts. If you hesitate, you will lose for sure.

I understand, thank you Akira.

Good luck Raven.I was snapped out of my conversation with my wolf when the crowd started cheering. I instantly felt another presence in the room. It was powerful, and I could instantly tell that the Alpha was here. I could not see him, but I knew he was well built and very tall. I straightened my back and stood tall, as I felt him approach me.

"This is the wolf that managed to defeat my Beta in a blindfold? What shame Jackson must feel right now." The Alpha had a deep, sexy voice that made me shiver for some reason. I was almost oblivious to the fact that he had practically insulted me, almost.

"Well to be fair, I am not the easiest to defeat." I defended, proud that my voice sounded almost as powerful as his.

"We'll see about that." He stood across from me in the painted circle. I got into a fighting position and readied myself to attack. I could feel the power Akira gave me slowly flowing throughout my entire body, making me stronger, faster, and even more graceful.

Ready? she asked.

As ready as I'll ever be. I replied. I heard Jackson draw in a sharp breath and the whistle blow loud. The Alpha and I circled eachother. I felt the air change and Akira's voice loud and clear in my head. Duck left. Right spinning kick over your head. I did as I was told as soon as she demaded each order. I felt my foot connect with what I assumed was his face. Loud gasps echoed through the air as their Alpha staggered back from the force of my kick. Leap forward two feet and right uppercut. I quickly shot forward and threw my right fist up in a short uppercut punch, connecting with the Alpha's jaw. I leapt back quickly, following my wolf's orders. I heard a low growl, as the Alpha became angry that I had made his face bleed.

"Bitch!" I heard the Alpha scream before leaping at me. Jump as high as you can and do not spin around before you land. I jumped up, and felt him rush past me. I landed facing away from him and Akira told me to throw a swinging backfist. I flung my right fist out and whipped around. My fist hit his neck since he was taller than me. My knuckles collided with his windpipes and he was left breathless for several seconds. In that time I had put the Alpha in a choke hold, as per my wolf's command. Gasps filled the room once again, at the fact that I had beat their Alpha, in a blindfold.

"Holy Shit!" I heard Jackson yell. I removed my blindfold, keeping the Alpha in the chokehold with one arm. All I could see were people staring at me with absolute shock. I let go of the Alpha and walked over to Jackson, his mouth hanging open.

"So, where does that put me as far as my ranking in the pack?" I ask smirking. Oh my god, thank you so much Akira. I could never have done this without you. You are the best wolf in the Universe.

No problem Raven, you being as special as you are, makes me the luckiest wolf ever born.

"Uh, I-uh," Jackson stammered, unsure of what to say or think of this situation. He looked over at the Alpha who was standing up, his wounds already healing. I didn't look at the Alpha, just at the crowd who still couldn't believe that I came so close to killing their Alpha.

"What do you think Alpha." I said smirking. I turned around to look at him, starting at his feet. My eyes passed all the way up his body. He was wearing basketball shorts and a tight-fitting T-Shirt. I could see his rock hard abs through his shirt. He had gorgeously tanned skin. I noticed he was about six foot five.

I just realized how absurd it was, thinking that I almost killed this man, who was a foot taller than me, covered in muscle. And the Alpha of the strongest pack in North America. My eyes roamed over his face, takig in his strong jaw, and high cheekbones. He looked as though his face had been carved by the Moon Goddess herself. My gray-green eyes, finally met his dark ones, and I think the world literally stopped when our eyes connected. Akira kept saying something. I think it was something like mate. All I wanted to do was kiss him and runs my hands through his silky, black hair.

He quickly walked over to me, grabbing my hips and pulling me towards him, he put his lips next to my ear.

"Do you realize how long I have been looking for you?" his husky voice sending shivers down my back.

"Do you realize that I just beat you in a fight? Not to mention the fact that I had a blindfold on?" I couldn't help myself. I simply had to point it out.

"I was actually hoping that the Moon Goddess would give me a strong mate, but I didn't expect her to be this strong." his lips brushed my ear, as he chuckled lightly.

"I wasn't expecting a mate to begin with, much less to have him be the Alpha of the Silver Bloods pack. And I assume you know who I am?" I whispered into his ear feeling him shiver in pleasure.

"The daughter of Luna Blackwood?" He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"The one and only Raven Blackwood at your service." I did a mock bow, and made my voice sound super dramatic.

"And what do I, Alpha Blake Redthorne of the Silver Bloods pack, owe the pleasure of your presence Ms. Raven?" He said mimicking my dramatic introduction.

"Funny story actually, your Beta captured me in the woods about a day ago. I was in the dungeons, then I came here and did that fighting tradition thing. And then I broke your Beta's nosepretty bad, then put you in a choke hold." I said smiling. He chuckled.

"She broke your nose?" he asked Jackson who was looking rather uncomfortable.

"Yes, but I really need to talk to you about training our warriors better. She also managed to knock out our best fighter." I bit my lip to stop from grinning when Blake looked back at me, his eyebrows raised in shock.

"You knocked him out?" he asked in disbelief. I let go of my lip and grinned.

"Yup!" I said popping the "p". His eyes shone with pride.

"We need to talk about your fighting skills. Follow me." he said. I walked back over to my armor. Carrying it in my arms, I followed Blake out back to the pack house. We walked into what I assumed was his office. He shut the door and then suddenly noticed my armor. He jumped back in surprise.

"How the hell are you holding silver without being burned?' he hissed. His eyes wide in horror.

"Uh, well, about that. I am not a full werewolf." I said bracing myself for his answer.

"What do you fucking mean, you are not a full werewolf?" he yelled. I sighed. He was my mate after all, so he would find out eventually.

"My mother was a wolf, but my father is a... uh, well." I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "My father is a Hunter." I closed my eyes, scared of what his reaction would be.

"How is this possible? There is no such thing as a female Hunter, how are you one? And a wolf can't have pups with anyone but their mate, so you expect me to believe that your mother was mated to a Hunter?" He asked angrily.

"I don't know how it is possible, but I was born with the Hunter birthmark" I said showing him my silver chain birthmark. "I also grew up training as one of them. But on my sixteenth birthday, I changed into a wolf. I figured out who my mother was, but I still don't know who my father is." I sighed in defeat.

"Shift, it is the only way for you to prove you are truly a wolf. I believe you are a Hunter, after all you do have the birthmark, but I need proof as to you being a wolf." I looked into his eyes. There were so many emotions swimming in them, but confusion was the most prominent. I set down my armor in a chair by his desk.

"My wolf form will not fit in this room." I said. He narrowed his eyes to see if I was lying, but then nodded. He led me out of the room and into the pack houses' backyard.

"There is one more thing I should probably tell you before I shift." I bit my lip, not believing I was going to tell him this.

"What?" He became worried.

"You may not tell anyone this without my permission." I waited for him to nod before continuing. "I have more than one wolf form. But I will show the one I first shifted into on my Eighteenth birthday." I quickly said before shifting into my true wolf form. I could feel my bones pop and crack, rearranging themselves. His eyes widened at the sight of the magnificent black wolf that stood where I previously did. My golden eyes were almost level with his. He shifted into his wolf quickly.

I stood watching in awe at the blood-red wolf with icy blue eyes in front of me. We were almost the same size, Blake's wolf being slightly bigger. I walked up to him, and nuzzled my nose into his neck. A voice from behind us made us turn our heads to the source of the noise.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

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