Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Seventeen- Big Mistake

Blake and I walked outside, hand in hand. In the front yard, a small stage had been set up. The whole pack was there, several hundred in all. It was a large pack, on average there were between 200 and 400 pack members. This pack had close to 1,000.

Blake led me towards the stage, and told me to wait at the bottom of the steps. The chatter that had once filled the air became quiet, as Blake stepped onto the stage. His voice was strong, and deep as it rang out from his place on the stage.

"As most of you know, we are here tonight to welcome your new Luna. Some of you know her as my mate, others just know her as a new member." He looked over to me, and gestured for me to come up. I walked up and over to him. He put an arm around my waist.

"My name is Raven Blackwood, daughter of the late Luna Blackwood. Almost all of you know me from either yesterday, or the day I fought to earn a place in the pack." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know many of you are scared of me, after what you saw yesterday, so I will explain it to you so you may be less afraid. My mother was a werewolf, my father was a Hunter. I grew up as a Hunter, but shifted when I turned 16. I later found out that I can shift into any wolf form that I want. But my very first wolf, is a black wolf, close to the size of Alpha Blake's. There is one thing that separates me from other wolves that I may look like, my eyes remain gold." I explained, looking at the ground, and avoiding their stares. I didn't like what some of them held, pure hatred.

"I am telling you this so you will not fear me, as much. You all are afraid of the unknown, and now that it is known, you will fear me for a different reason." Blake, rubbed his hand up and down, where it was resting between my waist and hip.

"You are expected to give your Luna respect, because she is worthy of it. She will make our pack stronger, and hold us together. We are the strongest pack in North America, and your Luna is the strongest wolf I have ever seen. Accept her, or leave this pack." His gaze swept over the crowd, daring them to not accept me as Luna. I was shocked when no one moved, they accepted me, I thought.

Of course they did, Blake has a way with words you know, Akira sighed almost dreamily. I inwardly rolled my eyes at her.

"Very well then, oh and one more thing. Raven is more commonly known as Blazing Storm. And Burning Thunder is here as well, her name is Jinx." Blake announced. Jinx ran up onto the stage and grinned at the awed faces. Hushed whispers ran through the crowd, not believing that Jinx and I were there.

"And now the Binding Ceremony will begin." Someone handed Blake a wooden box. It was small, and the wood was mahogany. He opened it to reveal a small, silver dagger surrounded in velvet.

He carefully drew it out and slid it across his hand. Blood began to pool in his palm, and he handed the dagger to me. I did the same, watching my blood pool in my hand.

He put his hand next to mine and spoke words I had heard in other packs many times before.

"Repeat after me, quatenus pravis, ego pono animam meam ut cedendo ac ceterorum. Et sanguinem eis, et introduces eos in angustia temporum. Servieritis tuendi mei, erit donec sanguinis inquinavit terram." He spoke in Latin. I repeated his words, taking my oath to protect and serve the pack until my blood stained the Earth. I suddenly felt a large pressure in my head. I felt faint, and would have fallen over if not for Blake's arm around me.

"The party is in the back. Tonight we celebrate our Luna's arrival!" Everyone cheered and ran towards our backyard. Blake turned to me.

"Are you alright?" Blake frowned at me. The pressure in my head got stronger, and it felt like my skull was being crushed. I put my heads to my head to help, but it did nothing. I heard Blake curse multiple times, before I was carried bridal style to our room. He gently set me on the bed.

"Raven, listen, what is happening is you are developing your mind link with the pack. I assume you know what that is?" I nodded my head remembering the things we were told in school. Packs had a mind link system, it was only within their pack though.

"Why does my head feel like this though?" I had started feeling the pain, and gritted my teeth against it.

"Your wolf is trying to block out all of the voices, but you need to let them in. It will be overwhelming at first, but then you will be able to block them without hurting yourself." I nodded in understanding.

Akira, you need to stop blocking the voices, I thought.

Fine. But I will make sure that they do not hurt you, so I will let them in slowly, then block them. She replied. Her response made me feel better. I suddenly felt a wall in my mind being lowered, and a slow stream if voices filled my head. It was an odd feeling, but thankfully, not painful. Suddenly, all of the voices were gone, along with the pain and pressure in my head. I silently thanked Akira, and realized my eyes were closed. I opened them to see Blake looking at me in surprise.

"Wow, I have never seen someone learn to control their mind link so fast. How did you do it?" I shrugged.

"My wolf wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt, so she lowered the block slowly. I didn't feel a thing. So, what is going on in the back?" Blake smiled.

"That's where the pool is." My eyes lit up and I grinned.

"There's a pool?" He nodded and I jumped up in excitement. I ran to the closet to see if there were bathing suits. I found a lovely pink bikini. I put it on in the bathroom, and it fit perfectly. It showed off my cleavage, as well as my amazing butt. I let my hair loose from its bun, and it fell down to my waist in blonde beach waves. I miss my normal bronze color. I am so glad the blonde will fade in a few days, I thought.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Blake waiting for me. He was topless with a pair of swim trunks on. When I walked over to him, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped when his hand slapped my butt. He carried me out to our balcony, which I just realized had stairs leading down to the pool.

We walked to the pool's edge, and even upside down, I could tell it was huge. People were laughing and talking, and music was playing from somewhere. I was taken off guard when I was suddenly thrown off Blake's shoulder, and straight into the pool. I twisted, and landed in a dive.

He is going to pay for that, I thought. And I figured out the perfect way how. I decided to stay underwater for as long as I could, just to scare him. It wouldn't be that hard either, I could hold my breath easily for ten minutes.

I swam to the bottom, and sat on the pools floor. I had about 5% fat, so I don't float easily. Getting bored, I looked at my nails. They looked funny underwater, the pink color they were painted was obscured. I felt the water move around me and saw Blake's face come into view. He was in front of me and I just smiled at him and waved. He picked me up and swam us to the surface.

"Why would you scare me like that?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why did you throw me into the pool?"

"Fair enough. Now, would you like something to drink?" He asked as we swam back to the edge. He got out first and then helped me.

"Yes I would. Do you know where Jinx is?" He pointed behind me. I turned to see Jinx sitting with a drink in her hand, surrounded by guys. She waved me over, and Blake left to get me a drink. I walked over to her, shaking my head. She was sitting on a patio chair, and has changed into a swim top and some shorts. She must have known that the party was at the pool.

"Hey bitch, how are you doing?" She slurred her words a little, I noted.

"Fine, but you need to stop drinking. I think it is spiked, because you are already drunk." She scoffed at me.

"I am not drunk!" She stood up and walked to me without falling.

"J, you and I both know that even though you can walk straight when you are drunk, you sure as hell can't think straight." She rolled her eyes at me. She saw something though and instantly froze. I followed her gaze to see Jackson, sitting with another girl on his lap. Jinx stormed over to the two. I followed her knowing that she was about to do something bad.

She walked up to the girl and punched her in the face. She fell off Jacksons lap and then pulled herself up off the ground.

"Get away from my mate!" She hissed. The girl was furious and she threw herself at Jinx, her claws out. Jinx's arm was caught, and she had a short, deep gash below her shoulder. Her arm was pouring blood and Jinx had grabbed the girl and threw her to the ground. I quickly ran between the two and pushed Jinx away. She was bleeding heavily, but I knew that if I hadn't stopped it, Jinx would have killed the girl.

Jackson stood up and walked over to Jinx.

"Mate." He breathed. Jinx fell to the ground, but Jackson caught her. He scooped her up in his arms and called out for Aspen. I followed him over to a chair where he layed Jinx down. Aspen came rushing over a minute later. I was confused as to why she was needed.

"Give me your shirt." Jackson did as he was told. She ripped the shirt into pieces and wrapped them around Jinx's arm. The bleeding slowed, and her wound began to heal.

"She will be unconscious for a little while. When she wakes up, make sure she drinks some water." He nodded and sat down besides his mate. I turned to Aspen.

"Why did you just do that?" She smiled at me.

"I am one of our pack doctors. We have to have several since the pack is so big." I nodded, in understanding.

"So what is up with him?" She asked gesturing to Jackson.

"Well, Jackson and Jinx, are mates."

"I guess that means she will be joining the pack, right?" I hadn't thought about that. She would have to join if she wanted to stay with her mate. I smiled at the thought of her staying here with the pack.

"Yes, yes it does."

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