Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Four: Proof

"How great you guys must feel being stuck down here watching me, while everyone else is up and about, and actually being able to see the sky." I say watching the men, who appear to be bored out of their minds. They just stand there, occasionally playing some hand game when they get restless.

"If it keeps the pack safe, then we will watch you for years." A man, I learned is called Kevin, says. I roll my eyes at how cheesy it sounds. I have been trying to figure out a way to get most of the guards out of here, making my chances of escaping much higher.

"Is this pack so weak that a little teenager like me would be considered a threat?" I ask innocently. I am actually 19 so I'm not really a teenager, nor am I little, but I couldn't care less right now.

"We aren't taking any chances." I sigh, do these people really have nothing better to do? I am sitting with my back on the far side of my cell, my cloak wrapped around me. It is actually kind of cold on the cement floor.

A loud voice brings me out of my new escape plan ideas. "Hey, Nathan! You and Mathew go get some rest, you both look ready to pass out."

Kevin is right, earlier those two were actually falling asleep on the wall. I jump for joy inside, seeing that there are only three guards left, including Kevin.

"How long have I been in here?" I ask, hoping that the Beta will be coming down soon.

"Why? Getting tired already?" One of the guards sneers at me. I decide to keep up the innocent little girl act.

"Wouldn't you be tired? I was trying to get some sleep when you guys captured me, and it is impossible to sleep in a place as uncomfortable as this." I whine, successfully sounding like a sleep-deprived 15 year old. Even though most of it was true, I'm actually not sleeping because I am too focused on escaping.

I suddenly see the guard's eyes soften. "Why are you here?" he asks.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your Beta?" I roll my eyes at him, as if I would get locked up on purpose. Do these wolves think I am stupid?

Probably, my wolf snickers.

"No, that is not what I meant. Why were you in our territory to begin with?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"I was running away from some Hunters. I came upon that lake and it was so quiet and beautiful. I felt safe, until your stupid Beta showed up." I frown thinking about the perverted wolf.

"Wait, why were you running from the Hunters? Aren't you one of them?"

"There is no such thing as a female Hunter. It would be impossible. They were trying to kill me, because I have this tattoo-" I point to the silver chain around my neck"-that looks like the birthmark Hunters are born with. They got really angry because they thought I was mocking them or some load of shit like that." I reply angrily, even though it isn't true, just thinking about those damn Hunters is making me furious.

The guard becomes more sympathetic, looking at me like I'm a broken child.

"Well, to answer your first question, the Beta will be coming down to talk to you in half an hour or so." He sighs, looking relieved that he will be leaving soon. My jaw drops, has it really been almost 24 hours already?

For the next 30 minutes I complete my final escape plan. I am going to try to gain the trust of as many wolves as possible, then make my escape once they trust me. A door opening then slamming shut drags my attention towards the entrance to the prison.

"Why hello, nice to see your face again isn't it?" The Beta sneers.

"I would say the feeling's mutual but last time I saw you, I was being thrown in this cell for no reason," I glare at the man in front of me.

"You were trespassing. What is your name?"


"What a wonderful name. What about your last name," He grins playfully. I am not sure what is wrong with this man, but if I ever get out, I am going to beat the shit out of him.

"Raven Blackwood." I smirk. Ever since I realized why the name is so familiar, I loved to watch people's reaction to it.

"As in the late Luna Blackwood of the Dark Forest Pack," His eyes widen in recognition.

"I'm her daughter, well was her daughter." It is interesting to watch him squirm under my gaze.

My mother and her pack were killed in a massive rogue attack. Her father was the Alpha but with her mother being dead, she had to fill in as the pack's Luna. They were killed nearly 20 years ago. I found out she was my mother when doing some research on werewolves a few years ago. I didn't know who my father was, but I quickly figured out he must be a Hunter, which would be where my skills and birthmark come from.

"But you are not a werewolf." He looks extremely confused. Then again, I do not have the scent of a werewolf so it often confuses people.

"Yes I am." I snap. My response must have appeared as defiance, because his confused look is quickly replaced by an angry one.

"No you are not. It is bad enough you pretending to be a Hunter with your fucking tattoo, but now you want to insult us and say you are a werewolf as well? How dare you?" he growls at me, his fangs starting to show.

"And since you are not a wolf, I guess I will just have to kill you." He continues to growl at me, his eyes turning black, showing him fighting his wolf for control.

"I am a wolf!" I declare, I don't think he can even hurt me, but I certainly will not be able to escape if he trying to killing me.

"Then prove it!" he hisses.

"Fine! But I don't feel like destroying my clothes so I would appreciate it if you turned around." I tilt my head, curious to see just how much of a pervert he was.

"Everyone will turn around except me, I want to make sure you aren't playing some kind of joke." He smirks and to be honest, I was kind of expecting him to say that. I know there is no changing his mind, so I start undressing.

Luckily, my handcuffs were removed earlier. I take off my cloak and smirk. His face is as if he is a three year who just got a bag of candy. But then he growls suddenly and glares at me, furious.

"You lied to me! You are wearing silver, silver burns wolves. You are not a wolf." he hisses turning away from me. He starts to talk with his men about what to do with me, all them with their backs to me. I quickly take off my armor while they were not looking, and shift into my wolf. It has been months since the last time I shifted, and it feels so good to be in wolf form again.

I am in my form that has red-rust colored fur, and it is extremely small. I am still super strong and very fast though. My wolf has golden eyes, which was completely unheard of in the werewolf world. I bark loudly to get their attention.

They all turn to me absolutely shocked. I can see the confusion and fear written across their faces. Just to make them even more scared, I slip through the silver bars. My wolf is just small enough to fit through and they tremble in fear as my sides brush against the cell bars.

After all, they have probably never heard of a werewolf immune to silver.

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