Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Fifteen- Bad Girls

Blake laughed, and sped up his Ferrari. I sped up my Sport Rider, until it was even with Blake. My speedometer read 95 mph. I waited until Blake was several meters I'm front of me, before accelerating to 145 mph. The forest around me was a blur, the only thing that was visible was Blake's Ferrari as it hit its maximum speed, 215 mph. I got up to 240 mph, ignoring Jinx's warning. I knew she was joking because in my races, this motorcycle could go over 250 mph easily. I passed Blake and quickly reached the line, where the asphalt changes to dirt. I slowed down to 95 mph, and did a sliding turn. I stopped just in time to see Blake do a sliding stop, barely missing me. His window was still rolled down.

"What did you say you did with that bike?" I laughed.

"I didn't."

"Well then how the hell do you know how to drive like that? And why can that motorcycle go so fast?"

"Jinx and I met at a motorcycle race in Italy. I was undercover, and I got really good at racing. But one day an asshole was tired of me beating him, and rammed into me. My bike went out of control and I crashed into the barrier. Jinx was winning the race by a lap, but decided to help me. She pulled me out of the burning wreckage of the barrier, and fixed my bike. That was two weeks ago." I finished.

"You both did motorcycle racing? Because I watch that and I never saw you." He replied confused. I smiled.

"I was known as Blazing Storm, and Jinx was Burning Thunder." His eyes widened in realization.

"That was you! But didn't you have brown hair?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded, biting my lip to keep from smiling.

"I dyed it blonde last week for something, it will fade by next week." I told him.

"My pack loves racing, and you two were our favorites. Hell, there are posters of you in your suit, on your sport rider. Wait a sec, how come I didn't recognize your bike?" I shrugged, and smirked when I heard about the poster.

"You were too busy looking at me," I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to deny it, but he never did. He just laughed.

"That would be true. Now come on, let's get back." I rode back to the house, Blake next to me. It took us 30 minutes to reach it. Blake made me put my bike in the garage, he must really like it. Yet again, it is a pretty amazing motorcycle.

Blake left after I put my Sport Rider away. He said he had to deal with some pack matters, and that he would be home by 6:30.

When I walked into the house, Jackson was watching television on the couch. I noticed it was motorcycle racing.

"Hey Jackson, what are you watching?" He looked at me for a moment before turning back to the television.

"I am watching racing, but I'm pissed because Blazing Storm, and Burning Thunder aren't on anymore. Blazing Storm had a really bad accident, and Burning Thunder helped. I haven't seen them since." I was trying my best not to laugh or smile, thankfully I was able to control my amusement.

"Actually you have seen Blazing Storm." He looked at me extremely confused.

"What are you talking about?" I sighed and told him to wait outside for a second. I left and came back riding on my bike. I put on my helmet, so he would be able to recognize me easier.

"Holy shit! You are the Blazing Storm." I laughed at his face, but nodded. I took off my helmet so I could talk easier.

"Yes, that is me. My hair is just dyed blonde temporarily as a disguise." He was still staring at me, mouth agape. I put my bike back in the garage, and waited for him to stop standing in the doorway like an idiot.

"You can stop staring now!" He shook his head and regained his senses. I rolled my eyes.

"What about Burning Thunder?"

"She will be coming over later this week." He squealed like a little girl. I laughed and gave him a weird face.

"Act like that, and she won't even look at you."

"Whoops, anyway, you have to take me on a ride later." I shook my head at his enthusiasm, but agreed. I went up to my room, and watched Criminal Minds until Blake got home, three hours later. He walked into the room, and came over to my side of the bed.

"Hey baby, hope you didn't miss me too much." He teased, I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

It turned heated very quickly. Soon, I was laying on the bed with Blake above me. He was using his arms to support his own body weight, and mine were wound around his neck. I pulled away to take a breath, while he started leaving a trail of kisses from my jaw to my collar bone. I felt him pause at the spot were he would mark me. I tugged on his black hair slightly.

"Go ahead." I whispered. He didnt need to be told twice. I felt him kiss the spot between my shoulder and collar bone, and then his teeth sink into my skin. I know it was supposed to hurt like hell, but I barely felt it. I almost moaned when he licked the wound, sealing it and our bond.

"You have an extremely high tolerance for pain." He remarked. I smirked.

"You are correct." He leaned down to kiss me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he sat up, bringing me up with him. He pulled back and looked at me, his eyes full of adoration.

"I love you." I was surprised at his confession. I smiled before replying.

"I love you too. Now what?" I was unsure of what to do next.

"You are presented to the pack, as their Luna."

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