Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Twenty

Not Proofread or edited

Rapunzel's POV

"Stupid parents." I grumbled out as I stepped in the bedroom. Dimitri chuckled as he followed suite "they mean good you know." I ignored him as I stripped of the clothes I had been wearing for a while now, shivering in disgust at the thought of how dirty they were. Shoving them into the hamper I walked towards the bathroom "babe?" I eased away from the tub since I was bending over the edge to see Dimitri staring intensely at my lower half, the heat from his gaze had me fidgeting. "what are you looking at?" I muttered out shyly as I hurriedly hopped in the tub to cover my nakedness, a chuckle resounded in the bathroom and I risked a glance towards my mate "you're too cute Rapunzel" I puffed my cheeks as he came and sat at the edge of the tub. "now lets get you washed up.' I spun in the bath, my back facing him as he began to wash my mess of hair. "'babe?" I groaned in response as I felt myself sliding under the water. I could see from the small slits in my barely opened eyes Dimitri shaking his head softly before he hauled me out of the tub and under the cold stream of the shower. I gasped loudly as the freezing cold water cascaded down my body with full force. I glared at Dimitri as he began to rinse my hair "you could've just shook me awake you know?"

"and what's the fun in that?" he whispered against my ear, my body shivered in response and my breath hitched "w-what are-" I bit back a moan as his large hand had came down to rub against my slowly hardening cock "I'm just taking care of my sweet mate." the gush of his hot breath against my cold skin had goosebumps rising instantly all over my body. "stop." I choked out as he pulled me flush against his now naked body, his hard length rubbing gently between my ass cheeks. " now why would I do that." he tempted as he pushed forward slightly causing my hole to clench in anticipation. he continued to tease me senselessly until I finally broke. I bend over suddenly, using the walls of the shower to help me balance as I spread my legs and ass "fuck me." there was a millisecond pause before a loud growl ripped through Dimitri and he grabbed my hips hard sinking his nails in the soft flesh, the twinge of pain weirdly enough had my swollen cock leaking from its tip. "demanding little thing aren't you?" he chided as he lined up his bulbous head at my entrance, panic rose through me as I realized he wasn't going to prep me or anything but before I could voice my concerns he snapped his hips forward hissing as he pushed pass the ring of muscles, a startled gasp left my mouth which soon turned into whimpers of pain as Dimitri continued to bury himself in my cavern "ugh~ngh Dimitri." I gasped out as he was buried balls deep in me and the feeling of being stretched to the max had my eyes blurry for a second. "are you okay?" came his strained voice as he panted lightly behind me "should've asked that before you buried yourself in me, dick head" I groaned out as he whispered tall tales of how sorry he was as he peppered butterfly kisses from my nape to he center of my back "you can move now." he slowly pulled out resulting in a small gasp from me before snapping his hips forward again, my mouth opened in a silent scream and my eyes rolled over as he hit a spot in me that had my legs quivering "oh fuck, there, again" he did the same thing only this time with more force as he fucked me into a blubbering mess. My moans were so loud that is resonated throughout the large bathroom no doubt washing out and around the house. "you're such a little slut." he whispered harshly in my ears and my cock twitched in excitement as I matched his desperate pace.

Moans of agreement followed Dimitri's dirty talk as he used one hand to wrap around my neglected shaft . I screamed in pleasure as my body jerked hard as cum came spurting from my cock, the shear intensity of my climax had me seeing white as Dimitri chased his own high hammering into my sensitive hole before warm liquid gushed into me, I moaned lowly at the feeling of his seed coating my insides. "fuck." he whispered as his arms tightened around me pulling me back against him the stream of the cold water cooled our hot flesh as we washed up once again. "come let's get you to bed." Dimitri said as he had patted my body dry and braided my hair into one big plait. I stretched my hands motioning for him to carry me since I was not willing to test out the intensity of the pain in my rear. He smiled softly as he kissed my lips gently before picking me up bridal style "I'm sorry love but you asked for it." he chided, deciding to ignore the fact that he was taking pleasure from my pain, literally, I turned my back towards him and let the chains of sleep pull me under.

I awoke to the gentle rapping of someone's fist on the door "honey?" the soft voice of a woman washed through the crack in the door as they opened it. I opened my eyes to see my mom with a tray of food followed by my dad with some medicine in one hand and a glass of water in the next, Jax followed dad sweetly and he was the only one wearing a shit eating grin on his face as my parents looked on in sympathy. "what?" I groaned out as I tried to sit up only to have strong arms pulling flat against their chest. "you guys haven't come out since your um little escapade and I thought we should bring you guys some late lunch." she whispered slightly as if to not wake the sleeping beast behind me. Placing the tray on the bedside table she kissed my forehead, well tried to as I was practically buried under my mate. "Wake him and get some warm food in your stomach and then take the pills okay. Its for the pain." I hid my face in the crook of Dimitri's neck causing them to chuckle before they left the room. "that was so embarrassing." I murmured out as the scent of the food caused my stomach to rumble loudly. "well thank god they were your parents and not mine." Dimitri chuckled out softly as he kissed my lips "good morning love." he whispered as I smiled softly at him, my chest fluttering slightly at his presence "good morning" his smile widened as he kissed me once again before rolling off of the bed "lets get some food in you." I shifted with great effort as I sat on my knees so as to not aggravate my backside even more, Dimitri saw this and he rubbed my thigh soothingly as he gazed at me with soft eyes "It'll go away soon." he muttered as he fed us both the assortment of blue cordon meatball pasta and small fruits. By the time I had eaten and taken my pills I was flat out tired as I stretched a bit before sliding off the bed. Throwing on some loose fitting clothes I headed towards the living room knowing that's where Dimitri would be since he hadn't come up back to the room since he brought the tray down. 'hey babe." I spun to see him coming out the kitchen with a huge smile plastered on his face. "lets watch a movie eh?" he suggested as he pulled me onto the couch and turned the tv on, I watched as he settled on a movie with dolph lundgren called dark angel I think and I nuzzled up to him. as I watched the movie in the warmth and comfort of my mate, I smiled softly to myself as I thought about the wonderful future I would have with this amazing man and boy was I looking forward to it. "what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I looked at him and my smile widened "just us." he hummed softly as he played with the hairs on my nape. 'what about us?" he asked as I nuzzled under his chin. 'oh just the endless possibilities we'll have." he chuckled softly as he kissed my crown I'm happy to have you by my side forever." he whispered as he arms tightened around me "and I you'


I cackled loudly as Dimitri fell on the ground cupping his crotch. "honey are you okay?" I questioned through my laughter as Damien and Cinder ran up to me with shocked expressions on their faces. "mommy we didn't mean to hurt his manhood." Cinder muttered out as Damien stood hidden behind him. "no worries my dears he'll be just fine." I said as I ruffled their heads 'yeah boys no worries, see I'm all better or will be if mommy can kiss me better." he cheekily looked at me as the boys peered up back at me with wide hopeful eyes "oh please mommy." I glanced at my youngest son Damien as his large hazel eyes watered a bit. I sighed softly as Amima chuckled *these kids are gonna be the death of us* I motioned for Dimitri to bend since I was sitting against a tree, he did as follows and i gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before pulling back, he pouted as he stared at me with puppy dog eyes, I chuckled softly how fitting "but that's not where its hurting." I glared at him heavily as he stared at me with a smug expression. 'don't push it." I growled out at him before pushing his face away. 'all done." I clapped as the kids ran up to me and gave me kisses on my cheeks before grabbing their father and dragging him away.

Damien and Cinder my two boys of 8 and 10 years respectively, it had been a few years since Dimitri and I mated and it was pure bliss. We had found Cinder while we were on a hike deep in the mountains abandoned by his mother who we had found dead a few yards away from him, he was six then and cried hard over his deceased parent. He was a fox cub and it seemed they were attacked by rouges since they reeked of them. We had adopted him and raised him as if he was our own and it was pure bliss. The joy of having a bubbling kid around the big empty house was comforting. At the age of nine however Cinder begged for a little brother and we had went to adopted one from the local orphanage. There Cinder found Damien and they were glued by the hips. After adopting the little wolf cub I found out that he was abused by his foster parent and had been refusing to be adopted ever since. It was a work in progress to get him to open to us as his new parents and slowly but surely with the coaxing of Cinder he began smiling and speaking more. "mommy come play with us." I looked at my baby boy Damien as he smiled widely at me behind him was the smiling faces of my eldest and my mate. My heart melted at the warmth and love radiating from them and I smiled widely. Getting up I grabbed Damien's hand as I led him back to our family of misfits. looking at their laughing faces I thanked the goddess for letting my parents move back to their hometown because if they didn't I wouldn't have met my mate and had my amazing family.

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