Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

Not proofread or edited

Rapunzel's POV

I groaned softly as the annoying sound of something ringing brought me from my slumber. Stretching my hand out I knocked over something from the bedside table which landed on the floor, I was bracing for the loud sound of the object smashing to the floor but after a few seconds came with no sound, I got up from the bed and peeked curiously over its edge. There on the ground laid an expensive looking lamp, the golden spirals set as its base holding up a golden shade serving as the top. The shiny stones decorating the rim of the shade shun ominously beautiful in the moonlight. I titled my head confused as I pulled the black silk covering away from my body........wait.... a shiver ran down my spine as I snapped my head up looking around the room I was situated in. Shock ran through me as I recognized nothing in this extravagant room and boy I know I'm well off but this person seemed even more well off. I was brought from my daze as the annoying sound started again, I looked in the direction of the sound and found a phone laying on the bedside table. I reached over picking it up looking at the caller ID, Dad it read, I pressed the answer button bringing the unfamiliar phone to my ear. "What is this nonsense I'm hearing about?!" Shouted a gruff voice from the phone. I stared at the phone for a few seconds before replying "who's this?" The line went dead as the man stop his swearing. "Who are you?" He asked confusion and annoyance present."I asked you first." The man swore loudly before hissing in the phone. "Listen here, just because you're another one of his bitch doesn't give you the authority to answer his phone you slut." I gaped at the blatant disrespect before anger took over " no you listen you piece of shit, I have no fucking idea what the hell you're talking about and you don't even know me you waste of oxygen, low life underprivileged dog so you have no right to judge me!" I shouted in the phone before hanging up abruptly I threw the phone on the bed angrily as I stood up walking towards the first door I laid my eyes on I slammed it opened and I was met with a dark hallway that seemed to go on forever, I stomped loudly down the hall muttering curses under my breath "calling me a slut, the hell he think he is?" I stood stock still as something went bump. Instantly images of creepy crawlies flooding my brain as I slowly turned around in the dark hallway. "H-hello?" I muttered out taking a tentative step back as a grunt came as my reply. My heart thudded loudly against my ribcage, "d-dont play with me!" I shouted pathetically as I hastened my backwards stepping, another grunt came again but this time it was closer. I spun around as I tried to make a run for it but as soon as I I took three steps arms wrapped around my waist eliciting a loud yelp from me as I struggled, I called out for Amima's help but he didn't even acknowledge me. I began to panic even more as the grip tightened and I could feel myself being pulled backwards, "please don't eat me mr. Monster, I'm not tasty I swear. I taste like sour lemons on a hot day." I whimpered out as I struggled. Laughing erupted from behind causing me to halt my movements, the familiar baritone voice of my mate washed over me as he whispered. "Oh my sweet mate." I spun in his arms looking up at him in shock as he stared down at me in amusement. My shock however turned into embarrassment which quickly morphed into anger. "You could've scared me to death dipshit." I snarled out as I pounded my small fists on his hard chest. He chuckled softly as he leaned down to peck a kiss to my forehead. "You're so cute." He muttered out causing me to pout, no wonder Amima wasn't responding he knew that it was our mate. I huffed as I leaned into his warmth, his intoxicating scent of fresh rainwater and pine calmed me immensely as I bathe in the scent. "So what are you doing standing in the hallway?" He asked as his hand rubbed calming circles on my lower back. " a phone woke me up and this bastard got me angry so I had stormed out." I muttered out getting pissed off all over again. I pushed from his arms as I looked up at him. "I'm hungry." I muttered and as if agreeing my stomach rumbled loudly. Dimitri chuckled as I pat my belly comforting it, he took my hand as he lead me to a flight of stairs I hadn't seen during my little fit. We happened upon a large dinning room with a Victorian theme to it that weirdly enough suited this creepy as fuck house. He lead me into an even larger kitchen that also had an Victorian theme to it. Everything was the same shade of colour some shades even darker than the rest but it was peculiarly beautiful.

I sat at the at the counter as I watched him rummage through the fridge, a few seconds later coming out with ingredients to make sandwiches. He worked quietly and I let him as the look of pure concentration captivated me as I watched him make a simple sandwich. As soon as he was done I smiled in appreciation as I downed the sandwich in ten seconds flat before looking at him for another. His face was stuck in that of shock as he watched me, I shrugged with a bashful attitude as I replied to his unanswered question " I hadn't eaten much today." He shut his mouth as he began making two more sandwiches.

I belched softly as I rubbed my flat tummy, well relatively flat since I had a little pudge on my lower stomach not that noticeable unless I eat something. He shook his head at me "let's go to bed now yeah?" He whispered as he put the ingredients back in the fridge, when he came around to me I stretched my hands out as I asked for a lift. He smiled softly as he lifted me by my waist and I wrapped my legs around his taut waist and my hands around his strong neck and buried my face into his neck. The gentle swaying motion of him walking lulled me to sleep along with the fact that my tummy was full. I mewl as I felt myself being placed on the soft bed and the coolness of the silk sheet being wrapped around my body. The bed dipped as a strong arm wrapped around my waist holding me snugg against his hard body " G'night love." He whispered as he kissed my neck. I hummed in pleasure as tingles ran down my spine."Good night." I managed to mutter out before sleep grabbed a hold of me.

Hey readers, so I had the feeling to do a subtle chapter following the previous one since a dramatic change wouldn't have been ideal in my situation since I'm tired as fuck since I just got done with my practicals and such. So here you guys are and happy reading. Bye readers.

P.S. Oh I was thinking of writing another book maybe pertaining to this one maybe not, but if any of you have any ideas on the genre and title of a book I could write please don't hesitate to message me

Don't hesitate I would love to get ideas from readers and writers alike since two heads or in this case mutiple heads are better than one.

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