Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Six

Not proofread or edited

Rapunzel's POV

I took a step back from him, staring into his eyes in shock. A giggle escaped from my lips as I try to wrap my brain around what he had said.

The more I thought about it the harder I started laughing. I looked up at him after a while, only to become a laughing mess again. This guy thinks I belong to him.

Oh God this is the funniest thing I've ever had happen to me. I shook my head slightly before patting his hard chest. "Good one buddy, you just made my day." I slipped passed him as another giggle bubbled from my throat.

Shit these people crack me up. Making my towards my locker without further incidents, I grabbed my packed lunch and made my way towards the outside of the school.

I found a vacant tree and decided to sit at it's trunk. Sitting down I took out my triple layer ham and cheese sandwich and moaned it looks so good.

Sinking my teeth in, I closed my eyes tightly as I savoured the taste. "That seems pretty tasty." My eyes snapped open to be met with big brown eyes.

I nodded my head vigorously since my mouth was full. He chuckled softly before he sat beside me. "Hi I'm Dylan." He said smiling softly at me.

I swallowed my food before giving him a ten Mile wide smile. " MY name's Dylan." He looked at me and laughed.

"Why a boy name for such a pretty girl?" He said smirking, his brown eyes lightning up a bit by the gesture. "Well I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a boy." I sassed.

He looked at me for a second longer before nodding to himself. "Well that explains the flat chest." I gasped and slapped his arm. "Rude." He snorted before turning around.

Finishing up my sandwich, I stood up and got ready to head off. "Hey lunch time's not over yet." He chimed

"Unlike you I am new here and I have absolutely no idea where to go, so, yeah." I turned on my heels and began walking towards the school's entrance.

"Well what class do you have?" He asked after catching up. "I have home economics then Mythology or something and after that gym."

He nodded as we weaved through the students in the hallway. " Well we've both got gym together so that's good. I'll show you to home economics but after that you're on your own."

I smiled gratefully at him, before muttering a quick thanks. He smirked at me and my ears heated up. Thank God I'm black.

Stopping at a double white door, he spun around and bowed dramatically. "Here you are your highness." I laughed softly.

Dipping softly I turned my nose up and replied. "Why thank you kind sir." He chuckled softly before waving. I walked into the classroom, well more like a kitchen and stopped.

There were mostly girls in this class and by mostly I mean only. These people are so weird. Sighing softly I walked up to the teacher and yes a female too.

"Hello there, how may I help you?" She asked gently. " I'm a new student here ma'am and I noticed that only girls are in this class." She nodded softly while she spoke.

" Well that shouldn't be a problem since you are also of the same gender." She said giving me a once over. Sighing aggravated I pointed to my pants.

She looked down at where I had pointed and gasped. I used my hand to accentuate the bulge in my pants. " Oh my." She trailed off as she looked at me.

"Well then... You can...um..uh" she stuttered. I chuckled softly. "No worries miss, a little knowledge about cooking and whatnot won't hurt right?"

Smiling at her softly, I headed towards the table closest to me. I sat beside a girl who was fast asleep her kinky hair in an afro contrasting against her dark skin.

Looking at her face her plump lips kissed with pink lips gloss pouted adorably, her skin smooth almost flawless glowed under the sun light streaming in the room.

I swear if I wasn't gay I would totally date her. As I stared her eyes suddenly snapped open, startling me for a moment. Her big brown eyes looked at me dazed for a few seconds.

Her gaze locked on me before frowning. "The fuck you looking at piss face?" She snarled. Well... That was unexpected.

"You dumbass." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Shit cute and sassy. I like ya dude. The name's V short for Vanelope, long for Vanelope Van Hellshire." She smirked at me showing her white teeth.

"Dylan Webb's but you can called me Rapunzel." I smiled. I like this girl, she's peculiar. " Thanks ma folks tell me that all the time and yes you said it out loud." She giggled a bit then stopped abruptly.

"Okay class settle down. For the next two weeks we'll be doing something everyone I'm sure will love, Parenting." Squeals of excitement

Were heard around the room.

The lady droned on about the assignment details and such. Actually paying attention since this seems fun I hadn't heard the argument going on around me.

"Um Mrs. Gretchen, maybe you shouldn't give V a baby. You know since they sacrifice them and all." I spun around to see a blonde girl with racks so huge I'm sure her neck hurts.

"Yes Mrs. Gretchen, maybe you shouldn't give them to me. At least give them to someone who eats babies. Now tell me." V smirked wickedly as she stared at the blonde.

"Which is worst, a tradition keeper or a slut." The blonde growled, literally and pounced on V, knocking me over in the process. " You little bitch." She growled at she pulled V's hair.

V snarled viciously and grabbed the blonde's hair tightly. "Miss Hellshire don't." The teacher pleaded. V's eyes turned a darker shade of brown as her eyes turned into slits.

Her cuteness from before totally gone as she looked about ready to murder someone. And here I thought I was having anger issues.

Her fist coiled tightly as her muscle bunched up. I got up and touched her fist and she looked at me her burning eyes bleeding black now shocked me to the core.

"V calm down." She tilted her head to the side, looking into my eyes her eyes started to fade into a beautiful brown again. Her hold on the blonde loosened until she finally let her go.

Gasps were heard as she walked towards me. "That's right run away you little bi-" *crack* It had happened so fast that if I had blinked I would've missed it.

V slammed her fist against the girl's jaw breaking it with a sickening crack. She looked at the limp body in front her and laughed. She was laughing so hard she had tears running down her cheeks and her body bent forwards.

" So I win Mrs Gretchen. Since baby eater here can't do anything now, doesn't that means I get a baby?" She asked sweetly as if nothing had just happened.

Yup I'm definitely going to keep her.

No words to say other than that I'm back 😝😝. It's good to be back ya know but what the fuck eves.

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