Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter one

Not Proofread and edited

Rapunzel's POV

I yawned as I stretched my sore limbs. Sleeping on the floor, not a good idea but what can I do? All my belongings from furniture to clothing have been moved.

Sighing I got up off the floor and grabbed my shower bag and headed towards the bathroom. Opening the door I placed the bag on the sink and grabbed my huge comb.

Unravelling my hair I watched tiredly as it falls to my feet. Sighing I gently grabbed the ends of my hair and tediously combed through it.

Gasping as I combed through a knot my face scrunched in pain as it pulled against my roots I sighed in relief when it finally combed through.

Spending about fifteen minutes combing through my hair I sighed in content as I placed the comb down.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw my unruly curly black mane framing my small figure. I'm eighteen yet still I look like a twelve year old.

Smiling at my smooth face my brown eyes shun in the mirror. Another month another moving. Sighing I grabbed my phone as it rung.

"What?" I spat without checking the caller ID. "Don't snap at your mother Rapunzel, it's not my fault you decided to stay and sleep on the ground."

Rolling my eyes I sighed. "Sorry mother. What is it?" I put the phone on speaker and started to plait my hair.

"Your father and I were wondering when you'll be here?" Draping half of the plait over my shoulder, I continued braiding.

"I'll be there by lunch time." I said draping yet another half of the braid. "When? Lunch time tomorrow because if you haven't noticed it's passed 2 p.m.

Glancing at my phone I realized it was actually 3:45. Well damn. "I'll be there by dinner then." I said finally finishing my plait.

Sighing in relief I started to brush my teeth. "Honey it's a 8 hour flight how are you gonna reach here by dinner." I rolled my eyes

"I never said today mom." I washed out my mouth and stuffed everything in my bag. Grabbing it and the phone I head towards the now vacant room.

"Alright honey be safe and don't talk to strangers. See you." She chirped gleefully. Groaning in frustration I placed the phone in my pocket.

Walking into the living room I grabbed my bag pack and headed towards the front door. Not even glancing back. Stepping outside I went towards the nearest bus station I stood and wait.

Thank God father knows me best and decided to book a night flight. Smiling at an elderly couple as they strolled by, I sneered as I heard cat calls

"Hey there babe mind if we join ya." I turned to see two guys sauntering towards me. "Actually I do mind." I sneered at them.

"Feisty little thing are you. Such big talk for such a small girl." He tutted. "I'm not a girl fucktard." I growled

"Can't you see my dick print douche." I used my hand to press down the front of my jeans. They looked at me shocked and I laughed.

The bus pulled up and I hauled ass inside and sat in the middle. Urgh god damnit!! Cant they see that I'm a God damn guy.

Sighing frustatedly I grabbed my earphones and plugged them in my phone. Shoving the buds in my ears I go through my music playlist.

Going to the Death metal list. I pressed play and The Eagles Flies Alone by ARCH ENEMY comes blasting through the buds.

Sighing in content I looked out the window as the scenery of my now forgotten town goes flying by. Yet another annoying town left behind.

(Blah blah blah bus drives until it reaches the airport blah blah he sits and waits on his flight blah blah and now he's on the plane)

Looking out the window of the plane. I almost had an heart attack when someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

" 'Scuse me lil missy but t'was wondering if I could prolly sit next to yese." Looking up at the aged man I nodded meekly and turned my attention back to the window.

"So how ya doin lil lady?" He asks I grit my teeth and looked at him " I'm not a girl sir." I forced out and he laughed. Hard.

"Y-yer right- be-best laugh I had -all -all damn day." He said between laughs. Rolling my eyes I cursed under my breath and ignored him.

Plugging my earphones in once again I laid my head back and fell asleep.

(Yada yada yada)

I woke upto someone shaking my shoulders gently. "Heya lil lady. Time to get off the plane." I looked around to see already half the people were already out of the plane.

Smiling gratefully at the man. I grabbed my bag and headed towards my destination. Passing through security I sighed as I looked around the massive airport.

Even though it was so big only a handful of people are in here. "Sighing I walked towards the exit and hailed what I thought was a cab.

"Where ya going?" Asked a nasally voice as I climbed in. "Marlborough." The woman looked at me through the rear view mirror shocked.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but we don't go there. You'll have to walk." I looked ather dumbfounded. "But it's like the middle of the night and how far is the walk gonna be?" I asked annoyed.

"Hmm about 6 hours make it 10 with those short legs." She chuckled and I slumped "lady I'll pay you extra the fare if you drive me at least half of the journey."

She contemplated for a minute then shook her head. "No can-" before she finished I stopped her

"Triple." I said and she looked at me and started up the car.

"Just this once." She kept mumbling to herself. Sighing I sagged into my seat and gazed out the window. New life here I come.....

Well would you look at that another book woopie. Yawn. I got bored writing this due to my inspiration from watching adventure time. Great show I know. Anyways here I go unto the nxt chapter. I'm tired already. Sigh.................

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