Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Not proofread or edited

Rapunzel's POV

I awoke groaning loudly as my head throbbed heavily, the stale taste of blood in my mouth had me running to the bathroom and unto the toilet. The vile taste of whatever I had ate spilled into the bowl, the dry heaving motion of my body trying to throw up what it didn't have had me clutching the porcelain bowl, tears running down my cheeks. What the hell did I eat I asked myself as I flushed the bowl and dragged myself towards the sink, grabbing my toothbrush I squeezed a great amount of toothpaste on it then started to brush my teeth. Glancing up in the mirror I jumped five feet in the air as I saw my reflection, there was a large dark bruise under my left eye, a busted top lip and a literal black eye looking back at me. I focused my swollen left eye on the right which had Amima's quality pushing through, my hair was tied up in what I assumed was a bun or a knot most likely causing a shiver of pain to run through me at the thought of detangling this mess.

I groaned as dragged my heavy body through the two rooms and out the door. The dull ache of pain present the more I moved throughout the house, what the hell happened? I sighed as I walked into the living room using the wall as support. I gasped loudly as the scene before me registered, there were broken furnitures and glass all over the floor, the white carpet stained with a dark red with what looked like tuffs of hair laying dormant. I ran towards a figure on the ground and spun them around. "Dad?!" I shouted as I shook him gently he groaned as he sat up slightly. "Dyaln?" He questioned as he sat up at fully "What happened dad?" I questioned him confused at the appearance of the house that seemed to have a twister going through it multiple times. I groaned in pain as I was tackled to the ground by my father "Please Amima no more please." I looked at my father in shock as he repeated the sentence like a mantra. "Dad what are you talking about?" I questioned shocked by the fact my dad was actually crying, his tears falling from his eyes and unto my face "I'm sorry about what he did to you but please Amima no more." Dad choked out and seemingly losing all his strength his body dropped unto me knocking out my breath. I brought my hands and wrapped around my dad whose body rocked as he cried, my heart broke into a million pieces knowing that I had caused this. "I'm sorry dad." I whispered out as I tightened my hold. I tried hard to remember what happened last night as I called upon Amima but got no response. I could feel him there in my mind but it was still, like a calm day without breeze, I jumped in surprise as the heavy fall of footsteps came rushing into the room

"Jonathan gasped out my mom as she and Jax lifted the man off of me she fawned over him as she wiped his tears whisperings soothing words to him. I gently sat up with the help of my brother who watched me with caution as he slowly spoke to me "Dylan or Amima?" He asked eyes darting across my face, more specifically my eyes. "Dylan, what happened?" I replied as he relaxed but only by a micro. Mom turned to look at me with unprecedented hatred and anger so much that I physically flinched "you stupid child look what you've done to my house, my family, my mate!" She yelled loudly as her blood shot eyes widened the more she spoke. I felt my already broken heart disintegrate into nothingness as tears rolled down my cheek "mom! He did nothing wrong don't fucking blame him!" Jax shouted as he wrapped me in a protective embrace a loud sob rocked my body as kept on repeating that I was sorry, yet I had no idea what I was apologizing for. "Moya don't blame my son it's not his fault." Dad said firmly well as firmly as he could with a scratchy voice. "But." Mom said but was silenced by dad as he got up and came over to wrap both of us in a warm embrace. "I know what he did was wrong Amima but you've got to calm down and let him explain. It's time for you to rest now." Dad whispered as he and Jax started to squeeze a bit too tight. "Dad." I choked out as body gave out and I was rendered unconscious yet again.

Jax's POV (OMG yass)

"Dad." The voices of Amima whispered as he was knocked out due to lack of oxygen. I looked down at my baby brother who laid limp in my arms before pecking a soft kiss to his forehead, my heart grieved as I looked at the black eye I gave him last night. "I'm sorry baby brother." I whispered standing with him and bringing him to lay on the couch. "That thing is trying to take out my child." Mom hissed as she glared at Dylan’s sleeping figure. "That thing is my son." Dad snarled glaring at her I could feel the tension build up in the room "I'm gonna start cleaning up, when he wakes up then we'll explain what happened and mom please don't blame Amima he was only doing what any heartbroken mate would've done. Lucky us he didn't kill anyone, well almost." I muttered out as I went into the kitchen to grab some garbage bags and started to pick up what could hold into the bags and dragging what couldn't outside and beside the trash cans. Mom and dad did what they could to help and after several hours the house was cleaned but looked like we had just moved in since it was mostly bare. "Dad?" A timid voice washed through the living as the figure from the couch sat up. Dad ran towards Dylan, holding him at an arms length before bringing him into a bone crushing hug "my baby boy." Dad whispered in relief as mom and I went to join the hug. "This is touching and all but, why do I feel like I've been kicked around by a herd a cows and why does it look like we were the victims of robbery?" Dylan asked causing us to chuckle. We pulled back as he looked at each of us with confusion, his beautiful brown eyes settling the uneasiness o had in my stomach. "Well that my love is a long and hard story." Mom said softly as she took a seat beside him on the broken couch dad followed suit flanking his right side while I sat on the floor between his legs, where I rest my head on his thigh and as if clockwork his hand started to thread lightly through my mounds of curls. "Well I'm listening." He muttered out as I felt him shift to get himself comfortable. Dad heaved a heavy sigh before he told Dylan what had happened, I tuned them out as I already knew how the story went and had felt the rage of Amima first hand. After Dylan had came home with the Omega dad had knocked him out as it was the only way to stop him from panicking even more. We had asked the omega whose named I found out was also Dylan what happened, he told us that the Alpha was giving Dylan the cold shoulder while paying attention to the pack's slut Jemma and Dyaln asked him to bring him home and ever since then he had been complaining about his chest hurting. Dad and I had growled simultaneously at the information but held stead fast as we had decided to wait until Dylan was up to hear his side of the story. The omega I mean Dylan had left saying that his parents were calling him and that he'll be back to check on the 'little Rapunzel' his words not mine. For a couple of hours we sat until Dylan sat up with a loud gasp, I shot up from the couch I was in and went towards him I had asked if he was okay but looked to be in a daze as his lips moved at an immeasurable speed. "Dylan?" His head snapped towards me so fast I jumped in shock as I watched his eyes bled into dark pits. (A/N they haven't seen Amima's true eyes before, they thought he only manifested in Dylan’s hair.)

I watched shocked as he stood up from the couch and walked towards the front door, his lips still moving at a million miles per second. I had called for mom and dad as we ran after him we had caught him as he stepped into the forest but stopped as dad grabbed his shoulder " sweetie let's go back inside it's starting to get cold." Dad said softly to him as he stood behind Dylan, who had spun slowly and looked up at dad the black eyes looking uninterested at him dad's eyes opened in shock as he took in his son's appearance "He has to pay for hurting us." The distorted sound of different voices blending together as one had us all backing up in fear as we stood with mouths opened wide. Dad was the first to snap out of his stupor as he walked towards Dylan and picked him up "let's talk it out first yeah?" Dad suggested as he walked briskly back into the house and into the living room he had placed Dylan down to sit on the couch but he was having none of it "sit so we can talk." Mom said as she tried to force him to sit he screamed so loudly that we had to cover our hypersensitive ears and cringed. I stepped infront of him as he tried for the front door again "Come on baby bro lets-" I was flung into the bookshelf, the walls, couches, tables heck even the wall mounted TV as he used my body like a yoyo, his hair wrapped tightly around my chest. Mom had shifted into her wolf as she tackled Dylan to ground ghosting he r mouth around his neck, I was dropped onto the hard floor as he set on his new target his hair wrapping around mom's throat as he pulled her off him "shift!" His voices rang out unnervingly with a heavy pressure to it that caused mom to forcefully and painfully shift back to her human self where she then planted her fists in his face successfully bursting his lip and giving him a black eye. Dad had came up behind him and had him in a head lock so tight which had Dylan on the brink of unconsciousness but before he had passed out he used his hair to grab dad throwing him across the room knocking him out as he slammed into the wall. Dylan dropped on the ground as I got up and walked hesitantly over to him beside him laid a tuff of wolf's hair seemingly pulled along with skin which left blood onto our white carpet. I sighed heavily as I bend my painful body to pick him up, I walked towards his room where I placed him down and began working on his hair. Tying it into multiple knots, I slapped myself for the pain it'll cause him when he comes to but I had no energy to care at the moment as I had began walking towards my room but fell on the ground unconscious as soon as I opened my bedroom door.

By the end of the story Dylan was bawling his eyes out apologizing furiously as he looked at all of us. The look of pain, regret and sadness took his features as he lowered his gaze from us. "Don't be honey, we know what you're going through might be hard and for what you've done to us you'll make up for it by remodeling and refurbishing the house." Mom said cheerfully as she clapped her hands Dylan chuckled softly before sighing, the fallen look on his face told me he was thinking about his mate and that made my blood boil as I remembered what the omega said to me. "Why don't we pay mister big bad alpha a visit mmh?" I asked looking at Dylan whose eyes flashed black for a split second before he smiled wickedly " let's shall."

Hey readers.... so I wasn't sure who to end the chapter if it was on a good or bad note but alas it ended somehow. So here you all are for being utter sweethearts even if some of you might be a bit scary😅 *ahem* but uh yeah. Otte👌👋

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