Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 7: Beast And Silver

Have you found Rain yet I asked Beast? No, there have been no leads as to who took her or why. Beast you don't think that Savage is involved do you? No, I don't think he is involved. What are you thinking Silver? I am thinking that Sunshine is turning out to be just like Savage. It would not surprise me if she didn't try and hurt Rain. I don't think she is involved in this I told her. It is something else. I can feel it.

I have a feeling it involves Beast in somewhy. I don't know how but I just do. Because it was Rain they took. How they knew the difference between Rain and Sunshine I don't know yet. We have to find our daughter Beast. I can't sleep at night wondering what they are doing to her. Are they raping her, beating her, oh god not my Rain. Not sweet Rain I cried in his arms. Baby believe me if they harm a hair on her head I will make them pay.

I know you will I said. We will get her back baby do not think that we won't. I just need someone who can remember something from that night. Did anyone see if they were wearing patches and if so what were they? Some times I think we have a traitor but than other times I am not so sure. I walked out of the office and saw Sunshine walking down the hall crying. Mom, is there any news about Rain? None Sunshine. If only someone could remember something, anything that would help us. Mom, the gas was too thick to see anything.

Did the camera's show anything at all? Nothing. And they made sure that if they were from and MC that their patches did not show. Even the tags on the van were not identifiable. Wait did she have her cell phone on her? Can't she be traced by her phone? I don't know but I am sure your father has already thought about that. Mom, I miss Rain. I want my sister back. I understand you want her back.

But, Sunshine she hates you now. Even if she comes home she will not want to look at you or talk to you. You hurt her. You slept with the man she loves. She will find it very hard to forgive you for that. Maybe in time, she can but I can't say for sure. I made a mistake mom. I am finding out that I really don't want to stay married to Beast anymore. I was just wanting something that belonged to Rain.

I thought I loved Beast but I don't. I found someone that I really want to be with but now I can't be with him. Do you think that dad would agree to me divorcing Beast? Oh, honey. I know that he will never agree to that. It is your punishment for always wanting something that your sister has. Now you got it and he will never agree to you divorcing Beast.

I wish I had never had sex with him. Well, you made a bad decision and now you have to live with it. I know that you and Beast have been cheating for a long time. It was not the first time that you two had sex. What I do know is that timed it for your sister to catch you two in the bed having sex. So you have to live with it. I'm sorry Sunshine but I will not talk to your father or grandfather about letting you divorce Beast. You made your bed and now you will have to lie in it.

The only thing you can do is hope that one day you become a widow and I do not see that happening any time soon. It hurts mom. It hurts seeing him you with the club whores and knowing he is having sex with them but not me. I won't have any children of my own. I will have to watch my sister have babies knowing that Beast will make me take that morning after pill if he gets drunk enough that he does have sex with me.

I do not know what to tell you Sunshine. I think it is time that you find a way to live with what you two have done. And Sunshine, this is the last time I will discuss this with you. I turned and walked down the hall back to Beast's office. I entered the office and told Beast about the conversation I just had with Sunshine. I am glad you told her I would not grant her a divorce. She made her decision to climb in that bed and let him get between her legs and she will have to live with it.

I can't let her have a divorce or I would have to let everyone else have one. I understand Beast and I will back you up if she does ask to talk to you about divorce. If we let her get away with this what else will you think she can get away with? You know I am praying that neither one of them had anything to do with Rain being taken.

Beast I am thinking that we might have to Send Sunshine and Beast to a sister club. Put Sunshine in charge of one of the bars or clubs to keep her busy. I think that she should be doing something. If she can make a go of one of the clubs she could have it. I agree. First, let's try one of the clubs here. How about starting up a new night club and put her in charge of decorating it. Let's talk to her. We have that building we bought on the other side of town last year just sitting empty.

Go bring her here and let's talk to her about it. I smiled as my woman walked out of my office. I walked to the table that Sunshine was sitting at staring out the window. Sunshine your dad and I want to talk to you about something. I watched as she stood up and then followed her to her father's office.

Do you want to talk to me dad? Yes, I do. Sit down. I have a building sitting empty on the other side of town. How would you like to get it cleaned and decorated and start a dance club? Really? We can go there today later and look around. I would like that. Sunshine if you can get this thing to make money I will give it to you. You will be in charge of everything. Including hiring and managing the books to buying your beer and liquor.

Yes, I want to do this. When can we look at it? We will leave in an hour I told her. Your mom and I will help out if you need it but not all the time. That would be great. I can't wait to tell Rain about this. I then saw her look down at her hands. But she is not here and even if she was she doesn't talk to me anymore. I watched as she stood up and walked out of my office. She did not have anything to do with Rain being taken. No, she didn't. And she now wishes she had never had sex with Beast.

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