Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 27 Rage Invites Sunshine and Shotgun To The Freedom Rider MC

It is our last night at dads club. I knew Rage was going to invite Sunshine to visit us. I waited to hear what they would say. I was happy when they agreed to come for a visit in June. I missed Sunshine. I missed our talks and the jokes we played on people. I smiled at Rage and put my hand on his cock. I grinned as I knew I was going to be between her thighs soon.

It was time for us to head home. We hugged everyone goodbye and walked out to the truck. Dad lifted Sky and put her in the car seat. We waved goodbye as Rage drove out onto the road. I looked over and smiled. Both my girls were sleeping. We arrived home to be met by Beast. I lifted Rain in my arms and Beast carried Sky into the club. We carried them to our room and I lay Rain on the bed and took her shoes off before covering her with a light blanket. Beast lay Sky in her crib and said welcome home, baby girl.

We walked out of the room and shut the door. I take it the visit went better than expected? It did. Sunshine and Rain made up and her parents were happy to meet Sky. I invited Sunshine and her man Shotgun who is Wolf's brother to come and visit in June. You know that family is important to me. I know Rage. You did a good thing.

We walked to the bar and grabbed a beer. As I turned around I bumped into a club whore. She is new. Hello there. Are you new her she asked me. I gritted my teeth and said, No I am not new here I am the president. Would you like to have fun she asked me? No, do not want to have fun with you or any other woman. I have my own wife and child. Now I am going to say this only once. Do not ever walk up to me again. Do not ever ask me if I want to have fun I don't. If I want to have fun I will have it with my woman.

I watched her walk away. Scar looked at me. Sorry about that. She has come on to most of the men in the club and they all told her no. It seems she likes the men that already have women. Get rid of her. Thank you for saying that. I will call a sister club. I walked to his office and called our sister club in California. I told them the situation and they agreed to take her. I walked over and told the whore we wanted to talk to her in the office. I had the head whore come with us.

Once in the office, I looked at the whore. Kelly, I told you when you came here the married men would not touch you. You seem to want to go after all the married men. We are sending you to a sister club in California. So you will pack your things and get ready to be transported there. That is all. I was pissed. I came here because I heard the Rage was single. Then I find out he has a woman and a baby.

I knew I did not have a chance in hell of him claiming me but I thought I would get to fuck him at least until he found a woman. Then when I arrived I was told he does not fuck whores. I will hope the sister club is different. I packed my things and I was getting ready to leave I saw this beautiful short tiny woman. Who is that I asked? That is Rage's woman. Well hell, I never had a chance with Rage.

I walked out the door and got into the Van. I was headed to yet another club. It seems they all get rid of me within a few weeks. I need to change my way of doing things. I watched as she left and was never happier other than when I claimed Rain. I turned and walked back into the club and kissed my woman.

No one is going to come between Rain and me. I love her and have no need to cheat on her. She gives me what I need. I grabbed her and looked at Beast. Take care of Sky for a few hours. I grinned at Rage as he pulled Rain toward the stairs. I laughed and looked down at Sky. You and Uncle Beast are going to spend a few hours together little one I said.

About three hours later Rage and I were laying in the bed exhausted from our lovemaking. I can't get enough of him. I rolled over on top of him and said. Old man you are the most wonderful lover. I can do this all day long but I don't know about you. I looked at her and said is that right? Yes, that's right. I made love to my woman five more times before we got up and took a shower. Of course, I had to make love to her in the shower.

We walked downstairs and I took Sky from Beast. Thanks for watching her. Any time I said. We heard the door open I heard where is that bitch. We looked at the woman frowning. Then we heard Rain scream Donna. We all watched as Rain hugged this beautiful small woman. How did you find me? I asked your mom of course. Now show me this beautiful baby girl you have and introduce me to the man standing next to him.

I laughed and walked Donna over and said Rage meet my best friend Donna. Donna meet my man Rage, and our daughter Sky. Beast meets my best friend Donna. Donna this is Beast. Well hello, Beast. I think you and I are going to get to know each other really well. I laughed because I knew Beast had finally met his woman.

I looked at Donna and wondered if she really did want to get to know me. I am a big man. I have a scar that runs from my eyebrow down to my chin. I am not handsome. Most men fear me and most of the women run from me. But not her. I smiled and told her it would be a pleasure getting to know her. Good, I heard her say.

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