Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 22: Rage Goes Crazy

It doesn't matter who did it. You are all going to die. You think you can just walk in my club, hit my woman, and try to take her and my VP'S woman from our club. Take these bastards to the shed. I turned and asked a prospect to bring an ice bag for Rain's face. I lifted her and started carrying her outback. And bring her coffee with you. She likes to creams only no sugar.

I sat down with Rain on my lap and looked at her face again. I took the ice bag from the prospect and put it on her cheek. I am going to kill them. Fuckers think they can take you from me. I put the ice pack down and took a sip of my coffee. After I drank my coffee he carried me over and sat down on a lounge chair. I leaned back against his chest. How is your cheek Rain Sara and Sammy asked me? Sore but I will live. Those guys will wish they never put their hands on you.

I saw her shiver and covered her with a light blanket. We were talking and laughing and enjoying ourselves. I looked down at Rain and said, it has been a long day. I am taking my woman to bed. See you all in the morning. I lifted Rain in my arms and carried her into the club and up the stairs. I opened the door and sat her on the bed before turning and locking it.

Can I wear one of your tee shirts Rage? I walked to the dresser and got a tee shirt. When I turned around I saw her shirt off and then her bra. I swallowed as I looked at her breasts. Dam I said to myself. For a short small woman, she had nice breasts. I handed her the shirt and watched as she pulled it over her head and put it on. Then she reached under it and slid her jeans down her legs.

My brain went to me being buried between her legs. I want to have her legs thrown over my shoulders and me licking and sucking her clit. As she walked past me to the bathroom I saw the bruise on her cheek. I growled. I want the man who hit her. I will cut his fucking hand off for that. I took my cut off folded it and lay it next to her's. I then took my shirt off, my boots and socks, and then my jeans and climbed into bed.

I watched as Rain walked out of the bathroom and then she crawled over me and into the bed. I turned the lights off and asked Rain if she enjoyed herself. I did until those men walked into the kitchen and that one hit me not once but twice. I will make sure they pay for that babe I said.

I rolled over and pulled her into my arms. I closed my eyes and soon was asleep. I woke up with Rain laying on me again. I don't mind she doesn't weigh that much. I like it. I looked down and saw she was awake. Good morning I said. Good morning Rage. I rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed.

I looked over at Rage's back. I lifted a finger and touched his scar. I felt him shake. Sorry, I said sitting up. He looked over at me. Rain you can touch me whenever and where ever you want to. I am yours no one else can lay claim to me. I smiled at him and then he turned my face and looked at me.

Does your face hurt? No, why? You have a bright purple bruise. Rain I will make anyone pay who hits you. You are my woman and no man has the right to touch you. No matter how mad you make them. Do you understand me? I understand. Good. Let's get dressed, eat, and punish those bastards.

As we sat down at the table I heard growls going around the table. I looked at Rage. They don't like the bruise on your face. I see. You will cut the bastard that hit her hand off Rage. I plan on it. But until he gets his beating. We finished eating and rinsed our dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher. Rage took my hand and Scar took Sara's hand and then they led us outside and over to the shed.

We walked in and saw the three men tied to the ceiling. The one that hit me looked at me grinning. Nice bruise you have their whore. One of the prospects punched the man in the jaw and said. Do not disrespect our president's woman. Rage sat me in a chair and Scare sat Sara next to me. I saw Rage walk to the man who called me a whore.

You must have been the fucker that hit my woman. I did and it felt good seeing her fall to the floor. Rage beat the shit out of him. What hand did you hit her with? Why? What hand did you hit her with bastard? My right so what. Take him down and tie him to the chair. I watched as he carried a table over and put it in front of him.

Then he grabbed the man's right hand and pulled it out straight and on the table before tying it down. You see. My club hates women beaters. They especially hate it when a fucking man puts their hands on a woman that belongs to this club. I do not like seeing bruises on my woman. You made three mistakes. The first was putting your hands on my woman, the second was walking in my club without being invited and the third was trying to take my woman from this club and me.

I watched as a prospect had a small fire going. I then watched as Rage walked over to a table and picked up a small hatchet. As he walked to the man that hit me the man screamed at Rage. "What are you going to do with that?" I am going to cut your handoff. No, you can't do that. Yes, I can, and Yes I am. I swung the hatchet down and cut his handoff. Then the prospect put a hot iron on the stump to stop the bleeding. We don't want you to die just yet I said.

I walked over and handed Rain a pair of brass knuckles. I took the from Rage and put them on. I walked over to the man that hit me. Tell me you son of bitch just what were you planning on doing to Sara and me? What do you think he said looking me up and down. I punched him in the face over and over until he was bloody. Rage, I want his cock cut off and shoved down his throat before he dies. Do that to all of them. I ran water of the brass knuckles and wiped them dry before handing them back to him.

I stood on my toes and kissed his lips before walking over and sitting down. Sara and I watched the men beat them until they found out who sent them to take me. Then they cut their cocks off shoved them down their throats. Next, they cut their throats and ended their lives.

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