Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 2: Sunshine Tries To Talk To Rain

I was going to my room when I noticed that Sunshine, mom, and a few prospects were carrying boxes from Sunshine's room. I heard my name called. Rain can I talk to you? I stiffened my back. I turned and looked at my sister. No, you cannot talk to me. You took my boyfriend from me. I never want to talk to you again. I do not want you within 10 feet of me. I will finish the school year out since we only have four days left until we graduate but after that never come near me again.

I never thought my own sister would act as a club whore but I guess I was wrong. I hope that you and Beast are happy together. Sunshine if I had my way I would ask dad to send you to one of our sister clubs that way I don't have to watch you with the man who was supposed to claim me. But until then stay the hell away from me. I walked in and shut my door locking it. I walked over to the bed and lay down crying.

I still can't believe that my own sister would do this to me. But I was wrong. She is evil. I decided that this would be the last time I would cry over her and Beast. But little did I know that I would be wrong. I also said I would not let myself hate her but just forget she was my sister. Again little did I know just how wrong I would be again.

I finished school without talking to Sunshine and was now working at the tattoo shop. I was good at what I did. I finished a client when I heard my name. I walked over and heard. What was your name again? Beast I wrote down, I will not do any tattoo's for him, nor do I want to talk to him. I am sorry Beast but the had made a request that you never receive a tattoo from her. I have other artists available. Yes, I have you down for 2:00 tomorrow with Leslie.

He is your ex-boyfriend the one that claimed your sister, isn't he? Yes, he is. I also will not do any tattoo's for Sunshine or Poison if she calls. Why Poison? Mom named her road name because she ruins everything I said walking away. I cleaned my area before grabbing my keys to my bike and my helmet. I will see you tomorrow I said walking out of the door. As I walked to my bike I saw Beast leaning against his bike smoking.

I threw my leg over my bike and put on my helmet without looking at him. I started my bike and backed onto the street before heading to the club. I noticed he was following me. I noticed there were about 25 more bikes at the club as I got off my bike. I was walking toward the door when my arm was grabbed. Rain, please talk to me. Get your fucking hand off me I screamed.

I saw my dad and uncle walk out of the garage and five club members I did not know turn and look at us. I threw my helmet down and then I kicked his leg out from under him. I started going down to the ground with him but I twisted my body and had my boot on his throat. Let go of my arm Beast I growled.

He let go of my arm and I put more weight on his neck. If you ever touch me again I will make sure that you and Sunshine never have kids because I will cut your baby maker off. I then said you will report to dad for the punishment of touching a higher up without permission. I took my foot off his neck and picked up my helmet before walking into the club.

Dam who is she they asked. My daughter and the next president of this club. Oh, and she has an identical twin sister named Sunshine or Poison. That was my VP until he slept with Sunshine. I take it he was Rain's boyfriend at the time. You take it right. He knows he made a big mistake. He said he thought it was Rain he was in bed with. I don't buy that. After dating for 6 years I am sure he knew it was not Rain.

Everyone that watched them grow up can tell Rain and Sunshine apart my uncle said. Rain is usually really sweet but he pissed her off that's for sure. Let's go into the bar and get a beer my dad said. I just came down from taking my shower and was sitting at the VIP table when they walked over to the table. I also looked up to see my hamburger and fries put in front of me along with my coffee. Thanks, I said.

I watched as dad kissed my mom and then the top of my head before introducing the men with him. Rain, Silver this is the president of the Wild Rider MC. His name is Revenge, This is his VP and his name is Rattler, his enforcer, Steve, and his Sargent at Arms, Randy. This is Rain my daughter and my woman Silver. I will introduce her twin Sunshine if you follow me. We walked over to the table that Beast and Sunshine were sitting at and I introduced Sunshine to them.

Sunshine asked if we had any woman and they all laughed and said we do by Revenge doesn't have one yet. I rolled my eyes back in my head and then I noticed how she was looking me up and down. Not interested I said to her. I saw the shocked look on her face. I looked at Beast and said, how could you not tell Rain and her apart. I just met both of them and I can tell them apart.

Rain is slimmer and not as forward as this one. This sister is heavier than Rain and on top of that Rain has green eyes and she has blue eyes. I heard her father laughing. I will be dammed. You pointed out three things that are different between Sunshine and Rain. I will say this. I looked at Beast and said. You are a fool. You knew who you were fucking and you made the wrong choice. But I am glad of that.

What the hell do you mean you are glad for that? I think I will get to know Rain. She could do so much better than you. And I said looking at Sunshine. Don't expect your man here to keep his dick in his pants. He won't. Trust me on that. He will be fucking the whores in this club and you will have to sit back and watch it.

He is not worth you going behind your sisters back and fucking him to get him to claim you. He would never have been true to Rain either. I turned and walked away. I wondered what he said to them because Sunshine was angry. She started saying something to Beast. You are fucking right I have been fucking the whores Sunshine. You got me to cheat on Rain and forced to claim you. I did not want you as my woman but I am stuck with you.

I am no longer the VP so I don't have to keep my dick in my pants now. I can fuck any woman I want to and you can't do a thing about it. I started laughing. What the hell are you laughing at Rain my sister screamed. I am laughing about how lucky I was that he didn't claim me. His true colors are showing. Beast when are you going to get her pregnant? Never if I can help it he yelled. I really laughed then because that was another thing that Sunshine wanted. She wants more than ever to be a mother.

Sunshine I guess if you want a kid you have to fuck someone else to get it. Go to hell Rain. Well you see, I have already been there and back. At least when I find a man worth his salt and I know won't cheat on me I will get to have my children with him unlike you. So, if you want Beasts kid you better hope he didn't use a condom. I know he used a condom and I would not be having his kid. At least not for a very long time.

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