Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 14: Rain Continues Her Revenge

I was getting bigger and every time I got a new ultrasound picture of the baby I made sure to go to the club and give it to mom and dad. I also had copies for Wolf should I decide to send them to him. I would see the way Beast glared at me when I would come to the club and the tears in my sister's eyes when she saw me. I grinned evilly at both of them. Because Beast wanted me to have his baby and it would never happen. And Sunshine because she wants a child and Beast refuses to give her one.

I wonder why my sister has not thought about putting holes in the rubbers? I guess she is not that smart. She is also angry that dad and mom have refused to let her divorce Beast. They told her she made her bed now she has to lie in it. I am thankful that I did not end up being claimed by Beast. He can't keep his dick in his pants. We were sitting at the table when the door slammed open and a woman walked in.

We saw that she was pregnant. Just showing. Where is that son of a bitch? Who are you talking about? Beast, there are two here. The president and the ex VP. I want your ex VP. Sitting right over there with his wife. What the fuck do you mean wife? Just that. His wife. We watched her storm over to the table. Beast, this is your fucking kid and you are going to help take care of it.

Bitch, I do not know who the hell you are but that is not my kid you are carrying. If I fuck someone with or without a condom I make them take the after morning pill. Go find the real daddy of your baby. And do not think of dropping that kid off here at this club after it is born. We will just contact children's services to come and get it. You are nothing but a fucking. cheating, lying bastard. I am that I said looking at her.

You can leave anytime. We watched as she turned and stormed out of the club. Well, Well, what has he done now? I turned and looked at Sunshine. She was really angry. Then I saw her shove her chair back and pick up the beer bottle and slam it down on the top of his head. You fucking bastard. You will get other women pregnant but not your own wife.

I told you when I first fucked you Sunshine that I did not want to claim you. But you just refused to listen and you set it up for Rain to find us in bed. I never wanted a child with you. I wanted one with Rain. You got what you wanted. Maybe not everything you wanted. But you did get your dad to force me to claim you now live with it. I think it is time that you leave the club and move to your own little cabin in the back of the club.

As your man and husband, I am banning you from the club. You will remain in the cabin. If and when I choose to see you I will visit you in the cabin but do not look for that to happen. Now, go pack your things and I will send a prospect to the room to take them to the cabin when you finish.

I watched as Sunshine turned and walked down the hallway to their room. I grinned at dad and mom. Looks like Sunshine is going to be locked away from all the candy in the club. I stood up and kissed my mom and dad. I am going back to my house. Don't forget you guys and Uncle are coming to my house this weekend for a cookout. We will be their Rain. Drive carefully.

I walked out just as several bikes pulled up to the club. I turned and looked at one of the men and noticed he wore the president patch. He watched as I walked to my car and got in. I was getting ready to start it when I heard my name called. I got out and grabbed my handgun. I saw Beast walking toward the car. What the fuck do you want Beast?

Look Rain, I just want to talk. I want to tell you that I didn't know I was in bed with your sister. I heard the woman laughing. You are such a fucking lier Beast. We dated for 5 years. I have green eyes, Sunshine has blue eyes, I am or was thinner than she is so do not fucking lie to me. You knew you were fucking my sister and not me.

Do not come any closer Beast. I know why you wanted to claim me. You knew that I am going to be the president of this club when dad dies or retires. Hell, you already have two other women pregnant. Thank god I was smart enough not to let you fuck me. I watched as the man took another step toward the woman. One more step and I will shoot you Beast.

I wondered if she really would. He reached out toward her and she brought the gun up and shot him in the shoulder. Fuck, Rain what the hell. I told you to stay away from me. You claimed my sister take your ass back to her. I watched as she shot him in the leg and then men poured out of the club door.

what the hell Rain my dad yelled. I warned him dad but he just would not listen. I would not be in this condition if he would have kept his fucking dick in his pants and not pissed Wolf off. Now, look at me. I will be a mother and my child's father did this for revenge. Not a fucking one of you men can keep your dick in your pants and not cheat. Don't look so fucking innocent dad. Mom told me about the time she caught you cheating. I am not like mom.

I can never forgive a man for doing that to me. The next time that bastard tries to talk to me the next bullet will be right between his eyes. I opened my car door got in and backed up and drove out of the compound. Take this piece of shit to the doc. I turned and looked over and saw Rage sitting on his bike. Hello, Rage sorry about the family drama. I take it that is one of your daughters. My oldest Rain. I also see that Beast has been stripped of his VP patch.

Yes, he cheated on Rain with her twin sister Sunshine. I made him claim Sunshine and stripped his patch afterward. He was supposed to claim Rain as they had dated since they were in high school. Come on in and have a beer. I stood up and followed Beast into the club along with my VP, Scar, and enforcer, Hammer.

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