Rage of the Alpha (Part 2 of the Alpha Queen series)

Chapter 16


We should’ve brought backup. We should’ve listened to my mother. Why didn’t we listen? “Asher! Where are you! Just answer me damnit!” Saber couldn’t think straight with the worry pounding through her being. This was not supposed to happen. If I can just find him, maybe we can get out of here without being followed. That’s it. We can ’port to different locations so we don’t have to worry about anyone trailing us.

Saber frantically held onto Lamia’s waist. Her legs didn’t want to carry her alone. Her bond kept screaming for Asher and the rest of her couldn’t focus on anything else. They severely underestimated what was happening here. But that was part of their mission, wasn’t it?

Free their friends and find out whatever information they could, then a safe retreat. How had things gone so wrong? Saber felt a flicker through the bond. It was tugging at her. “Asher! Please tell me where you are. I have Lamia with me, we can help. Just tell me where to go.”

As before, there was no response. And then an image came through. A man dressed in fighting leathers was laughing at Asher while leaning against... a desk? Saber suddenly knew where to go. She dragged Lamia away from the chaos and in her panicked mind, she did not once think of the other friends while making their way up the stairs.

It never occurred to Saber to actually see what was happening around her. She had to get to Asher. He needed her, although he hadn’t said it - or even communicated anything other than his location. Her thoughts and heart couldn’t seem to agree whether he needed her at all. And that was why she raced - because she had to see for herself.

With the last door still a few feet away, Saber wondered at last why she did not just ’port to him. She pushed the inconsequential thought from her mind just before they burst through the opening. They came to a dead stop as she realized there was no-one in the room. Examining the bond once more, she found it intact and leading her here.

Confusion set in as Saber and Lamia turned around. The man from the image stood in front of them, casually closing the door. He was too handsome with long, straight, pitch black hair. It was tied in a neat, thick braid, hanging over his shoulder and flowing down to his hip. Bangs framed his perfectly sculpted face and even as he spoke, neither Saber nor Lamia found themselves capable of thought.

“I can practically feel my blood pumping through your veins. Who are you?” He enquired softly as he glided toward them.

“I felt your power downstairs. I cannot believe my good fortune that it turns out I am a father. This is just amazing.” Argon said as he studied Saber. Those beautiful blue eyes bore into Saber’s as if he could into see her soul and whatever else he wanted to. Her mind was blank.

“You see, when I first felt your presence, I was merely curious, but I have to admit my astonishment. It is truly incredible that Mab managed to hide her pregnancy from her mate. There was never a moment or a flicker that would have convinced me she was with child. And birthing a child without a mate’s knowledge? I would have said impossible and yet here you stand, beyond any doubt.”

“Unfortunately for all of us, this causes so many problems - a true stick between the spokes. What to do now? Blood calls to blood for our kind, no matter how minimal. But since there is more of Mab in this realm than me, my blood is demanding that I switch my loyalties to yours. For obvious reasons, this cannot happen since it is not in my best interest.”

“I guess I will have to wait for my brothers to arrive if I want to keep my own head. Truly embarrassing. They won’t let me live it down.”

Argon chuckled lightly, but then he noticed that the girl in front of him had never taken her eyes off him. “Can you hear me dove? Truly? Yet you cannot move, can you? My mental powers far surpass Mab's, incredible that you can fight it. I find myself wanting to take you home, show you your heritage, guide you in our ways properly. Right now you are my enemy, but there must be a way to help you see and understand why this must be done.”

“Mab will surely tell you about me in great detail after this meeting. Hmm, I can tell that you will be quite convincing.” A frown settled over his features as he sighed quietly. “My bond has been giving me hell since I stepped through that portal. Quite ironic since that is where we came from - where my hell truly began was with that portal, but hell is home, wouldn’t you say dove?”

He saw fire in the girl’s eyes, and then a twitch of her eyelid. That was concerning, he had to leave before she overcame his power. Only Argon’s father had been capable of this feat. This chance meeting had been inevitably eye-opening. The irony being the girl’s eye was, in fact, twitching. Argon was laughing with fate as he gave Saber a kiss on the cheek. Letting his darkness envelop him, he left in a swirl of black.

Saber had found enough of her anger to break the spell over them just as Asher and the rest of their friends burst through the door. Their eyes met and Saber was suddenly in his arms, being hysterical again.

“We don’t have time,” a man looking remarkably like her mate said while wheeling them around. The next moment they were in what appeared to be a forest. As suddenly as they appeared, Elves had them completely surrounded.

He blinked from existence once more as Asher took up a fighting stance, preparing to defend his mate at all costs.


It took him a few wrong turns to find where they had imprisoned the Autumn King and ex-Queen of the Vampires. And when he did, he had to admit to himself that it felt good being useful again. Seeing his son alive and well spurned him on to get this thing over with.

“How did this even happen Pavel?” Magnus asked rather rudely, not intending to waste any more time than absolutely necessary.

“The wrong person was crowned. My sister should have been first in line. It seems she was assassinated while I was... unencumbered.” Pavel’s wife and mate told him rather dully, as if it was a normal occurrence on this side of the fence.

“Exactly how many did you have in line before?” Autumn wanted to know as they barreled down more stairs and through doors all of them had lost count of.

“Not the time Pavel,” Winter stated with authority when they finally found Asher’s people. “Hold hands, I’m not taking any risks,” and everyone obeyed instantly. Space folded around them, and they found themselves between two very aggressive Queens. One hissing like a cat, the other growling like a wolf.

“Are we interrupting?” Pavel’s wife enquired snidely.

“Move!” The same demand came from the two females about to throw down.

“For Gods’ sake, we don’t have time for nonsense!” The Winter King hollered at everyone.

“She needs to back away from my son,” the Elven Queen sneered.

“You keep the hell away from my mate lady,” Saber countered.

“I have a better suggestion, why don’t you all just sit the hell down and breathe!” Came a different voice filled with unimaginable power from behind the wall of Elves.

The command brought everyone down, all the kings and queens and all the warriors surrounding them. A bristling Neall stepped neatly around the dazed warriors. She walked calmly - for someone so angry. Taking in the scene as everyone was sitting like children doing wrong who had been caught red-handed, she made her way to her daughter.

“Trouble seems attracted to you my girl. Talk to me,” she instructed while looking ready to kill someone.

“This is quite demeaning Mother, do you mind?” Saber was experiencing the rebellious teenager phase for the first time in her life.

“Not until someone explains the dead bodies that I just visited in the Vampire keep. And who the pure-blood Deamon was - the scent was everywhere, and I want to know if you promised him anything.” Neall folded her arms across her chest, impersonating a general awaiting answers with conviction.

“Hello Mother, as we are at the disadvantage here, allow me,” Pavel intruded rather timely. “The vampires were all possessed. It was an ambush. The prisoners freed themselves - and this includes me. Winter got us all out of there. We haven’t all been introduced yet since we just arrived. Although I must say, that,” he pointed at Asher, “looks like Winter’s twin.”

“The Autumn King I presume,” Neall was taking his measure for sure. King of the Obvious is more likely.

And turning her cold gaze onto Asher, “And the rest?”

“Meet my biological Mother,” he gestured to the Elven Queen, “and father,” directed at Magnus. “My mate feels it’s a bit soon for love and hugs, her words and not mine.”

“If I may, who exactly are you? To possess the power to nullify all of us instantly...” Winter asked with narrowed eyes. Neall took a visible deep breath, threw her hands in the air and scolded them instead.

“You lot are acting like children! Our entire world is in jeopardy and you don’t count your blessings but fight over nonsense? Mother and child need to be united Saber. Have you not learnt from my mistake? They were not separated by choice. What has gotten into you?”

“Perhaps the fact that I met your father! He’s evil and I was nothing against his power! He will destroy us all and I was too afraid to do anything.” Saber shouted. “I will protect my mate against anyone like that, his mother has gone Dark... Who’s to say she won’t join those bastards?

Asher had turned pale the more Saber revealed. Thankfully it must have been a short meeting - Saber was not gone from his sight for more than a few minutes. “So much could have gone wrong though, it only takes an instant to kill or maim someone...” Asher was unsure if this was his own thought. Lares had just as much stake in this.

“Some moments in life can alter even the hardest hearts. Think about how much more someone can survive if they have the ones they love close, to support or just listen - sometimes just the thought of those loved ones can give a person strength or help keep your sanity baby girl,” Neall spoke softly while cupping Saber’s cheek with one hand, wiping a lone stray tear away with her thumb.

Saber nodded to Asher, who took in the vision of his mother - who suddenly looked every bit as uncomfortable as he felt. Neall released them all from her psychic hold. But as Asher stood up, the Elven Queen barreled into him at the speed of light. He was only just able to counter so they did not fall over.

“I guess we could all do with a respite,” Winter announced, “How about something to eat?”

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