Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛One⌛

In the year three thousand, the world has seen all kinds of damage, all kinds of destruction. But the technology has advanced so much that there have been solutions created to help the human population of Earth.

Five hundred years ago, NASA has targeted another galaxy with a large planet, one that imitates Earth itself. The plan was to build a ship large enough to carry all of the Americas' citizens. Even though it was supposed to take hundreds of years to get there, the future generations would be able to live peacefully. The ship was made, the coordinates were found on the new galaxy, the only problem was that other nations had found the new galaxy as well and are not willing to share.

After World War V, there are no ties between other countries, trade has been restricted, the economy has been fixed to support each own’s nation, there are no treaties, and no citizens immigrating to other countries. Because of this, countries will fight to get to that galaxy first to claim it for their own first.

Whoever gets there first has the most power.

More wars have been going on in space, young people had to be trained to be elite fighters against other countries. Without the arm forces, there would be chaos. In the beginning people were forced, but it's not that way now. After everything settled and each generation figured out the best way to become efficient, finally a system was made.

There are two groups.

Flyers, and Coordinators.

Flyers go into space and fight other nations armies, defending the ship the nation resides in. Coordinators are smarter, more precise and accurate, giving information useful to the Flyers that will help them defeat other armies. They work as a team, that is the only way it works.

There’s only a few months left, or so we've been told. The America's has made its mark to show how serious this is. Other nations trail behind us, not quick enough to regain their distance. They fight and fight but we're still ahead. This generation is the strongest America has seen in decades, only to get stronger years after.

I, myself, am a Coordinator, and I intended to be the next Commander of this ship because of my skill. I have been ranked number one since I began here and it will stay that way.

That is if my partner doesn't kill me in the process.

We don't get along easily. We see things differently, and we don't like to compromise. I want my partner to do as I say because I know what's best. I'm good at my job and I know what I'm doing. My partner doesn't see it that way.

Flyers are not nice. They are ruthless and disrespectful. They are constantly fighting with each other and with other Coordinators. As much as I would like to believe that it's not that bad, it's that bad. Flyers think with violence. And I want to justify it because that's how they're trained, but there's no reason for me to say that their behavior is okay.

If I know one thing about Flyers, I know that they don’t take threats. They don’t think about what could happen if they act, they just need to get rid of what’s causing a problem. Sometimes, that’s not a terrible thing. Acting fast is good. Other times, its better to think things through. One side always waits and thinks things through. The other side just goes for the kill. There’s no middle ground and that’s a big problem.

I have a lot to say about my partner, a lot.

I can’t stand him for one thing. He doesn’t listen to me, he doesn’t respect me much, and I can’t forget how touchy he is. It is astounding how much he has to literally grab me and do something to me. It wasn't my idea to be his partner, I certainly didn't ask for it.

I was never off the radar, everyone knows who I am, but I was fine with who I was with before.

Next thing I know, I’m getting switched and apparently it was okay for me to get switched. Sirus is...well...he’s as brutal as they come.

I had to learn the hard way to stand up for myself. He’s the only one that’s rough with me. He can be mean, he’s rude, he doesn’t care about anything, and he’s downright disrespectful. He has a foul mouth and can get too physical if pushed to his limits.

I’ve heard he’s killed a person before. I’m just going to pretend I don’t know that about him though.

Its not as easy to get away from him. I try my hardest to but sometimes I can’t. We work together so I can’t avoid the situation that easily. He bullies me around and I would fight back, but I can’t physically fight back. Sirus doesn’t put his hands on me the way I thought he would. He doesn’t hit me, although I know he wants to. I say things to piss him off because he pisses me off.

But he’s a very sexual person, and as much as I’m not, I deal with it. I shouldn’t have to, but what the hell am I going to do when Sirus literally man handles me however he wants to?

I didn’t get myself in this mess, and there’s no way out. He's the best Flyer out of thousands. There's nothing that's going to make me look better in the Commanders eyes than that.

I was warned about him. I was warned about him several times actually. I would like to think I’m an optimistic person so I didn’t listen. Then I saw what happened and I wanted to scream at whatever other worldly being that got me into this terrible mess. I can’t believe I didn’t listen to anyone when they told me about him.

I haven’t slept in days, yet I decide to not go to my room. It's easier to avoid him at all cost. I know sleepless nights will cost me if the alarm goes off and we have to get ready to fight off other nations. Sometimes, I don’t sleep for days which is a bad habit.

Sometimes I sit in the hallways and watch the abyss of space. I think about what it would be like to be on the new planet. I day dream about sunlight and grass and other things they teach us. For now I can only stare at darkness. I only watched as we traveled in a vast mass of nothing. There were no stars in this part but I have heard that we were getting close to the new galaxy.

“Aurora.” Commander Picses had said loudly as he walked by with his other cadets. I turned to him when he came by me.

Some day I’m going to be just like him.

One day, I’m going to have as much power as he has, and I’ll control an entire army. That’s not a dream of mine, that’s a goal, and I tend to reach all my goals.

“Why are you not asleep? It has been five days, Aurora. You’ll only hurt yourself.” he said strongly to me. He must have checked my status. I can’t help that everyone will know I haven’t slept, the computer knows all my details, my body conditions, everything.

“I’m not tired, sir.” I said. He laughed, stroking his white beard as he tried to get his other cadets to laugh with him. They weren’t amused by it.

“Humanity has reached a high peak, who is to say we won’t reach another one?” he smiled down at me. Commander Picses is a bit intriguing. He thinks differently than most people, he is a mystery. “Sleep is well for the mind, Cadet Aurora. It can only serve you well.” he said. Of course.

“Yes Commander.” I said obediently and turned to walk to the rooms.

I heard the others talking as I leave. I haven't been sleeping much lately. Sirus has been stressing me out. Everyone is right to be stressed. I don't feel like myself.

I walked down the dark corridor, hearing nothing but silence.

He’s here. I shouldn't be surprised yet here I was shocked to see him anyway. Sometimes he disappears. He's gone early in the morning and comes back late at night. He glanced up at me for just a second but his eyes went back to the hologram he was looking at.

This is a good sign, that just means he’s too preoccupied and won’t notice me.

“Where were you?”

“Busy.” I answered plainly. I wasn’t going to change my clothes yet. I was going to wait till he left before I take off my clothes. I took off my tracker and my badge, dropping it on my bed.

“Its been five days.” he was just as plain as I was.

“I know.” I responded.

For a second he was quiet, occupied with what he was doing. “Avoiding me won’t help you.” he said.

"Let's see about that." I said under my breath.

Then I heard him get up and I knew he was coming for me. I didn’t move, I didn’t panic like I did the first night. His hand gripped my arm and spun me around to face him as he pinned me against the wall.

“Don’t touch me, Sirus.” I said quickly.

“Stop being so uptight." He told me. "Let's have a little fun."

"What you want to do is not a little fun." I wanted to shove against him and I tried but he laughed as he pinned my arm on the wall.

“Say it.” he said.

I know what he wants me to say.

“You're out of your mind.” I responded quickly as he got close enough to bite my ear.

What I said only made him bite harder as his hand moved in my white pants, his finger already finding my hole. I jolted slightly and grabbed his arm, trying to force him away from him.

“Say it Aurora.” he licked my ear just as his finger moved inside me. I got this unsettling chill up my spine.

When I didn’t speak, he kept moving his fingers until he could move two. I still don't think I'm used to this yet and it's been a couple months.

“Okay." I was giving in. "O-only your...fingers tonight, Sirus.” I wanted to compromise but he didn't.

“Its been five days.” he said, his fingers moving deeper inside me. Last time we did something was five days ago.

He bit my neck before kissing my skin, leaving marks and scars that he always leaves on my skin. As much as I wanted to tell him to stop, I couldn’t. My voice only came out in begging pleas instead of any requests to get him to stop.

This happens. Sometimes, I give in, and I tell myself that’s okay just so I can make it through. And some days, shameful days, I enjoy it.

He’s been waiting to do this, I know it. Honestly, if he wasn’t that good at any of this, I would have forced him away the second he touched me.

“S-sirus please.” I begged as his fingers got as deep as they could. I couldn’t take these clothes anymore, it was getting in the way.

I can't believe I'm letting this happen.

Sirus put his mouth on mine, kissing me roughly as he rubbed on me, his fingers still in me. He caught all my desperate moans, my pleading cries, but only made it harder to breathe. His tongue invaded my mouth, licking and rubbing every inch there. I struggled to catch my breath.

I got hotter by the second as his fingers moved in me roughly. I tensed more, feeling the knot in my stomach. I'm surprised he hasn't made his move yet.

This was oddly satisfying that I just had to give in. Its conflicting and I was trying to pick a side, it was difficult.

I pulled away from him, gasping for air as I came in my pants. My eyes were closed, yet I could see the brightest light. For a moment, I was completely blank. It was like all this heat was forced throughout my body. It was terrifying and amazing at the same time.

I breathed deeply through the pleasure.

When the heat finally settled away, I felt dirty. This was the unsettling part, feeling the result of what he did to me. I can’t go to sleep like this, not after what he started doing to me. His fingers slowed down, rubbing lightly as I could feel the cum going further.

Before Sirus could do anything, the alarm went off. Two second pauses, three beeps in between.

Another nation has targeted us again.

Sirus groaned, annoyed and hating that this was the thing that made us stop instead of something he could get around. He pulled his fingers from me, and put them in his mouth as he turned away, mumbling his curses and frustration.

He left me by myself.

Is that it? Is he serious? I just clenched my white suit tightly, not sure if I was grateful or upset with this alarm. None the less, Sirus isn’t touching anymore. My face still burned red however, and I was still a bit flustered, my heart beating rapidly.

I struggled to change clothes. I was fumbling around to find my stuff. I was so out of it from what just happened. I was shaking too, which is the worst part of it all. I took my tracking device and hooked it on my belt before walking out of my room.

There was yelling and shouting about finally taking on a real challenge. Russia has come to fight again, and the Flyers that were around were hoping for it to be a brutal one. Its been a while since we’ve encountered any nation as terrifying as Russia. Some were excited, others were not. I wasn’t as excited. This just means I have to put in more work to keep Sirus alive.

I followed the rest of the Coordinators down the hall. It got quieter as the Flyers went separate ways. I made my way to the room I was assigned to. Already, Coordinators had taken their seats or were standing in their spots, giving intense orders to their Flyers. I wasn’t as panicky as everyone else was, partially because I don’t want to deal with Sirus right now. The only thing that really kept me going was the fact that I have to watch him and make sure he makes it alive. I have so much responsibility but look at me throwing it around like its a toy. But wait, that’s what Sirus does to me.

I’m really not in the mood.

I stood in front of my computers and turned them on. Everyone was on edge. I wasn’t. As much as I should be worried, I wasn’t. There’s not much to worry about. What is Russia going to do? Blow up millions of people because of their issue with us? We have this covered. I put on my head set and sighed quietly to myself.

I’m tired.

“I hope you heard everything Picses said, Sirus.” I said as I moved my screen up.

“Relax, I was paying attention.” he said.

“I don’t need to get yelled at for your disobedience. Listen to me this time.” I said quickly. Sirus has a habit of turning off his tracker and doing whatever he wants which is dangerous. I won’t be able to know if there’s anything wrong with him or his ship.

“I always listen.” he said calmly but we both know its a lie. I sat down in my seat as his status came up. Every thing checks off fine for now.

“Two thirty-five?” Corporal Carsus going down the list of teams ready for take off.


“Two thirty-six?”

“Ready.” I said. I’m just hoping I don’t get yelled at on behalf of Sirus’ idiocy and thrill to have fun instead of taking this seriously. Carsus gave the okay for our section to go.

The coordinates on my screen changed and I saw Russia’s fighters coming towards us faster than I’ve seen any other nation’s. I knew Russia was getting stronger combat wise, even their formation was different than I’ve seen.

“You’ve got a whole section coming towards you, Sirus.” I warned.

“I see them.” he said. Two were gone on my screen, then four, then six. But more kept coming and they were starting to surround him. Not even just Sirus, every other Flyer as well. There should be some kind of order to pull back but we haven’t gotten one just yet.

“There’s a gap on your left.”

“There’s other ships coming.” he said.

“Take it.” I said anyway. He has to move back before anything else starts coming his way. More ships were being deleted from my screen but not many. Russia came prepared.

“Aurora, what is this?” Taurus asked me quickly. I got up to look at her screen. There was a bigger red mark, one that was misshapen to look like there were two weapons coming from it. I’ve never seen a dot like that before but that’s what the sensor’s are picking up.

“I have absolutely no clue.” I said in shock. I looked at my screen but didn’t see it yet.

“Aurora, what the hell is that coming my way?” Sirus asked me quickly. I still don’t see it on my screen yet.

“Don’t get close to it.” I said. "I'm not seeing anything, give me a minute." I tried to widen the parameters of the sensors because others were seeing something that I wasn't.

“I think it has cannons.” he said.

“Do not get close to it, Sirus.” I said again once it got on my screen. Sirus didn’t move away from it. He was going towards it. “Sirus!”

“I just want to see!" He wasn't listening to me. My heart was racing because I was getting upset. "It has a lot of flaws, I can shoot at its engine if I can get close to it.” he said.

“Do not-”

“I’m doing it.” he said, ignoring me.

His ship coordinates were off my screen and I knew he turned off his tracker. This is what gives me anxiety! He can’t just do this, and what’s worse is that I can’t get to his controls. I know he’s been messing around with his ship lately, this is what he’s been doing.

“What are you doing?” I asked quickly, panicking. He can get himself killed this way, he can kill a bunch of the Flyers this way.

I could not breathe. If he or anyone dies, it will be my fault.

“You worried?” he was laughing. I was prepared to take off my headset so I don’t have to hear him laughing. I heard the frantic orders from other Coordinators, they making other Flyers pull back as the large ship made its way through, coming towards us. If they get to this mother ship, it will blow up one of our own engines.

“Give me your coordinates.” I said.

“When I’m done.” he said.

“Give me your coordinates, Sirus!” I said through my teeth.

He ignored me. I couldn’t even track him manually. He always does this. I searched and searched, but he wasn’t showing up. And that large dot with the cannons was still coming closer. There were no other Flyer trackers on the grid and I know that means they pulled out like they were ordered to.

“Aurora.” Carsus said to me.

I was in complete shock when I saw the status of that thing going his way. It could destroy a single army in three seconds. But Sirus said there were many flaws. If I can’t bring him back, I’ll just have to pray that he can destroy this thing. “Cadet Aurora!” Carsus yelled at me.

I jolted slightly, looking up in panic. “Sir?”

“Where is two thirty-six?” he asked me. I saw on his face that I would be reprimanded quickly for something like this. I would have responded to him but I was too busy looking up that weird thing that Russia launched towards us.

I shouldn’t be helping Sirus, but at the same time I should be.

I did struggle to give Carsus an answer, but that’s because I was focused on pulling up things that were useful right at this second. I might have been able to memorize the screens, and the contents on it, but that memory is useless when I’m panicking.

“He’s...uh-” I hate having to lie for him.

“Aurora! I’m not going to ask you again.” Carsus yelled at me.

“I got it.” Sirus said quickly.

“He’s coming back.” I said to Carsus immediately, almost about to have heart attack. I won’t ever do this for Sirus again. Ever. I accidentally looked Carsus in the eyes when I got carried away with typing and that’s like staring into hell. I can’t do this again.

Carsus turned away finally, but that’s not the last I’m going to hear from him, especially with what I did. I covered my face and breathed out with relief. I’m just glad Sirus is not dead. I could be considered a traitor for this.

At least Sirus did something useful. That thing is destroyed but I’m sure Russia has more. I felt better knowing that whatever that was is not roaming in space. Its better that its destroyed. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm down. Sirus really does give me anxiety.

“You’re an idiot.” I said, and meant it.

“Still worried?” Sirus asked me, finding it amusing. I noticed he sounded a bit breathless, like something had happened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him as I checked his status. Everything was fine, he wasn’t in complete danger of anything because of health. But then I heard his moans. It made me stop, my heart pounding as I began to get angrier and angrier.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Sirus?” I said bitterly.

He has absolutely no control.

“You always turn me on when you get mad.” he said as an excuse. “And besides, we didn’t get to finish what we started before.” he said. Its what he started though. I have no intentions of finishing.

I have no idea why I was surprised. I shouldn't be shocked because he does this all the time. My fingers pinched the bridge of my nose and I tried so hard to control my frustration.

Everyone else was happy that we destroyed Russia, while Sirus is probably having fun listening to me rant about how much I hate him. His moans continued and I wanted him to stop it

“Alright, Sirus, do what you want but don't get me involved.” I said sternly as I got up.

I was done with him and his urges. I took off the headset and turned down my screen. Tonight will be another sleepless night. No I have to find someone to stay with. I was exhausted and if Sirus gets his hands on me, it's over.

I walked out with the other Coordinators in my section. I wanted to go before any of the Flyers start coming in, yelling and screaming. I moved past the crowed of people in white, and went further down the hallway, getting to where the rooms were. I needed some clothes to change in since I can’t stay in, my tablet, and a few other things.

I grabbed everything because I didn't have time to change. My hairs were standing on ends because I know Sirus is coming

Before I got the chance to walk out the door, Sirus came in. That was the first time I cursed from surprise and anger. I almost made it.

“You're actually leaving?” he asked me.

“I'm exhausted, Sirus. I've had eight hours of sleep in five days.” I said quickly, clutching even tighter to my clothes. I wasn’t scared, I was just determined to get out.

“Tell you what." He came over to me. "We finish what we were doing earlier and I leave you alone.” he said.

I eyed him before answering. That compromise sounded too good to be true. I almost gave in.

"For how long?" I asked.

"I'm tired, too. So I think you'll get enough time." He was actually being cooperative.

I don't know about this, I think I'm falling into a trap.

"I said only fingers." I told him.

"And that's a no." That was the silver lining. "I want to fuck."

I still eyed him as I thought this through. I feel like this is important to not rush in. When he took a step forward, I took one back quickly. I was still thinking about it. If I'm tough enough, he might listen to me.

But I was so tired and he said he would let me sleep afterwards.

"If I fall asleep while you're...doing all that, then you can't wake me."

"Trust me, you won't be sleeping." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

I should learn by now.

Sirus can be particularly rough, at least I think he is. He's the only person I've been with so I don't know much.

I don't wonder what it would be like with other people.

I tell myself I'm not curious.

I'm not a sexual person.

But Sirus is. I don't care what excuse people give Flyers for being like that. I don't care about "oh, they just need to blow off steam" or "they need to relieve stress" cause there is other ways to do it.

I won't ever understand how he is always ready to have sex.

We were getting pretty far. I was pressed against the wall, his body close to mine. He didn’t stop himself from touching me, his fingers making their way like earlier. I was even more sensitive than before so he got his moans and cries from me. I gasped as he played around, kissing my neck as his own cock touched mine. I was hard in seconds just as he was.

“I knew you couldn’t lie to me, Aurora.” he laughed. “Beg for it.” he said, biting my neck.

“No.” I said through my teeth as his fingers moved more inside me.

“I can always make you.” he said, his fingers.

He pulled my leg up around his hip as he stopped fingering me. I was hoping we didn’t have to do this on the wall but if I ask to move to the bed, he will only laugh and make fun of me. I felt his cock press to my entrance, slowly moving inside me.

“Come on, baby. Let me hear you.” he held me tighter, biting my ear again.

My heart was racing. My eyes closed as I did my best to control myself. There was no need to get anxious. Everything was fine. I was fine. But it wasn't the anxiety making me feel like this.

He had me against the wall, making me want to wrap my other leg around him. I didn't want to get into it, but if I just let this happen for myself instead of thinking this is for him, things go by faster. It's good for Sirus, too, since I become more willing when I start thinking for myself instead.

And he kept his promise afterwards.

We both fell asleep.

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