Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Eight⌛

I got called up to see Commander Picses. I wondered what it was because I haven’t spoken to anyone in a couple days. I wasn’t even on the Mother ship for a couple days. There were no attacks in those days and Donri was kind enough to find me a place to stay while I tried to figure something out. I got incredibly lucky these past few days, but I knew it was time to man up and face my problems.

Its just that I got called up to see Commander Picses and I don’t know why. I’ve done all my tasks on time, I haven’t missed any meetings. Everything was fine.

So what does Picses want?

I walked into the Command Center hesitantly. He worked on his computer, the main screen coming up in a big picture. I waited patiently for him to speak. He knows I was waiting but he had to finish something first. My hands were tightly together behind my back as I waited.

“Aurora,” he said but he didn’t turn around. I didn’t move from where I was. My hands stayed together, and I played with my fingers hesitantly. “Your partner has requested a change.” Picses said, a bit surprised.

Sirus actually did it. He actually requested someone else to be his partner.

I didn’t know what I should have felt, but it wasn’t what I had expected. I wasn’t happy, I can say that. I should be happy, Sirus wants to get rid of me. However, he wants to get rid of me because of our petty fight a couple days ago. If it was a different issue, I’m sure I would be jumping for joy, but I didn’t feel happy about this. I think I was hurt. No. It pissed me off that Sirus chooses to do this now. I bet he just wants to rub this in my face, a way of telling me that he can do whatever he wants and I can live with it.

If that’s why he’s doing this, then there’s no way I’m giving him a way out.

“You two finally cracked,” Picses said. He already guessed this would have happened to us. We had to split sometime.

Sirus owes me. I’ve dealt with him for months, and I wasn’t Commander yet. He knows that I was working hard for this, and him asking to switch partners is a slap in the face.

We were both angry the other day, and I know I was rightfully angry, but for him to actually request a change pissed me off.

“I don’t need a new partner.” I blurted out.

“Your partner-”

“He’s an idiot. We don’t need to be switched.” I said quickly.

I can’t believe I’m doing this but what choice do I have? I’m not even doing this because of me wanting to be Commander so badly. To think Sirus actually listened to me for once and that’s the thing he decided to hear. He is unbelievably ridiculous. Why am I doing this? I was going against every bone in my body right now because of him.

“Are you sure?” Commander Picses asked.

No I’m not sure. I will never be sure of this. I’m making a big mistake.

“Yes, sir, I’m sure.” I said, wanting to believe it myself but I clearly didn’t. I don’t care for now at least. I can regret it later. Picses seemed pleased but also a little worried about me but pleased. I’m slowly gaining back what I had lost before in all this.

And there’s one more thing.

“You’re dismissed.” he said to me.

Out of all the things Sirus has ever done, I found this to be one of the most idiotic, evasive, and not to mention irrational, thing he could have done. He didn’t think this through. I was upset, I said things I probably did mean but I should have kept to myself, but he has no right to crush what I’ve worked for. I will not let him get in my way. The last thing he will do is get a partner switch before I’m Commander.

I stormed through the hallways, feeling my anger pool and I wasn’t able to control it. I was just so upset.

Sirus is not going to get what he wants.

He has a lot of nerves doing what he did and if he thinks he’s going to get away with it he has another thing coming. I’m not Commander yet, and Sirus is stuck with me until I am.

I can’t wait to yell his ear off. He’s definitely going to hear it from me.

I barged into our room, and it looked like he was about to leave because he stopped abruptly in front of me.

So many things ran through my mind as I stared at him. I had so many words and curses to yell at him. I wanted to let him know that he’s an idiot and he’s selfish and mean and that he’s lucky that I stopped him from making a big mistake.

The words were just about to come out of my mouth but I couldn’t say anything.

He was staring right at me, too.

And it looked like he was ready to get into an argument with me.

But we just looked at each other in silence.

I didn’t...I couldn’t...

There were so many emotions I had to deal with and I didn’t know how to. I was so upset and I didn’t know how to control it.

Sirus is so selfish and mean and to think that he did this just proves it. I can’t wait to yell his ear off and show him why I hate him. He knows I want to be Commander and him requesting a new partner is like a slap to my face.

He’s definitely going to hear it from me.

I was so upset and angry and hurt, and I had all these other emotions that I was going to go through every single one of them when I yell at him.

I was so ready to give him a piece of my mind.

I was ready to tell him off.

He deserves it.

But as I stared at him, I couldn’t find the words to tell him that he was the most selfish person I’ve ever been partnered with. I couldn’t even open my mouth to say anything.

He was staring at me, too. He was ready for the argument, and it looked like he wanted to give me a piece of his mind, too.

But we just stared at each other because we didn’t know what to say.

I should’ve thought this through. I should’ve been more level headed but I wasn’t. What I did next wasn’t like me at all.

I grabbed him and kissed him abruptly. I would’ve been surprised by my actions if I wasn’t so into it. But I didn’t care. I didn’t know how to express myself and I didn’t know what I want.

Sirus took less than a second to be interested.

His hands were already at my hips. He bit my lip again, exactly where he did a few days before and it hurt. I couldn’t find the strength to push him away. I think I was pulling him closer. As he kissed me, we moved, getting closer and closer until we fell on the bed. His fingers began pulling my zipper down just as I went for his.

His hand slid in my suit pushing it down. I was going for his, trying to get it off him. I felt more heat as I started to become erect from the friction of feeling his own on me. I kept moving my hips with his because I couldn’t stop, and I wanted him to keep going. His fingers moved, and when they got to where I wanted them to be, he made me feel good.

I got out of my suit as much as I could as I kissed him. I didn’t realize how much I wanted him till I started to move on my own. I kissed him with just as much force as he did with me, his lips moving roughly as he licked inside my mouth. I moaned under my struggled breaths as his fingers moved inside me. I moved my legs more as he got deeper inside me, making me cry out louder in his mouth.

He kept teasing me but I knew he wanted it too, I could feel him and he must have felt the same way I did. His hips moved with mine, rubbing against me more.

Finally he started rubbing his cock against me and I only wanted him to be inside me. But he only made me focus on his lips on mine, kissing me so much that I was beginning to forget everything else.

My fingers tightened in his hair as he began to move more, I felt him sliding inside me. I had pulled away and gasped for air as my body trembled. Its not the first time but it feels just like that. He didn’t let go of me as he moved his hips slowly, thrusting in easily. I felt his breath on my skin as he still kept me close to him. My lips brushed against his and I was tempted to kiss him again, but I felt flushed. He was so deep inside me and I felt him ruffle my hair.

The way he looked at me said he was serious.

And I couldn’t take it.

My heart was racing as I looked at him.

His lips pressed to mine as I breathed heavily, still moaning when he moved in me.

Its been days.

I was close to my orgasm. I tried to hold out as much as I could, but I felt amazing and wasn’t sure how much longer I could take it. I tensed, my body arching slightly when I felt him throb more inside me. I had to think about myself and what I liked. When I did that my hips started to move with his, trying to get him to move the way I liked it. I let out a soft moan when he got there.

This was the kind of bliss that I enjoyed.

I had to pull away to breathe. My eyes closed and I felt the weight on my chest as I opened my mouth wider. His lips traveled, kissing my jaw line and going down to my neck. His teeth were on my skin, just biting me as his hand still ruffled in my hair.

I couldn’t hold out much longer. I was drowning in the pleasure. I tried my best to hold in my cries but it didn’t work nearly as well as I thought it would. He filled me up effortlessly just as I let out what I had.

And when he was done, he brought his mouth back to mine, kissing me slowly as his hips moved with mine. My body was still warm and I craved for more, but him kissing me was enough.

I was seconds away from letting him do this again because he kept moving his hips and sliding inside me.

The alarm went off but it didn’t shock either of us.

In fact, we didn’t stop.

I couldn’t let go of Sirus. This was the first time that I wanted to stay with him. I’ve never felt like that before. I’m always in a rush to get away from him, but this time I didn’t want to leave.

I realized why I was like this, why I wanted the attention. If Sirus had gotten a new partner, I wouldn’t get that same attention. I know I’m not a fan of what he does to me, but I don’t know what I want or what I like, and sometimes, I want him.

I can’t let him have his way.

This was different, very different. It was almost confusing to me. In fact, I didn’t know what to feel now. I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t happy either.

I don’t know what it was.

Sirus lifted his hand on to my neck, rubbing on me lightly as he pulled me closer to him.

He wants to keep going. I wanted to keep going with him.

I still find the intimacy odd.

I just didn’t stop it.

For a moment longer, I wanted to stay on him. I wanted to kiss him, to touch him, to keep going. He kissed me softly, his lips pulling on mine; I could feel his tongue lick my skin before he kissed me again.

I wanted the attention. I wouldn’t get this if I was with someone else.

As much as I wanted to stay, we finally moved from each other. I had to get out of bed. The alarms were loud and annoying and I couldn’t stand the noise. We didn’t say a word to each other, I couldn’t even look at him, its like my heart would start racing again if I did. Plus, I was slightly embarrassed about all the things I was thinking about while with him. I couldn’t find words for what just happened.

I took my suit and put it on before I was out the door. I didn’t say anything to him. I couldn’t find the right words and he didn’t have anything easier. It’s better if we give each other some space. We have to have a conversation about the other day later. Clearly I wasn’t level headed, neither was Sirus. Some time alone might do us some good.

I didn’t recognize one of the alarms that were going off. It wasn’t one that’s usually used. As I walked, I looked up to see if I could figure it out, but I didn’t know what it meant.

It must be serious.

I would hope that Picses would let me in his Command room again. It would be cruel if he was only giving me a little taste of what I could have. I know I haven’t been...the most obedient, but I was still good at my job.

“Aurora.” Picses was behind me.

I turned quickly.

I don’t know why he was waiting for me, but it must be something bad because he wouldn’t just be standing there like that. Did I do something wrong?

“Come with me, I have something for you to take care of.” he said, sounding a bit too elated about it.

That was...odd.

I should be worried.

I followed him, and we went the opposite way of everyone else, going to the lower dispatch level. Like last time. Like he was going to make me go out into space.

What is he going to make me do?

“The computer isn’t judging the problem of the engine well. Someone has messed up with its processing.” he said.


“I’m sure you know who it is.” he glanced down at me. I hesitated. “Aurora, you leave a signature every time you mess with something. It’s kind of hard to be stealthy when you try to change a code.”

Well now I have to change how I do things. Coding is an art, and I didn’t know I did things a certain way. Looks like Picses knows exactly when I’m in a system. I didn’t think I left a fingerprint anywhere but now I have to work on how I rewrite systems.

So Picses knows I was trying to fix something.

“It’s Xalton.” I said quietly.

“And his helper?”

“I don’t know who she is.” I said and looked away.

“Ah yes, a woman.” he chuckled, playing with his beard as he handed me a computerized belt and a helmet.

Please no.

“I need you to fix the damage to the engine.” he said. “I already put the instructions in for you.”

“Its unsafe out there, sir.” I said quickly as I began to get scared.

“You’ll be heavily protected, Aurora, don’t worry.” he said.

No, I won’t be! The Flyers are too busy to watch me make repairs. He’s putting me out in the line of fire. Picses is insane. I’m going to die.

“But my-”

“He’s taken care of for now.” he said as he set the computer for me.

Its not a big deal. That’s what I told myself, but I snapped.

Its a big deal! Space is a void, and if I get lost, that’s it. I do not want to go out there.

I hated my determination to be Commander; if I didn’t feel this way, I really would have told Picses to find someone else. As terrible as that sounds, I don’t like going into space.

Plus we’re getting attacked. Why would he want to send me out there? Is he out of his mind?

I’m going to die.

I put the belt on and fixed my tracker. I took a breath before I put the helmet on. I don’t get much time to fix the damage. I haven’t seen how bad it was so I was hoping it would be an easy fix.

I stepped inside the chamber. When I put my hand up on the scanner, it opened, and I was pulled out into space. I tried to keep myself calm.

When I looked out, I saw the hundreds of fighter ships out in the distance. There were blaring lights and crashes and explosions, and I couldn’t imagine being out here on a regular basis. When I looked up, I saw the same thing. They were all a distance away, but I was still a little scared. The fight could be easily moved over here.

Flyers see this all the time.

I had a job to do.

I followed the directions to the engine. The computer had a certain radius on alert so if something gets too close I would know about it ahead of time.

There was a small hatch for me to get in to. I pulled on it, and a few more spaces opened up. Damaged wires began to fall out, hanging on by their good ends. The burnt pieces of the first engine began floating away, too.

The damage was too much for me.

I could do a temporary fix, but what Picses is expecting won’t happen. One Coordinator can’t repair a charred engine. It’s too big with too many rotors and parts for me to do on my own.

“Computer.” The inside of my helmet lit up. “What can I fix with what I have?” I asked.

A small diagram of the engine lit up and red zones flashed. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do all that work. I don’t think I have the energy or oxygen for that.

But I started on one part at a time. I fixed the wires and a few of the rotors started working again. The Computer recognized that the first engine was done when the power started to come back on. Now it wasn’t all just a manual fix. I worked on a few more parts and did as much as I could.

Most of the engine was working but it wasn’t completely fixed. The second engine that was deeper inside was running at seventy-five percent. I could fit inside a small space to climb up to the second engine. They were all covered in casing so I wasn’t worried about getting sliced up. I climbed up the sides and made my way on top of the second engine.

It was dark and hot in the space. My suit loosened a bit because of the heat. I don’t have that much time but fixing this engine might be better. I could see the flashing lights from the third engine running smoothly. I could get the second engine running just like it.

I worked on it for some time and got the Computer to scan it to make sure it was running at full power.

For now, the fixes I made were temporary. A team of Coordinators will have to come out here and make permanent repairs because I can’t do it alone.

When I was done, I climbed out of the hatch. My suit tightened up on my body again to protect me from the climate of space. I fell back and let the zero-gravity take me away. Not far, but I was floating. I could see the fight that continued.

Flyers were still out there.

I saw Russia’s fighter ships. I recognized Africa’s fighter ships too.

Space is supposed to be full of nothing.

Space is supposed to be a void, a dark emptiness.

Yet I could see everything going on. I could see all the colors and explosions.

My heart was racing.

I could never do what they do. I chose my occupation wisely. I knew what I could handle and what I was seeing wasn’t it.

The danger symbol came up on my screen, my helmet flashing red. I had looked up to find one of Russia’s fighter ships approaching.

I think I had reached a certain capacity for my anxiety.

Because instead of trying to think of ways to get out of this situation, I just closed my eyes. My anxiety had increased so much in that second that I decided that I didn’t want to handle it.

Was I okay with death? No. But I did see it coming.

Nothing happened within that second. I opened my eyes and caught the image of the silver ship being destroyed. The explosion was close to me but I didn’t have to shield myself from the debris.

I could see one of our fighter ships flying around me. I recognized the tricks.

Sirus was watching.

He saved me.

He should be with the others right now, but he broke away when he saw that I was in danger. I should be helping him right now, but it was the other way around.

The ship continued to move around me until it got close. Finally, it stopped underneath me.

I took this as a gesture of kindness and put my feet down on top of the ship. I let my boots stick to the ship so I could catch a ride back to the main hatch. Other fighter ships were going back as well.

Most of the fighting had died down. Just a handful of Flyers remained out to monitor around the ship and do surveillance. Everyone else was making their way back to the hatch.

My heart wasn’t beating so fast now. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in danger anymore. I was just happy to not be in space anymore.

All the ships made their way inside as the large hatch began closing. Sirus landed his ship and I moved off slowly, the gravity not turned on yet. I got close to the ground so when the gravity was turned on again, I wouldn’t fall.

We were closed off from space again.

I thought that was safer.

The gravity was turned on again, and I felt my weight. I hadn’t began walking away yet. A cluster of Flyers were making their way out of their ships and would be heading in. I didn’t want to be stuck in a massive group of them.

So I waited.

I sat on the ground, my legs crossed, and my helmet in my hands, and I waited to not hear the yelling and shouting and swearing. Sirus was waiting, too. He hadn’t gotten out of his ship yet. He might’ve thought I was going to leave. He’s not much for...avoiding situations, but I got the feeling like he was trying to avoid this one.

I got the idea.

I lifted myself up off the ground so I could leave. There weren’t many Flyers around so I wasn’t worried about walking by myself. I had to go tell Picses what I did, and that he needs to find a group of Coordinators to take care of the rest of the issue.

I walked into his Command Center quietly. He was the only one there, standing in the middle of his room. I had passed by the other Coordinators on the way in. They hadn’t noticed me, I’m still new. Picses just barely glanced at me. It took him a moment to realize that he gave me a task and I was here to tell him about it.

“Cadet, how serious was the damage?” he turned to face me, his hands behind his back.

“I could only make temporary fixes.” I told him. “You’ll have to have a group make permanent changes.” I did my best out there, but I’m not going out there again.

“I still can’t figure out why the Computer won’t recognize the damage.” he said, though he was talking more to himself. He began stroking his beard as he looked at the white floors. “The Computer has more flaws than we think.” he said, almost laughing. I was confused, does he think the Computer is malfunctioning on its own? Is it out of date?

None of what I said had to do with the Computer malfunctioning. There was physical damage that needed to be taken care of, not system damage. But he thought otherwise.

So in addition to Xalton being an issue, there was more I don’t know about.

“An upgrade surely will be thought about. Thank you, Aurora, you are free to leave.” he said.

I had this bad feeling in me. I almost wanted to find out what was going on. It would be a bad idea for me to go snooping around, but I planned to do just that.

Sirus was waiting for me. I mean, I think he was waiting for me. I looked around to make sure he wasn’t planning to meet up with someone else, but it was just us in the hallway. I don’t know how he found me but...


My tracker was on.

We were staring at each other.

“Why were you out there?” he finally asked me.

“Picses asked me to look at one of the engines.” I said quietly.

We continued to stare at each other.

Did he have something to say? I had quite a few things but my lips were tightly shut as I looked up at him. I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to say first. My thoughts were all jumbled up. I’m good about getting my words together, but not right now.

Earlier...what we did before, we should...talk about that.

But we didn’t.

Sirus had taken a step forward and I tensed up immediately. I hadn’t gotten out of that habit. I hadn’t gotten defensive though. So when he stepped closer, I wasn’t scared. I looked away immediately though, because my face was getting hot. My heart was racing, too.

He...kissed me.

I didn’t push him away.

Just one more step back and I was against the wall. I didn’t want to touch him, but I found it easier to have my arms around his neck. I almost wanted to pull him closer to me, but I stopped myself there, right at that thought because I shouldn’t do anything crazy.

This was enough.

This was enough to make me think I was insane.

We were just...kissing in the hallway. I knew better than to let him do this while in a public area, but that wasn’t my main concern right now. It was like...this was more important.

I was supposed to be angry. I was supposed to yell at him. I was supposed to tell him that he is the most self centered person that I’ve ever met, that all he does is think about himself, that he is out of his mind if he thinks that he can drop me before I get my role as Commander.

Instead, I was more interested in feeling him.

That is, until I heard a few voices down the hall. I pushed him away from me abruptly so he would stop. It’s enough for people to know we’re partners, but I don’t think people should know what’s...going on between us. I don’t like people in my personal life. And it’s embarrassing.

My ears felt hot.

I didn’t wait for the group of Coordinators to walk by. I just left, like I had somewhere to be, and made it seem like I wasn’t just kissing one of the Flyers.

But when it was clear, I felt Sirus’ arm around my waist. I was quick to get him to let go of me before he tried to kiss me again. I knew he would do this.

“No!-Sirus, we have to talk.” I finally said because it was exactly that time we have to get this out in the open.

"You're joking-"

"You really tried to switch partners." I was upset with him. Now I could finally express it.

"You...told me to." he seemed confused.

He's right though. I yelled at him to get a new partner. At the time, I would've been more than elated if he had done it. But he waited a few days on purpose to piss me off.

He knows I figured it out because he began to smile.

"You're an asshole." I wanted to hit him.

"Oh come on, I have to keep you on your toes, don't I?" he tried to put his arm around me again, but I pushed him away just like before. I was foolish to not put distance between us.

"What if I had said yes?"

"You weren't going to." he was sure of it. "You're all pissy because you want to be Commander. You need me to do it, though I can't see why." he rolled his eyes. "All I know is that you're mental. You wouldn't have agreed."

He explained it like he had me all figured out.

"You don't respect me." I said.

He rolled his eyes again. "Who fucking cares-"

"I do, Sirus! If you know I want to be Commander, suck your pride in and let me do my job. I promise to let you go after I get what I want."

For some reason, that made him smile.

"You use me, I use you." he got his arm around my waist this time. I was caught off guard by what he said. "We both win."

I wanted to yell at him, but he wasn't wrong. I was using him to get further to my goal. It's good to know he understands that. But in return, he's going to get what he wants out of me.

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