Rabid For Her Revenge


Blackness greeted me as the last sliver of light was sealed behind the door. I stood in front of the switches, refusing to turn them on. With the sense of sight gone my ears were sharper. I could hear Kiro’s every breath and the thumping of his heart. It wasn’t long ago that I had pinned him down on the floor and tasted his skin. I had hardly been able to resist pulling out his heart and watch it fall still then.

Now, I approached the male standing in the center of my room. There was something pleasant in the way my scent overpowered his and completely enveloped him. Everything in this room was filled with my pheromones, my territory had been marked and Kiro was no doubt feeling anxious that he could only smell me.

His pulse was quickening as he seemed to realize what he had just subjected himself to.

Even though he was aware of what I was it was still difficult for a male to really know what I was. Unconsciously he still underestimated me, mistook me as a normal female in some respects. Such as scent marking.

No female would dare to mark anything as hers since she herself was considered to be a belonging. However, I had no qualms in claiming this space as mine, even though it was just a pocket in Sarakiel’s own claimed territory.

Marking this room was actually considered quite rude and even challenging since the house I was in belonged to Sarakiel.

Still, even if a female were to mark something she would never use such an obnoxious amount of pheromones to do so. The equivalence would be unscrewing an entire bottle of perfume and drenching every inch of your body with it. Depending on the strength it could be suffocating. I knew males sometimes competed by releasing waves of their pheromones in a display of dominance in order to get the other to yield. It was an act exclusively designated to males so when a female used such a tactic it was not only shocking but also unnerving.

Ghosting my fingers lightly across the clothed back of Kiro I delighted at feeling him jump from the sudden contact. My fingers continued their trail over his arm and to the front of his chest where they hooked under the buttons of his shirt. My fingers slid through the slits in the fabric and felt along the skin, tracing over the ridges of his pectorals.

My mouth came down on his neck, my unoccupied hand undoing the top two buttons so that I could pull the shirt down to suck on his pulsing life source.

Kiro Ursa was frozen under my touch but kept his breath even and controlled as I wrapped around him from the back.

“You’re distracting me from properly enjoying your panic,” I murmured against his skin. “I’d rather you didn’t try so hard to remain composed. If you have something to say, then say it. Thinking too much is keeping both of us from our fun.”

A shuttering breath left the male, causing me to smile against his warm skin. I was glad he couldn’t completely hide his nerves from me. “I am thinking that perhaps I should have asked a few more questions when I’d had the chance.”

Chuckling, I nipped at his skin. “I’ll answer one for you, but you had better repay me for my kindness.” My calloused palm slid over his chest and reached his nipple. Drawing my hand back slightly I caught the bud between two of my fingers and proceeded to tease him.

His voice was strained as he attempted to reason with me. “You’re my One’s consort and even though you do not have that kind of relationship between the two of you it’s still­–”

He grunted in pain as I chomped down on his neck, silencing him abruptly. Pulling back, I licked at the bloodied skin. “Do not fret over something so insignificant. Sarakiel does not have control over my body in that manner.”

“Regardless,” Kiro breathlessly replied, “if this were to create discomfort between us later, I’d rather–”

Sliding around him to the front my hand dove under his waistline. Seizing his belt, I yanked him to me roughly. “Oh, you silly, silly, little boy, there is no getting out of this now.”

Grabbing the tough leather beside the buckle, I tore the belt into two pieces, pulling both pieces out of their loops. Tossing one aside I looped the other half around the back of Kiro’s neck and yanked his head down to where I could capture his lips without needing to stand on my tiptoes.

I kissed him savagely, stealing every bit of oxygen from him while I chewed up his lips, biting and nipping at them.

When I grew bored of the taste of blood I finally pulled away, letting one end of the belt slip from my hand and fall back over Kiro’s shoulder.

The male was panting heavily, one arm coming up to wipe across his bleeding mouth. “You’re too rough. I feel like a piece of meat.”

“You have no idea how it feels to be treated like a slab of meat, Ursa.” I had experienced it enough times with Myrin to really understand the meaning behind those words.

Kiro understood what I was referring to and grew quiet as the mood suddenly darkened at the mention of the demons I battled with on a daily basis.

The awkward tension was more irritating than his whining about my aggressive treatment. “Show me an ounce of pity, Kiro Ursa, and I will really show you what it means to be a chew toy.”

“Tell me what you want then.”

I popped the button on his pants. “First, do not touch me as you please. I will initiate all of our contact. Second,” I pulled the zipper down, “you’ll have to make do with the floor. The bed is not an option.”


“Third,” I grinned viciously, thinking it a shame that the male could not see my warning smile, “don’t hold back your tears. I don’t mind seeing a delicate flower cry whether it be in pain or pleasure.”

“I won’t be shedding any tears.” The male dismissed me gruffly.

“Well, just in case. Don’t feel ashamed if they come out without your permission.”

“Trust me, that is not going to–”

A strangled cry of surprise eked out of his throat as I palmed him without any warning. I laughed, “that almost sounded like a sob right there, Ursa.”

“Do not mock me, female.”

“You’re too cute not to tease. Seeing a respectable and sullen Two like you struggle to maintain his composure is just too satisfying to resist.”

“Then I must implore you to–”

I swept his feet out from under him, hooking my heel around his ankle and pulling it towards his other foot.

The male crashed to the ground with a yelp. Cursing, he managed to rise up on his elbows, but I straddled him before he could get any further.

Kiro huffed out his dissatisfaction. “Just once, could you let me finish a sentence?”

My fingers began to deftly undo each of the remaining buttons on his shirt. “You talk too much. I never would have thought you were a talker during sex.” I halted and looked up at him, raising a brow, “or are you just nervous?”

“I am not nervous. I would just like all of the cards to be out on the table so that I know what consequence I will be facing as a result of these impulsive decisions. Sarakiel is my superior after all, and you are his consort. Plus, you flip like a switch so I feel it would be best to understand what actions I should avoid in order to–” he cut himself off as he realized he was babbling on. “I am not nervous,” he finished with a mutter.

“Well then, now that we’ve established you are indeed not nervous, I shall proceed without any more hesitations.”

With that, I set myself upon him. I licked and sucked my way from his neck to his waistline, raising my hips enough to pull his pants far enough down his thighs that they would be out of my way.

I grabbed his member in my hand and heard his breath catch.

“Claws,” he reminded me. “Sheath your claws.”

Humming I gave his dick a few strokes, being careful with my claws not to cut him but graze him teasingly.

“Claws!” He hissed, not interested in letting me have my curious fun when his manhood was on the line.

“Shut up,” I snapped back at him, not interested in doing as he wanted. I was the one in charge here and I would do as I pleased.

It was too dark for me to clearly examine his member, but I preferred it that way. I had never really seen Myrin’s either. I had always just looked away or closed my eyes, enduring it until it was over. It wasn’t the sight of it that unsettled me but the feel.

I hated the way Myrin had plowed into me mercilessly, never once thinking about my pleasure, only his own while maximizing my pain. Never once did he intend for it to be an even somewhat enjoyable experience for me.

Today I was going to change that. This was one more scar I was going to heal, one more blemish that Myrin had left on me that I was going to erase.

I examined the similar object of one of my worst tortures with touch alone. I felt the veins and texture, I felt the smooth head with the pad of my finger. I held the sack that incased the two testicles that produced that disgusting hot semen that Myrin had filled me with again and again.

“Hey,” Kiro called out to me, breathless from all of the touching I was doing to sate my curiosity and nothing more.

I let the hard shaft go with a final pump and reached for his hands, placing them on my hips. “Do not move them from here and do not grab me hard enough to bruise unless I say to.”

Releasing a breath, I shifted up from sitting on his thighs to kneeling right above him. Grabbing his dick, I slowly guided it to my entrance.

“Wait,” Kiro’s fingers tightened on my hips.

I paused, looking up to where his face was with narrowed eyes.

“You can’t just put it in like that. You have to loosen up first, otherwise it’s just going to be unpleasant for both of us if you’re too tight.”

His words made no sense to me. Myrin had always done it just like this and while yes it was always painful for me, he had never seemed to mind.

“He just ripped right through your muscles that’s why,” Kiro murmured, knowing exactly what I was thinking about.

“Then what do I do?”

“Here,” Kiro let go of my hip with one hand and reached for me.

I snatched his hand up before he could touch me. “Just tell me.”

“Use your fingers first. Add another when you loosen up. Once you’ve grown accustomed to three, then you can put it in.”

With one hand splayed out on his abdomen for stability I did as he suggested and after sheathing my claws, I pushed one finger through my folds. Maybe I was still doing it wrong, but I didn’t feel anything particularly good about it. Hurriedly, I plunged my finger in and out and then added a second finger, wincing a little at the burn from the stretch.

“Let me show you,” Kiro said and placed his hand over mine.

I withdrew from his touch immediately and hissed at him, feeling the icy prickles erupt over my skin from the unwanted touch.

“Sorry,” he apologized, “but I just want to show you what you want.” I said nothing in reply which he took as silent agreement.

Gently he rested his hand on the back of mine, his fingers lining up with mine. Bending all of my fingers except the two, he guided them back to my entrance but only inserted them in shallowly. Then he suddenly plunged them in deeply, his much thicker fingers overlapping mine and stretching my walls suddenly. However, instead of only feeling the burning sensation of the forced stretch he rubbed against my clitoris as well. I felt my muscles clench at the sudden feeling.

I let him continue his pace as he added a third finger, making sure to keep rubbing my clit to ease the pain of the added digit.

When he deemed the preparation sufficient, he quietly said, “In my wallet there’s a condom.”

I snorted, shaking off his hand that was still holding mine. “You carry those around with you?” He didn’t strike me as the womanizing type but, then again, females did tend to like the strong silent type.

“It’s just a habit at this point.” He defended himself, seemingly embarrassed of his past ways.

Grabbing his member in my hand I gave him a few pumps to make sure he was fully hard. “We don’t need it. I can’t get pregnant.”

“It’s not just for that.” Kiro protested

“What, do you have something?”

Not expecting me to ask him something like that, Kiro faltered. “Well, no, but–”

I knew he was actually concerned about me giving him something but there was no need for that. “You don’t have to worry about me. Sarakiel had a full body examination done on me when I first arrived. I’ve been tested for everything.”

“But still–”

“Oh, for the love of Daedra. Fine.” Bending back, I felt around his legs for his pants and then for his back pocket, pulling out the wallet. Opening it, I fingered through it until I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper.

Chucking the wallet across the room now that I was done with it, I tore open the packet and brought out the condom.

I placed it on his tip and began unrolling it but Kiro once again stopped me. “Please, just let me do it. You might tear it at this rate.”

With a groan of exasperation, I let go of the condom and waited for him to roll it on.

“Are you ready now?” I asked when he was finished. “If I had known you were such high maintenance, I would have picked someone else.”

“It’s not too late.” He reminded me flatly.

Pushing him down so he was lying on his back, I silenced him. “Just shut up.”

Before he had the chance to come up with something else to stall for more time, I lined myself up with his member and pushed myself down on it.

There was still the initial discomfort from the sudden intrusion but as I rocked myself on his hips and pushed myself up and down, I started to feel the good spots and maneuvered my body so that he hit all of those places.

Kiro did his best to let me go at my own pace but every now and then I felt his hips buck up, meeting my thrust.

My fingers curled into fists on his abdomen, and I found it increasingly difficult to ride him at the pace I wanted as I reached nearer and nearer to my climax.

“Help me,” I told him. “Go deeper.”

Kiro gripped my hips tighter and helped me to lift my hips before pulling me back down to his hilt until he was all the way in.

I felt my muscles spasm as I hit my peak.

Kiro didn’t let me go and repeated his quick thrusts until he too reached his own climax.

Our heavy breathing filled the room as I took a moment to rest. Once I felt that I could properly stand, I stood up from him, feeling his dick slide out of me.

Without looking back at him, I plodded into the bathroom and turned on the shower, stepping in immediately, disregarding the cold water, and washed myself down.

Turning off the shower head I leaned my head against the cool and now dampened shower tiles.

I had done it.

I had taken one more piece of myself back from Myrin.

“Take that you bastard,” I mumbled, feeling a shiver run up my spine. However, this was a delectable shiver, one that made me smile viciously.

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