Queens and Monsters: A Vampire Shifter Romance (The Blood Falls Book 1)

Queens and Monsters: Chapter 32

He ran his nose along mine, still holding me in his arms. “You’re really okay?”

How many times was he going to ask? Probably a lot. I just needed to accept that fact. “I’m really, truly fine. A little slower, a little weaker, but healthy.”

He frowned when I said weaker so I kissed him. He made a noise in the back of his throat then lowered me onto the bed, pulling the covers up over me. “Is it too cold in here?”

I reached for him. “Not if you’re in here with me.” He let me pull him down beside me, moving very carefully as he slid under the covers. “Warmer already.” Then he wrapped me up in his arms and I was even warmer, despite how gently he held me. “I’m not made of glass, Dray.”

“Maybe. We’ll see.”

I wanted to roll on top of him and take him by force, but the truth of the matter was that I really was slower and weaker, and even though I really, really wanted this close intimate contact with Dray to help me feel better, I also needed to acknowledge my limits and enjoy this tender care from the man I loved.

Because it really was sweet the way he caressed me with his eyes and hands, how he refused to put his weight on me. We lay on our sides kissing in turns. He ran the back of his knuckles along my collarbone. “I have never been more scared than when I felt your pain and never more helpless than seeing you barely hanging onto consciousness on the couch,” he whispered. “The Doctor could help you and I couldn’t. I just…I just need to see and feel for myself that you are okay.”

“I’m totally fine with that. I just want to be near you.” I drew strength from touching him, from feeling safe in his arms.

“I also wish we could stay like this. Always.” He threaded his fingers between mine and held. “I prefer to be alone up here, but with you I never feel bothered. I actually feel the opposite of bothered. I feel not alone.”

My heart beat faster and faster as Dray fumbled through the words he tried to string together. “I feel not alone with you too.” Then I hooked one leg over his and pulled us even closer.

“Drink from me,” he whispered. “Get your strength back.”

The longer we laid like this, the more I craved his blood to the point it was starting to make my head hurt, so I happily complied with his request, pushing up onto one elbow and nuzzling his throat, right where I could see his strong, healthy pulse thrumming beneath his skin.

The first draw flooded me with so much power I moaned, gripping Dray just a little tighter. My body rocked against his, the thin fabric of the nightgown running along my skin. My muscles that had ached so painfully the day before finally felt soothed, all the poison extracted by the Doctor, but the damage left behind to heal.

Dray remained rigid as I drank, but eventually relaxed and began petting me with his hands, pushing the fabric of the gown up, up, up my legs to touch and tease me. I kind of enjoyed having him prone, unable to move while I had my teeth in him. Dray was such a powerful man—physically and in charisma—that any chance I got to be the one in control was one I was ready to enjoy.

Which is why, as his fingers danced along my folds, I let my hand run along his hard length.

“Fuck,” he moaned, trapped.

I tortured him like this for a while, rubbing and massaging, feeling him harden and lengthen even more until I had my fill. I licked and sat back, half expecting a wild Draygus Wren to flip me on my back and pound me into three orgasms.

But that isn’t what happened at all. Dray was very much in control of himself and as determined as ever to treat me like glass. He rolled onto his back. “You seem quite determined to play with me, so take me out already.” Then he folded his arms behind his head and waited.

And I…let him tell me what to do because it was hot and sexy and arousing as all hell to play like this. To have fun after all that pain and worry. I gathered my nightgown up at the sides so I could knee up over Dray’s legs, then took my sweet time unbuttoning his jeans and lowering his zipper. I was also well aware that while I was doing this he could see down the top of the gown. Not everything, but enough to be tantalizing.

“Come on now, hurry up. After all that teasing I’d think you’d move faster.” His eyes glinted with mischief as he egged me on.

“Who says I’m not enjoying going nice and slow?” I paused my hands over the open flaps of fabric.

“Torture,” he growled. Then his face softened. “You good? Was that enough?”

The fire in my veins was more than enough. “I feel better than I’ve felt since the last time I touched your cock.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Such dirty words on your lips.”

“They were much dirtier when my teeth were in your thigh and you came all over your chest.”

He growled, his eyes going very dark indeed. “Pull me out.”

I rose up a little higher and dug into his boxers, gripping him in my palm. He hissed, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment before he lifted his hips off the bed and pushed his jeans lower. With better access I was able to run my fist up and down his length, enjoying the sight of Dray’s eyes going darker, the muscles of his jaw flexing.

“I want to be inside you, Rhysa. I want to feel for myself that you’re whole.”

I could see how much he restrained himself, how he wanted to take control, to maul me, but he wouldn’t do any of that as long as he believed I was hurt. I went to remove my nightgown when his hand shot out. “Leave it on.”

So this was a clothes-on kind of tryst. Okay then. I could get on board with Dray’s legs confined to his jeans, my breasts hidden from view. Maybe he simply wanted some hurdles to cross if his lust got the better of him, but I had a feeling this little tease was as much fun for him as it was for me. I kept the gown on as I moved up his body, over his cock, and kissed him once on the lips.

“Nice and slow,” he murmured. “I want to watch you take me.”

His eyes remained fixed on me, hands at his sides or behind his head, as I sank down. Every time I moved up, his eyes moved with me, from my eyes to my breasts, to where our bodies joined out of sight. Every time I moved down, his eyes dragged south, appreciating.

“Aren’t you going to touch me?” My skin burned in a way that only Dray could soothe.

“I’m enjoying this show you’re putting on for me too much. Your cheeks are completely flushed, you shudder every time you sink down on me and I fill you up. You haven’t even taken all of me yet and you’re gasping for air.”

I couldn’t see myself—obviously—but I could feel the heat in my cheeks and hear the pants coming from my mouth, and yeah, even picturing it in my mind made me a little wetter.

“You know,” Dray ran his long fingers over his chin, “I think if you demonstrated how normal you’re feeling with an orgasm, I might be willing to touch you.”

If that’s what it took to get his hands on me, then I was more than willing to let his giant cock bring me to orgasm with a little help from my hand. His eyes went wide as I slipped my hand under the nightgown and touched myself.

“It is so incredibly hot to watch you pleasure yourself,” he groaned, still not moving a single muscle. He didn’t rock into me, didn’t jut his hips, didn’t move his hands. It was all so infuriating and sexy at the same time!

I burst apart, my inner muscles coiling and fluttering around his cock as my fingers massaged me through orgasm, sighing with relief when the final round of pleasure washed over me, relaxing everything.


“Yes Dray?” I draped myself over his chest, basking in the glow.

“Are you okay?”

I sucked in a slow deep breath, knowing he needed to hear this even though I was tired of saying it. “Yes, Dray. I am good. I am great. I am floating on a cloud.”

“Then enjoy it.” His fingers ran through my hair, which was lovely, but not what we agreed to.

“You promised.”

“I am touching you.”

“Well, I guess if you don’t want to touch me I should find the shower already.”

His hands held me in place. “Do not move.” Then those same hands began to move up and down my spine, one massaging between my shoulder blades, the other under my nightgown to the base of my spine where he very quickly reminded me that he was still buried deep inside me, hard and waiting for more.

The slow massage of my back soon turned into groping my breasts, searching for my nipple through the fabric. Being pleasured in both places at once brought me right back to where I was: cheeks hot, breathless, and riding Dray’s cock for more.

Only this time he was more than happy to join in on the action. He rocked up and into me, meeting me stroke for stroke, deepening his impacts until I began to get loud.

“Is it too much?”

This time it was me who growled with frustration, grabbing him by the chin. “I swear to god if you ask me one more time I’m going to lose it. I am fine. Now fuck me!”

His wide eyes met mine. “Yes ma’am.”

“Good.” Then I moved up and down, getting my rhythm back.

“Very good indeed.” He bared his fangs as he fondled me, his eyes rolling back as my second orgasm hit, squeezing the life out of his cock.

“Do you want to drink from me?” My hips began to slow as the waves of pleasure subsided.

“No, Rhysa. Build your strength. There will be time for that later.”

“Not even a little?” I remembered how tortured he was that first time when he held himself back. This was different though. He seemed restrained, not tortured.

“Not even a little. I’ve had plenty from you and all I want is to know you are well and to be with you.”

“Well, I’ve had two pretty great orgasms, so I’m doing really good, but feel like we’re missing something.” I moved up and down his erection to make my point.

He hissed, squeezing his eyes closed. “Oh, I’m ready to finish this.”

I pulled the nightgown over my head and threw it to the floor. “You like to give me three orgasms.” There was definitely a pattern to follow there.

He flipped us, looming over me, but putting absolutely no weight on me whatsoever. “Three times three is nine. I like nines and anything to do with nines.”

Well that certainly made sense. But I was feeling so much better I was also in the mood to be silly. “What about sixty-nine?”

I shivered as he ran the tip of his nose along my throat. “Oh, I like that too. Maybe next time.”

Oh damn…

“I see that you like the idea of that.” He rolled his hips.

“Dray, I like the idea of pretty much anything with you.”

That made him grin. “I feel the same way.”

It felt good to have him over me. To look up into his eyes and see that he finally believed I was me again. “Let’s have some fun then.”

Okay, so there was a little hesitation in his eyes when I said that, but he blinked it away and lowered his mouth to mine. “Fun can be slow, too.” He pulled out and pushed in deep. Slowly. So that I felt every single inch of him as he stretched me wide.

“Dray,” I moaned.

“See? Slow can be every bit as good as hard and fast.”

I knew that once, but ever since Dray came into my life all I wanted was more, more, more!

This game of slow was its own kind of torture. Out, out, out, dragging that thick cock along my nerves until I was almost empty. Then, in, in, in, pushing and stretching me wider and deeper with each tantalizing stroke. If I thought that was too much, then the wicked look he gave me right before he lowered his lips to my nipple was pure torture of the best kind.

He licked and lapped at one nipple until it was numb, then moved to the other, using only his teeth—a stark difference that sent a jolt to my core, squeezing my muscles hard around his cock.

He moaned and did it again as he pulled his cock out to the tip, then flicked his tongue over my nipple as he sank back inside me. He dragged his fang in circles around my nipple, pulling his cock out and sinking in, then running the sharp fang over the tip of my nipple.

“I love feeling you squeeze me,” he said as he kissed me, then pressed his forehead to mine.

“I love feeling you stretch me,” I said as he did just that, so thick it almost hurt now.

“Watch this.” He slid an arm under me so that my breasts were propped up for him, then he took my numbed nipple between his front teeth in a clamp. I could just barely feel it at first, but as Dray slowly pulled out and slid back in, the sensations returned to my nipple and the pleasure was exquisite. He pumped in and out as he held me clamped. “You like it?”

I could barely see straight I liked it so much. “Yes.”

His eyes swept over my body with appreciation. “Then you do it too.” He moved my hand to my other breast. “Until we come.”

As his teeth pressed into my nipple, I closed my fingers around the other and moaned, my inner muscles squeezing Dray’s now enormous cock even tighter. He dragged it free, leaving me empty to feel those desperate squeezes from the spikes of pleasure, then sank slowly back inside, stretching me inch by inch by inch by inch.

I was so full of Dray I could barely breathe, combined with the insane tingling in my nipples, and the wicked look in his eyes as he watched me very carefully.

Come on me,” he said in my mind. “Pinch your nipple harder and come on my dick.”

He bit down harder a split second before I squeezed my fingers together, sending me over the edge with nowhere to go. Dray held me in his arms and his cock filled me completely. My orgasm tore down his cock, forcing me to feel the full brutal brunt of muscle tensing, raw nerve pleasure.

Half way through Dray released my nipple and moaned loudly over and over as he came with me, held in place by my muscles, unable to pump and take as he’d like.

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