Queens and Monsters: A Vampire Shifter Romance (The Blood Falls Book 1)

Queens and Monsters: Chapter 23

I watched from the shadows as the different Houses allied with the House of Axl entered the cold hall embedded in the hill. It was opulent. From the ancient armor and weapons to the gowns and suits. There was more gold and jewels in that room than in all the museums and jewelry stores I’d been to in my life combined.

It seemed that each House was seated in some sort of pecking order of importance to the House of Axl, with our most important members entering last. Lord Axl wore the dark armor and carried Revenge. Helena wore a black and red gown adorned with matching jewels. Her long blonde hair was styled up on the top of her head. She sat in the first row beside an armored Presymus and Rhymus, while Mary wore an even more extravagant red gown and tiara.

As before, the room was dimly lit by candles. Their flickering made the light move at angles that sometimes seemed haunting. At least to me. When it was time I made my way down the long aisle that ran between the crowd and up to the platform where Antyne stood waiting.

When I stood before him, he kissed me on both cheeks, then handed me Revenge—a quick demonstration that the sword called to me.

With the crowd appeased, a crown was brought out. The golden circle was adorned with diamonds and large rubies. He placed it on my head carefully then took my hand, turning me to face the crowd.

“Lady Rhysa, heir to the House of Axl.”

The party was in full swing, extending from the great hall, across the courtyard, through the house, and onto the lawn. I looked out at the garden house at the edge of the lawn.

“Don’t go there,” Lou said as she came to stand beside me.


The corner of her lip turned up. “That’s where the blood party starts.”

“What’s a blood party?” My head ached a little from the weight of the crown on my head, but I wasn’t supposed to take it off until I retired for the night.

“Everyone out there is feasting on each other. There are no rules and it gets intense quickly. After the Heads of House depart, the blood party will grow until it’s everywhere. If you’re uncomfortable with watching or participating in drinking and sex, then I suggest you be in your room when that happens.”

“I think I saw some of this a few nights ago.”

Lou didn’t look away from the garden house. “That’s just a normal weekend in this house. A blood party is ten times worse.” Her voice grew harder and quieter with each word.

Lou didn’t seem to be a fan of blood parties.

“Excuse me, Lady Axl.” A man wearing traditional African dress bowed his head to me.

“Zane,” Lou replied.

“Lady Louisa.” He bowed to her as well. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Axl, and always a pleasure to see you, Lou.”

Lou placed her hand on my forearm. “Zane is a troublemaker, but the good kind. If you ever need something snuck into the house, he’s your man.”

Always good to have a connection like that. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zane.”

He bowed again and backed away. Lou leaned closer. “Zane is safe, but watch out for Azaan. He’s loyal but always looking for a chance to break away.” She pointed to where Zane met up with another man who looked like his brother. “How long do you expect to stay here?”

“I honestly have no idea.”

“Keep your eyes open. As they begin to trust you, more doors will open, and more secrets will spill out.”

I kept scanning the crowd. “You say that like someone who has experience.”

“It was never my choice to come here, but once your choices are taken from you, you can either be controlled, or you can take advantage of their belief you are weak. I’ve taken advantage and one day they’ll regret ever touching me.”

Pieces of information began to come together and I didn’t like the picture it made one bit. “They kidnapped you.”

“Yes. But that was just the beginning. I will write the end.” Her eyes slid to mine. “And I think you’ll help me.”

More secrets, more half information. I was supposed to trust Lou, but should I? “Why would I do that?”

She also scanned the crowd. I noticed the careful way she carried herself. At the House of Wren she was regal but relaxed. Here she had on invisible armor. Her shoulders were back and her spine straight. She held her head high unless a man came by, and then she lowered her eyes and bowed her head.

“You and I are here for the same reason. We were brought here against our will.”

“I agreed to come,” I protested, but that wasn’t actually true, was it? I didn’t have much choice in refusing.

But Lou meant more than that. “Inside this house is a traitor who has wronged us both. One day we will get our revenge.” Her face broke into a smile as a little boy about seven or eight years old came running up to her.

“Mommy!” He threw his arms around her legs.

Behind him a woman I recognized from the kitchen came running up. “I’m sorry Miss Louisa. He got away from me.”

“That’s okay. Would you like me to put you to bed?”

He nodded quickly, then hid behind her skirt when he saw me beside him. “Is she the queen?”

Lou rubbed his back. “No, she’s my friend. Tymothy, this is Rhysa.”

I gave him a small wave. “Hi Tymothy.” Sir Tymothy. Her son.

Oh no…

“Hi Miss Rhysa. I like your crown.” He ducked back behind Lou’s skirt.

“That’s Lady Rhysa, Mr. Tymothy,” the lady chastised him.

“It’s okay. He can call me anything he likes.” I really, really didn’t like the picture I was getting now.

Lou gave my hand a squeeze. “Enjoy your evening and go to bed soon.” She nodded to the blood party before letting Tymothy drag her up the stairs.

He lived here.

And I had a sinking feeling that Tymothy was a result of her kidnapping, which was why she was so tied to this House that she visited frequently. I really hoped that I was wrong, but I was fairly certain I was right. And that was just one secret too many for today. So I disappeared to my bedroom where I took the heavy crown off my head first, then stripped out of my fancy gown.

I sank into a hot bath, remembering all the ways Dray relaxed me in this same tub, wishing he was here with me now. It was hard to go through so much without anyone here I cared about. I missed Gigi, Cass, and Bridge. I missed their identical giggles and effervescent happiness.

I missed Dray’s grumpy frowns and grunts instead of answers. I dipped under the water and stayed there for as long as I could, then washed the day off me and dressed for bed. I knew Gigi and Dray both wanted calls, but I sent them texts instead, begging off for the night.

In my little chamber at the end of the hall, the party seemed so far away. The sounds barely reached my room. It was fairly easy to pretend the party wasn’t happening at all. Until I tried to sleep. With the lights off I could see the torches outside and hear the moans. Curiosity got the better of me and I quietly snuck onto my terrace to peer down at the lawn and the garden house.

The doors were flung open now, bodies writhed on the steps and inside I could see dozens more, moving and pulsing as one. Every few minutes there was a cry or a howl. Below my terrace there was a crash. When I looked through the leaves I found two people naked and fucking. The man transformed into something large and hairy. He had long fangs and powerful muscles.

A werewolf.

Or at least something similar. The couple was completely consumed by each other, they didn’t care in the least that they were out in the open or that several people had gathered nearby to watch.

In fact, everyone seemed to love it.

Was I any different hiding up here, watching in fascination? The woman cried out and the man howled, signaling the end of their tryst, but the crowd didn’t disperse. Instead the drinking resumed, more clothes were discarded. Breasts and cocks were bared as the drinking multiplied their pleasure. The stone benches became beds.

I needed to close my eyes or go to my own bed. Yes, I needed to get back in my bed, maybe put on some headphones and get to sleep.

But instead I stayed right where I was, frozen, as I watched the lawn turn into an orgy. It was incredible how often they changed partners, drinking from a new throat or thigh before someone else would catch their eye, or their lust boiled over. At one point I counted fifteen people connected at once.

If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.

“Someone’s watching us,” I heard a woman say loudly. “Come out and join us!”

I sank lower in my chair. Shit. Could I crawl back to bed or would I just look ridiculous?

Don’t crack. Lou’s advice came back to me. I thought she meant in front of the crowd, but she might have meant it even for this. I couldn’t slink away. If someone realized it was me then they could use this crack in my facade to exploit me. Intimidate me with sex or accuse me of not being samhain enough.


So I faced the crowd. I stood up and let them see me. There were a couple of gasps, but no one covered up or stopped what they were doing. “I enjoyed this very much. Thank you for the show. Have a lovely evening everyone.”

“You’re welcome Lady Axl,” someone called up to me.

I slid into bed confident that I’d stood my ground, but wishing I didn’t have to work so hard to prove I belonged somewhere.

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