Queens and Monsters: A Vampire Shifter Romance (The Blood Falls Book 1)

Queens and Monsters: Chapter 15

Dray seemed to dwarf my cottage. My living room looked like a dollhouse with tiny furniture beside him. “You’re sure you want to sleep on my couch again? It can’t be comfortable.”

“I’ll be fine,” he grunted as he glanced around. “Something doesn’t feel right and I’d rather be close.”

“Okay then.” If his danger radar was going off—even a little bit—then I’d like more than an Axl bodyguard on my side. “You don’t have to go with me tomorrow. I’m sure Hecta and Andromeda are more than capable of giving me a lift.”

He stared me down. “You are not going alone.”

“Won’t it be dangerous for you?” Goosebumps rose on my arm even thinking about it.

“Possibly. I’m counting on traditions and rules to keep me safe. If not, I can handle myself just fine.”

I remembered him fighting Bo and wondered how many fighters it would take to overwhelm Dray. Six? Seven? “Don’t do anything stupid. You have your own house to look after. I will be fine.”

He kept up that stony stare. Then he went to his bag and pulled out a small phone. “Hide this in your bag. Just in case.”

I stared at it. “Why?”

“So you have an emergency phone in the event you need it.”

I didn’t move. “What about your super mind conversation power?”

Since I wouldn’t take the phone he sighed and crossed over to me in a step and a half and took my hand in his, then placed the phone in my palm and curled my fingers around it. “There’s a lot of magic that can block that kind of connection. So take this, just in case. It’s not on.”

He was close enough now that I could hear his heart beating faster than normal, his breath deeper. His wide, muscular shoulders were right in my eyeline. “Why would anyone want to cut me off?”

“You’re the psychology major. Can’t you come up with a half-dozen reasons?”

I studied the muscles that wrapped up his neck from his shoulders rather than chance looking up into his piercing blue eyes. “Yes I can.” From control to abuse, there were many reasons to sever someone’s ties to support and outside opinions. Control the narrative completely and you can make anyone believe anything.

“I don’t think he’ll make such a big move so quickly, but it’s best to be prepared.”

He was right. Of course he was right. Preparation was everything. I took the phone to my bedroom where I had my bag mostly packed, pulling out my laptop.

“What are you doing?” Dray asked from the doorway.

I waved him over. “When you never know when you’ll be asked to pack up and move, when you have no one to trust, you take care of yourself.” I flipped the laptop over and slid what looked like a button aside, then pulled the secret compartment free. “I have a few places I keep things hidden.” The phone fit perfectly. I slid it back into place. “Even if someone goes through my stuff they shouldn’t notice this.” I caught Dray’s smile out of the corner of my eye and felt a little surge of pride.

“Very smart. Did you make this yourself?”

“Naw. An old friend got into building computers and she made this for me and a couple other girls we grew up with.”

“What else do you have hidden in this bag?”

Only because I trusted Dray completely did I offer to show him my books. “This soft cover has cash hidden in the covers and this hard cover has more, plus two credit cards and my passport.” I’d never left the country. Not yet anyway. But it was a good form of ID to have available, so I got it.

I showed him how to open the front of the hardcover and he whistled. “Damn. This is really good. I’m sorry you needed it but really glad you have it now.”

I had a feeling a lot of my childhood survival instincts were going to be useful now. “Thank you for the phone.”

“Thank you for accepting it. What about weapons?”

A good question. “I have the daggers Bethany gave me, but nothing else. Nothing hidden.” I used to keep a pocket knife in the sole of an old shoe but didn’t feel the need for that in college. I could do it again. “Hold on.” I retrieved the knife from under my couch. It was in the open position, so I released the lock and flipped it closed.

“Why do you have a knife under the couch?” Dray arched an eyebrow.

“What if someone jumped me as I came home and pushed me onto the couch to assault me? I would at least have a chance of reaching underneath and grabbing a knife to protect myself.” I guess someone as large and capable as Dray didn’t have to run scenarios of how they would escape or defend themselves in various situations. He probably didn’t check the shadows before he approached his door, key firmly in hand, glancing over his shoulders before twisting the lock and going inside quickly, immediately locking the door behind him.

“That’s a very specific scenario.” His eyes narrowed.

“It’s never happened to me, but it’s common enough. Catch someone unaware at their door, force your way inside where neighbors can’t see you, get or do what you want, and then leave the victim behind. The way this room is set up I figured an attacker would either take me to the couch or the ground. Either scenario puts me within reach of the knife.”

His lips thinned and he nodded, following my movements as I retrieved a pair of loafers from the closet. I sat at the table and pulled out the insole, then used a razor blade to carve out a compartment in the soul of the shoe big enough to hide the pocket knife.

“You’ve done this before,” Dray murmured.

“Yep.” I slid the insole back into place and added the loafers to the bottom of my bag.


I shrugged. “One of the homes I lived in, the family loved really old spy movies and shows. I started getting ideas from there and Nancy Drew books.” I folded my hands behind my back feeling incredibly vulnerable.

Silence fell between us for so long I finally looked up from my feet to find Dray staring at the floor too, his body very tense and his jaw ticking. “I keep thinking about myself,” he finally said. “How you affect me, my family, how you might ruin me.” He pulled his gaze up from the floor. “The Universe keeps shoving us together and I keep ignoring it. I keep denying it. Even when it’s screaming at me to stop, I use protecting my family as an excuse to keep away from you.”

I felt smaller and smaller with every word out of his mouth. It was impossible to focus on anything but the words affect, ruin, deny, stop, screaming and not see that Dray didn’t want me in his life. Sure he felt an obligation to make sure I was safe, but the last thing he wanted was to be attached to me in any way. Maybe the earth could open up and swallow me whole? Or a big random bolt of lightning could hit me from above? Anything to make this stop.

“I never let myself think about you,” his voice dropped to a whisper. “What you’ve been through and what is still in front of you. That you’re alone.”

That was the final straw. I started toward him with all my fury. “I am not alone. People care about me. Olivia for one and, even if you hate it, Gigi too.” I stabbed his chest with my finger.

He grabbed it up in his larger hand and yanked me against his solid wall of muscle, knocking the air out of me. “You misunderstand me,” he growled.

I slowly drew my gaze up to meet his and lost my breath all over again at the storm brewing in them. “Then what do you mean?” I barely got the words out.

His other arm wrapped around my waist, holding me to him. “I’m not drunk or high, Rhysa. I’m completely fucking sober.” He paused, his eyes darting between mine as he took in a slow deep breath. “Tonight when you drink from me, I want all of you.”

I froze, tried to pull back, but he held me firm. “I’m not a pity fuck.” God, did he really think I’d swoon in his arms because he deemed me worthy after realizing I hid knives and money to protect myself? Hell no.

He growled again, displeased with my protest. “You know exactly how badly I want you.”

“Do I? No. I know how much you don’t want me. Sure you get hard around me but arousal isn’t the same as wanting someone.”

He released me and stepped back. “Only you would block out all the times I’ve begged for you.”

I need you. The memory flashed through my mind. The pain and desperation on his face as fresh as the last time it happened.

“Again, you weren’t exactly in your right mind at the time.” I paced as far away from him as I could get in the small space.

“Why do you think I avoid you at all times? Stay as far away, even in a crowded room? All I want is you, Rhysa. All the time.” He held his long arms out wide. “I’m not fighting it anymore. I want you. I want to be inside you when you drink from me.”

Oh god. My entire body shivered at the idea. “And tomorrow?”

“You leave. I have no idea what happens next but I do know I’m not going to pretend I don’t want you.” He took a tentative step toward me. “You need to drink from me tonight. Give yourself the power to make your own choices at House of Axl. Whether we do anything else is your choice.”

I felt the effects of a week without blood. Gigi offered but I waved her off thinking I’d be fine, but now that Dray was asking me to think into the future, to a home I didn’t know and family that were strangers, my thirst magnified. I could deny him, but at what cost?

If I said no, I’d be at the mercy of whatever situation I was walking into.

If I said yes, I might lose control.

Did I want to lose control? Would being with Dray be the good things the Universe seemed to promise? The first time was unforgettable, and every wild moment between was a heady rush that felt worth the price of admission.

“I’m willing to see what happens,” I squeaked out. He prowled closer and closer.

“You know what will happen. What happens every time we’re alone together.”

My chest flushed. “To be fair, I’ve only been alone with you.”

He came to a stop in front of me. I pressed my back into the wall. “I have never reacted to anyone the way I react to you. I lose my damn mind just being near you, Rhysa.”

Tomorrow I would walk into the wolves’ den on purpose. Tonight I could have ecstasy.

There really wasn’t a choice.

Please, he begged.

Would I always give in when he reached into my mind? “Yes.”

He pressed into me, lowering his lips to my cheek, jaw, and neck. His hand skated below the hem of my shirt and touched my skin. “Fucking finally,” he hissed. He moved his forehead against mine, eyes screwed shut. “Tonight nothing else matters. There is no past, no future. No right or wrong. Just be with me.”

I wanted nothing more than to forget everything but Dray. I ran my hands up his biceps, over his shoulders, looping my hands around his neck as I went up on tiptoes to lick his throat. I wasn’t in the mood to waste a second and I wanted to catch him a little off guard.

“Yes,” he groaned, his hands wrapping around my hips.

I sank into his skin, drawing his blood for the first time in ages. Lust and greed seized me as my body heated and the power surged between us. Dray grew hard as he held our bodies together, then lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. He moved across the room quickly to the bed, laying me down on my back.

I broke away, breathless, turned on, and desperate for more.

“My turn to taste you,” he groaned, lowering his lips to my throat. Dray took his time kissing me, then licking away the potential for pain, before he took from me.

I hissed as he sucked, arching off the bed as my body searched for his. I needed him, needed to find relief from the surges of desire racking my body. The only relief I found was in rubbing against his erection and the drag of fabric as my breasts strained to break free of my bra.

I was so lost in lust the last time we did this that I didn’t savor any of it. This time I was just as wild for more, but also aware that there was no rush. So as he sucked, I moved up and down his hard length, wondering what it would be like to take him inside.

He moaned against my throat. His hand skated over the skin of my stomach, pushing the fabric up enough to palm my breast. After a moment he sighed and pulled away.

He sat up and pulled his shirt over his head. While I was free, I did the same. “You shiver when I touch you.” His eyes drank me in.

“I can’t seem to control any of the ways my body reacts to yours.”

“You did a damn good job of resisting me in the wine cellar.” He shoved his jeans to the floor and adjusted his cock in his boxers, the head exposed above the band.

Like everything else about Dray, his cock was not small. Another shiver of anticipation raced over my skin.

“I want to undress you while you drink.” He sat against my headboard and held up his wrist. “Come here.” A command I felt in my core. I climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips. “Good.”

At this angle my breasts were in his face. I took his wrist and drank as he dropped kisses on my skin. His fingers danced along the top of my bra as I drew his power inside me. Then he pulled one cup down and kissed me. The combination of pleasure from his lips and blood made my eyes close and my body arch into his.

My bra snapped free. Dray kissed me everywhere, drew circles around my nipples with his tongue and teased me into senselessness. “Watch this.”

Another command I was incapable of denying. I released his wrist, licking his skin and then my lips, and turned my attention to his mouth. He bared his fangs, capturing the tip of my nipple between them.

I gasped and then sighed as a wave of ecstasy relaxed me from head to toe. He released it and sucked it all into his mouth, soothing the pleasure pain, then did it again. My clit throbbed and my core grew wetter. I couldn’t look away, fascinated that the pain seemed to slip away, leaving the only sensation behind as pleasure.

“Our saliva takes all pain away,” he said as he switched breasts. “Not just our bites.”

“Oh…” I sighed, rubbing against his length. This was a fun detail I hadn’t thought to look forward to. I watched with fascination as he teased my nipple with flicks of his tongue, the action sending jolt after jolt to my core, pushing my pleasure higher.

And then he bared his fangs and clamped my other nipple. I felt the fresh pain mirrored in my clit and ache for more from my other nipple. My hips began rocking as I became more aroused. He drew the sharp tip of his canines until my nipple sprang free.

“Orgasm intensifies the power you gain from drinking.”

“I remember you saying that.”

He placed his hands on my hips and rutted against me hard. “More orgasms the better. Then he skated his hands up my sides, over my breasts, and into my hair, pulling me down for a real kiss. “And there’s nothing more powerful than a shared orgasm. I want you to have them all tonight.”

Could I?

“You’re samhain. Yes you can.” His eyes glinted with promise. “So take what you want from me. This is just the appetizer.”

Another shiver skated down my spine. I was so turned on I could barely think of anything but more. More kisses, more blood, more pleasure. So I took a draught from his throat to prepare for whatever came next.

“Feeling good?” He weighed and plumped my breasts in his hands. “I love when you rub up against me. I’m going to be so hard for you.”

“So good.” Like I was floating through the clouds naked, air washing over my skin.

He nuzzled my left breast with his nose. No licking or sucking this time. Whatever pain relief he’d provided was now worn off. He captured my nipple between his teeth at the same time he clamped my other nipple between his fingers.

I arched, crying out in pleasure as my core tightened hard around nothing. He used his teeth to tease the very tips of my nipples, moving back and forth with no cadence or rhythm I could find. Each new sensation was unexpected, I began to pant and rock faster against his cock. Then he sucked my left nipple into his mouth to finally soothe, all while plucking the right mercilessly. He tongued my nipple, flicked it back and forth until I saw stars, then traded, finally giving my right nipple relief.

When he tugged on my left nipple the pain was now dulled again and all I felt was waves of pleasure cascading down my body from my nipple through my core to my clit and back again. I wound tighter and tighter, the tips of my ears burning, my fingers digging into Dray’s skin.

“I’m coming. I’m coming!”

He pulled me down and sank his teeth into my throat, sending my orgasm into the stratosphere in a flash of bright white light. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. All I could do was come and let Dray drink from me.

When I finally relaxed, he laid me out on the bed and removed my leggings, then dove between my legs to lap up my arousal. It dulled some of the sensations. Something I’d probably be grateful for when our bodies finally became one.

“You taste like heaven,” he murmured between my legs, sounding a little drunk. Maybe many things were pleasurable to samhain besides sex and blood? Because Dray surely seemed to be losing himself while pleasing me.

I gave myself over to it, a new pleasure beginning to build in me as his lips moved over my center and his tongue lapped at me and inside me. His hands began to roam over my clit, searching for each spot that brought me pleasure, then over my hips to my hands where he interlocked our fingers.

“Hold on.”

For what?

He licked my inner thigh and sank his teeth into my skin. I bucked against him as something similar but very different flowed through me. It was somehow more pleasurable and more powerful than his previous bites. When I calmed a little, he released one of my hands and moved back to my center, teasing in circles and then moving slowly inside with his large fingers, stretching me, all while he pulled draughts of blood from my body.

My naked breasts tingled as sensation returned. At first I enjoyed the spikes of awareness, but then I became greedy and teased them myself while Dray filled me with another finger as he drank. My clit ached for attention he seemed to have no intention of giving.

“Touch me,” I begged.

But he didn’t. He kept up his torture. I needed to come in order to end this ache. So I plucked at my nipples the way I liked, harder and harder as my orgasm began to bear down, then rolled them hard. My core began to flutter around his fingers. Dray kept up his slow strokes and his long sucks until I shattered.

“Fuck, I’m coming again!” I’d never come twice this fast before and I marveled at this new ability.

His strokes slowed and he licked away from my thigh, but he didn’t remove his fingers as he moved up beside me. “Feel good?”

“How?” I panted. “Why did that feel so intense?”

His eyes roamed over me like I was the most amazing treasure in the world and I was all his. “You mean drinking from there? It’s more intimate.”

If everything before felt good and that felt amazing…I was a little scared of how good it would feel to come with Dray.

He pumped his fingers slowly inside me. “Don’t come down from the high. Stay up there.”

“Then I think it’s my turn to drink.”

His eyes glinted. “How about you take me right here,” he tapped his throat, “while I take you right here.” He thrust his fingers inside me harder and faster.

I arched off the bed, hissing. “Yes. Please? Yes.”

He finally withdrew his fingers and I felt the loss immediately. All of me tingled for more of everything, but especially for his cock to fill me. He moved off the bed and stripped his boxers down his leg. His cock bounced in front of him, even bigger than I imagined.

I gulped, desperate and ready.

“You look like you’re going to devour me,” he murmured kneeing up on the bed.

“I want to.”

“Good. The feeling is mutual. I feel like I’ll die if I don’t have you, Rhysa.”

My name on his tongue was a pleasure all its own. “What about a condom?”

“We don’t have human diseases. And neither of us is fertile. Besides, I’ve heard human condoms don’t hold up to samhain fucking.”

I shivered. The word fucking had never sounded so good before. “How do you know we’re not…fertile?”

He smiled. “We’d know. For one, you’ll smell it. And for two, we’d be fucking all day and all night until we passed out. Then we’d wake up and do it again.”

That sounded amazing. “Isn’t that what we’re doing now?”

He shook his head. “No, this is nothing in comparison.”

Ohhhhh… Damn. Well then.

“So we’re good to go?”

He moved over me. “Yes. But you can call Gigi if you want to make sure I’m not lying to you.”

knew he wouldn’t lie about this. “Please don’t mention anyone but me in this bed.”

“Nothing outside this room exists,” he reassured me as he looped his arms under my legs and positioned me right where he wanted me, then moved between my legs. “I can’t wait to sink into you.” He dipped down and nuzzled my breasts again, taking each nipple into his mouth for a long suck that brought me right back to arousal. “I can get commanding during sex. Are you okay with that?”

Was I okay with that? Would it lead to more mind-altering orgasms? Hell yeah I was okay with it! “I can deal with it.”

His hand moved down my body and hooked around my hip. “I’m going to go slow at first. I want to feel every inch of fighting my way into your tight little pussy. Feel your body take me until you surrender.”

Why did such dirty talk turn me on so much? “Yes, Dray.”

“And you’ll drink from me. I want to feel you sucking me into your mouth while I fuck you.”

“Yes, Dray.” Hell yes, Dray!

“If you come without me I’ll have to keep fucking you until you can come again. And when you’re ready, you’ll give me your wrist so we can come together while drinking. Do you understand?”

The mind picture he just drew for me was intense. “Yes. If I come too quickly you’ll keep going until I’m ready to come again. Either way, I’m to give you my wrist.”

“Good.” He moved back to my breasts, holding his large, muscular body over me, and gave my nipples one last suck, ending in a core clenching nip of his teeth.

My eyes rolled back in my head. “How many times am I going to come tonight?” I already felt wound up and ready to explode again just from the dirty talk and anticipation.

“As many times,” he teased my nipple with his fang, “as you want.” Then he positioned the large head of his cock at my entrance and offered me his throat. “Take me, Rhysa.”

This was it. Everything I’d craved since I met him, since we first drank together and I saw the potential. I sank my teeth back into his skin and sucked his blood deep into my mouth before swallowing, waiting for him to push into me, but he didn’t.

He waited.

The more blood I took the lighter I felt, the higher I got. “God yes. It feels so good when you drink from me.”

So maybe he wasn’t waiting so much as he was savoring. 

After what felt like ages but was only moments, he finally pressed the head of his cock inside me. The pressure was exquisite. I couldn’t gasp so instead I sucked harder and rocked my hips to take him deeper.

Just as he promised, he didn’t pump into me or thrust. Instead, he simply sank deeper and deeper. One inch at a time, his cock stretched me wide.

“That’s right, take me,” he moaned. “Open for me and take me deep.”

My core clenched around his invasion, my inner muscles fighting his enormous size. I drank and drank as he overwhelmed me, my clit throbbing and my nipples aching. And then…then he pushed just once and locked our bodies together. All of him inside me.

I moaned against his throat, feeling my orgasm beginning to spin up and knowing it was far too fast to satisfy Dray. So I gave myself over to it, sucking him into me as my inner muscles clamped around his cock.

“That’s it. Come for me. I don’t want this to end just yet.” He rocked his cock even deeper somehow, soothing my clit and bundles of nerves at the same time.

Such pleasure.

And so much more still to come.

When I relaxed, he pulled back, finally free of my clenching core, and eased back in. “So wet and ready.” His strokes grew faster until he found a rhythm we both enjoyed. Each stroke seemed to stretch me wide all over again, one breathtaking thrust after another. “I could fuck you all night. You were made for me. You squeeze my dick just right. I’ve never felt anything like this.”

I began to arch up to meet his thrusts, hoping for a harder impact, for his cock to reach deeper and fill me even more completely while I clung to his back for the leverage I needed to keep drinking from his throat. My nipples slid against his hard, slick chest, stimulating them with each impact of his body against mine.

“This doesn’t have to be the end, Rhysa.” His voice was becoming desperate now. “We can fuck all night and again in the morning before we leave. As much as we can.”

His cock filled me over and over. Each stroke sending me closer to an oblivion I’d never known before.

“There’s so much more to do.” He pressed into my lips. “So much more to explore. Fuck, we’ve barely begun.”

All I could think was yes. I didn’t know if he only meant time or more ways to drink and make love at the same time, but I wanted all of it.

He pounded me now. Mercilessly. His cock thrusting deep inside me with each stroke, stretching me to fit him, the zing of pleasure sending a jolt to my clit and nipples each time.

“Hold your hips still. No rocking. Let me use you.”

I froze, letting him take full control now.

“Give me your hand.” I gave it to him. Let him trap it above my head. “Yes. I like this. You can take a break from drinking if you like.”

I appreciated the request even though I knew it was a demand.

He smiled down at me as I licked my lips. “Your reward.” He took my other hand and placed it above my head as well, then thrust deep, deep inside me.

For the first time I was able to call out his name.

This pleased him even more as he bowed to my nipples. “I missed these.”

With his cock filling me completely, each nip of his teeth on my nipples sent a jolt to my core. But instead of squeezing around nothing, now I squeezed Dray’s invading cock.

“I can feel how much you like this,” he murmured between nips. “I can also feel how wet it makes you. My dick is warm and happy inside your pussy.”

I moaned and arched my breasts to his lips. “Who knew you had such a filthy mouth, Draygus Wren.”

“You bring it out of me. I want to fuck you forever and I want to tell you all about it.” His blue eyes glinted as he bit down. He licked and sucked. “I want to tell you how you make my dick feel more pleasure than I’ve ever felt before. That pounding your sweet pussy is heaven and licking up your arousal made me so high I almost came in my boxers. Feeling you take me inch by inch? I forgot everything but this. Nothing else exists. Just making you come for me and coming for you.”

He bit down again and I rolled my hips.

“Ah, ah.” He pressed a hand to my belly. “No moving. You need to feel me inside you. Feel overwhelmed.”

He switched breasts and clamped my nipple between his fangs. I struggled to remain still but I managed. And my next reward was feeling his already large cock somehow seem to grow.

“I told you there was more to explore,” he murmured against my skin. “So much more.”

I wanted to deny that it was possible, but I couldn’t deny that he was deeper than ever now, and stretching me even wider. I wrapped a hand around the back of his neck. “Oh god, Dray. Oh god.” His invasion was mind blowing. I’d never been so full and desperate for more.

“Shhh, my dear Rhysa. You can handle this. And even more? You’re going to enjoy it when I fuck you even harder. Your pussy is so wet and hot. You’re going to take my dick over and over. You’re going to cry out my name and tell me how much you love it. And then when I tell you, you’ll put your lips on my neck and suck us into orgasm. Do you understand?”

I could barely think, but I understood his commands. Somehow I could focus on those and remember them. “Fuck me, please? Oh please?”

He growled. “I love when you beg.”

He repositioned his body over mine and pulled back, lubricating his cock again, and stroked slow and deep. He was definitely bigger. The stretch was more exquisite now. More breathtaking.

He stroked several times, preparing the way. My body floated higher into the bright light, my orgasm elusive but close, craving his cock to fill me over and over. “I’m going to fuck you now, Rhysa. Hard. And you’re going to wait for me.”

He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he thrust hard and deep and began to stroke in a punishing rhythm. He filled me completely, stretched me wider than ever, and reached deeper than I thought possible. His body slammed into my clit, sending jolts to my clenching core and aching nipples. He pounded forever and I had to fight back my orgasm. It was there. So close. I ignored the way my inner muscles squeezed him so tight he had to break free to thrust deep all over again. I ignored the way he kept groaning my name or the way every muscle in his body strained to make each thrust more powerful.

I ignored it all until he told me to drink. “Take me, Rhysa. Now.”

In a lightning flash I had my teeth in his skin and his in mine. I moaned against his throat as my pleasure rocketed, doubling, tripling in magnitude. Hanging, hanging, hanging as he pounded me with his cock…until we both exploded.

My inner muscles clamped down tight as pleasure rocketed out. The point where his body and mine joined was an earthquake. Every muscle in my body tensed and then relaxed as the ecstasy washed over me. I couldn’t see or hear or smell or taste. All I could do was feel myself float off into oblivion with Dray’s cock stretching me to the brink as he pounded into me until he too, collapsed.

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