Queens and Monsters: A Vampire Shifter Romance (The Blood Falls Book 1)

Queens and Monsters: Chapter 1

Present Day

I was bored so I was secretly reading a book behind the cash register with my feet up and a wad of gum between my teeth. It was Monday evening which meant the bookstore was dead. Everyone was either hungover from a weekend of partying or they were studying. Like the usual group of political science students who were in their favorite corner sipping enough coffee to keep them awake for a week while they debated something about Huey P. Long.

They were the only people here and would probably be the only people here all night. Mondays sucked for activity, but they were great for reading!

I shifted on the hard wooden seat and flipped the page. I should be studying too, but tomorrow was my busy day. Three classes and a shift interning. I needed to get lost in these pages for a little while or I’d be no good tomorrow. Besides, the main characters were mad at each other with the kind of sexual tension that meant they were totally going to bang in the next chapter or two. I’d much rather be reading about that than the history of Etruscan frescoes.

I was so lost in the book that I didn’t notice the little old-fashioned bell above the main door tinkle, nor did I notice the gorgeous golden-blonde woman wearing a blue ball gown and matching cloak walk in. I also didn’t notice the two enormous men wearing tuxedos who joined her. If I had noticed, I would have taken my feet off the counter and hidden my gum. At the very least I would have greeted them with our standard, “Welcome to University Books and Brews!”

But instead I fell off the stool, landed on my ass, and almost swallowed my gum when the woman scurried past murmuring, “It has to be here somewhere! It came out today!” and one of the giant men thumped his black leather gloved hand on my counter and grunted, “Where would we find the new Mysteries, Mayhem, and Murder? Um…are you okay, miss?”

I groaned and rubbed my sore bottom as a shiver raced over my skin, causing my skin to prick. Whoever this guy was, his voice was amazing. “I’m fine.” I pulled myself up using the counter, then adjusted my very comfortable and not particularly sexy boyfriend jeans. My eyes traveled to the gloved hand, then up to the tweed coat, over the collar, to the tuxedo beneath.

For some reason my blood heated, my cheeks flushed, and I felt dizzy. Like someone had turned on an ultrasonic heater and blasted it right in my face. Crazy right? I was way too young for hot flashes.

Then I let myself look even higher. I took in the wide neck, the strong jaw, the nose that had seen many fights and long lost its perfection. The bright blue eyes framed by a furrowed, masculine brow.

I forgot how to breathe.

My body, however, wanted to climb this stranger and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it was reacting this way.

“I’m sorry, can you repeat the question?” While I was speaking I simultaneously slapped my brain around and forced it to act as calm and professional as possible.

“We’re looking for the latest copy of Mysteries, Mayhem, and Murder. Do you have one?”

It took all of my strength to not let his magical voice turn me into liquid magma. “Yes. Well, no. We did, but we sold out before noon.”

He grimaced. “Can you check in back? Make sure a copy didn’t mistakenly get left behind?”

Truth be told there were three copies in the back. One for me, one for Gloria, and one spare in case someone came in desperate and frantic for a copy. There was always someone who didn’t preorder a copy of whatever new release was coming out, something from a beloved series, who suddenly realized a new story was released to the world and they were missing out.

“I can’t find it anywhere!” The golden-haired woman moaned as she slumped against a bookshelf that held Regency romances, pouting.

She looked exactly like Cinderella in that blue ball gown. I wondered where they were going dressed so finely. I didn’t think anyone had ever been this well dressed in Books and Brews. The other man reappeared, folding his arms over his chest and scowling at the woman. Were they security? They seemed dangerous and even though they didn’t tower above like athletes, they were solid muscle and appeared more than capable of snapping people in two.

The second man looked down his nose at the woman. “You can live a day or two without a book, Georgiahana.”

She glared at him. “I might as well live without air.”

I liked her. “I can help.”

Her eyes moved to me. “Say you have a copy hidden somewhere. Say it!”

I laughed. “I have a copy.”

She jumped up, clapping her hands together. “You’re my new best friend. A queen. The best human who ever lived. I shall buy you a cake in celebration of your greatness!”

“I won’t require cake. Sharing the love of books is more than enough reward.” Why else would I work in a bookstore? “Just give me a moment.” I locked the computer and cash drawer before navigating around the first giant with the leather fist. I flushed all over again as it seemed an arc of electricity sizzled between us.

Which was of course impossible, which freaked me out, so I hurried through the aisles of books to the storage room in the back. It was a neatly organized room with industrial shelves where we could store boxes of books, extra shelving, tables and chairs for signings and events, and cleaning supplies. The coveted books were hidden behind the floor cleaner.

Since I was there, I went ahead and grabbed my copy as well.

When I stepped through the door Leather Fist was waiting for me. “Do you have a copy of The Rake?” His rough voice really was quite fantastic. It sounded like experience and danger mixed with exhaustion.

“You don’t look like a big fan of historical romance.” He looked much more like a fan of fist fighting in dark back alleys.

“I’m not, but Gigi will tear through that book in your hands before dawn and then sink into a great depression unless I can thrust another book into her hands. This is purely self-preservation on my part.”

The touch of fondness laced into his words made me swoon a little. “You know the name of a book she’d like. That’s a bit more than self-preservation.”

He scanned my face, his eyes narrowing. “Everyone knows what Gigi reads. She never shuts up about it. Ever.”

And even though he wanted to sound annoyed, the faintest smile played on his lips. I got caught up in it. “Um, yes. We should have a copy just here.”

I swallowed hard as I passed him yet again, feeling another zing of electricity that seemed to somehow make the blood in my veins heat and race.

Wake up! Wake up!

I froze. “Did you hear that?”

He cocked his head to the side. “All I hear is Georgiahana gushing over books.”

“I could have sworn I heard someone whispering.” The sounds continued to echo in my head. Scratchy, ghost-like whispers from the shadows.

“How old is this shop? Maybe it’s haunted?”

“Don’t give this store any ideas. The last thing I need is a ghost hanging out in the horror section.”

He chuckled, deep and rough, a genuine smile lighting up his eyes. “Maybe it will be a friendly ghost in the romance section.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” It did not. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as the whispers continued to call at me. How did he not hear it? Had I really spent so much time alone that I was hearing things?

Wake up. Wake up!

The words layered and overlapped, creating an echo. I reached for The Rake and added it to the books in my hands.

“Have we met before?”

When I looked up, I found Leather Fist staring at me. “Not that I’m aware of.” I was fairly certain I’d remember a man like him, with or without the overdressed entourage.

“Oh my goodness! There it is!” The woman—Gigi—exclaimed, coming at me like a bulldozer. “You are a lifesaver. The very best human. My newest and bestest friend. You deserve cake as a reward.”

The whispers finally stopped. Thank god. Maybe I wasn’t going crazy after all. “No cake needed. It’s my pleasure to share a book like this with you.” I unlocked the computer and drawer and began scanning the books.

“Dray? Did you do this? The Rake?” She spun toward the man who’d been causing my body to have strangely strong reactions.

Dray. An unusual name that somehow fit him.

He grunted instead of speaking.

The other man sighed. “Can we hurry this up? We’re so late.”

Gigi turned back to me, making a face. “I’m in trouble again. Thank you…I’m sorry. We’re best friends and I don’t know your name.”

“Rhysa.” My first name was the only thing that was mine. It was embroidered onto the blanket I was left with. Smith was the last name they assigned me.

Gigi smiled brightly. “Rhysa. A lovely name. Do you always work Mondays?”

I felt slightly caught out by her question and found myself answering something I would normally never tell anyone. Rule number one: never confirm you will be anywhere at any time. That’s how you get jumped, raped, or beaten up.

And yet…

“Yes. Usually. I prefer the quiet nights.”

She nodded quickly. “I would be the same. I will be back next week and I’ll bring cake.”

She seemed so friendly and sincere. I almost believed she really would reappear next Monday with cake. “Maybe lose the bodyguards?”

She giggled, but it didn’t sound childish. It sounded magical. “I guess they do look like bodyguards.” She wrinkled her nose. “They are, unfortunately, my brothers. Dray and Bo.” She waved to Leather Fist first and then to the other, more aloof man who had stayed beside her. “And they don’t live here so they definitely won’t be with me when I return with your cake.”

“I really don’t need cake.”

Her eyes went wide. “Everyone needs cake, Rhysa. It’s cake. It’s practically the nectar of the gods!”

Bo rolled his eyes. “So books are air and cake is nectar now?”

She glared at him for five long seconds and then they both smiled and laughed.

Is this what it was like to have giant, manly, sweet brothers? They made it seem simultaneously exhausting and enthralling.

I handed her a bag that contained her new books. “Enjoy your fancy evening.”

She glanced down at the ballgown and groaned. “We really do need to go. Thank you best friend Rhysa! You’re a lifesaver!”

As she made for the door, Bo in tow, it was Dray who lingered, his gaze intense, confused, and drugging. Did I know him? Why was I so drawn to him? The whispers returned.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Then Dray nodded once and reluctantly moved to the door. The electric connection grew dimmer, the whispers faded, until there was nothing but emptiness left behind. I felt hollow and alone in a new way I didn’t like very much. Between the formal attire, the frantic book request, and the fact that my body had short-circuited, this was hands down the strangest night of my life.

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