QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD: Earthbound series Lucien and Scarlett (Book 2)


Did I believe what Logan had told Lucien? No, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t think she wouldn’t try at some point. Now we had to find out if it was true or not.

“Do you think your witch is telling the truth?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. As you’re fond of telling me, Scarlett has every reason to hate me.”

“Would she lie about something as serious as that?”

“No, I don’t think she would.”

“What are you going to do?” I replied as he raised the glass to his lips.

“For now, nothing. I will keep a closer eye on her, and if I even get a whiff of her wanting to end me. I will have no choice but to end her!”

“Watch your back, Lucien. “Don’t trust her,” I warned as he drank the rest of the liquid in the glass.

“I stopped trusting her a long time ago.”



Her hands tightened into fights, eyes bulging, arms dangling at her sides. “Don’t be so stupid. It’s too dangerous.” Pamela yelled out.

All eyes watched with interest.

Turning my head, I said, “I have to.”

A line etched between her brows, Emma said as she stepped forward. “You’re not thinking clearly; you need to think of Joshua.”

“I am, I have done nothing else but think of my child. If she knows or finds out about Joshua, she will do everything in her power to harm him, and I will not let that happen.”

Her eyes slightly stirred to anger, her expression one of horrified disapproval, Pamela replied, “So you’re going there to do what? Stop her?”

“I’m going to kill her!”

With a shrug, Melissa said, “If I’m ever in the same predicament, I’d do the same.”

As she glanced at Melissa with a frosty look. “Ugh, you’re not helping matters,” Pamela muttered.

Melissa turned her head towards Pamela. “You might mean well, but you have never had a child, so you can’t relate to how Scarlett is feeling. I can.”

“Are you for real, Melissa? Have you thought about her child?” Pamela said as she whirled around to face me, “What about Joshua? Are you taking him with you?”

“No,” I replied, rolling my eyes. Does Pamela think I’m entirely reckless?

“Then who is going to look after him?”


As she flung her hands up in the air in disbelief. Her mouth in a firm line of disapproval, Pamela replied, “You’re fucking shitting me! You can’t trust her. She’s a witch.”

Crossing her arms over her chest Melissa replied, “I think Scarlett knows exactly what she’s doing. Astrid is many things, but she would never hurt a child.”

“What do you care? Recently, you wanted me to get rid of him!” I reminded her as I watched her eyes narrow and her mouth thinned, “You seem to forget we are witches, and Astrid is the best bet. While he is with her, he will be safe. No one will get to him.”

“You know what I’m talking about. Astrid isn’t like us. She’s a full-blood witch.” Her gaze darted from face to face, seeing if anybody was going to back her up. No one stepped forward. She was on her own.

Her full lips flattened into a thin line as her gaze rested on her.  Melissa said “No, Pamela, she isn’t. She is part human.”

“That is neither here nor there. She is unstable,” Pamela protested; surely, they can see where she’s coming from. Astrid is dangerous.

Shaking her head as her frown drew her brows into a straight-line Melissa said, “She has learned to control the witch, and if she feels the witch is too close to the surface, she hides herself away.”

Her lips pulled down in a grimace. “I don’t care, Melissa. She is dangerous.” Pamela replied.

“If Astrid agrees, then I will get her to pick up Joshua first thing in the morning.” I’ve decided on what I am going to do, and nothing will sway it.

Her face tightened like a mask; her eyes glazed over like a crazed windscreen. Pamela replied. “Nothing I can say can change your mind.”


With a bite in her voice, Pamela said,  “I think you are making a terrible mistake, but it is your choice.” Turning she stomped out of the room.

Ignoring what had just happened, I turned my attention to Melissa. “Can you get hold of Astrid?”

“Yes. You realize Astrid may want to take him back to her home.”

“If that is what will keep Joshua safe.”

“I will send a message to her,” Melissa replied, turned, and sat down on one of the chairs.

With a hopeful smile Evelyn said, “Scarlett, we might not agree with what you want to do, but we have your back, and Pamela will eventually come around.”

Walking towards me, Abigail said, “We will not let you face either of them on your own.”

“I can’t let you come back with me,” I burst out, shocked.

“You have no choice,” comes the voice from the doorway. I turned my head as Pamela calmly walked over the threshold and walked towards me, “I might disagree with what you want to do, but some part of me understands why you want to do it, and they are correct. We are family, and we always have each other’s backs, no matter how much we might disagree with each other.”

I shook my head as tears gathered in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. “You will all be in danger.”

As she appeared in the room, Astrid said “Our kind has always been in danger, and that won’t ever change.”

“Astrid. Where the hell did you come from?” Mia said as she walked towards her.

As she turned her gaze to me. Astrid said, “Home. Where else would I have been? Melissa told me that Scarlett wants to ask me something.”

“I’m going back, and I need someone to look after and watch over Joshua while I’m gone.”

Her lips quivered as her hands gripped each other. “And you want that person to me?”


Her eyes widened in surprise, as her voice thickened with emotion. “You trust me to keep your child safe?”

Flashing her a smile I said, “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be asking you; I know you will protect him as if he was your own.”

A half smile creased her mouth, as Astrid replied. “Yes, I would. I’d give my life for his. I will take him to my home. That will be the safest place for him.”

“Don’t you mean your cave?” Pamela said sarcastically.

Turning her head towards Pamela, Astrid blinked in bewilderment and scrunched her eyebrows together. “No, the cave isn’t my home.”

I’ve had enough! “Pamela, just stop. I have made my choice so deal with it. Astrid, ignore her. Can you pick him up tomorrow morning?”

Turning her head towards me, Astrid nodded. “Yes. I will be here first thing.”

“Hold on,” Pamela interrupted, facing Astrid with a soured expression, “what do you expect in return?”

“Nothing.” Astrid replied, turned her head, and looked at everyone as she said, “I don’t know why you all think I am entirely heartless. I’m not!”

“It’s not that we think you’re heartless,” Mia protested; she met Pamela’s harsh glare with one of her own before she turned her head to look back at Astrid. “it’s just sometimes you can come across as … well, cold.”

“I can’t help that,” Astrid protested, “I am nearly a full-blood, and if I am feeling … not my best, then I keep away. I have learned to some extent to keep my witch under control, but sometimes it … is hard,”

As she placed her hand on Astrid’s shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze Melissa replied, “We know that and we thank you for doing that from the bottom of our hearts.”

“I will be back tomorrow to pick up the child.” She vanished as if she had never been there.

“Astrid has always been different,” Melissa said, reminding everybody who Astrid was to them, “and she is family, and we have to accept her as she is.”

I heard the mumbled agreement. Being more full-blood than not meant Astrid could be dangerous. Thank heavens she has learned to control her witch, and when she realizes her witch is taking over, she cuts herself off.

“When I leave tomorrow, none of you have to come with me. It could put you all in danger.”

“Whether we go or stay here, we could still be in danger, and we need to stick together,” Melissa replied. “You’re not going on your own. We are coming with you.”

I had been prepared to go alone but to have them by my side. I felt nothing but relief flood through my body.

Melissa’s voice drew my attention; no one could miss the exciting catch to the tone, “Scarlett, Lucien is going to demand proof, and I have the thing to prove it. Well, I will when it’s back in my hands. My little fly-spy records everything, and once I get it off her, then you will have all the proof you need.”

By the peeved expression on her face, I could tell that Pamela wasn’t at all happy with Melissa’s idea. “And how the hell are you going to get it off her?” Pamela replied, “It’s not like you can just go up to her, give her a hug and walk off”

A slight tremor of anger tainted her voice as Melissa replied, “No, it will not be that easy. One of us is going to have to challenge Aria.”

“So, whoever approaches her will have to fight her?” I asked.

Inclining her head in agreement Melissa replied, “Yes.”

“It must be me. I think if any of you approach her. She’ll be suspicious.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ava said, “you have just had a baby; you’ll still be weak.”

Turning my head around, I replied, “I’m not that weak, and my witch will protect me. I have to do this. If I can’t prove to Lucien that Aria will try to kill him, then he, in all possibility, could turn on me. This is going to be my one chance to weaken her enough before I go in for the kill.”

“I don’t like this plan either, and I hate to say it, Scarlett’s right. Aria has already tried to harm her, so she shouldn’t be suspicious when Scarlett attacks her,” Pamela agreed.

Swinging my head back around so I was staring at Melissa I asked, “Melissa, where did you put the fly-spy on her body?”

“On the right side of her neck. I’ll give you the charm spell, so it releases itself and lands on your own body. Once you have muttered the words, it won’t take long to un-attach itself from her and attach itself to you. Then hightail it out of there. The charm spell has only three words, so you shouldn’t forget them, but I still want you to repeat them over and over until it’s embedded in your mind.” Melissa said, “The three words are ram, bank, fly.”

I repeat the words repeatedly: ram, bank, fly, ram, bank, fly. Shit, knowing my luck, I will forget them or get them mixed up.


My baby has gone.

I felt empty.

Astrid had arrived and taken Joshua. Before she’d left, she had reassured me she’d keep me updated. I had hated seeing him go, but it was for his own safety. I didn’t know how to tell Lucien that he had a son. Who knew that a human witch and a demon could have a child together? It must be because of my omega.

I turned to face my family and lifted the satchel onto my shoulder. The portal whirling was behind them. I watched as, one by one, they stepped through. I walked past Melissa, giving her a slight smile before stepping in. As I reached the other side, I turned and watched as Melissa arrived and watched as it closed behind her. Turning as one, we gazed at the open landscape before us. From here, it will take us a couple of hours to get to Lucien’s.

The structure loomed before us. I hadn’t realized how threatening it was until now. I turned my head and looked at the women surrounding me. I saw the determination on their faces and wondered if mine had the same expression.

“So, how are we going to play this?” Mia said with a frown as she stood there staring at the building. “Do we knock on the door and wait to be let in, or do we just walk in?”

Turning to face her, Melissa said, “We need an element of surprise, so we just walk in.”

As I started to walk towards the building I called out. “If we carry on staying here like a group of weirdos, then there won’t be any kind of surprise,” I listened as I heard their running footsteps banging off the concrete as they caught up. Lucien is in that building somewhere, and somehow, I have to convince him that Aria wants him dead. This is going to be one of the biggest challenges of my life.

Reaching the large wooden door, I grabbed the handle and turned it. I’m surprised that the door opened with no problem. Pushed the door away from me and stepped through the thresh hold. I can’t help feeling astonished that there isn’t a living soul waiting for us in the vast hallway.

As she walked up behind me Abigail whispered, “Where is everyone?”

“I don’t know,” I replied. How was I supposed to know?

As she looked around Pamela said, “I would have thought there would be somebody walking around.”

“So did I,” I walked further in.

“So, what do we do now?” Melissa said, “shall we shout out or just wait here until somebody arrives?”

Looking around her, Ava said, “Don’t you think it’s strange that the door opened with no problem?”

Turning her head to look over at her, “No, I don’t,” Pamela replied, “After all, who’s going to harm Lucien Sinclair?”

“Aria,” I heard the huff as our gazes met. I took no notice; I could not see the point. She’s made it plain as the nose on her face that she’s not happy with my discussions, and I honestly don’t care. I have more important things on my mind. I turned my head and looked around the entrance of the enormous building.

Sensing the tension between myself and Pamela. Mia said. “Unless she is a higher level of a demon than Lucien, I can’t see her even hurting him.”

Turning her head to stare at Mia, Melissa replied, “It would be hard to hurt or kill him, but it isn’t impossible.”

At her words, silence falls around us. I have to find Lucien; I can’t put it off any longer. With determination once again, I walked away from my family.

I can hear their footsteps as they scurry after me.

As she caught up and walked beside me, Ava asked, “Where are we going? Lucien could be anywhere.”

“We will try his office first, then if he’s not there, we carry onto the room he held the meetings in,” I told them as we walked down the hallway that led to his office.

It seemed to take forever before we reached our destination. I hesitate to go in.

Crossing her arms Abigail huffed, “Are we going to go in or just stand here like idiots!”

As I put my ear on the wooden door, I whispered “Shh, I’m trying to hear if anyone’s in there,” Not a sound comes from inside the room. “I don’t think anyone’s in there.”

“This is stupid. Just knock on the door,” Abigail said behind me.

“Shh. I’m trying to hear.”

I heard the hard bang, bang above my head and felt the door vibrate, causing my head to jar. What the hell? I stood up and spun around on my feet until I was facing Abigail. “Did you really have to do that?”

Abigail shrugged and said offhandedly, “I was fed up with waiting.”

God, she was unbelievable sometimes.

Not a sound came from the room.

As she smiled with satisfaction. Abigail replied “That answers that question.”

“Ladies, what are you doing?” boomed the deep Scottish voice behind us, causing us to jump in shocked surprise.

We span around in shock. A black-clad figure of a man stood before us. His massive shoulders filled the long leather coat he wore, his powerful body moved with an effortless grace as he walked towards us. The shadow of his beard gave him an even more manly aura. His face was bronzed by wind and sun and had a commanding manner.

“Who are you?” He spoke with extraordinary authority.

Stepping forward, mouth tightened in irritation Pamela said, “It doesn’t matter who we are. Who are you?”

Rotating his head in a slow movement. “My name’s Callum lassie. Now, who are you and what are you doing in my home?” he demanded.

“Your home?” I asked, shaking my head. Who was this guy? This makes little sense. “Lucien owns this building.”

His brow dipped low over narrowed eyes as he took in our appearance. “Aye, he does,” he agreed with a nod, “but so do I. Now, ladies, why are you here?”

“As my sister just said, we are looking for Lucien. We must see him, but he’s not in the office he uses,” Pamela explained.

As he stroked his beard he informed us, “If he’s not in the room behind you, then I expect he is in the large hall or at one of his other properties. If he’s not in one of those, then I can’t help you, lassies.”

As we hurried past, I replied, “Thank you. We will look there.”

As we rushed down the hall, he shouted out, “Make sure you tell Lucien that you saw me and if I’m needed, all you have to do is call out my name.”

Asked as she turned her head over her shoulder to look back at the man who stood there watching us. Pamela asked. “Scarlett, have you ever heard about him or seen him before?”

If we need him?  This isn’t making sense. Who the hell is he?

“No.” I shook my head. “I think we should mention him to Lucien.” I heard the mutterings of agreement, “How can two people own the same property? I mean, is it allowed?”

Taking a deep breath, Melissa replied, “Yes, but only two naturals or two humans may own the same property. It’s not allowed for a human and natural to own a property together.”

Without another word uttered, we make our way through one hallway, then down another, until we are standing outside the wooden doors of the meeting room.

Ava asked in a low whisper. “Do we knock or just go in?”

“Just go in. If there’s no one there, then we have to go to Lucien’s club,” I answered. He must be somewhere.

I reached out grabbed a door handle in each hand; I turned the handles and pushed the doors open. We slowly walked into an empty room. Damn, it looks like we have no choice. We have to take another trip.

I want this to be over and done with. “Melissa, can you take us there by portal?” I asked her.

Melissa held her arms up and chanted with a nod of acknowledgment. Twirling her hands in a round motion. We watched as a portal appeared. It grew in size and strength; the colors changed until it was large enough for a fully grown man or woman to walk through.

Melissa is the last to walk through. Turning my head, I looked around the large hall. Instantly, I recognized where I was.

“It looks like we’re on the second floor,” nodding towards the double doors. “Through those double doors are the stairs to the next levels of pleasure. The other door should lead us to where the living quarters are and the hall where Lucien held the first meeting.” I walked towards the single wooden door to my left. “It shouldn’t take us long to get to the meeting room.”

I knew if somebody saw us, it wouldn’t take long before Lucien or Aria knew we were here.

Sighing with relief as we reached the large doors of the meeting room. I turned my head left, then right, taking in the expressions on the faces of my sisters and cousins. They all have the same look. A look of nervousness and worry. I have this feeling that Lucien and the rest of the leaders are sitting behind those doors.

Taking a deep breath, “Are you ready?” I asked as I met their gazes.

They nod simultaneously. I turned back to face the double doors, and taking the handles in a firm grip, I twisted, and with all my might, I pushed the heavy wooden doors wide open and listened as with a huge bang they hit the stone walls on either side.

All heads swung in our direction.


I have always been the type of male who has kept his true feelings close to his chest. This isn’t an exception to the rule.

I sat, my face void of any emotion. Since Scarlett had left me, it had been a struggle to keep my demon under control. He knew why I did what I did; even so, he challenged me at every turn. I would not accept that she had left me. She is mine. How dare she leave me and take what belonged to me? How can she not believe what I told her? She is mine. Once I find her, she will fall to her knees, begging me for forgiveness. I will show her the error of her thinking.

As always, Aria was by my side. Damien sat on the other side, and a handful of my men were at our backs. Jaden, along with Leigh, had left to go to see Drake. I expected them back by the end of the week, if not sooner.

Chamuel is still in the wind, and I could have used his fucking help right now. He would usually be stood at my back out of sight. Fuck, it’s a mess. How can an angel just disappear? It should be impossible! Damien had had no luck in trying to find out where he was.

Finding out my suspicions about someone I had once trusted no longer shocked me. So far, nothing has made me suspicious. Aria hasn’t changed towards me. That hasn’t made me believe she isn’t planning to kill me. I will never accept the false bonding mark as anything more than that; it burns like a bitch; if either end reaches the other and blends into one, I am fucked. I would never accept it as anything but a false bond. I will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Finding out that the bitch is trying to kill me doesn’t sit well. Do I believe what I was told? I can’t take the chance not to.

My gaze roamed over the expressions of the men and women sitting at the large table around me. I had invited Adrian to join us. Malcolm, the fucker, as usual, had tried to take over the meeting. Aadya had put him in his place. He hadn’t been too pleased with her put down.

Jacob, Alex, and a handful of his men were sitting to my left, as were Jax and his men. Jacob’s mate hadn’t come this time around, and Jacob hadn’t given a reason for her absence. Gil-Galad sat on the other side of Jacob, and, as usual, his warrior women were standing at his side and back. Along with five of his men, Reid is sitting next to Jax. Archer is seated at the table and three of his men for once. Malcolm, Aadya, and six other councilors were sitting down at the end of the table. They were dying to know where she and her family were.

“I’ve asked Adrian to join us for an update on our young guest,” I told them as I gauged their reactions to my news. “He will tell you more later on in the meeting.”

After hearing my announcement, Malcolm sat up and took notice. I listened to the muttering that came from Malcolm as he glared through narrowed eyes. “That’s fine, as long as we get the answers to the questions, we will ask!”

“If Adrian can answer them, then he will.” Fucking little cunt, I can’t stand the fucker.

As he eyed Lucien with suspicion, “We shall see,” Malcolm replied, “There is one thing I’d like answered. Why haven’t the witches attended this meeting? They are under your supervision, after all.”

I knew the question would come, and what surprised me was it came from Malcolm. He must have gained some balls since I last saw him.

He squirmed under my scrutiny; his eyes shifted toward Aria as if he was waiting for her approval. I didn’t show my hand. I didn’t want either of them to notice I saw the look they gave each other. He now had my interest piqued, “They are not your concern. As you stated, they are under my care and supervision.”

“Malcolm has a point,” Aria said as she sent a small smile towards Malcolm. “I’m sure Malcolm isn’t the only one wondering where they are. After all, they have been at every meeting we have held, and, unusually, they aren’t here.”

She whipped her head around and stared, giving a light laugh as she laid her slim hand on my arm. I placed my hands over the top of her own, gripping it firmly. From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of red come and go in her eyes. That flash, no matter how brief, was a challenge. “Even I’m wondering where they are, my love.” Her angelic smile didn’t fool me.

She’s playing a dangerous game. One I have no time for. For the first time in a long while, I connect our link.

I saw her eyes widen in surprised shock as she felt our links emerge. Tightening my grip around her hand, my fingers bit deeply into her flesh, her face tightened. ‘Are you challenging me?

She shifted uneasily; her gaze darted around as if she was searching for an escape, finding none; her head rapidly moved from side to side, as her mind touched mine. ‘No, of course not. You know I am loyal to you. But you realize that once one has questioned you about where the witches are, they will all follow suit!’

‘That may be the case, but you questioning me doesn’t show those around this table that you are loyal to me. After all, aren’t you meant to be my mate? You should show your loyalty to me. Disrespect me again, and you will not like the consequence. QUESTION ME AGAIN, and the outcome won’t be to your liking!’ I released her hand as I turned my head to face the others.

The doors hit the stone walls on either side with a tremendous bang. Every single head in that room turned, including my own.

Stood in the entrance, along with her family, was the woman I had been looking for. I stared at the woman who had left me. She looked the same. The one thing I wanted to know was, where the hell is my child?

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