Queen of Blood

Chapter 2

When both dragons arrived in Thailand, the sun was at its highest point in the sky. Both noticed the heat and humidity of the jungle forest around them.

The Fortress of the High Council stayed covered by a dense forest of diverse trees. For anyone to enter, the visitor had to climb up a waterfall settled on the mountain. Zeydar and Harendat followed the current of the river on land and ascended through the waterfall, only to disappear amongst the trees on top of the rock.

When they crossed the veil of green, a tall entrance of white rock received them with the statues of the deities to adorn the path that directed them to a main hall where it divided into other halls that headed to different parts of the Fortress.

In both sides, the current of the cascade gently stroked the sides of the entrance hallway, making it a pond for a road of water lilies that added an ounce of color for the sight of those who arrived.

A young boy whose name is not important and that was wearing simple and light robes, greeted them with a bow of his bald head. “Welcome to the Fortress of the High Council.” He spoke with a slight accent and a voice that still needed to go through changes to make it the one of a man. “Please, follow me.”

Arline and Aidan did. Arline was in disbelief at the size of the structure displayed in front of her but Aidan could only look front, where his gaze hardened. He distinguished an old man wearing much more luxurious fabrics than the boy, and a golden necklace with rubies and diamonds, who was waiting for them on the entrance of the main building.

“Welcome.” He politely bowed his head and dismissed the young boy with the bare move of his hand.

“Arline, this is Ruang Sak Adulyadej, Holy Messenger of the High Council.” Aidan kindly introduced them. The man scanned Arline quickly and bowed his head, something she copied.

The old man had the same shaved head as the boy, showing a very well taken care of tan skin, typical of the region they spent everyday in. He was a very average looking man except for his bright green eyes that followed everyone around.

It was known that Ruang Sak Adulyadej had an obsession with the Deities and since he was young he intended to become the Holy Messenger in order to preserve the authority of the Gods, despite them never blessing him with any gift of nature besides his wit and mental strength.

“Greetings dear Prince and daughter of Pelagius.” The last part was said almost as if he was chugging poison. “It is my responsibility to inform you the Council will reunite when the sun sets on the waterfall. Until then I hope you find the Holy Grounds comfortable.” Ruang Sak left after giving them the heads up and they continued their paths to one of the bedrooms.

“A dress is settled for tonight.” Aidan showed her the piece of clothing. It was a simple, long sleeved and dark blue dress “And you will wear this.” He carefully placed the pearl necklace on her bed.

“His idea I assume.” Arline asked to which he only nodded. Merrick knew how hesitant she always was about wearing those pearls around her neck. Arline believed it made her look entitled to things she didn’t deserve nor could get. To her the necklace was almost as a neon sign that hung around her neck that said “Hey, look at me”. Clearly Merrick thought differently.

“I will come for you before the meeting. I do not advice you to get out.” Arline nodded and left her in the extensive room lightened by lanterns.

The balcony had a view to the rest of the rooms, having a deep and big pond as the center. Behind some of the rooms, small streams of water fell down the mountains that surrounded the structures, filled with different varieties of plants that blossomed around and every kind of animal you could imagine, real or mythical.

When Aidan picked her up, they headed straight to the Round of Order, where councils of this sort took place. Aidan explained to her what kind of councils these were.

Improvised councils, with no other goal other than to check around the kingdoms.

Seats for the different representatives of each kingdom were settled around an immense round, black marble table. Some important faces were already in their places when they arrived, and Arline’s stomach was jumping up and down from how nervous she felt. She took a seat where Aidan assigned her to be and waited.

“No one will kill you, Arline.” The Frontlord reassured her when he saw she was dangerously playing with the skin around her nails.

She stayed silent, without wanting or being able to articulate a word and then, the door opened behind them. Quick footsteps approached their location, and without even having to look, she knew the Dark Prince had entered the room. The lights dimming around the walls gave him away and his subtle lavender scent impregnated her nostrils.

Merrick whispered something to Aidan and then sat on the seat next to her. No words directed to her, not even the slightest glance. And Arline was terrified to even turn her neck to face him. Not enough time had passed for her to get used to his presence and the Holy Messenger entered the room.

“I am very grateful for this Council to have reunited in such short notice.” Ruang Sak happily spoke after setting a coral snake on the table that began creeping around the table. “First, we shall debate Prince Larsin Dortamus’ rushed execution date, the High Inquisitors believe -”

“Rushed?” Merrick’s anger was over the roof and could be felt in the tone he used to cut the Holy Messenger. “The former Prince is a traitor, who has confessed his betrayal.” He added, calming his thoughts and his tongue. “I do not believe his execution should be delayed any longer considering the dangerous associations he made with certain tribes.” For Arline’s liking, Merrick sounded too excited to have his brother’s head cut off.

“Who in this room approves on the execution taking place before winter?” Ruang Sak asked everyone, but looked straight into Merrick’s eyes, letting him consider to challenge his word. To which the Dark Prince didn’t seem impressed in the slightest, he was more so annoyed at the old man.

From the eight representatives of the kingdoms, everyone agreed on letting the rebellious Prince’s head roll, something that allowed Merrick to loosen up a little and which made Ruang Sak’s blood boil with hatred. A crystal orb hit the table, meaning a decision was made.

“We have a more delicate subject on our hands.” The Holy Messenger continued, as if condemning someone to die wasn’t important. “As is of common knowledge, Arline Cole, whom is present today, has being recognized as a Child of Pelagius, the Great Deity of Water.” The place was tense and no one spoke a word, as the entire room had their eyes entirely directed towards them. “But more importantly, she was the main component in King Merrick’s plan to take over the throne.”

“I needed powerful allies and I was certain the Messengers of this Council were not going to work as such, considering the past.” The King’s tone was inciting a conflict but with the same calmness he tended to approach his little brother. Out of the four Messengers of the Council, Ruang Sak had the rockiest relationship with Merrick, Cadel and the Kingdom of Reiska in its entirety.

“Ms. Cole.” Ruang Sak ignored the King’s passive-aggressiveness “Why did you ally with the Dark Prince?” Arline couldn’t believe the questions being put in front of her, and noticed how Merrick rolled his eyes to the back of his head. Even she wanted to ask the Holy Messenger if he knew what Larsin had done to her, Merrick and the kingdom in general.

Arline had to measure her words and be diplomatic. “Prince Larsin poisoned me, your Holiness, and the now King saved my life.” Arline expressed with calmness. “I only considered it appropriate to help him take back his birthright.” She was acting too collected considering the questioning was intended for her to say she wanted the power and advantages that came with expressing loyalty to the Crown.

The Holy Council was treating Arline as an illiterate human, she knew that first hand.

“Where have you been this past months, Ms. Cole?” That question hit her like a truck and she froze. Arline didn’t want to mess up anything that Aidan and the rest might have invented for her absence but didn’t know what to respond.

“She was sent on searching missions on the mountains.” Merrick stepped in. “What is the point of this absurd questioning of yours?” He protested still seated on the dark wooden chair, squinting his eyes and pressing his jaw tight.

“I have to agree with the King of Reiska.” Princess Valerya spoke in behalf of the rest of the members present at the table, as she saw that no one was going to interfere. “We all know why we are here for and I must say, I do not oppose.” With those words she looked at Merrick and Aidan, giving them a complicit smile.

Princess Valerya Leonidova was the ruler of Zizbaidiry, the kingdom of the North Tundras. She had the palest skin in the room. Even in the darkness of the room you could still distinguish her. Her hair was almost a perfect match to her skin. But to add dimension into her features, her eyes were the color of amber. It made the perfect contrast between fire and ice.

The Ice Princess was tall and slim, but with a posture that always denoted how uncomfortable she was to wear a crown on her head. That was why she always wore some sort ofmasculine clothes and placed a cloak over it, only leaving her very long hair to work as her only accessory.

The representatives of nations such as Tessenisit, Pozarite, the Empire of Gale, and the most powerful kingdoms that belonged to the Old Empire didn’t seem to hate the proposition made in the papyrus sent to them before hand. Arline knew what they were voting for. For her to host the Queen of Blood, this was a synonym of them wanting her dead and Larsin and Merlina killed, but she couldn’t tell which kingdom wanted which outcome.

“I believe you do not oppose either.” The Holy Messenger stood in front of her and she shook her head, almost as if he was giving her a choice. “I will need your hand.” He asked and Arline stood up.

With a dagger he slashed her entire hand and made a pattern with her life lines on her skin. With the blood that escaped the cuts, she filled a cup that held the poison from the snake circling around.

Before she could drink that disgusting mix of liquids, the High Inquisitor made the blade penetrate through the cut previously made, which caused Arline to grunt. Just then she could sip from the cup. The taste of the poison and the warmth of her blood making her gag as it touched her tongue. Ruang Sak removed the dagger from the wound in one movement and took her hand to impregnate the sword of the Queen of Blood with hers.

“Congratulations.” He bitterly said to the Heir of Pelagius with a devious smile forming on his face.

In her room, Arline was in excruciating pain trying to hold her screams inside her body when a knock on her door made her direct her attention somewhere else. The open door revealed the King and his Counselor, who entered her room without a word.

“You are coming back to Reiska.” Merrick coldly informed her, almost ordering her. Now that she took a closer look at him, Arline noticed he had cut his hair short and let his curls to be present for the first since she had seen him.

“Merrick.” Aidan tried to calm his mood before he said something stupid that he was going to regret in the future.

The amount of things he could have said to her would never end, and none of them would have been with hatred. Merrick was angry and hurt by her lack of trust in him, but the King knew his heart forgave her for leaving that same night she abandoned the castle.

Still, he didn’t want to approach her and handle being around her because it hurt him to just look at her. Translating on his grumpy mood and insufferable tone of anger in his voice.

“We leave tomorrow.” He only announced and left the room. Even as angry as he sounded, Arline had missed his voice. It didn’t matter the tone he used on her. She had missed him.

“Give him time.” Aidan comforted her and left, following his friend and superior.

So that is the Commander of the Army and Captain of the Fleet that Larsin despised so much.” Arline thought once they left her alone.

That night she didn’t eat. Arline still felt the texture of the blood on her mouth and made her nauseous. She stood on the bathtub for longer than usual, reminiscing about the past. Almost regretting her decisions, but everything had led her to this. She was hosting the spirit of the Queen of Blood and nothing could change that.

Despite being tired, sleep didn’t find Arline and she chose to spend her night sitting on the balcony. The immense pond in front of her room glowed in the dark in a bluish green light. And when she focused her eyes to the darkness of the small mountains behind some of the rooms, she saw the familiar pair of crimson eyes that followed her everywhere, keeping her safe.

In the early hours of the morning, someone knocked on her door to let her know her dragon was ready for their flight back “home”, and she followed this young man to the front door of the fortress.

“The rarest kind of dragon.” The voice of Ruang Sak spoke to her in the solitude of the pavilion. “A beast with no comparison, young Arline.” She didn’t like him calling her that. It reminded her of the kindness Tua Nui had for her. But this man only wanted to see her suffer.

Zeydar on the other hand, quickly turned her face and positioned her body to cover her master and planted in front of the man, showing her large teeth with the trembling melody of her growling. Arline began caressing the scales of her dragon, trying to calm her down and prevent a catastrophe.

“I would not get too close, Ruang Sak.” Merrick said from behind them, and approached Zeydar confidently petting her, making the creature relax at his touch. He didn’t refer to keep his distance with the dragon, but with its rider.

The goodbyes were brief and they jumped on the dragons to return to Reiska. In the entire time they spent settling the dragons, he didn’t direct a word to her. He chose to act as if one of the most important people in his life didn’t exist.

They flew away, descending alongside the waterfall and headed to the ocean. Arline spent almost the entire trip near the surface of the water, letting her power to take over her. And as an excuse to avoid having contact with Merrick. While the King above didn’t waste a chance to keep an eye on her to make sure she was safe.

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