Queen Alpha

Chapter 65

Cheyenne’s POV

It’s been about week after all the chaos. Between dealing with momma, my sisters, and then my heat, I thought I was going to lose my shit. Gunner was right there with me every step of the way though. He made sure I always had everything I needed and wanted.

We started working on making a master map of all the territories in the US to find a piece of land that would be large enough to build the royal court and prison on. We had already considered the humans and places they vacationed and whatnot. It looked like the best place to build was going to be between some mountain tops in the Rockies. I laughed to myself knowing how much Ella hated the cold.

Nik helped me write up the proposal after talking to Charlie to see about putting a cloaking spell on the place so if anybody did wonder into the area, they wouldn’t see it. Charlie agreed to help us along with Alex and a few other very powerful witches they knew. After sending out the proposal to the Alphas in the US, I had to contact the rest around the world.

I started with Alpha Isaac in Iceland since he was the only one I had met so far. He then helped me get in contact with the rest. I explained to each and every one who I was and what my intensions were. Some have asked that I make a trip to their pack so their people could see me in person and know that I was real, more or less.

After considering all these requests, I talked to Gunner about it. Afterall, he was going to be my King so he would have to go with me everywhere. He thought it was a good idea so we started planning our trips. We would hit one country a month, unless they were smaller then we planned two countries a month. We would spend about two or three days at each pack before moving onto the next.

With the way it all timed out, we would be able to come back home for about a week between each country, possibly two weeks, so that we could catch up and deal with things back here. While we going to be gone, Jax and Tora would be filling in for us. Not to make any decisions but like our secretaries kind of thing. If any emergency were to arise then they would call us and get our orders.

Nik and Derek both planned on stepping down at the end of year. Nik had been busy with showing Ben how things would work once he took over and the planning of the ceremony had already started. Ben had also proposed to Chelsea and they were going to get married before he took over his dad’s title so we also had that to plan. Ben and Chelsea opted to do their Alpha and Luna ceremony together at the same time so that helped us out a lot.

Since Gunner couldn’t take his dad’s place as the next beta, Ben had to choose someone else. We all knew this was going to happen so it came as no surprise when it was brought up. What surprised us was who he chose.

“Dad I’ve thought long and hard on this one. I know it’s never been done before but I couldn’t find any rule or law the forbids it.” Ben started.

This caused all of us to stare at him with curiosity. Good thing I’m not a cat otherwise I might have been dead by now.

“I would like Tyler as my beta.” He said.

My jaw dropped. “My Ty? My older brother Tyler?” I asked like there were 5 million Tyler’s running around this pack alone.

Ben smirked at me, “Yes Princess. Your brother.”

“One – not a princess anymore. Two – I’ll kick your ass later for that. And three – why him?” I asked while holding up a finger to count off each thing.

Everyone laughed after the second one but got quiet again at the mention of number three. Ben shifted in his seat before replying.

“Because even though he is only an Omega in Wolf Claw, he still showed up to save you. Granted yes you’re family and family sticks together. But he knew he wasn’t going to make it home. At least not until you did what you did. There was no way an omega would make it out a live against an alpha let alone a lycan, but he still showed up anyways. Plus with being your family, it makes the pack look better.” He shrugged and smiled.

“He is very loyal, but if you do him wrong, just once, he’s done with you. Also, I don’t know if you know this or not but his mate is a human.” I said.

“There have been human Luna’s before.” Ben shrugged again.

“He’s correct on that one.” Nik said looking at me.

“Her father is one of the world’s best hunters.” I added.

“Oh, didn’t know that.” Ben looked at Nik.

“Let’s do some investigating on this situation. If she is true and loyal to Ty and her father is not going to be an issue than we can consider it. I would also have to talk to Brock about this, because he would be losing a pack member.” Nik said tapping his forefinger on the table.

Once we all agreed, and I promised not to say anything to Ty, we left the conference room and headed to grab some lunch. I was happy to see Tora and Chelsea sitting at a table already with papers and pictures everywhere and a calendar.

Tora and Chelsea really hit it off great. They were both driving their mates crazy with all the planning of ceremonies and the renovations of Jax and Tora’s house. There was one night both men came running into Gunner and I’s room, scaring the hell out of me, and one went under our bed while the other ran into the closet. Gunner got a good laugh while I glared at him. The girls had drove them over the edge that they just wanted to get away, so they hid in my room for about an hour. We all had a good laugh about it the next day.

“Hey Alida, Cheyenne, Princess, whatever the hell you are calling yourself now. Why don’t you call Ty and invite him, your dad, and your two little brothers to help us this afternoon with demo on Jax’s house?” Ben shouted across the kitchen.

“Free child labor? I’m in!” Jax laughed.

“It’s my house too ass-monkey!” Tora snorted.

“Ass-monkey?! Holy hell, you have been around that one WAY to long!” Ben rolled his eyes while pointing to me.

“Ass-monkey? I like that one. I might have to steal it.” Chelsea smiled.

“It’s not copyrighted, go for it.” I smiled back.

“Gunner, Jax, we’re in trouble. The girls are teaming up against us!” Ben said.

“I can take care of mine. What you worried about?” Gunner laughed while wiggling his eyebrows at me causing me to roll my eyes.

Instead of saying something smartass back, I turned my back to him, and then leaned on the table where Tora and Chels were sitting, giving him a full view of my ass. Yes I did it on purpose. I had to choke back the laugh that threatened to spill out when we all heard the growl coming from the guys direction. Even Chels and Tora were trying to hide their laughter too.

“Keep it up and we won’t make dinner.” Gunner growled.

“Sorry babe, chicks before dicks.” I called out over my shoulder before turning back towards the girls.

“WHAT!?” All three of them said in unison and that was it. The girls and I lost it. We were all doubled over laughing at them.

We grabbed some sandwiches for lunch and packed some food to take with us to Jax and Tora’s place. While Chels and Tora were doing that, I called my dad and invited them over to help. He gladly accepted but Ty wanted to bring his mate. It would make for the perfect opportunity to get to know her. I asked the guys about it, and they all agreed with me.

I asked Tora if she would be comfortable with a human around and she said as long as she doesn’t make a move on Jax then it would be fine, which was completely understandable. I relayed the message to Ty and gave them the address to the house. They were just going to meet us there.

Once we all arrived, Sam and Eli came barreling out of dad’s car screaming my name and tackled me to the ground.

“Nice to see ya’ll too.” I laughed. “Now get off of me.” I shoved each one to either side so I could at least sit up.

“You never come around anymore. So we are overdue for little bro torment!” Eli shrugged while same nodded in agreement before ruffling my hair.

“I’ll show you little bro torment!” I said with sly smirk before dragging him back down.

We wrestled around for a little bit before we heard my dad yell, “Kids knock it off before someone gets hurt!”

We stopped immediately, stood up, brushed the dirt off of us and laughed. It’s been so long since we had heard that line before. I looked over to where everyone was standing and Gunner was just shaking his head.

“What? I told you I’m just a big kid.” I shrugged.

“If ya’ll are done being childish, I would like you to meet my mate.” Ty grinned.

He pulled a female out from behind and she was beautiful. She had dirty blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. Her skin was nice and tan and flawless. She only stood a few inches taller than me, so naturally I had to make sure she wasn’t wearing any heals. When I looked down I saw boots! This human girl was wearing boots!!!!!

“She’s got boots on. I like her.” I said with a smile.

“Of course that would be the first thing you noticed.” Ty rolled his eyes. “Anyways, everyone this is Stephanie. Stephanie this is Jax, his mate Tora, Ben and his mate Chelsea, and Gunner and his mate and my sister Cheyenne.” Tyler made the introductions and pointed to each of us as he named us off.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Stephanie said with a soft smile.

“No need to be shy or afraid. We’re all friendly here.” Ben said.

“Who’s ready to work. Let’s get this show on the road shall we?” My dad said clapping his hands together.

“Where are we starting?” Tyler asked.

“Porch needs completely ripped out. But I want to save the wood for some other projects I have in mind. So as you take it apart, take the nails or screws out and then stack it up by size over there.” Tora said while pointing to a cleared-out spot by the tree line.

“Boys sounds like a job for you! Get busy!” My dad ordered. Neither one of them complained just nodded and headed towards the truck to get tools and then went straight to work.

Jax and the guys went up on the roof to start ripping the shingles off and to see what needed replaced. Tora led us girls inside told us what needed done. Tora and Chelsea started tearing out the cabinets in the kitchen and taking them out the back door while Stephanie and I started in the living ripping down the drywall, what was left of it anyways.

I took the time to get to know Stephanie a little bit better. She told me that her father was very ill and has been bed ridden for the last month or so. He might be one of the most feared men amongst our kind, but I still felt for her. I couldn’t imagine watching my dad go through that.

After a few hours of work, we all took a break to grab a bite to eat and rehydrate. We all joked around and almost started a food fight. Good thing my dad was here to keep my little brothers and me in line. We were always picking on each other. It wasn’t until the middle names got dropped that we stopped and just cringed. It’s true, it doesn’t matter how old you are, your parent called out your first and middle name in that certain tone, and you know you’re fucked.

“Speaking of names and children,” Gunner paused while looking at me, “Chelsea when you due?”

“I’m not pregnant.” She said lowering her head.

“You sure about that?” Gunner smirked.

Everybody was confused. It wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it. He looked at me and pointed towards his ear. I knew wolves had heightened hearing but lycan’s was even better. Even if she was pregnant, she would only be in like week 3 – ish. Give or take. I picked up his hint and focused on her stomach. Sure as shit, there was a faint second heartbeat.

“Holy fuck! Chels!!!!!” I jumped up, spilling my water on the ground, and ran to her and hugged her. “You are pregnant! I can hear it’s heartbeat!”

“Are you serious?” Ben and Chelsea asked at the same time.

“You better not be fuckin with me Chey. It’s not funny.” Ben said seriously.

“I’m not Ben. I pinkie promise!” I said holding my pinkie out.

“HEY! That’s our thing!” Tyler pouted.

“Great I still got four minors to care for.” My dad rolled his eyes causing all of us to laugh.

“Love ya dad!” I winked. “But back to you.” I said grabbing Chelsea’s shoulders. “I’m betting on a little girl!” I smiled.

“Let me see.” Tora said while coming over also. She held her hand out in front of Chelsea’s stomach, “Can I?” She asked.

“I guess so.” Chelsea shrugged not really knowing what to do about all of this.

“Nope. It’s a boy.” Tora smiled and removed her hand from Chelsea’s stomach.

“She is pregnant Ben. It’s not a joke. I hear it too.” Jax said.

“Holy sweet mother of baby Zeus! This means we get to plan a baby shower!” Tora exclaimed and Chelsea’s eyes lit up like the Christmas tree in New York.

All the guys at the same time, “Oh shit.”

“Well this means no more heavy lifting for you darlin.” I said. “You are now on inventory duty.”

“Inventory duty?” Ben asked.

“Yep. Just needs to count things that are being saved and write it all down. Sizes and quantities.” I smirked.

After the excitement of the new baby information, everybody got back to work. We spent the rest of daylight ripping this house down to it’s studs. By the time we were done, it was just the skeleton. I was amazed it went that fast. I thought it would take long than that to tear it all down. But I guess with the extra help from my family, things went a lot faster than planned.

That night I soaked in a hot bath relaxing all my aching muscles. I could tell a difference in my own body over the past couple months. I was toning up more and showing more muscle. I guess one of the perks of being the highest-ranking wolf and lycan now. I finished washing up, then got out to dry off. I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me.

Gunner was sitting on the couch with a blank look on his face. I stopped and asked if he was ok but got no response. Maybe he was mind linking someone. He has transitioned into part lycan like me now so maybe he got that ability where his eyes don’t glaze over anymore. I called his name a couple more times before he finally shook his head and looked at me.

“Sorry I was lost in thought.” He said while I grabbed one of his shirts from the closet to sleep in.

“What were you thinking about so hard?” I asked going over and sitting next to him.

“What are your thoughts on kids of our own?” He asked looking down at his hands in his lap. I could feel his nervousness coming through the bond.

“Babe, I have no objections to having our own kids someday. I would just like to get school done with and this world tour over with first.” I said softly as I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head so he was looking at me.

“That does make sense I guess. Can’t really be traveling if you’re pregnant.” He chuckled.

“Even if we pushed the traveling off to have a pup, then what would we do with it while we were gone? Leave it here for someone to watch? Or take it with us and expose it to the rest of packs and potentially put a target on it’s back?” I was trying to be logical and hoped that he understood what I was saying.

“Good point.” He nodded after thinking about it for a moment.

“I guess I could still do the online classes and take care of a pup.” I shrugged. “So guess we don’t need to push it off that much. Let’s just get this world tour done and then we’ll talk about it again. Ok?” I asked.

“Promise?” He replied.

“Pinkie promise.” I smiled.

“Nope that’s you and Ty thing. I’m not getting mixed up in that one!” He laughed.

“What he doesn’t know what hurt him right?” I laughed.

We ended up snuggling on the couch for a while before I fell asleep. I felt someone pick me up and based off the sparks that were going all over my body, I knew it was Gunner. He placed me on the bed and covered me up. I heard him walk around to his side and then he crawled in bed too. He pulled me closer to him and I turned and buried my face in his chest. Things were perfect. I wish it would stay like this forever.

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