Queen Alpha

Chapter 4

Mystery Guy’s POV

I was just walking up to the building when I heard a loud truck pull in. I looked across the lot to see a jacked-up 1980’s Dodge Ram 1500 pulling in.

“Kids these days. Always got to ruin a good thing.” I mumble to myself. Maddox just snorts back in my head in agreement. Just then I saw that Damon kid get out of the driver seat and walk around the back as the Tyler kid was getting out of the passenger seat.

“Should we go introduce ourselves?” Maddox asked jokingly.

“Put a cork in it.” I say just as I smell that sweet smell. I look back over just to see her jumping down from the truck. The guys laughing at her. I watch as they walk across the lot laughing and joking with each other.

“Maybe we should just kill them and get it done with.” Maddox growling in my head.

“We wait to hear from Ben. Then we’ll discuss it.” Trying to calm my wolf down was like trying to give a cat a bath. I was just about to walk into class when I seen her look my way. The eyes that have been haunting my dreams at night, staring at me. She continued to walk with those 2 guys. I had to find out who they were. Just then my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller I.D. Ben’s name popped up and Maddox was clawing at the sides of my mind. I hit the answer button, “Hello? Better be important.”

“Well good morning to you darlin.” Ben said while laughing.

“Call me that again and we’ll see who’s calling who ‘darling’. What do you want?” I snap back.

“Ok ok, don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I roll my eyes as he continues. “I finally found those guys you asked me to look up. You want the info now or you going to stop by here and see for yourself?”

“I’ll stop by; heading that way now.” I hang the phone up and turn around to start heading back. I would get there faster if I shifted but there was no secure place around this human town to shift without being seen. I take the shortcut threw the park and then threw the woods. I get back to the pack house where Ben is waiting on me.

“Don’t you look snazzy today.” He’s always got some smartass comment.

“Game tonight so we need to make this quick. What you got?” I walk past him into the pack house. We head to his room where he has 2 folders sitting on his desk.

“They are both from the Wolf Claw pack.” He states as handing me the folders. Wolf Claw was our neighboring pack. We shared the southwest territory line. They were one of the smaller packs in the region. Mostly kept to themselves; not the kind to draw any attention to them from humans for other wolves alike. “Damon is the Alpha’s son. Due to take over as alpha after he graduates from college. He’s their top warrior also. The Tyler kid is just an omega but seems to have somehow squeezed into being Damon’s best friend.”

“Do they have any siblings?” I ask flipping through the files.

“Damon has a younger sister who is still in high school at their local school. She seems to want nothing to do with anything if all the attention isn’t on her. What do you call them…attention whores?” I nod while looking through more paperwork when I see her picture. It wasn’t the runt. So who is she to him? I toss his file aside and start looking through Tyler’s file.

“Tyler has 7 siblings…”

“Holy fuckballs! His parents trying to create their own damn pack or what?” I look up at him with wide eyes.

“Tyler has 4 older sisters, a younger sister, and 2 younger brothers. The 2 of the older sisters have found their mates and moved. The other 2 older sisters have their own beauty salon on the edge of town. The younger one is enrolled at the human college…” he kept mumbling on but I had quit paying attention at the mention of the younger sister being at the same school. I immediately start flipping through the papers till I get to hers.

“So the little dude is her older brother and the other is the brother’s best friend.” Maddox says in my head, looking threw my eyes to see for himself.

“Looks like it.” I confirm in my head. “Can you get me background info on the parents of Tyler’s family?” I look at Ben hopefully.

“Yeah sure. Might take me a little while though. Both our dad’s will have my hide if they found out. What’s this all about anyways?” I hand the folder with Tyler’s info back to Ben while throwing Damon’s folder in the fireplace.

“Just curious.” I avoid the details. I couldn’t tell him what was going on before I knew exactly myself. Ben might have been a good friend to me, but the dude couldn’t keep his mouth shut half the time. “The sooner the better please and remember, this stays between us and the fireplace.” I point between him and me and the fireplace.

“I got you. No worries.” He smirks.

“Good. Give me a call when you got something. I have to get back to school.” I start heading back towards the door.

“Hey just take my car. Keys are in the bowl by the door. Remember you wreck it you buy it.” He shouts from behind me. I gave him a thumbs up without turning around. I found the keys and head out to his car. I get in and adjust the seat and steering wheel. Damn kid thinks he needs to lay down in the backseat apparently.

I get back to the school just in time to make it for my last 2 classes. Not that I could pay much attention to anything the professors were saying though. Maddox going crazy in my head wanting to know more about this Tyler guy.

“You need to chill out. We don’t know these people. We can’t just go assuming that they’re bad people. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up liking them.” I tell him.

“Fat chance in hell! What if she’s in danger? What if they’re holding her against her will!” Maddox pacing in my head was starting to give me a headache.

“Look, we keep our distance till we know what exactly we’re dealing with ok? If she is in danger then we’ll rip them limb for limb; but until then, we have to lay low.” I try to calm him down so I don’t wolf out right in the middle of class surrounded by humans. He finally agrees and recedes to the back of my mind to lay down and take a nap. Thank the Moon Goddess because I don’t know if I could deal with him much longer.

Classes are finally over, and I have a couple hours before having to be back at the locker room for the pre-game warm-ups. I almost forgot that I had Ben’s car till I reached in my pocket for my phone and felt the keys. I was walking towards the car when I saw 4 guys standing around it. I stop and listen to what they were saying before heading over, wanting to make sure there wouldn’t be a problem. It was just some human guys drooling over the car. I rolled my eyes and make my way over. When I hit the unlock button on the key fob, all the guys jumped and looked in my direction. One was trying to talk to me as I got in, but I just ignored him and shut the door.

I head up the road to the local café to get something quick to eat. I knew if I ate in Ben’s car, he would murder me. Well, he would attempt to at least. The thought made me chuckle to myself. I was sitting there with my food trying to put the info I found out today out of mind for the time being so I could focus on the game tonight. It was a big rivalry game tonight so there was a lot of pressure on us to win. Just as I was finishing up, Maddox perks up and comes to the forefront of my mind.

“What’s got you on guard?” I ask wondering if he senses danger or if it was just a damn squirrel.

“She’s here!!!!” He starts jumping in circles. Shit! I grab my things and dump my tray and head out the door on the other side. I walk around behind the building to get back to the car. I watched as her and the girl she talked to in class, head inside. Just then I realized that in the hurry to find out about the guys that I didn’t even look at her name on the paperwork. I rack my brain trying to remember the page with her info on it but all I remember is her face staring back at me. Those eyes burning a hole in my soul.

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