Queen Alpha

Chapter 30

Gunner’s POV

“Sir, Cheyenne’s father has been M.I.A. for a few days now. Ben and I just came from her house and we talked to Tyler while we were there. We were looking for Kira and wanted to question Tyler about her and when we asked to talk to his father, that’s when he informed us that he couldn’t deal with the lies from his mate and that he needed some space to clear his mind but he hasn’t been seen for a few days now. I wanted to speak with you about it to see if you could possibly up your border patrols or possibly send trackers to find him.” I said lowly but I knew he heard everything.

“I would’ve known if he left the territory so he’s still within the borders. I will send my beta back to go look for him along with my best tracker. I wouldn’t normally worry about situations like this if I know they’re still within the territory but with everything going on at the moment, I do not want to take any chances. I do appreciate you bringing this to my attention Gunner.” Alpha Brock stated while putting his hand on my shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze.

I saw his eyes glaze over for a second and a few seconds after that his beta came out of the conference room. “Cheyenne’s father is M.I.A. I haven’t felt him leave the territory and the pack link is still there. I want you to head back and get our best tracker out there and find him. I understand if he doesn’t feel like he can go home at the moment, and if that’s the case, get him to the packhouse.” Alpha Brock was giving his beta the orders.

“Also, sorry to interrupt sir, but there is a blue sedan that has been watching the family. They were sitting about 7 or so houses down from their house. They followed Ben and I from the college to the house and Tyler said that they’ve been watching them since Cheyenne was abducted.” I said.

“Thank you Gunner. We will look into that also, as I didn’t feel any non-pack member cross my border.” Alpha Brock nodded to his beta who nodded back and started walking out. “Now shall we get back to it?” Alpha Brock pointed towards the door to the conference room.

Before I could stop it a low growl rumbled in my chest and Alpha Nik stopped and looked back at me. “You going to be ok in here Gunner?”

“Yeah, just found out some more information from Tyler and nobody is leaving until we get the truth out of that woman in there.” I said threw gritted teeth.

Alpha Nik opened the door and the three of us walked in the room. Alpha Nik took his spot at the head of the table, my dad was on his right with Ben next to him, and I took my seat next to Ben. Alpha Brock was sitting on his left with my mate’s mother a few seats down from him, and Alpha Trent was still sitting at the end of the table.

Alpha Nik was filling me and Ben in on the mother’s statements in regard to who the man was and how she escaped Alpha Trent’s pack. I wasn’t really paying attention because I had a feeling that it was all about to change anyways.

I slowly reached down for my mate’s bag and pulled out the photo of her and Tyler from Scotland and sat it up on the table facing her. I know I saw fear flash in her eyes before she tried the fake tears. She started sniffling and crying and hiding her face in her hands.

“You can cut the bullshit of an act now!” I said sternly. “I know about the ‘vacation’ to Scotland. I know about the fight you had with your mate in order to get the funds to go. My question is, why Scotland? Why did you fight with your mate to go here?”

She slowly looked up at me with anger in her eyes now. “Because that is where she wanted to go. We tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn’t go anywhere else.”

“Knowing you couldn’t afford it, then why go at all?” Ben asked.

“It was our graduation present to her. We told her we would take her on a vacation to any place she wanted to go.” The mother sniffled again.

“So it had nothing to do with the chance to see her biological father again? That’s why you guys kept jumping around every night until your apparent last stop where you stayed for two nights, right?” I asked.

“How dare you! I was there with my mate! That man was never my mate and I told Alpha Trent that when he summoned me to his office that day.” She said looking towards Alpha Trent.

“He wasn’t your mate but you had three children with him, and he stuck around for years after Alpha Trent kicked him out of the pack’s land and he helped you escape with your pups. It just doesn’t make any sense. If he wasn’t your mate why continue to see him? Why go looking for him in Scotland, and do not deny it, we already know.” Actually, we didn’t know shit but she didn’t know that. At this point either she would call my bluff or break under the pressure and confess.

She looked around the table in disbelief that nobody was believing her with her jaw hanging and pleading eyes. When she realized that even her own Alpha was not going to help her, she straightened herself up and rolled her eyes.

“Well then, sounds like you guys have it all figured out. What do you need me for?” She asked in a rather bitchy tone.

“We want the truth! You will give us the whole truth and nothing but the truth!” Alpha Brock raised his voice and used his alpha command on her. She tried to fight it, but eventually gave in and lowered her head to bear her neck and whimpered. She let out a slight growl and then lifted her head with pure anger in her eyes.

“And before you try to lie again,” Charlie held up the sketch of the King of Lycans, “We already know.”

She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath and then started spilling her guts, for lack of better term.

“His name is King Seeley Romanov. I met in during my time in the Everglades pack,” she shot a nasty look towards Alpha Trent, “He was an old school romantic. He would take me out for dinner and open doors for me and…”

“Ok we get the point, get on with it.” Alpha Brock ordered.

“He wanted to take me back to his homeland, as he called it. I assumed it was Russia, but as I found out this past summer, I was wrong. I didn’t want to leave the few friends I had made in the Everglades pack to go across the world into unknown country. I held him off knowing Alpha Trent would want to talk to me first, at which point I told him I didn’t want to go and that Seeley was not my mate. Seeley wouldn’t take no as an answer though. He said that he was not leaving without me. It was after he left the territory that I found out I was pregnant with Cheyenne. Being a first-time mother, I freaked out and reached out to him for help. He would come visit me by using magic so that Alpha Trent wouldn’t detect him crossing the border. We went on like this for a few years before he finally convinced me to leave the pack and run away with him. He snuck my kids and myself out in the middle of the night. We stayed up in some fancy hotel and talked about our future plans, where we would go and new names, and so on. He still wanted to go back to his homeland, which I still did not want to do. So I more or less used him to get me out of the Everglades and then as soon as I knew that our names were changed, I loaded up the kids and took off. I thought he would just think that I went back to Alpha Trent, and when he didn’t come looking for us, I figured I was right in thinking that. I hadn’t heard from him until this past spring, right before Cheyenne graduated high school. I had found a letter sitting on my kitchen counter and it had said that I would take her to Scotland this summer so she could claim her rightful position in his pack. If I failed to follow his orders then he would take drastic measures and would stop at nothing to get her back. So I fought with my current mate to go and when we did, we jumped around only staying in one spot for one night until the last stop that lasted a couple of nights before we came back home. Cheyenne looked so at peace on the beach and with the nature over there, I didn’t want to ruin that for her because of my paranoia of the King finding her. Once we were back home, I started getting weird texts from a number I did not know. More or less telling me to turn her over to him or suffer the consequences. I never told anyone because I never thought in a million years that he would find us, but now here we are.”

“Well that’s quite the story ma’am.” Alpha Nik said.

“I am under my Alpha’s orders so you know it’s the truth.” She retorted.

“Yes. I know. You may wait in the lounge while we discuss the rescue of Cheyenne.” Alpha Nik said.

“But she’s my daughter! I want to be a part of this!” She demanded.

“You didn’t give a rat’s ass before, why the fuck would you care now?!” I shouted.

Her jaw dropped and she looked at Alpha Brock and Alpha Nik, “Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” She asked in shock.

“You are on our territory and he is of higher ranking than you. So to answer your question, yes. Yes I am going to allow it. Because in all honesty, if he didn’t say it one of us would have.” Alpha Nik said like it was just another casual day in the neighborhood.

I heard Ben trying to stifle back the laugh that was about to come out of his mouth but he covered it with a cough while looking directly at me. The mother didn’t have anything else to say at that point and was ushered out by one of our pack warriors and he was told to keep an eye on her and not to let her go anywhere.

After she was clear of the room, Alpha Trent cleared his throat, “I would like to help find the girl in any way that I can. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for our lifestyle back then. Please give me the chance to prove that we have changed our ways.”

“We could use the numbers.” I mindlinked Alpha Nik and I saw him give the slightest nod.

“Well the mother just confirmed that she’s in Scotland. That was one of the two locations we had it narrowed down to. What could you do to help us rescue Cheyenne exactly?” Alpha Nik asked.

“I can send warriors when the time comes. I also have a few people that owe me favors from the old days that I can collect on, that are from the Europe area. They would be able to get their faster than we could and possibly scout the area.” Alpha Trent shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back in his chair.

“Speaking of which, I have been waiting on a call from the Alpha of the pack in Iceland that I helped this past summer. I completely forgot I had asked him to contact me.” I said as I pulled out my phone and sent another text.

Me: I need to speak with your Alpha NOW. It’s life or death of my mate!

PW: I am with him now. Expect a call in about 3 minutes.

Before I could even relay the message my phone was ringing.

Me: Hello?

Alpha Isaac: Gunner. Sorry to be communicating under these circumstances. What can I do for you?

Me: Alpha Isaac, I have you on speaker phone and Alpha Nik, Alpha Brock, Alpha Trent, along with my dad and the Alpha’s son Ben is here.

Alpha Isaac: Hello everybody. Must be serious to have three Alpha’s in one room.

Me: I’m just going to cut to the chase here. I’m not sure what you know about The Originals…

Alpha Isaac: They’re back aren’t they?

Me: Unfortunately, it looks like it. The King of the Lycans has abducted my mate. She’s only 17, well will be 18 in less than a week actually. There’s some issues with her name though. She grew up knowing Cheyenne as her name but her birth name is Alida Romanov.

Alpha Isaac: Holy sweet mother of baby Zeus! Romanov?!

Me: Yes sir?

Alpha Isaac: You’re mate is a descendant of the royal bloodline of The Originals?!

Me: Daughter to the King to be exact.

Alpha Isaac: Well that’s…I’m not sure what that is. But I’m sure you didn’t contact me to tell me this. What can I do for you?

Alpha Nik: Hello Alpha Isaac. This is Alpha Nik speaking. First we would like to know if you have seen or heard of anything to do with the lycans?

Alpha Isaac: I have noticed more activity on the boats. More of them coming in and out along the northeastern coastline.

Alpha Nik: Well that would make sense since we believe they are in Scotland. We know that she is being held in a cave like structure somewhere. She has been able to connect with Gunner through the mate bond since she is half lycan, royal lycan at that. So we do have a few things to go off of. She also said that she can smell saltwater. Do you know of any place that would fit that description?

Alpha Isaac: I would put my money on Harris, Scotland. Big tourist place. Would make it easier to blend in but would also explain why they are hiding in the mountains. Some of the mountains are off limits to the tourist.

Alpha Nik: I know this is going to be a big ask, especially after what your pack has recently gone through, but would it be possible for you to send maybe a couple scouts over there to scope it out for us so we know what we’re heading into?

Alpha Isaac: I actually have two warriors that have been itching to get out and do some work. We’ve been so focused on our homestead that I haven’t really let them wonder out recently and Iceland is only so big.

(Isaac and Nik both chuckled at this.)

Alpha Nik: I would really appreciate it Alpha Isaac. Remember that there are two names she is going by: Cheyenne and Alida. So tell your scouts to key their ears open for either name.

Alpha Isaac: Got it. I will send them out at first light and will keep in contact with you on any updates I receive from them.

Alpha Nik: Thank you very much.

I hung up the phone and stuck it back in my pocket and turned to Charlie.

“Is there anything you or your people can help us with in Scotland?” I asked.

“I am already on it. I am sending a couple of my own ‘scouts’ as you call them, to get a reading on the magic activity in that area. They will be able to tell us what kind of magic is being use and if there are any protection spells around the place.” Charlie said.

“Are any of your friends willing to fight with us on this? I feel like without magic of our own on our side, we’re walking into a death trap.” I said with my head hung at that last part.

“Gunner, it’s already covered. I have over 50 people willing to go right now. After our recon, we will see if we need more and I will deal with that then. I am a little surprised I have so many willing though honestly, with the whole wolf and witch not being allies thing, but it is what it is and I’m not going to complain.” Charlie shrugged and then smirked my way.

“Well tell them I greatly appreciate it and will forever be in their debt if we pull this off successfully.” I smirked back.

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