Queen Alpha

Chapter 24

Cheyenne’s POV

I was sitting on the bed and had just cut off the connection with Gunner when Koa’s ears perked up.

“What is it Koa?” I asked looking around.

“Footsteps. Someone’s coming.” She said.

I got off the bed on the side furthest from the door. I got in a defensive stance and I could feel Koa pushing forward. The footsteps stopped right outside my door and after a few seconds, the handle twisted and the door opened. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to see, but it wasn’t what was standing there.

Standing on the other side of the threshold, was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Long blonde hair that, if I didn’t know any better, was almost glowing. She had the brightest blue eyes, that reminded me of the clear salt water in Hawaii. She wasn’t muscular or even toned, but she wasn’t by any means overweight either. She was that perfect balance between the two. She was wearing something that reminded me of what the ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs wore in the pictures of our history books from school; a headdress made of gold with stone accents, and a very revealing white dress with gold trimming.

“Hello mistress. My name is Stephanie. I am here to take you to the King. He has requested your presence.” Her voice was soft and very friendly. It was almost alluring.

“Can we trust her?” I asked Koa.

“I say we don’t trust anybody. We already know there’s witches about and putting spells on shit or even us. Tread carefully sweetie.” Koa still on guard ready for an attack.

“Let’s play a game then shall we?” I smirked at my thought and I’m pretty sure I saw Koa grinning. She knew where I was going with this.

“Look sweetheart. You seem very nice and all but please tell “the king” that I said he can go fuck himself right up the ass. He wants to see me, he can walk his happy ass to me.” I folded my arms over my chest and stood there staring at her with a devilish smirk.

The woman was shocked but quickly scrambled to close my door and took off. I could hear her footsteps retreating quickly down the corridor.

“What are you doing?” Koa asked.

“Plan is to get the King in this room. We know we can connect to Gunner from here so I’m not leaving this room unless it’s to go outside. We don’t know what kind of spells are out there. Do you know about devices called signal jammers?” I asked Koa.

“Yes sweetie. I might be old, but I do keep up with the times. Kind of.” She plopped her fluffy ass down with a huff.

“What if the witches have some type of spell that works like a signal jammer? Like I said, we know we can connect to Gunner from here so I’d rather stay where I know I can reach him when needed.” I had to chuckle when I heard a slight “ohhh” come from Koa as the plan was starting to click in her head.

“When we hear footsteps again, force the connection with Gunner and just show him who’s around us. This way if they are outside this place and spotted, then they can be followed. Least until we figure out exactly where we are and can tell him ourselves. It will also let the others know what their numbers are.” For being abducted, I was actually really calm, which I think surprised me even more.

“And this, sweetie, is why you are the chosen one.” Koa didn’t say anything else and went back into guard mode, listening and waiting.

It had to of been a few hours later before we heard anything coming down the corridor outside my door. I jumped back out of bed again and focused on Gunner to force the connection. It was easier this time and I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out. I could feel Koa press forward a little bit to see threw my eyes so Gunner could see what we saw. I heard his voice right before the door swung open to reveal a really tall man standing on the other side.

We stood there at opposite sides of the room having a stare down for what felt like forever. After only a few minutes, he smirks and looks down shaking his head.

“You are just as stubborn as your father. You know that?” His voice was deep.

“My father?! My father is an omega from Wolf Claw. He is the one that raised me, and he is the most loving and understanding man I’ve ever known!” I retorted back.

“Baby girl, please come with me. I want to show you something.” He held his hand out for me to take.

“I ain’t going anywhere with you! I have no idea who you are, and sorry, not sorry, if my trust is non-existent for the people who abducted me!” I said with all the courage I could manage.

“Baby girl, please…”

“DON’T! DO NOT CALL ME THAT!” I cut him off. “I do not know who the fuck you are, and you…you have no right to call me anything. You are nothing but a stranger to me!” I was getting pissed and my southern accent was starting to come out.

I reached out through the bond and I could still feel Gunner watching this unfold. “What do I do?!”

“Keep him talking baby. I’m sketching him now. We will find out who he is if he doesn’t tell you.” Gunner responded quickly.

“Ah, I see you’ve learned how to talk to your wolf. What’s her name if you don’t mind me asking?” If he only knew that I was actually talking to my mate, but I couldn’t let him know that much. It would put all of them in danger if they weren’t already. Before I could say anything, Koa pushed forward just enough for her voice to be heard.

“My name is Koa, I’m sure you remember me.” I felt my lips pull up into a snide smirk.

“How…how is that…no. It’s not possible! This can’t be possible…” He ran his fingers threw his hair and looked away. I don’t know what just happened but Koa caught him completely off guard.

“Oh, but it is possible. Thought you could get rid of me that easily? Seriously?” Koa started laughing and I heard just hint of evil almost in it. She was enjoying this.

I had never seen her like this before, she was always so sweet to me, but I trusted her with my life. The Moon Goddess wouldn’t have paired us together if it wasn’t for a good reason.

“Koa, what the…” I started to ask.

“Relax sweetie. I will explain. I promised. Remember?” I just mentally nodded to her while she continued to stare down the guy in front of us.

“I suggest you run along tiny. Also, can you send the group of people you used to abduct us here. I would like to have a little chat with them.” Koa was now toying with this man.

His face was getting redder and redder by the minute. It was obvious that they knew each other, and had a history, and seemingly more obvious that whatever it was, did not work out in his favor.

“You think I’m going to send my people in to be slaughtered?!” He spat back while starting to take a few steps towards us.

I felt Koa push forward a little more. We stood up straighter with our shoulders back and head held high and I felt my nails elongate. “Slaughtered? Is that what you call it? I call it fighting for my life. My only regret…not taking you with me.” I could see our reflection in the shiny metal medallion he wore around his neck. My eyes were glowing the brightest green, almost like a neon green.

He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at us. “You will not speak of this. That is my daughter’s body you are taking over! Now give her back control! You are nothing but a mutt! I will make sure you are properly taken care of. No mistakes this time.”

“Want to know a little secret?” She brought our hands up and claps them together in front of our chest. She never once lost that devilish smirk. “You can’t kill me without killing her.”

The man’s eyes went wide and his eyebrows raised at least an inch. Why was he in shock? Everybody knew that you can’t kill someone’s wolf without killing the human. At least that’s what we were always told.

“Baby, I got his sketch. You don’t need to keep him around anymore, and I want to be around for this history lesson Koa!” Gunner said through our link. I was so focused on the conversation between Koa and this man, I had completely forgotten about the connection with Gunner.

“You just going to stand there and stare or you going to stomp your tiny ass out of here like a good little boy?” Koa was still poking at him.

“How dare you…” He said.

“Oh, on your way out, can you send up some food for us. You haven’t fed your only daughter in days! Great start on fatherhood.” Koa taunted.

He didn’t say anything else, just let out a low growl and spun on his heels and walked away slamming the door behind him. Koa was laughing at her apparent victory. Koa gave me back control and I walked over to the bed to sit down. It must still be the adrenaline rush because I wasn’t worn out at all. I still had the connection to Gunner even.

“Ok Koa. Spill it.” I demanded.

“Can’t you just let me soak this moment in for a minute?” Koa pleaded.

“Koa, explanation now!” I heard another voice in my head that I didn’t recognize.

“Oh, Maddox has finally come out to play.” Koa said jumping around. Maddox? Who’s Maddox?

“Koa. Seriously. We need to know!” I said firmly.

“Ok, ok. I must warn you all though, it’s not some happy fairytale.” She said before finally settling down in my head. She went on to explain the history between her and my biological father, who was apparently the man that was just in my room.

Long story short, they were fated to be together, but because Koa was only a werewolf his father wouldn’t allow it. He had sent some men after her to kill her but they failed. After multiple attempts on her life, she retaliated and took out my biological father’s older brother and his father. By doing this, that made him the King of the Lycans. Apparently a title that he never wanted to begin with. She said because he would not defend her, she aimed to make the rest of his life hell by sticking him with the one responsibility that he never wanted.

Shortly after he was crowned King, he sent more armies after her and anybody associated with her. This included her chosen mate, parents, and siblings. In her last battle, they had brought in the witches. That was the only way they could get the upper hand on her, but she took some out with her.

“Well that answers that question, but if you’re only a werewolf then how are you so huge?” I asked her.

“You are half Lycan, with the royal blood line running through you. Remember when I said I won the fight to be your wolf? I had to fight off your lycan side. When I won, I absorbed her power. Believe me when I tell you, she was not happy.” Koa now chuckling again in my head.

“Baby, I need to get all this info to the Alphas. Also, Charlie, Alpha Brock’s wizard is here too. We will find you and get you out of there. I promise.” Gunner’s voice rang through my mind. Every time I heard his voice I couldn’t help but just relax a little more.

“I know you will. Hey, by the way, I’m sorry…”

“No. None of that. You can say it to my face when I see you again.” Normally I would be pissed with people cutting me off like that but this time, all I could do was smile.

“Copy that. Please tell my parents I love them?” I asked.

“I will. Try to get some rest and save your energy.” He said so calmly.

“Will do. Goodbye.” I said and cut the link off.

I curled up under the blankets and was trying to work through some strategies with Koa on how to get out of here. I guess we lost the element of surprise with Koa as my wolf. Just as I was about to doze off, I heard footsteps coming towards my door again. I rolled my eyes but didn’t move. The door opened slowly before the same woman from before poked her head in.

“Mistress I have brought you some dinner.” She spoke softly.

“Thank you. You can just leave it there.” I said and with that, she gave me a slight bow and walked back out of my room and closed the door behind her.

I got up and walked over to the cart that had a few different dishes on it. I sniffed everything and then laughed, like I would be able to smell a spell or something. I took a plate to my bed and started eating. Apparently I was hungrier than I thought. In no time at all, I had completely demolished all the food on the cart. I put the last dish back on the cart and headed back to bed. I laid there and my eyes slowly drifted shut until sleep finally claimed me.

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