Queen Alpha

Chapter 20

Cheyenne’s POV

“Hey. Where you boys going?” I called out as they started to walk away.

“To our training room. We’ll meet you there.” Ben said.

“Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t your Beta tell you not to let me out of your site?” I had to choke down the laugh that was about to erupt out of me when they both looked at each other with shocked looks. “Ya’ll going to get your asses in here or what? I got to change and your wasting time here.”

“Your dad did say that, and my dad said it earlier before lunch.” Ben said shrugging his shoulders and walking back in my direction. I thought I heard a growl come from the mystery guy when he grabbed Ben by the shoulder to stop him.

“You wait outside the door. I’ll go in.” Mystery guy said. Theory somewhat proven. There was definitely something up with the mystery guy. Either he had major jealousy issues, or he had a problem with outsiders, or he’s just cockblocking Ben.

After the door closed, I sat my bag on a bench between 2 rows of lockers, and then looked back at the Mystery guy. I love it when a plan comes together.

“So what are we going to work on in training today?” I asked while I took my hoodie off and laid it on the bench. I looked over at the mystery guy and he had his back turned to me. Mother fucker. Ok, he wants to play hard ball, I bet can play better than him. Guess I’ll just have to get to him during training. I continued changing while trying to talk to him, but he wouldn’t reply. Silent as a mute. Sometimes I forgot that he could even talk, so when he did it’s like everything else around me just ceased to exist and I was completely lost in that husky voice of his.

I walked right up to him after getting changed and getting my tennis shoes on, “Fine be a dick and don’t talk to me. But mark my words. I will get you to talk before the end of training.” Every time I tried to get him to talk and he didn’t, it just pissed me off even more. I was going to nail his ass to the mat.

I through the locker room door open and walked out without saying a word to Ben. I saw him jump a little bit out of the corner of my eye. I knew they were mindlinking back and forth talking about me and what just happened, and it just pissed me off even more.

We got up to the room and I threw my bag against the wall and started stretching on my own. I tried to focus on my breathing and clearing my head so I could focus on training and not get my ass beat too bad at least. I looked up in the mirrored wall and saw the guys standing off in the corner talking quietly to each other and I was right back to being pissed.

“Ok let’s get this shit show on the road. I warned you boys earlier. Get your asses over here.”

They both looked at me but with complete opposite looks. Ben looked surprised, and probably was at how my mood did a complete 180. The mystery guy had that stone cold death glare, which I returned as intense as I could. Ben had started to walk up towards me and I shook my head.

“No. I don’t want you. I want your boy toy.” I said pointing at the mystery guy. Ben stopped dead in his tracks and turned back towards his friend. “What the fuck you looking at him for? Permission? You’re the soon-to-be Alpha ain’t you? You don’t need his permission for shit. You order him around not the other way around.” I didn’t know where it came from but I could hear momma’s voice reminding me that my mouth was going to get me killed someday. Guess that might be today, least I knew I would go down fighting.

Ben put his hands up in a mock surrender and walked off the mat while the mystery guy took his shirt off and threw it over by the wall while walking on towards me. Ben was getting us ready but I wasn’t waiting. Element of surprise right? This dude was huge and I needed every bit of advantage I could get.

Every time he would take me down, it pissed me off even more and I would jump right back up and reset my stance. We went back and forth for a good hour and a half when he went to slam me down but I wrapped my arms around his neck and used my body’s momentum from being slammed to take him down with me. He ended up catching himself from landing completely on top of me with each hand on either side of my head, with my arms still around his neck. I felt almost like a slight tingle going down both arms to my shoulders but passed it off from the hard landing. All of a sudden, I didn’t want to let go, and then we locked eyes. Just staring at each other as we’ve done before but there was something different this time. Just then he pulled my arms off him and stood up and walked away, and that was the last straw.

I stood up and just snapped, “What the fuck is your deal?” he stopped dead in his tracks but didn’t turn around. “Look at me when I’m talking to you!” I was letting my emotions get the best of me, I never did that. I’ve always been able to keep my emotions in check. “God damn it! I’m fucking talking to you! Why do you hate me so fucking much?! What the fuck did I ever do to you?! I don’t even fuckin know you. Is it because I’m an outsider? You got something better you could be doing right now? You just here to keep your buddy in check?”

He whipped around and I saw Ben reach for him but he was to slow and before I knew it I was being slammed against the wall, the mirror shattering behind me. Great 7 years of bad luck right there. He had one hand against the wall right next to my head, and both of us were breathing heavy. He was so close to me that every time we inhaled together our chests would touch.

It felt like time slowed down, both of us being so close to each other. I took in a deep breath and that’s when it hit me. How the hell had I missed it this whole time? Summer rain. It was him! I could feel myself slipping into a panic attack. My heart started racing and it was getting harder and harder to breathe, but throughout it all I never broke the eye contact.

“I don’t hate you.” Was all he said before dropping his arm and started backing away. A sudden wave of rage rushed over me when he turned his back towards me and continued walking away.

I pushed myself off the wall and jumped on his upper back and we tumbled to mat. I ended up on top, straddling him and just started landing every punch as hard as I could before Ben came up behind me and bear hugged me while pulling me off of his buddy.

“Calm down!” Ben said.

“Let go of me! He wants to hate people for no reason, then I’m going to give him a reason to!” I yelled out trying to get Ben’s arms off of me. The tighter he squeezed me the more I got pissed off.

“I’m not letting you go until you chill the fuck out!” He growled.

I stopped thrashing about and looked at the mystery guy with the best death glare I could muster, when I felt a tear sliding down my cheek. I was so pissed that I hadn’t even noticed my eyes were even tearing up. The mystery guy followed the tear fall down my cheek before looking back in my eyes and I swore I saw hurt flash in his eyes before he looked away again. Before I could say anything else, Ben was removing one of his arms and grabbing my shoulder and pushing forward just enough to look at my back.


“What?” Mystery guy and I said at the same time.

“She’s bleeding. Looks pretty deep. We need to get her…” Ben started but I cut him off.

“No! I’m fine. Get the fuck off me.” I said shoving his other arm off my stomach.

“Cheyenne you need stitches.” Ben said and at that the mystery guy had started heading towards me.

I started walking backwards and held my hand up to tell him to stop. “Don’t touch me. Don’t come near me.”

“Let me see it damn it!” Mystery guy said reaching for my arm trying to stop me.

“I said stay the fuck away from me!” I didn’t even grab my bag and just ran out the door. I had no idea where I was going but I wasn’t staying here. Not with him.

I just kept running, I had no idea where I was. I found myself in the middle of a field of grass, the sun was still just above the treetops. I slowed down, taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down when I felt the throbbing on the back of my shoulder. I reached back and when I pulled my hand back it was covered in blood.

“Sweetie. We need to shift or you need to get us to a doctor.” Koa finally showing up.

“Am I strong enough to shift?” my mind still blank.

“You’re close enough. It will hurt being the first time but if we don’t shift fast, you’re going to lose too much blood and then we will be screwed.” Koa sounded worried.

“Ok you’re the boss, what do I need to do?” I asked.

“Just give me control of everything. I will try to make this as painless as possible sweetie. Whatever you do, do NOT fight it! Just go with it.” Koa sounded almost motherly talking to me in my head.

I was trying to focus and at the same time just let everything go when I felt a sharp pain in my hands. I looked down and my nails had elongated and were sharp and pointed. I was so focused on my transforming that I didn’t hear anything around me.

“Shit. This is going to be faster than I planned. Just try to remain conscience sweetie. And I’m so sorry to have to do this but we don’t have any choice.” Koa voice sounded from nowhere.

Next thing I knew I was turning around and running towards, another wolf?!! What?! How did they find me? Who was it?

“Let go and give me control. NOW!” Koa shouting in my head.

I closed my eyes, and I could feel her take over my body. Next thing I knew we were leaping in the air and shreds of clothes went flying everywhere. I shifted. I actually shifted! I was too excited and also freaking out about being followed that I didn’t feel a thing, least not at that moment. I’m sure I would later.

Koa had jumped over the other wolf and had turned around in mid-air so when she landed, she was facing him. The other wolf whipped around and then just stopped dead in its tracks. Koa had her head lowered and was growling and bearing her teeth. Then they made eye contact. The wolf standing in front of us was huge, but still slightly smaller than Koa. It was jet black and had the brightest yellow eyes I had ever seen.

“Koa. What’s going on?” I asked feeling really weird. It felt like a tether had just been snapped into place and it was holding me, holding us in place.

“Mate.” Was all she said.

“What? Not possible. I’m only 17!”

“I forced the shift early sweetie. I’m sorry.”

Just then the other wolf shifted into its human form and I was completely in shock. No. It can’t be!

“Koa RUN! He’s the one that did this to us. You need to run!” I begged and pleaded with her, “He can’t be our mate. He hates me! Run please!” Koa let out a whimper but still wouldn’t move.

She stood there as he walked slowly towards us, getting closer and closer. Just then, we heard someone else coming up behind us and it caught Koa off guard just enough for me to take back control and shift back. If she wasn’t going to run then I was.

I don’t know how I did it, but I forced back control and we shifted back, necked as the day we were born, but I didn’t care. The mystery guy had stopped walking while we shifted, but I was little wobbly when I tried to stand back up on my own 2 feet.

I stumbled around a few steps and I had started to fall but before I hit the ground I felt a pair of arms wrap around me to stop me from falling. Sparks ignited all over my body. I looked up to see his eyes looking straight into mine. They never once traveled over my necked body but stayed locked on mine. There was something different in his eyes this time. They were softer.

Oh hell no. He doesn’t get to treat me like shit and then think I’m just going to be all cute and cuddly because he’s my mate. He helped me stand up and as soon as I had my balanced, I shoved him out of my way and took off running again but ran right into Ben.

“Get your soft bitch boy hands off me!” I growled and shoved past him and took off towards the woods.

Koa was howling so loud in my head it was actually giving me a headache. I could feel the blood still dripping down my back from my shoulder, but I knew it would be healed up soon enough so I wasn’t worried about it. I just kept running into the woods.

I heard him chasing me and I’m sure he already alerted their border patrol, but I just wanted to go home. It wasn’t that far really. I could probably make it in an hour…maybe? I jumped over a creek and bolted towards the boundary line between our territories. I could see it coming into view. I could still hear him behind me and I saw 2 wolves coming from both sides of me.

I knew they would try to pounce on me so as I got closer, I watched their steps and when I saw them plant their hind legs to jump, I threw myself down on the forest floor and skidded right under them. I didn’t even bother looking back at them, that line was just 10 feet away. I dug my feet in harder and put everything I had into running as fast as I could to get across.

As soon as I crossed the border into my own pack’s territory, I instantly felt weak and lightheaded.

“Koa what’s happening to me? I don’t feel right.”

“Me neither. It’s not your wound. It healed a while ago. It smells like magic.”

“Ma…magic?” I stuttered out, just before I felt myself falling to the ground, I heard his voice yelling my name. He sounded scared. When I hit the ground, I heard the loudest howl I’ve ever heard then everything went quiet and black as I fell completely unconscious.

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