Queen Alpha

Chapter 17

Mystery Guy’s POV

“Did this person have red eyes?” Alpha asked.

“Not that we saw, but we also weren’t getting close enough to see.” Ben stated while both of us shook our heads. “All we could really see was the outline of the person. They were dressed in all black and I think they might have even had a hat on but I’m not 100% sure on that one. But it was definitely a female voice.”

Both our dads were staring at each other, and if I didn’t know any better, I would say that they were scared. I’ve never seen either of them act this way before. Not even with the few rogue attacks we’ve had. If anything, they almost looked excited for those, but this, this was different. What could possibly have them scared this bad? I needed answers. It was obvious that this involved the runt, and the damn mate bond was getting stronger, and the need to protect her was becoming overwhelming.

“OK, let’s just cut the shit out now.” I snapped. All eyes were on me now, with the alpha and my dad’s eyebrows damn near to their hairlines, which is saying a lot considering their hairline was already starting to recede.

“Something is going on and you two have an idea. The fact that it involves a fucking omega ranking wolf means it’s not good. So either tell us what the hell is going on so we can prepare or don’t and I take matters into my own hands.” I was fuming at this point. Just the other day dad was saying how Ben and I needed to step up to prepare to take on the alpha and beta rolls and yet here they both were keeping us in the dark.

“What the hell man?” Ben whispered next to me and I snapped my head towards him looking him straight in the eyes.

“No. I’m done with this. We need to know what is going on so we can protect our pack, our people, our family.” I looked back towards my dad and the alpha and stood up as straight as I could and added, “and that includes my mate!”

If they weren’t shocked by my sudden outburst to begin with, they sure as hell were now. Both of them were looking between each other and Ben and me. We all stood there in silence for a good 3 minutes before the alpha finally spoke.

“You’re saying the girl that you both are training is your mate? You’re positive of this?”

“Why else would I be acting this way alpha? Why else would I care if a member of another pack was in possible danger?”

“How long have you known?” My dad was the one to speak this time.

“Since I started school. Had a run in with her on my way in.”

“Why haven’t you said anything?!” Dad now taking a few steps closer to close the gap between us.

“Because she doesn’t have her wolf yet, she’s only 17. In all honesty, at that point I didn’t want a mate, but this damn mate bond keeps growing stronger and now that we’re training her, I know it’s going to keep getting stronger. So no more denying. I just don’t want her to know yet. I want her to figure it out on her own, but she can’t do that if she’s dead because of these creatures that you guys seem to know about and are hiding from us.” I let everything fly out. Laid all my cards on the table so to speak, well minus the reason I didn’t want a mate in the beginning.

“Ok just to recap so I can make sure we’re all on the same page here. You found your mate, you’ve been keeping an eye on her, caught 2 creatures in her backyard, chased them through the woods and across our territory, all while going to the libraries to research these creatures, and now training this runt, who might I add, had her alpha call me to request training from us, and now this run in with a random female in the middle of the road in the pitch black of night that you couldn’t make out even with your enhanced wolf vision?” Alpha was counting things off on his fingers as he hit all the highlighted points basically.

“Don’t forget my near run in with her in the restricted section and both of us having that near run in with her at the human library.” Ben held up 2 of his fingers.

“Ok maybe she saw the creatures more than just those 2 times you boys saw them, and she is doing her own research.” Dad was running his hands down his face and then looked at the alpha, “Maybe we need to get her in here and see what she knows. This all can’t be a coincidence. Rule #39.”

“Rule 39?” Ben’s face was scrunched in confusion looking at me.

“No such thing as a coincidence.” I said and he made the “oh” face like the lightbulb just got turned on in his head.

“Ok here’s what’s going to happen. First, we’re all going to get some sleep. None of us are any good exhausted. Derek, cancel everything for tomorrow. We will all meet back here at 8am sharp, at which point Derek and myself will be giving you boys a history lesson and will be planning out from there based on what we can piece together and potential outcomes. I guess there isn’t any better time than now to get you boys prepared to take our spots. I will be contacting the Wolf Claw alpha to get your mate in here also. Hopefully he’s still awake. And don’t worry, I won’t say anything about her being your mate. I’ll just tell him that I want to question her on how her first day of training went with you boys.” I had never heard the Alpha call my dad by his real name, so I knew this was even more serious that Ben or I even knew about.

We all headed home and I went straight upstairs to grab shorts and a towel. I needed a shower badly and I was hoping it would help me relax enough to get some sleep. I’m not sure how they expected me to get any sleep not knowing if the runt was ok or not.

After I got out of the shower, I fell onto my bed and laid there staring at my ceiling until sleep finally came and took me over.

*Cheyenne’s POV*

I woke up to the sun shiny threw my windows blinding the hell out of me. My eyes flutter trying to adjust to the brightness. Once I could open my eyes, I noticed I was in my room but I couldn’t remember how I got there. Last thing I remembered was passing out in the SUV on my way home from training. Ty must have carried me in or I was sleep walking. I shrugged it off. I was looking around my room when I noticed everything looked different. Colors were brighter, more vivid. I could still smell the dew on the grass outside, someone was in the kitchen cooking pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

“What the hell? Was I drugged?” I asked out loud to nobody when I felt movement in my head.

“You’re senses are growing sweetie. We are slowly getting stronger. Your training last night proved that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself sweetie. That’s all I can say. And that I will be able to stick around a lot more now.” Koa finally decides to show up after what felt like weeks of silence.

“Yay. Lucky me.” I muttered back as sarcastically as possible. “So you’ll be around more to help me decipher some information I’m getting on these wars? Shit that also means you’ll be around for training. Guess you can tell me when to keep my mouth shut then right?” I laughed to myself.

“Yes. Like I’ve told you before, I cannot give you any information but if you already have it, I can help guide you through it so it’s more understandable to you. As for training, yes I will be around. I will grow stronger with you, so when we have our first shift, it won’t hurt as bad. I will also be able to channel my strength to you while you’re in human form. And as far as keeping your mouth shut so you don’t get us both killed, yes I heard about you calling the beta’s son an ass-monkey, I can only recommend that you don’t say what you’re thinking.” Koa was chuckling by the end of it. Apparently she agrees with momma that my mouth is going to get us killed. That’s just great.

“Good luck with that.” I chuckled back. I sat up in bed and realized I still had on the same clothes from last night at training. “Damn it. I need a shower.” I thought.

I got out of bed and went to the closet and grabbed one of my old high school t-shirts that I cut the sleeves off of and a black hoodie with a deer skull on it. I went and grabbed a pair of ripped up jeans and a pair of underwear and a bra and headed to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on to warm up while I undressed and brushed my hair out. I stepped into the shower and was just letting the hot water run down my body to sooth my aching muscles that I hadn’t realized even hurt until now. I was in the middle of washing my hair when I heard someone walking down the hall towards my room. Damn this wolf hearing was intense. There was a knock at the door.

“E, darling. You need to come downstairs please.” Dad sounded…off. I’m not sure how else to put it. He was normally the happy, joking type. Unless one of us kids was being little assholes then he could be a dick but he’s really mellowed out in his older age.

“I’ll eat when I get down there dad, don’t wait for me.” I hollered back.

“It’s not that. We have company. You need to get downstairs asap.”

“Ughhh Ok. I’ll be down in a few.” I rinsed off and shut the water off and pulled the shower curtain back to grab my towel. The whole bathroom was filled with steam. I was feeling great in the shower but now back to reality, I guess. I quickly got dressed and didn’t even bother with brushing my hair. I grabbed the one hair tie I had, because let’s face it, every girl has that one particular hair tie they use and if they can’t find it, their whole day goes to shit. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and hung my towel over the shower curtain rod and made my way downstairs, grabbing my boots along the way.

“You and those damn boots girl.” One of my older sisters hated the fact that I dressed more “boyish” and didn’t ‘embrace my feminine side’ as she put it. I was walking down the hall towards the living room following the sounds of my parents’ voice.

I had turned around to face her while walking backwards, “Hey never know who’s ass I’m going to have to kick. Better to be prepared right?” I asked with a smirk on my face. My sister just rolled her eyes at me and went back to whatever she was doing. I turned around and stopped dead in my tracks.

The alpha was standing there with the luna by his side. Shit. Damn. Fuck!

“Thanks for recommending I keep my mouth shut Koa!”

“I’m sorry sweetie. I was relaxing myself to prepare for training tonight. My apologies.”

“Can you at least tell me when you’re dipping out on me, please?”

“Yes sweetie, I will start doing that. Again, my apologies.”

“Cheyenne, Alpha Brock and Luna Rylie are here to talk to you.” Momma gestured towards the alpha and luna who looked at me with smiles on their faces. Why the hell would they want to talk to me for?

“Ok? What’s up?” I asked plopping down on the couch. Yes I know it is disrespectful to sit before the alpha but hey fair is fair, he interrupted my shower after all.

“Cheyenne watch your tone! You do not speak to the Alpha and Luna that way!” I thought momma was going to have an aneurism or something. “Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?” Momma offered to them but not me.

“We’re fine thank you.” Luna was the one to reply first with a huge smile on her face. What the hell is going on? Not that I ever really saw much less talked to the alpha or the luna so maybe this is just how they are. “But we do need to talk to Cheyenne in private please?”

Momma looked at me worriedly but turned back to them, “Of course. Not a problem. I will get everyone outside.” Then she turned back to me and gave me that look that told me to behave myself.

Once we were sure everyone was outside and we wouldn’t be overheard, the alpha looked at me and straighten up a little more. “Cheyenne, I got a call from the Blood Moon Alpha last night.”

I threw my head back and rolled my eyes. “Don’t tell me. His son was bitching and moaning because I took him down?” Both the alpha and luna had a look of shock on their faces. “Sorry, I shouldn’t talk like that, I know.” I hung my head and started picking at my nails.

“It’s quite alright. This time at least. Wait, you actually took down the alpha’s son on first day of training?” The alpha was either in shock or really impressed.

“More than once actually.” I saw a grin start to form on his face when the luna tapped on his leg before resting her hand on it.

“Right um ok. We just came down here because the other alpha called last night and wants you in for a meeting with him today. We just want to make sure you are comfortable with going and if you wanted someone to go with you?”

“Meeting? For what?”

“He said he just wants to talk to you about your training. Maybe they’re trying to come up with a new training plan for you since you apparently outshined them.”

“Yeah sure whatever. I’ll go, and no need for a babysitter or escort. I can handle myself but thank you alpha for the offer. Appreciate it.” I tried to sound sweet and innocent, but I just told my alpha that I took down the other alpha’s son multiple times, so the innocent act was out the window already.

“He requested that you be there no later than 10am. It’s only 8:30 now. So you still have enough time to get there. Would you like a ride?” Alpha asked.

“No it’s alright. I’ll just take the bus.” I shrugged it off.

“Alright then, well it’s settled. Be to the Blood Moon pack house by 10am. Don’t be late. Please give your parents our regards.” Luna was standing up and tugging on the alpha’s elbow to get him up. I walked them to the front door and said bye and waited until they were in their car before closing the door. I didn’t get 2 steps down the hallway when everybody came running in.

“What’d they want? What’s going on?” Momma being the first one to get to me.

“Just wanted to talk about some school stuff. I guess something happened to a human girl, but it was on the other side of campus by the dorms. Nothing to do with me.” I was lying my ass off but I still hadn’t told them I dropped out completely. I had told them that some of my classes got switched to online to explain my sudden sleeping in late schedule.

I headed up to my room to grab my bag and pack some clothes for training tonight. Mise well just spend the day over there. I could just hang out in their library I guess. So I packed up all the research and notes along with my clothes and started walking out the door.

I was walking to the bus stop when I got the feeling of being watched, but I ignored it. I mean I was in the middle of town of course people would be looking at me. I was never one to really fit in to begin with.

“Stay alert.” Koa suddenly echoing in my mind.

“What’s going on Koa?”

“Someone is following us. Get on the bus but take the front seat.” She says.

“Front seat? I hate the front seat.” I groaned.

“Easier escape if need arises sweetie.”

“Ok ok.”

I did what she said and sat 2 seats behind the driver. Figured if she was right and I was being followed, I would get a good look at every person boarding the bus and if I had to defend myself, I had plenty of room to do so without them blocking my only exit. I got a knot in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it.

I made it to the dirt road that led into Blood Moon territory. I got off the bus and walked up to the guard shack. There was a red car sitting up by the gate this time and the guard was talking to the driver. When he spotted me, he started walking my direction but then stopped and stuck his nose in the air. I started hearing what sounded like thunder and looked towards the sky but it was clear and sunny. I continued walking up to the guard. The knot in my stomach was getting worse. Something wasn’t right.

“Koa what’s going on? I feel like…”

“I know sweetie. Stay strong and don’t give off any alerts. We were followed like I thought. These guards smell it. Act normal and smile and be your witty self. I am going to talk to his wolf.”

“Wait you can do that?!”

“Explain later we don’t have time.” Great. My stomach is in knots and yet I have to act normal. I walked up to the guard who was facing me, but his eyes were everywhere but on me, scanning all the woods around us.

“Well good morning my little ray of sunshine.” I tried to smile with it, but I’m sure my eyes were giving me away. My whole body was tense. Where was Koa? The guard didn’t say anything but just kept scanning around.

“I’m back sweetie. His wolf is telling him what’s going on. Be ready to run.” Koa sounded…excited? Seriously? The Moon Goddess gave me a freaking adrenaline junkie for a wolf?! Just then the guard finally looks down to meet my eyes. He must have seen I was scared or at least not feeling good.

“Hello. You’re security clearance has been revoked. You will have to go with Ben and he will take you to the Alpha for your line of questioning.” The guard says monotoned and grabs me by the shoulder and started leading me towards the car.

“Line of questioning? Security clearance? What the fuck? KOA!!!!!!! HELP! WHAT DO I DO?” I was starting to freak out at this point.

“Remain calm sweetie. He’s just saying those things to get us in the gate to safety without alerting the intruder. Here let me see if I can help you.” I felt this cooling wave wash over my entire body, almost immediately relaxing me. I was still aware of what was going on, but it did ease that knot in the pit of my stomach. I was able to breathe again, and my heart rate was coming back down to normal.

“Thank you Koa. I had no idea wolves could do that for their human counter parts.”

“One heart, One mind, 2 souls.” And we’re back to the cryptic Koa. Great. “I need to go rest for an hour. You not being strong enough yet to shift, really takes a lot out of me to do that kind of thing. This will become second nature to us once we shift. I promise as soon as I’m rested, I will come back.”

“Ok. Thanks for least letting me know and not leaving me high and dry like usual. Get some rest Koa.”

The guard had opened the door and this strong scent hits me. It smelt like a summer’s rain. That beautiful rain shower that just comes straight down, more than a sprinkle but not a complete down pour, with the sun still able to peak threw in certain spots. That kind that you just want to sit out on the porch all day and watch and relax.

I plopped into the front passenger seat and see Ben with glazed over eyes. Not until after the car door was shut did he snap out of it and turn his attention to me.

“Either you are trouble, or trouble just follows you.” Was all he said as he put the car in drive and started up the road towards their town and to the packhouse.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked. “And by the way, where did you get your air freshener?”

“You’re about to find out in this meeting. And what air freshener? I don’t have one in here.” Ben looking all 38 shades of confused at me. Did I grow another head and 5 tentacles or something?

“Must be your laundry detergent then. Meh, doesn’t matter.” I shrugged it off. I didn’t want to give him too much information because they think I don’t have my wolf yet. Which technically I don’t. I just hear her from time to time. I haven’t been able to see her, although there’s been a few times I thought I felt her. It’s hard to explain.

“Yeah, um ok? I think. Anyways, there’s been some shit going on, and we believe it has something to do with you. We asked my dad, the alpha, to include you in on this meeting because we think you know something too.” He gave me a sideways glance and then returned his eyes to the road.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Ben. I…I only know…know that I was followed today. I’m sorry I can’t focus with that smell can I roll the window down?” The scent was just so strong it was clouding my mind. I couldn’t focus on anything but the scent. Think of it like when you walk into a bath and body store, and you get a whiff of a certain scent, and you rummage the whole store trying to find it. It’s the only thing you can think about.

“I don’t smell anything. Well besides me, but it ain’t that strong. Are you ok?” Ben asks now looking worried and he put his hand on my forehead checking for a fever.

“I’m fine!” I said slapping his hand away. I didn’t want him touching me. “Just get me to the packhouse so we can get this over with.” I slumped down in the seat not looking forward to the conversation that was about to happen.

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