Queen Alpha

Chapter 15

Cheyenne’s POV

I had spent the day at the human library looking at old and new maps comparing the land plots trying to figure out today’s name for the locations of the 4 wars. Luckily my dad taught me how to read maps and what each symbol meant and how to measure the distance between cities and such. We spent a lot of time outdoors when I was little. Ty and I were always getting into trouble for “wondering around the woods” by ourselves.

I was able to narrow down locations in somewhere in North America. In the picture I took the pennies I used as markers seemed close together like the wars would’ve taken place in the same region but the more I study these maps the more land it’s starting to cover. I was looking for some kind of pattern. Did the wars move in the same direction as in start in the east and head west or visa-versa? Maybe I had the old map, that I took a picture of, twisted and I was looking at it wrong?

From what I could gather so far, it looked like the first war took place the further north than the others, so possibly in Canada, or at least along the Canada and USA border. Oh hell, I don’t know anymore. I rested my head in my hands with my elbows on the table, just frustrated and ready to give it up on all of it. I mean, I’m only 17 and don’t even have my wolf yet, but I’m supposed to be the “chosen one” that’s going to save us all? It just doesn’t make any sense. Why am I so special? I’m not even a ranking status within any pack for that matter. Holy sweet mother of baby Zeus. I swear the Moon Goddess has lost her ever loving mind!

“She’s been doing that job since the beginning of our creation sweetie. I think she knows what she’s doing by now.” Koa chuckling in my head.

“How do you know?” I snapped back.

“I told you that I know a lot but can only help you along your way. I can’t just give you all the information. You have to find out for yourself. That’s the only way you’ll believe everything and also in yourself.”

I let out a frustrated sigh, but it almost sounded like a low growl. I looked around to see if anyone had heard but it seemed like nobody did.

“Speaking of helping you, you better start packing up. Training starts in a couple hours.” Koa reminded me. I looked at my watch, shitballs! I had lost a whole day basically and only found out that the wars were in North America…somewhere. I guess that’s better than the whole world.

I packed my stuff up and put the books I was using on the cart and the maps on one of the librarian’s desk. She just smiled and nodded at me as she took them from me. I made my way back home to change and get ready for training.

“Will you be home for dinner tonight?” my momma asked as I walked past the kitchen. I swear that woman was always in the kitchen.

“I don’t know momma. Plan on me not making it just in case. I’m training tonight.”

“Training? With whom?” Now dad was in on our conversation. Great!

“Uh Ty and Damon. Who else?”

“Tyler is with his mate and Damon is with his dad at the Blood Moon pack.” Dad informs me.

Shit. How the hell was I going to get out of this one. I couldn’t tell them I was training at the Blood Moon pack. They would throw a shit fit and forbid me to go. Think think think.

“Ok ok! I’m actually going to start training Kira,” Momma went to say something, but I continued before she could, “BUT her parents don’t like the idea so it’s a secret. She doesn’t want anyone to know.” I lied.

“Why does she want to train anyways?” Dad asked. UGH! What’s with the 50 questions?!

“She just wants to know the basics really. Just enough to defend herself just in case something bad happens. That’s all. I promise.” I through my hands up in a mock surrender hoping they bought it. Now I just had to make sure to clue Kira in on the cover up.

“Not a bad idea actually. Wish your sisters would see it the same way, but God forbid if they break a nail.” Dad chuckled while momma playfully slapped his arm.

“Ok I ain’t got much time. I got to go change.” I ran up the stairs before they could say anything else. I got to my room and closed the door behind me. I dropped my bag by my desk and headed for my dresser, pulling out some athletic shorts and tank top. I hurriedly change my clothes and grab my sneakers and head back downstairs when I hear dad call me into the living room. Damn it!

“Yeah dad?”

“Take it easy on the girl E. I know how girls can get when training. All fun and games until someone takes it one step to far and it turns into a blood bath.” Dad has always called me E, because I was always telling people the E on the end of my name was silent. It was annoying at first, but I just let it go and deal with it now.

“We’re best friends dad. Not like I’m going to kill her.” I rolled my eyes back at him. Dad just chuckled again and told me to have fun as I was walking out the door.

I decided to take the bus instead of walking. They didn’t tell me who would be training me, but I wanted to conserve as much energy as possible. When the bus finally stopped in front of the dirt road that lead to the front gate of the Blood Moon pack, I grabbed my bag and got off. Walking up to the gate, I could feel what felt like hundreds of eyes watching me, then I heard a howl coming from deep in the woods to my right side. I looked but didn’t see anything or anyone.

As I approached the gate, a guy stepped out in a full security uniform. I had to chuckle to myself but then again, we had to keep our secret safe so if a human randomly pulled up here, they wouldn’t suspect a thing.

“Can I help you little one? Are you lost?” The guard asked me. This guy was huge! Every bit of 6’-7” and 300+ pounds of muscle, jet black hair but the brightest blue eyes.

“Little one? Really? Don’t you know things only grow until they’re perfect? Guess you needed a little more time huh?” I said while smirking. Yep, my mouth is going to get my killed. A warning growl came from his chest.

“Better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before it gets you in some trouble.”

“It always does. Besides it’s under my nose so I can’t see it anyways.” I shrugged. About that time another guy walked out of the woods towards us.

“What’s going on here?” He asked.

“This disrespectful little shit seems to be lost.” The guard said.

“What’s your business here miss?” The second guy asked.

“I’m here for some training.” I stated. Both guys look at each other and I can tell they are holding back their laughter. The guard’s eyes glaze over, and I can tell he is mindlinking someone. A few minutes later his eyes focus back to me, and he waves his hand, telling me to follow him.

He opens the gate and tells me to start walking and warns me to stay on the road and not to take a step off of it. I rolled my eyes and just walked away. I had to of been walking for at least 10 minutes and still couldn’t see any buildings. Just as I was about to say fuck it and turn around and leave, I saw a car coming down the road. I got over to the side as the car slowed down and came to a stop right beside me.

“Are you the girl here for training?” The driver asks.

“Depends on who’s asking.” I tried to sound serious, but it came out more annoyed.

“I’m one of the warriors in this pack and the alpha sent me to pick you up. Apparently, the guard doesn’t like to follow orders. I’ll have to take care of him later.” He said looking out his windshield towards the gate that I came through.

“Yeah, I’m here for training. Name’s Cheyenne from Wolf Claw.”

“Hop in. I’ll give you a ride back to the training center.” He said nodding his head to the passenger seat. This could be a trap, who knows. He said he’s one of their warriors so is training me and testing me right now? Oh well, screw it. I wasn’t getting any warnings from Koa, so I walked around the car and got in.

The warrior turned the car around and we headed towards their pack city. It took another 8 minutes in the car to get to the training center. If I had to walk the whole way, I would’ve been so late. I was already 5 minutes late as it was.

The warrior parked the car and we both got out and I followed behind him into the building. He showed me where the women’s locker room was, but I told him I was already changed and ready to go. After that, he lead me to a room that had mirrors on 2 of the walls and a mat that covered the whole floor.

“Are you training me?” I asked the warrior. I mean it was a stupid question, I guess. He picked me up and brought me here and he’s a warrior. Of course he’s training me.

“No. I’m not.” I’m sure I was looking at him like he had 3 heads because he ran his hands down his face and let out a long sigh. “Look I’m not supposed to say anything, but you look like a nice kid. The alpha’s and the beta’s sons will be training you. They want you gone asap and have been told not to go easy on you either. They will try to break you as fast as they can, so you don’t come back.”

“Oh really now? That’s interesting.” I knew I was smirking, but I couldn’t hide my face fast enough. I tossed my bag by the wall and went to the middle of the mat to start stretching while I was waiting on apparently the sons of the 2 highest ranking members of the packs.

I came up with a counter plan in my head now knowing what their plan was. Let them think I was truly a rookie and then learn their weak spots and then after a few weeks, nail their asses to the wall. As I was stretching out, I heard 2 male voices coming in behind me. One of the sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it, while the other I didn’t recognize.

They started talking to the guy that brought me in here. I didn’t turn around and just continued to stretch out, actually I was just showing off how flexible I was really at that point. I tried to listen in on their conversation but without my wolf it was kind of hard. I was only getting bits and piece.

When I heard my name, I stood up with my back still to them, and then turned around.

“For fuck’s sake.” I said out loud before I could stop myself. It’s him. The mystery guy from school. Well, this was going to fun. NOT! The dude creeped me out honestly.

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