Pyre Academy

Chapter Moving Pawns

Ember stood watching Atlas and Amanda sleep, before heading up the winding staircase leading into the Academy, as she headed back into the light of the torches, she looked around, most of the students were also fast asleep as it was the middle of the night. Ember took in a deep breath and walked to the balcony and gazed up into the light.

Syl and Seb reached the port town of Southan. The town was almost empty as they walked onto the main street. The docks at the far end of the street were silent, with Aranei troops stood in front of the shipyard.

"This could be trouble..." Seb sighed.

"We can take them no trouble" Syl shrugged.

"If you want this to be a sneak attack, I think taking out Aranei troops in Southan of all places my tip Abyssia off" Seb explained.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right, but what other way do we have?" Syl pondered.

"Hmm..." Seb said, he turned around and headed out of town.

"Where are you going?" Syl grumbled as he reluctantly followed Seb.

"South, I heard some rumours that there is a pirate town down there... or there once was... there might be some boats left over" Seb explained.

"Like... 'Arrr!' pirates?" Syl laughed.

"No, like modern day pirates, with guns. The sort that try to steal tankers" Seb sighed.

"Still, sounds unrealistic" Syl shrugged.

"A better plan than alerting Abyssia though" Seb nodded.

The two of them slowly headed out of town, then made their way south.

Araneia stormed through the halls of the Imperial Academy toward the throne room, we she reached the doors she threw them open. Abyssia was sat atop the throne, she gazed down to Araneia.

"What is it?" Abyssia asked.

"It seems Lumina is no longer on this continent..."Araneia said, as she knelt before Abyssia.

Abyssia sprang to her feet.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" Abyssia shouted.

"We're getting no strong light energy readings outside Mystallia" Araneia explained.

"Did you check inside Mystallia?" Abyssia asked.

"Indeed, we sent several teams in there, no sign of her, they are now starting work on constructing a new Mystic Crystal" Araneia assured Abyssia.

"That makes no sense, why could she have gone west?" Abyssia asked.

"Permission to speak freely?" Araneia asked.

"Of course, you can always speak your mind around me, Araneia, you know this" Abyssia smiled.

"You should have tried harder to stop Victoria, it is likely she was still loyal to Lumina and has passed on information regarding the Luna child, more than likely she has gone to either turn Roisin to her side, or kill her" Araneia said, in a frank tone.

Abyssia sat down and took a deep breath.

"You're right... I have been too trusting once again" Abyssia sighed deeply.

"Your orders, my friend?" Araneia asked.

"Find Victoria, and kill her, she was last seen stealing an airship from Rosefall, so she will have gone west, there are no reports of her arriving at Pyre as of yet, so she may have been captured by the Imperium" Abyssia commanded Araneia.

Araneia nodded and left the room. Abyssia stepped down from the throne and headed out to the balcony. She took a deep breath of fresh air.

In the slums of Imperistia, Victoria and Pellan headed through the dark dank streets of the Undercity, only steps ahead of their pursuers. From day to day they had been hiding out in collapsed buildings, trying to get themselves smuggled out of the city, but they were not trusted, due to Victoria hailing from Pyre.

As the two walked past an old collapsing school, they found themselves surrounded by dozens of gunmen, with old ballistic guns.

"Bring them into the school" A woman with a red head wrap, holding a rifle shouted, the gunmen poked Victoria and Pellan in their backs with the rifles and the two headed into the school. As they headed inside, they were taken into an old classroom. The woman was sat on the old desk as Victoria and Pellan were sat down behind some old desks, several gunmen remained in the room as one of them closed the door.

The woman stood up and sighed.

"Names?" She said, flatly. "No bullshitting or you will be killed on the spot, we have no time for lies" The woman barked.

"Victoria Iryn" Victoria said, slightly scared.

"Iryn... from Raryst, yes?" The woman asked.

"Yes..." Victoria looked down.

"Good, and you?" The woman said as she turned to Pellan.

"Pellan Aranst" Pellan squeaked.

"I assume that you are an Imperial, from Aranei" She asked.

"Y... yes, ma'am, as student from the Imperial Academy" Pellan replied.

"Hmm, do you have any love for the Imperium that we have here on the Western Continent?" She asked.

"Why would I? They hate us humans" Pellan replied.

"Like you hate the Hubuns?" She growled.

"I... uh" Pellan panicked, the woman took the headwrap off, to reveal two Hubun ears. Pellan looked down at the floor.

"I am Angelas, leader of the resistance movement here in Imperistia" The woman introduced herself. "We've heard from the locals that you stirred up some trouble at the facility at the back end of the Undercity, and that you are searching for a way to leave the city." Angelas began. "We can provide a way out... but we need your help" She added.

"Anything, if we stay here too long we'll be killed" Victoria replied.

"We want to destroy the city above, literally bring it down" Angelas stated.

"What!? You'll kill millions!" Pellan gasped.

"We'll evacuate the Undercity, don't worry... unless you're bothered about those above" Angelas shrugged.

"But... there's children up there, innocent children" Victoria sighed.

"Future Imperium torturers you mean? Yeah, now they might be innocent young children. Give 'em fifteen years, and they'll be coming down here and taking our daughters in the middle of the night, or killing our sons for looking at them, or not looking at them" Angelas said, through gritted teeth.

"I dunno about this..." Victoria sighed.

"We'll do it" Pellan replied, Victoria looked over to him in shock.

"Good, come tomorrow night, the Uppercity is going under" Angelas grinned. Victoria looked at the floor and sighed.

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