Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Just checking if I made you pull at stitch, I grabbed the wrong arm.”

All Jen does is nod at me and watch me as I am checking her over.

“Michelle, why do you have to do that to me and your sister?”

Mum says to me, I look towards mum and then back to Jen’s arm before I say.

“Because you never like to tell me anything, and for some reason, you don’t like to talk to Jen when she is angry but is one of these things you have to tell us about why Jen had suddenly started to burn up when she’s angry and she loses control over her own body.”

I finish with Jen’s arm then I pat her knee to let her know that I am finished. I give her a small smile before I sit back into the couch and look at mum.

“Actually it is, and why you’re hearing is so good, it will also explain why your hair and Jen’s eyes change colour with your moods.”

“I know about the colour changes with my hair and Jen’s eyes but what about why Jen’s skin gets hot as hell.”

I could swear I heard Damon say yeah she is under his breathe. My head shoots towards him and he looks shocked.

“That’s exactly it. As you say, Hot as hell she has a demon in her. And one of the reasons you can hear anyone even when they talk under their breath is because you have Fairy in you.”

Mum says all casual. Like hell it’s casual, the fuck she has always said we are normal humans. Next thing I know I have someone holding my arm as I did for Jen, I swing around and see that it is Jen that is comforting me and that’s when I notice that my hair is going pure black which means I need to reign myself in with my temper.

“Mum, so you are saying that I am a demon and Michelle is a fairy, so what else are we then.

“Wellllll... That’s the thing you aren’t just a demon or fairy, you both have Vampire, Witch and Werewolf in you as well.”

Ehhh. I think my heads getting slightly light because I was sure mum just said something about vampire, witch and werewolf. Like what the fuck. I look around to try and keep my anger in. my eyes land on the guys, Ethan is stood there with jaw dropped, Nate is stood there looking very happy, whys he so happy, Niklaus is stood there with slight jaw dropped but also I huge smile on his face, ha comical that and the last one Damon is stood there with nearly the same face as Niklaus.

“Anything else we need to know?”

“Well now that you have found your mates a lot of trouble will follow.”

“Michelle has, I haven’t does that mean you’ll take my memories away!”

“I thought you and Damo-”


Jen cuts mum off before she can finish what she was going to say making us all look at her.

“Jen you can’t deny that you have a mate.”

“Well actually I can, I have no proof that I have one and the one that claims to be, gave me this and this.”

Jen points to her lip and her eye.

“Tell me was he angry at the time?”

“Maybe, we may or may not have humiliated him after they kidnapped us, and I told him I don’t just give out respect people have to earn it and may have finished the speech with prick.”

Mum rolls her eyes at Jen making Jen grin, mum knows her so well.

“Was you angry at the time.”

“No, but I was after he hit me.”

“Was you irritated?”

“Well, ye he demanded respect.”

“I know what happened.”

Mum says slumping her shoulders and taking in a deep breath before she talks again.

“Damon had no control, that was your Demon coming out that made him do that.”

“OH so it’s my fault he hit me nice try.”

Jen gets up to leave the room and calm down but I know she won’t calm fully down. But something that mum said made Jen stop in her tracks.

“Yes and no, Jen you are the strongest Demon alive in the world it’s different for you.

Jen turns around to look at mum with narrowed eyes, she studies her for a moment.

“You are still keeping things aren’t you?”


“What else could there be?”

I say stopping Jen from saying it, I really am getting irritated.

“Well, what is it!”

Jen says one more time before she flips.

“That I really can’t tell you yet!”

“Why? Just give us reasons why and we can leave it there.”

I try to reason with mum.

“Because it involves both your dad’s and him.”

That was the last straw for Jen she storms out of the room, I try to run after her but she is too fast. I see her make it to the jeep and zoom off. Because I couldn’t get to her in time she could be in horrible danger but what can I do. Why did she just run off like that, what does mum mean by both our dads and him, who the hell is him. I turn back around and storm back into the house straight into the living room and stand at the door fuming.

“Can someone go see if Jen is okay. She ran to the jeep and just fucked off. And mum tell me who him is and why it involves dad and Jen’s dad.”

“Wait you two have different dad’s, I thought you both had the same dad.”

I turn to whoever said this and it was Nate. His face is saying that he genuinely thought we had the same dads. Awe cute he has no clue.

“No we don’t have the same dads and we wish we didn’t have the dads that we do.”

I look around at everyone who is in the room and Damon isn’t here, he must have gone to see if Jen is okay. I decide that Jen is in good hands. I start to feel drained but I haven’t done anything to feel drained what is up with me. I try to sit down on the couch but somehow miss it completely and head for the floor. But I don’t reach the floor. All I can feel is sparks running around my body. I look up with a clouded vision and see that it is Niklaus that caught me, wasn’t he at the opposite end of the room. Oh yeah he is a werewolf. Haha. Me being the typical me being stupid and forgetting things.

“Easy there Michelle. What’s the matter Little Wolf?”

“Just... feel... drain....”

And the next thing I know everything is dark.

I wake up and there is a rainbow coloured light that is far off into the darkness. I stand up since I am laid on the floor. Once up I start walking towards the rainbow light. As I get nearer I hear movement through it. I step through it and see a huge tree that has rainbow coloured blooms. As I am walking towards the tree I can see things buzzing around. I am sure I can see little people. How is this possible.

Next thing I know there is one of these little people hovering in front of my face.

“Hello, I am Elaina I am your fairy.”

“Hi. Well this is weird. I know my mum said something about me being fairy but how is it possible that I didn’t know anything?”

“Your mum took away memories with her witch powers. She had to do this because of the trouble that has happened in the past.”

“She said something about trouble and that she couldn’t tell us but why did I just blank out and drop.”

“That would have been me, I am sorry about that but it was the only way I could speak to you but after this, you will be able to speak to me through your mind whilst being awake.”

“So is this why Jen passed out because she was talking to her Demon. And that’s the point why am I the only one that can calm her down properly?”

The fairy named Elaina looks at me with a bright smile and then she says.

“That is because she is the Demon princess and you are the Fairy Princess. Which means when you find your mates and finish the mating process you both will be the queens Jen will be Demon Queen plus her mate will be Demon King and you will be Fairy Queen plus your mate will be Fairy King. And this tree is the tree of eternal life.”

“Wow eternal life wicked. But does that mean I live an eternal life with being part fairy?”

“Yes, that and because you are vampire, werewolf, witch and fairy you will live a very long life. Anyway, you have to go now your friends and family are getting worried. If you have any question’s just mind link me as you do with your sister.”

“Okay, can you wake me up now?”

“Yes, I will speak to you later.”

With just a wave of her hand I am out like a light again.

I slowly open my eyes to see Nik hovering near me and I am on something soft. I look down and see that I am on a bed, this room looks familiar. Ahhhh this is Nik’s room, I look back at Nik and see that he has relief in his eyes.

“Are you okay you just passed out?”

“Erm yeah, I think I am okay. What happened after I passed out?”

“Well you passed out then your mum was freaking, Ethan seemed to get dizzy when you passed out, Damon came back with Jen who was asleep so she got took up to Damon’s room, Nate decided he was hungry like usual so because the first two was freaking out I decided you didn’t need the stress so I brought you up to my room if that is okay.”

I look at him and see that he is being truthful. How can I sense feelings and whether someone is being truthful?

“Yeah that’s fine. Could you get me a glass of water or a coffee please?”

“Yeh, I’ll get you a coffee?”

“Thank you.”

Nik goes out of the room and I lay my head back down on the soft king-size bed. Very quickly after my head hit the very soft pillow I was asleep.

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