Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Eight

I just chill on the sofa that is in Damon’s office with Nik, I am cuddled into his side still feeling slightly light-headed, I lay my head on Nik’s shoulder and close my eyes trying to get rid of the faintness. A few minutes later of everyone else talking and Nik and I just sat cuddling, the door opens and in walks, Jen and a man who looks to be in his late 30′s nearly 40′s both of them holding trays with brews on in both hands. Jen and the man both hand the brews out and the man stays stood up and Jen takes a seat next to mum. We all watch as the guy who I am sure is Damon’s dad turns to him and says’s.

“Hello, son.”

“Hay dad, what are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here? Let me see. I came to see my son, only to find out he found his MATE AND NEVER TOLD US. You are dead when I tell your mother.”

Damon looks like a deer caught in headlights, I can tell Jen really wants to help but also laugh at the same time just like me hahaha. Damon turns to Jen and he looks pale and he seems like he is panicking before he turns back towards his dad.

“ can explain. Please don’t tell mum.”

“You better start talking right now.”

“There’s been a few complications and a lot going on, I was going to tell you both when everything calms down.”

Damon’s dad starts laughing, and we all are nearly laughing our arses off with him.

“It’s fine son, I’m just happy for you and I already like her.”

Jen gives Damon a smug look before she takes a sip of her brew, ahh that reminds me that she made a coffee for me as well. Suddenly we all hear a big bang in the hall before a very pissed off sounding voice. Ah, I think this may be Damon’s mamma.


I can’t help but the little snigger that comes out of my mouth and when I look over to Damon and his dad they both have a shit scared look on their faces. Oh no, this can’t be good if they both are scared of her. The door flies open and a very angry woman who looks between 35-40 years old comes marching through the door glaring at Damon and Mr. Knight they both shrink into their seats. Me, Jen and Ethan can’t help ourselves when we make a certain noise.


We all say then her glare gets turned onto us, Ethan shut’s up and me and Jen both laugh our heads off, thankfully she turns her glare back onto her husband and son.

“Damon Knight how dare you not tell your MOTHER you found your MATE!”

“Mum I’m sorry but.”

“Don’t you but me young man. Where is she? Who is she? Is she pretty I bet she is! Oh my god, when are you having kids? I can’t wait to be a grandma!”

Mrs. Knight keeps going on and on but I can tell Jen isn’t amused one bit but I know I am. Next thing I know when I look at Damon his mum is right in his face.

“Wait it better NOT and I mean NOT be Barbie Broomhead because I swear to the goddess I will kill her mate or not.”

“Can’t I help.”

Jen and I say at the same time putting our hands in the air. Mrs. Knight looks between us as a smile grows on her face, Jen looks over at me and we high five before putting our hands down.

“I like you girl’s!”

“Thanks but really I have dib’s so if anyone kills her I have to be involved, I say we all work together.”

“Yes, sound like a great plan to me. When should we kill her.”

“OH, how about-”



Me, Jen and Mrs. Knight all shout turning towards Damon with shock and anger evident on our faces.

“She is getting exiled that is all.”

We all lean back huffing and crossing our arms. Mr. Knight hugs Mrs. Knight whilst Nik put’s his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. Damon starts moving towards Jen but he stops when she gives him the evils.

“I like you girl’s.”

Damon’s mum says changing the subject.

“So we can’t kill Barbie Yet, do you two want to help me kill my son first for not telling me about his mate?”

Jen and I share a look before turning to Damon with an evil smile making him take a step back before we all burst out laughing. When Mr. Knight stops laughing he turns to his wife.

“Hunnie you do realize you are talking about killing your son with his mate because you didn’t know about her!”

“Yes, what do you- wait WHAT?”

Mrs. Knight spins to look at Jen and before anyone knows it she lunges at Jen hugging her to death.

“Thank the goddess, you are amazing.”

Damon’s mum pulls back and I see Jen able to breathe better.

“Sorry about my wife she just gets excited.”

“I can see.”

We all laugh again but that is until.


We all turn to look at Damon waiting to see what he says next.

“What the hell just happened? That’s just freaky!”

“What would that be son?”

“Dad, you’re really telling me that wasn’t weird ?”

“Not really, in my opinion, it’s good when your mate and mum get along like that!”

“Oh okay! But one thing!”

“What’s that?”

“They are getting along planning to kill me!”

Jen bursts out laughing at his choice of words which makes everyone look at her. Jen holds her hands up with an evil smile before she says.

“Not like it’s the first time I’m planning your murder. I already thought of one with Michelle.”

“Why would you plan my son’s murder!”

Damon’s dad says with a stern face whilst standing stick straight looking right at Jen. She starts laughing and this seems to piss Mr. Knight off even more.

“Yes I did and your son knows why. I’m sure he wants to keep that between us though. This is one of the things he meant when he told you it was complicated.”

Mr. Knight looks shocked before he turns back to Damon.

“What could you have possibly done to make your mate want to kill you?”

“Like Jen said I would like to keep that between us.”

“Being male.”

We hear Damon’s mum mutter to herself making me, Jen our mum and herself start laughing.


All the guys shout making us girls laugh more, Jen stops laughing and sits straighter.

“Time for food, I’m cooking.”

Jen runs for the door and I am straight behind her, oh my goddess I love Jen’s food. I take a quick glance behind me and see everyone including Damon’s parents following for the food. As we get to the kitchen we see Jen rooting through the pantry looking for what to make. Jen gets to work on preparing the food, then as Jen is chopping the peppers Damon decides to move closer to her haha he is in for a huge shock, no one and I mean no one gets too close she will stab you.

“Don’t even think about it, because I will use this!”

“I was just going to help.”

“Don’t touch her food when she cooks it’s nearly as bad as you know!”

I say whilst trying to hold my laughter back, Damon starts backing away and Jen gets back to chopping the food up.

“Okay, I get it!”

Damon says and everyone starts talking to each other and Jen’s in her own little world, I just sit at the island waiting not so patiently for food. My love of my life food.

I start tapping my foot being the impatient bitch that I am and the next minute Jen is turning around and glaring at me crossing her arms. I gulp and give her a shaky smile.

“Everything okay Jen?”

Jen looks over to mum when mum finishes talking and everyone’s eyes are on Jen.

“Everything’s fine but I’m thinking that if someone!”

Jen eyes me making it clear that she is talking about me and she has this evil smile and her eyes are green/blue.

“Keep’s tapping her foot impatiently then not only will she NOT be having any of my spag bol but I will also put her on a no Jen’s cooking ban.”


Jen rolls her eyes and everyone including her is laughing at me. I start to get a slight bit angry. I hear Nik trying to keep his laughing under control and I feel his arm going around my shoulders.

“It’s okay baby, it can’t be that bad.”

I turn to look at Nik and my expression is horrified and I stand up, Not that bad, NOT THAT BAD, the fucking cheek he is so dead.

“Can’t be that bad. Can’t be that bad! Have you ever had her cooking? No, you haven’t so stay out!”

I turn back to Jen with a pout and sad eyes.

“Don’t even try it, Michelle, if you do the ban will be for 2 weeks!”

Another horrified expression comes across my face.

“Alright, Jennifer stop winding up your sister!”

“Don’t you start missy or you get a ban too!”

“You can’t do that I’m your mother!”

Mum looks at Jen confidently that is until Jen stands straight and looks mum straight in the eye.

“Try me!”

“Okay, sorry I love you!”

“Creep but I love you to mum, now everyone take a seat food done.”

Everyone seemed confused after what just happened but none of them wasted any time in setting the table and taking their seats as Jen brought the food out. We spent the rest of the day chatting and laughing with one another.

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