Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Jen jumps back to where I was sat and we high five. I know for a fact that I am next so I just sit and wait.

“Next up this fighter is on the same level as The Demon and is not to be messed with. We have on the left is Jordy and on the right, we have The Psycho!”

As soon as he says my name I jump out of my seat and jump into the ring. Once in the ring I stand next to Dexter and look out at the crowd. Where is this Jordy person?

“Jordy, why aren’t you in the ring?”

Dexter looks over to the other corner of the room. When I follow his gaze, I can just about see who this guy is and it turns out he is actually my ex who lived in England for 4 years then suddenly disappeared, oh this is going to be so fun.

“Oh come on Jordy, do you not remember all the good fights we had when we were dating and then you fucked off and disappeared without saying anything or even a text.”

“I won’t fight you Psycho, no way in hell.”

“What your chicken Jordy?”

I can tell I’m getting under his skin because he hates being called chicken. Now he’s walking towards the ring and jumps in.

“I will not fight my girlfriend.”

“I am not your girlfriend anymore BABE and I never will be now you fucked that up 3 years ago!”

I can tell I’m getting angrier by the second all I want to do is have a fight then go home.


Next thing I know he’s running up to me but he’s cheating because One Dexter is still in the ring and Two the bell hasn’t gone, so I look at Dexter and he nods telling me I can take him down and won’t be disqualified. So as Jordy gets about a foot in front of me I shimmy to the left side quickly and grab him by the throat and stop him dead and throw him onto the floor. I am still stood next to Dexter and I don’t move anywhere.

“Jordy! You know the rules just as much as I do and you know you never start when the boss is still in the ring.”

Jordy is coughing and spluttering but he manages to get out.

“Yeah I know that but you pissed me off.”

“And you know I will always be better than you at everything, why don’t we restart and get this fight going properly without all this anger?”

I look over to Jen and see that her eyes are wide especially after the girlfriend comment. That may be due to me not telling her that little piece of information because we were only together for about 6 months so I didn’t think I needed to tell her she thought we were only friends. I look back at Dexter and Jordy with a look of can we get this over with. Jordy gives me evils and Dexter gives me a nod so I go into my corner and wait for Jordy to get into his corner.

“Alright, you both know the rules and when to start fighting.”

We both nod and Dexter jumps out of the ring and goes to the bell, he rings it and Jordy and I start circling in the ring. Jordy is trying to give me a seductive stare but it’s never worked with me. He goes in for the first shot which is a kick to the ribs and the toe of his trainer slightly grazes my hip, it doesn’t hurt because he hardly touched me so I decide when he puts his foot down I go in for a shot with my right fist against his left side jaw. Direct hit! Yes, he’s still the same as he was back then. He stumbles back and falls onto his arse. He gets up in seconds holding his jaw.

“You bitch!”

I give him a sinister smirk because whilst I’m actually fighting I won’t talk. He lunges for me and grabs me around the waist which makes me stumble back whilst he still has his arms wrapped around my waist. I know what he’s trying to do and that’s trying to get me onto my back, when we used to play fight I used to let him do it but this is a proper fight and I will not let him win so I turn it around so I’m pushing him backward and next thing I know he trips over his own feet and falls backward onto the floor with me still in his arms. Once he’s on the floor I think it’s time to finish this fight off. I start punching him and I will not stop because my vision has gone red and my hair is pure black. Next thing I know I feel someone pulling me off of Jordy I swing around going to punch whoever stopped me from killing him and they dodge my punch, when I look properly it’s Jen, what’s she doing in the ring. Once my heads cleared a bit I look back at where I was to see Jordy on the floor with loads of blood all over his face passed out but I look and see that I haven’t killed him, oh what a pity. Well, he deserved it.

“Come on Michelle, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Jen whispers to me so I look at my outfit and see I have loads of blood splattered across my outfit face and all over my fists which are still so tight my skin has gone pure white.

“You don’t need to baby me, sis, I’m fine I’ll clean up later it’s only blood.”

“Okay, just chill okay you won.”

“I know and I am chilled why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because your hair is still pure black Red.”

Dexter says. I look at my hair and notice it really is still Black, so I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to get it back to my natural Brown. Once I re-open my eyes I look and luckily my hair is back to normal. I really don’t know what’s happening to me, I am getting angrier quicker since moving here.

I jump out of the ring and go towards the back so I’m in the shadows. Once in the shadows I lean against the wall and slide down it into a sitting position, once sat I pull my legs up and put my head between them just breathing closing my eyes with my arms around the top of my head. I feel someone come up in front of me all I do is turn my head and look up to see Jen and Dexter standing there.

“What guy’s, I’m fine really just tired that’s all.”

“Really cause you’re not normally like this sis, what’s wrong?”

“I really don’t know what you’re on about.”

“Blu’s right, Red you’ve never been like this.”

“If you really want to know. All I can think of is that fucking picture of the guys and my dad that’s what’s wrong. He leaves us and then comes here a few years after but why!!!”

I put my head back down and close my eyes to stop myself from crying. I feel them come to both sides of me and both of them hug me whilst kneeling down.

“Come on let’s get sorted and go home okay sis?”

“Okay. Lab get us our winnings please so we can go without any more interruptions.”

“Sure, follow me to my office and I will get your money, but you have to come to see me again okay you two.”

Jen and I look at each other with an obviously look and we both say.

“Of course Lab.”

All three of us make our way to Lab’s office and go in leaving the door open. Dexter goes into his desk drawer and pulls out two big envelopes and hands one to me and one to Jen. I grab it off him saying thank you and just stuff it into the bag that we left in here and Jen does the same after opening and checking how much was in it.

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