Psycho Gods: Enemies to Lovers Romance

Psycho Gods: Part 4 – Chapter 71


Do you feel like your sexual needs are being met in your relationship? Why or why not?

Aran Alis Egan Malum

I can’t believe we open these up for fun and this is the prompt. Isn’t this supposed to be about prisoners making friends?

Orion Malum

I love this question.

Yes, I especially enjoyed fucking Arabella in the lake yesterday while Corvus took me from behind.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

To answer, yes, I’m very sexually satisfied. However, I’m still worried we got diseases from the lake.

Corvus Malum

I told you, my Revered, light of my life and subject of my every thought, the lakes are fresh water that is clean enough to drink.

My sexual needs are extremely satisfied, especially since we’ve all started going topless during the days. I love licking Arabella’s nipples each morning and making them rosy. It’s my favorite part of my morning routine.

Scorpius Malum

Personally, my needs are not completely being met. I tried to use a knife on John yesterday while he was fucking Aran, and he screamed like a little girl and kneed me in the balls.

It hurt my feelings that he wouldn’t let me stab him, just a couple of times.

John Son of Hades Malum


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Scorpius, you literally stabbed me in my butt cheek unexpectedly while I was having sex? The unexpected part was the thing that upset me the most.

What I’m confused about is why you don’t try to shank any of your FIVE other mates. It’s just me who gets a knife in the ass when I’m trying to have a special moment with Aran.

To answer the question, I didn’t know it was possible for someone to be as sexually satisfied as I am.

Side note, do you guys think someone is going to arrest me for writing in this? I’m nervous, I don’t think I’d last in a holding cell.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

First, John, it was a major turnoff watching you sob and scream at the ducks to save you while you writhed on the grass with a knife in your ass. It was hard to watch.

Second, aren’t these tied to the underworld prison, the one you literally run?

John Son of Hades Malum

Oh thank the sun god, that’s such a relief.

Next time Scorpius stabs you during sex, I’m going to try to walk away, just like you did to me.

Scorpius Malum

What if I stab her with my cock, will you walk away then? What if I stab my fingers into her pussy? What if I stab my tongue into her asshole? What if I stab gently? What if I stab in quick successive jabs? What if I lick the wound after? What if I bite it?

John, if I stab Aran, you won’t be walking away because I’ll want to stab you too.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Wow. That is quite a list. Let’s stick with the first option.

John, my feelings are a little hurt that you’d leave me with Scorpius. You know how he is.

Scorpius Malum

What do you mean? What am I???

John Son of Hades Malum

Aran, I said “try” to walk away because we both know that I’d never leave you alone with him unsupervised. Especially not with how violently he attacked me the other day. He’s getting restless and I think we should get him professional help.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Aw you’re so sweet John. Also, I completely agree. Do you think we should call Dr. Palmer and try to get him an appointment? Last week I caught him threatening Darlene with a butcher knife!

John Son of Hades Malum

Darlene? The sweet old lady who stocks our pantry and brings us cookies each week from the local bakery??? No. He wouldn’t do that.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

He had her pressed against the wall with a knife against her throat because she forgot to stock up on peanut butter cookies! Can you believe that? I gave her his diamond cufflinks as payment for her suffering.

Scorpius Malum

Aran, that better be a joke. Those were my favorite.

Darlene knew I wanted those cookies, and she purposefully didn’t get them. I know she has a vendetta against me. I just need to find a way to prove it.

Also, if either of you say one more word about me, I’m going to paddle you for hours as you scream and beg for my cock.

John Son of Hades Malum

Call Dr. Palmer immediately. I fear for Darlene’s safety.

Luka Son of Hades Malum


An unauthorized writer is detected in Orion’s journal. Please read the above warning and proceed with caution.

I think you both are being dramatic. Scorpius just has a lot of energy. I think we should visit the Fae realm and help Jinx. She mentioned at our weekly dinner with the shifter legion that she needed help hunting down criminals.

To answer the prompt, my sexual needs are extremely satisfied. Making love to Aran and Orion on horseback last week was amazing. I also loved waking up this morning to Orion sucking on my cock.

Being a part of this family has opened my eyes to so many things. I never imagined I could interact with so many people. It’s better than anything I could have dreamed of.

Corvus Malum

Thank you, Luka for taking this seriously.

I also think we should make a visit to the fae realm, it would do us all good. Aran keeps making me go on thirty-mile morning runs with her and I’m too afraid to tell her that I don’t want to go.

To answer the prompt, my sexual needs are so satisfied that I cried myself to sleep last night because I was so grateful that I get to be mated to all of you. I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams that this would be what my life is like. I thought I’d never find my Revered, and now I have five mates. I’m crying right now thinking about how much I love all of you.

Aran Alis Egan Malum


Also, I forgot how funny Corvus was in these journals. You’re the most interesting scary/soft man I’ve ever met in my life, and I love you so much. That being said, I can’t stop laughing right now. Something about the way you cry is so funny to me. I’m sorry, I know it’s rude, but I can’t stop.

Scorpius Malum

Corvus are you actually crying? Is that why you said you had to go to the bathroom?

Orion Malum

For real, man??? You’re such a cutie.

Luka Malum

I don’t know what to say.

John Son of Hades Malum

At least I cried because I’d been knifed in the ass. That’s just embarrassing. But also, I understand what you mean Corvus. Sometimes I also get overwhelmed by my love for you guys. I don’t cry, but my chest feels warm and tingly.

Corvus Malum

I held a baby goat yesterday while I sobbed thinking about how much I love you all.

I will not cross this out because I am proud of who I am.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Is the goat okay? You probably traumatized the poor thing. I mean this with all the love and respect in the world, that is such a Mitch thing to do.

Corvus Malum

Please do not start calling me that name again. It has taken me months to recover emotionally from that hurtful nickname. It makes me self-conscious.

Aran Alis Egan Malum


Scorpius Malum


Orion Malum


John Son of Hades Malum


Corvus Malum

Thank you, Luka, for not joining in on their childish gestures. It means a lot that I have at least one mate who will stand by me.

Luka Son of Hades Malum


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Corvus Malum:

My heart hurts.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Stop hiding and come back outside Corvus we miss you!

Please, I’ll give you kisses and massage your head. I know that’s your favorite.

Corvus Malum

Fine, but I want kisses…everywhere.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

There he is.

Maybe, if you beg me.

Corvus Malum

We both know that I’m not the one who does the begging in this relationship.

Take your clothes off Aran. I want you naked and open when I come outside, Love of My Life.

Scorpius Malum

Corvus, she’s not taking off her clothes. Do you want me to get her ready for you? I have my knife…

John Son of Hades Malum

Aran, I really think we should get Scorpius an appointment with Dr. Palmer soon.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Agreed. I’ll call her later. She hates us, so we’ll probably have to blackmail her.

John Son of Hades Malum

Do whatever it takes.

Orion Malum

Corvus, I’ll get her ready with my tongue for you. My favorite three course meal is Aran’s pussy.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Scorpius don’t you dare come over here with that knife. Use it on John. Even though we have real concerns about your mental state lately, John did tell me secretly that he likes when you stab him.

Orion I just want to say you’re amazing at giving head. Literally, mind-blowing.

John Son of Hades Malum

OH MY SUN GOD, Aran, I told you that in confidence! How could you? Is nothing sacred anymore??? We were just talking about how terrifying he is, and then you do that?

I will get you back for this.

Corvus Malum

I’m coming out soon. You better be ready for me Aran because I’m going to do depraved things to you. I’m going to make you come so many times that you forget your name.

It’s taking longer than I expected because I’m trying to find a pink bow for Bessie. Her old one must have fallen off. Aran, do you know where we keep our ribbon?

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Who is Bessie?

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Corvus, top right bathroom drawer.

Bessie is the three-hundred-pound pig he rescued last week.

Also, she didn’t lose her bow, she ripped it to shreds. I watched her do it.

Orion Malum

Are you guys talking about the BOAR with the foot long tusks that’s been terrorizing the estate???

John Son of Hades Malum

That thing is terrifying. It makes me feel scared in my own home.

Scorpius Malum

I’ve been hunting that thing all week, but it keeps evading me. It has a wicked bite.

I recommend using a long-range weapon because stabbing it did not work.

Corvus Malum

SCORPIUS, DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH BESSIE!!!! She is a member of this family and a very sweet girl once you get to know her.

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Do female boars have tusks?

John Malum

I just want to bring up the fact that Bessie is a carnivore. I saw her eating a duck last week. Should we be concerned?

Corvus Malum

You probably saw a different pig, John. My Bessie would never do that.

Luka, she is obviously a woman.

Scorpius Malum

Can I hunt the wild boar? Or can I not? I’m confused.

All this talk of bloodshed is making me horny. John, get over here and suck me off.

Aran Alis Egan Malum:

Don’t you dare hurt her Scorpius! I swear I won’t talk to you for a month if you harm a single one of the poisonous spikes on her spine.

Corvus Malum

Found the bows. Do you think Bessie will like purple or pink?

I’m coming out now, Aran you better be naked and ready for me.

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Corvus, you should hurry up.

Aran and John are giggling and running across the hills.

They said they’re going to go hide behind some trees? Do you want me to chase after them?

Never mind, Scorpius is sprinting after them.

Should we be concerned that he’s pointing a knife at them like a spear as he runs?

Oof looks like he overtook John quickly, and tackled him to the grass.

Yep, he stabbed him.

Aran is still running.

Holy shit, Bessie is running beside her!!!!

Oh no, Aran is trying to pet her.

Bessie does not look like she wants to be touched. Corvus, are her spines projectiles?

Orion Malum

Corvus, get out here, Scorpius is attacking Bessie!!!!

I think your pig is having diarrhea. Corvus, what have you been feeding it???

Wait, now Aran is attacking Scorpius.

Bessie has turned on John.

I can confirm, the spines are projectiles.

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Update, John has been hit. Three spines to the ass.

Scorpius is now attacking Bessie with his bare hands.

Corvus Malum

TELL HIM NOT TO HURT BESSIE!!! I’m coming out now!!!!

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Too late.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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