Psycho Gods: Enemies to Lovers Romance

Psycho Gods: Part 3 – Chapter 37


If you were in love, how would you communicate your feelings to your partner?

Corvus Malum

Since we’re all lying awake in bed (I can hear you muttering insults under your breath, Arabella) and we’ve had an illuminating night, I thought it would be a good time to answer the second prompt.

I’m also a little intoxicated and want to talk to my mates.

Love is a weak, pitiful emotion that doesn’t apply to devils. Since I’m an Ignis, I’ll answer this question as it applies to my fated Protectors and Revered. I’d communicate my feelings by protecting them with my fire and killing for them. I’d touch them constantly because I crave physical contact.

I will do everything I can to keep you safe, Arabella, even if you hate me for it.

Aran Alis Egan

Thank you, Mitch, for sharing your feelings. That was very brave of you.

This is supposed to be hypothetical, and once again you’re making it weird.

I would hang out with my hypothetical lover all day and talk to them. I would wrestle them and tell them inappropriate jokes. We’d nap beneath a tree and laze the day away. I would trust them and tell them everything that bothered me. We would be inseparable and close.

They would taste like freedom and would be handsome and strong and would burn the world for me and would get turned on just from looking at me and would be… I forgot where I was going with this.

Side note: If this is about helping prisoners, why is everything so romantic? Are they trying to make them fall in love? Do you guys think Dr. Palmer has a prison pen pal she writes to? Do you think they have sex? How does that work? Do they do it through the bars?

I’m still drunk. Please ignore what I’m saying.

Corvus Malum

You’ve never wrestled with me.

My feelings are hurt, and I am struggling to not burn my bed into ashes at the thought of you not caring for me.

I do not think the doctor has a lover.

She is a frigid bitch.

Aran Alis Egan

You’re sexist Mitch. But seriously screw your misogyny.

I hope Dr. Palmer has a beautiful lover who worships her and is inspired by her strong personality.

They’re probably making love as we speak.

Corvus Malum

The woman is a bitch.

Every time you call me a misogynist, I want to scream flames. Yes, I used to hate women because my mother abandoned me, said nothing about my abilities, and let me murder my family as a baby. I thought women were weak, manipulative creatures because that was the only experience I’d had with female devils growing up.

It’s become clear these last few months that I was wrong.

I opened up to you in the strategy room, and it meant something to be able to share my past with you. You looked at me like you understood exactly how I felt.

Arabella, you’re one of the strongest, most infuriating people I’ve ever met. I do not think less of you because you’re a woman. Jinx is also highly competent, and I respect her.

Even your short, loudmouth, stupid, idiotic friend is not really that bad. I will refrain from killing her because she has never had sex with you.

After Scorpius heard you kissing her, I was planning on staging an accident next battle and murdering her because I can’t stand for you to choose her over us. I knew I needed to get rid of her if you were ever going to be our mate.

Please ignore this part. I am very concerned what you will think when you read it.

The important part is, I respect women more since I met you.

Aran Alis Egan


I also loved talking to you in the strategy room.

Sometimes I wonder if we’re not as different as we seem…but I am still furious about Sadie.

Corvus Malum

I still might kill her if she ever touches you.

The important part is that I am not going to murder her anymore.

Let’s talk more in the future. I want to know all about your past.

Aran Alis Egan



This is an automated enchanted message that the owner of this journal’s pen is out of their immediate vicinity. They are not ignoring you, don’t panic . The High Court wants you to remember, you are enough and criminal insanity does not define you.

Orion Malum

Don’t stab him with the pen, sweetheart. You’ll hurt yourself. If you knee him in the balls, that will hurt him the most. Once when we were kids, a horse kicked him in the dick, and he cried. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

I would show my mate affection by watching them every second of every day.

I will stalk all of you for eternity.

Scorpius Malum

Corvus, stop wrestling with Arabella and let her kick you in the balls.

Also, if you set this bunk on fire, so help me sun god, I will stab you with the butcher knife I stole from the kitchen. Do not test me, I sleep with it under my pillow.

In regard to this prompt, I would communicate my feelings to my mates by hurting them in a pleasurable way. I would dig my nails into their skin until they bled, to show them how much I care. I would make them scream with pleasure as I drove my cock inside them.

I will not cross out what I said, because unlike some people, I stand by my words.

Aran Alis Egan

Thank you, Mitch, for letting me kick you in the balls. However, if you hurt one hair on Sadie’s perfect head, I will disembowel you in your sleep. You better beware because you are on thin ice with me.

Scorpius, you can’t say things like that! What if Dr. Palmer is reading this? Oh my sun god, what if she is sharing what we write with her prison pen pal as we speak?

Weirdly, Scorpius, I do not hate the idea of you hurting me because I know you would never really hurt me. It’s confusing because I don’t like pain. I’ve had enough of it to last a lifetime. But for some reason, your violence intrigues me.

Corvus Malum

I am hard after wrestling with you. Your kick was weak and didn’t hurt. Please come back and wrestle some more. I am desperate for affection. Lately Scorpius and Orion are mad at me for being rude to you, and they are not touching me as much. It hurts my feelings.

Scorpius Malum

Come on, man, not again.

Orion Malum

What do you think of my answer? No one has responded to me.

Aran Alis Egan

I like that you are always watching, Orion.

Although sometimes it is a little creepy when you don’t blink for hours. I really liked talking to you and Scorpius in the shower. Also, it turns me on the thought of you two showering together.

Whatever, I can’t help it, you’re both handsome.

Orion Malum

You’re so perfect. I want to part your pretty pussy like I did back at Elite Academy.

I want to feast on you for hours. I want you to sit on my face while Corvus, Scorpius, or Luka fucks me. I want to fall asleep with my tongue inside you and wake up and keep eating you out. I want to take my cock and paint—


*More than four sexually explicit messages have been detected in a row.

This is an automated enchanted message reminder that your messages are being monitored by an administrator. We are aware that therapy journals can elicit strong emotional reactions and want them to be a safe space for you to share your thoughts. If you are comfortable having your explicit thoughts read by others, please proceed. Otherwise, have caution.

Orion Malum

I am not afraid to share that I want to paint all four of your faces with my cum. You all are mine. I can’t wait to fuck all three of you, and maybe Luka if he’s interested.

Do you think he’d ever be interested in someone like me?

Aran Alis Egan


Please let me know if you are partaking in a torrid romance with a prisoner. This is very important to me. Pleeeeaaaase answer if you are reading. I just want you to know that I support you and everything you do. I hope your lover treats you like you deserve.

Us women gotta stick together.

Scorpius, I’ll pay you a small fortune from the fae palace’s coffers if you get Mitch on his knees and cum on his face.

Also, yes, I know for a fact Luka is interested.

Corvus Malum

I was not aware that these journals are being monitored. This is a grave invasion of privacy.

Do you know who you are messing with? We are the devil kings from the ancient, illustrious House of Malum. We will make you suffer if you dare speak a word of this to anyone else. I am embarrassed because I have spoken from the heart in this journal.

Orion, if you try it, I will set us both on fire, so help me sun god. The only person I’ll kneel for is Arabella.

Scorpius Malum

I agree with my Ignis.

Whoever is reading these messages better beware because I will hunt you down and slowly remove your flesh. Do you know how it feels to have your skin removed from your skull? Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough. Count your fucking days because I will find you.

Please, all three of you and John will be on your knees before me. John doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to be mine. Don’t worry, I’ll make it good for everyone.

Aran Alis Egan

Don’t you dare threaten Dr. Palmer, she is a beautiful woman with a beautiful lover who is trying to help us. It’s not her fault that she has an off-putting demeanor and bad interpersonal skills.

What matters is that she is trying her hardest, and that is so special to see. People just don’t try anymore.

She’s an inspiration to us all.

Are we having an earthquake or am I just drunk? What is the earthquake procedure…stab Mitch and run?

Also, I think Mitch would look pretty on his knees with a blush staining his cheeks. He’s always blushing around me for some reason. I’ll pay you a fortune Scorpius if you get him to kneel in front of you.

Scorpius Malum

Deal, but I don’t want money. I’ll trade for sexual favors.

Aran Alis Egan

Hmmm, I don’t think so. I only support male prostitution. Sorry.

Corvus Malum

I do not blush. I have a manly reddening of the face caused by overheating because I am enchanted by your presence.

Why does the truth journal always make me write the most embarrassing things?

I think mine is broken. I demand a new one.

Please, Scorpius, you’ll be on your knees before me. We both know it will just take a little pain and you’ll be begging me for it.

Aran Alis Egan

Which one of us do you think will be the best at sucking cock?

My money’s on Orion because his lips are so pretty. I want to kiss them.

Corvus Malum


Scorpius Malum

Arabella, then John.

Orion Malum


This is a fun game.

Which one of us do you think Scorpius is going to hurt the worst during sex?

I think it will be Corvus.

Aran Alis Egan

Mitch or John.

Scorpius Malum

I agree, it’s a close one between those two.

Corvus Malum

What is wrong with the three of you? I am the Ignis in this matehood. That means I am the one who is supposed to dominate everyone.

But a part of me is tired of always being angry, and I will do whatever it takes to pleasure my mates even if that means

Aran Alis Egan:

I’m on the edge of my seat. Finish the sentence, Mitch.

What are you going to do for us?

Orion Malum

Sweetheart, you agreeing that you’re our mate makes this the best night of my entire life.

Also, yes, Mitch, tell us how you’re going to get on your pretty little knees for all of us and stick out your tongue and take it.

Scorpius Malum

Mitchy poo, I’m going to tie you up with ropes until you sob and beg for it. You do make the prettiest noises.

However, Arabella’s little breathy moans are my favorite.

Corvus Malum

I agree, Arabella makes the best sounds.

Also, please stop calling me Mitch. It hurts my feelings.

You know what, I will not be ashamed for having emotions. I am a grown man with wants and needs. I’ve read that since Ignises are in touch with the soul flames of others, they feel things more deeply. That is all that is happening here.

Aran Alis Egan

Awwwwww. Mitchy, that was sweet.

Scorpius Malum

Mitch, I’d let you sleep with me, but these bunk beds are extremely uncomfortable and we wouldn’t fit together.

We can sleep on the floor if you really need it? On a scale from one to ten, how likely are you to lose control tonight?

Ten being you burn the entire valley to ash.

Orion Malum:

I like this sensitive side to you, Mitch.

While it has made me respect you less as a warrior, it has made me respect you more as my mate.

Corvus Malum

I’m not going to burn anything tonight! I’m fine!

I just might cry a little in my sleep.

Orion Malum

I wish we could all fit in a bunk with you, Mitch. I miss sleeping together. It sucks having to sleep apart.

Aran Alis Egan

Mitch, how do you feel about the fact that Scorpius and Orion keep calling you fat?

Also, don’t cry, baby girl.

Corvus Malum

This is not funny. Why do you keep calling me a girl?

I’m a grown man with an above-average-sized cock. My girth is immense, but I am not fat. You are all jealous of my muscles.

Aran Alis Egan

Whatever you say, baby girl.

I am jealous of your strength, I wish I could destroy rocks with a punch.

Corvus Malum

Wait, Arabella, are you joking with me? You said in the beginning that you would show your love for someone by joking with them, and you always call me ridiculous names that you think are funny.

Holy sun god. Are you in love with me, Arabella?

I’m very pleased.

Also, your muscles are perfect.

Orion Malum

Mitch does have an amazing cock. I can’t wait for when we can finally all mate together.

Aran Alis Egan

WHAT. That is not exactly what the situation is unfolding to be.

Corvus Malum

Can’t say no, can you? All of a sudden I’m a huge fan of these journals.

Scorpius Malum

Wow, Arabella, I can’t believe you think it’s hot that Mitch is being so embarrassingly emotional.

Is this what women want out of a man? Do you want me to start saying weird and off-putting things like Mitch?

Corvus Malum

Watch it, Scorpius.

Orion Malum

I think it’s sweet that Arabella likes Mitch now that she knows he is secretly pathetic.

Corvus Malum

Are you both for real right now? Have you no loyalty????

Aran Alis Egan

I’m going to sleep. Everyone, forget everything that has been said tonight. Sweet dreams.

Corvus Malum

I will remember this night for the rest of my life.

Orion Malum

You know I’m just joking with you, my sweet Corvus—mostly. Sleep well, the loves of my life.

Scorpius Malum

Sleep tight.

I have somehow both gained and lost a lot of respect for my Ignis.

Corvus Malum

I am still taller and larger than you, and I can hurt you. But I would never because you mean too much to me.

Scorpius Malum

Please, I’m longer where it counts. Also, I will hurt you, and I will enjoy it. Sweet dreams, baby girl.

Corvus Malum

Only Arabella gets to call me that.

Orion Malum

Guys, I really like that we are opening up to one another like this. I want to get something off my chest.

Corvus Malum

Please share. I’d love to know.

Scorpius Malum

Please don’t. Tonight has already been traumatic enough.

Orion Malum

I went through a phase where I jacked off watching my mates sleep at night.

Corvus Malum

Thank you for being vulnerable with us.

Scorpius Malum

Excuse me?

Scorpius Malum

No. We are not doing this with these journals. This is supposed to make us closer to Arabella, not for you two to be weird.

Orion Malum


I am still in that phase.

Corvus Malum

Wow. I am feeling a lot of emotions right now.

Scorpius Malum

????? I’m burning this book. Neither of you are allowed to talk to me tomorrow. I need space.

Orion Malum

I’m doing it right now.

Scorpius Malum


Corvus Malum

I’m turned on.

Orion Malum

Same. Love you all.

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