Psycho Gods: Enemies to Lovers Romance

Psycho Gods: Part 2 – Chapter 21


What does a toxic relationship look like to you? How does this relationship make you feel?

Aran Alis Egan

This is fucking stupid, but I can’t sleep, so I’m going to write in this to make it clear how much I hate you.

A toxic “relationship” (this is not a relationship) is whatever I have right now with you three, in case it was not obvious enough.

You’re the worst people I have ever met in my life. You’re unfeeling bullies who hurt others for fun. You need help.

Just thinking about the three of you makes me feel murderous. Other than that, right now I feel nothing but a mountain of nihilism with a smidgeon of self-deprecation.

Side note: Sun god, these pens have a serious truth enchantment. I couldn’t have put it better if I tried.

Corvus Malum

Thank you, Arabella, for taking this seriously.

I will also share my thoughts so we can repair our relationship (you’re right, this is not a simple, pathetic “relationship,” you are my soulmate, which means I would die and kill just to make you smile).

A toxic relationship to me means Arabella, Scorpius, and Orion are all dead. I failed them. I attend their funeral and am so overcome with grief that my flames explode around me and I murder hundreds of thousands of people.

Afterward I walk through the carnage feeling nothing, not even remorse, because my mates are gone, and that is all that matters. I am alone.

Aran Alis Egan

My name is ARAN, not Arabella, you flaming jerk.

Corvus Malum

You are not masquerading as a male anymore. Stop being childish. Arabella is a gorgeous name. You are also the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life.

I didn’t mean to say that.

Aran Alis Egan:

You’re so obsessed with me that it’s insane (HAHA, it’s the truth). Also, remember when I stabbed you earlier with the pen?

I want to stab you every time you call me the wrong name. It fills me with joy (still the truth, take that!).

Corvus Malum

If you hurt yourself again, I will put you over my knee, Arabella. But I’ll let you hurt me any way you need to, as long as you don’t hurt yourself.

That is unacceptable.

I can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous and murderous you are.

Also, you missed.

Aran Alis Egan


This is an automated enchanted message that the owner of this journal’s pen is out of their immediate vicinity. They are not ignoring you, don’t panic. The High Court wants you to remember, you are enough and criminal insanity does not define you.

Corvus Malum:

Don’t throw your pen across the room like a brat or I’ll treat you like one. I fantasize about painting your ass red, and I need to cover you in my cum.

Orion Malum

Oooh, are we playing a game where we only talk through the journals?

This is fun.

Nice aim, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll bring your pen back over to you.

Also, in a toxic relationship I can’t talk to my mate or share anything with them. They don’t acknowledge me when I am trying to communicate with them. They don’t let me watch over them as they sleep. They don’t like that I want to own them like a treasure and consume them.

I feel lonely and abandoned.

That is why my relationship with Corvus and Scorpius is not toxic. They always listen to me. That is why I’m enraptured with you Arabella, you fit in with the three of us perfectly.

Aran Alis Egan

Thanks for the pen, Orion. Some people are chivalrous gentlemen unlike other people (MALUM), who are dramatic and misogynistic.

Also, side note, is that why I’ve been having weird dreams about a figure watching over me?

I thought Malum was the only one who did that?

Corvus Malum

I like to stand watch for everyone’s protection. It is my job as Ignis. As my Revered, you should love it.

I noticed you didn’t call me ugly like you so often do when you run that mouth. Perhaps because it’s a lie, my gorgeous girl.

Aran Alis Egan

You’re ugsome, unkind, unruly, and unwell.

Corvus Malum

You can’t write ugly while describing me, can you?

Aran Alis Egan:

Ugsome is a synonym for ugly.

Corvus Malum

Then use it in a sentence, gorgeous. Ugsome also means offensive, which is how you meant it. I like arguing with you. Intellectually you stimulate me, in every sense of the word.

Aran Alis Egan

You are utilitarian. UGH FUCK THIS SHIT. I also like arguing with you. The fact that you aren’t stupid is attractive.

Corvus Malum

I’m hard right now. Everyone, please ignore that.

Aran Alis Egan

You did not just say that.

Orion Malum

Holy sun god, I can’t believe you said that Corvus.

I’m glad your sensitive side is finally coming out for Arabella.

Also, to answer your earlier question, I don’t stand watch like my Ignis. I stalk. It’s different. I need to watch you breathe, or I can’t breathe myself. I’m obsessive compulsive about other people, but I’ve never fixated on anyone like I have you, sweetheart. You’re much more fun to watch than Corvus and Scorpius. I also like to watch Luka.

Sometimes my fixation can turn violent, and I feel terrible for chasing you down the hall in Elite Academy. My urges overcame me, and I lost myself in obsessing over you.

I am truly so sorry.

I never want to be a source of fear for you.

I want to be your home.

Sorry guys, it’s the truth. She smells better, and is prettier, and is captivating, and vicious, and stunning, and is everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate. I want to kill for her.

So. Badly.

Corvus Malum

My feelings are slightly hurt, Orion, but I understand what you’re saying about obsessing. I can’t stop thinking about our Revered. She consumes every second of my thoughts.

These journals must be broken.

Aran Alis Egan

Aw, Malum, your feelings are hurt? Poor baby girl.

Thank you, Orion, for saying sorry. It means a lot. I like that you obsess over me because sometimes I find myself obsessing over you too. Also, I think it’s so adorable that you like Luka. Um, I mean, you’re cool.

Orion Malum

Sweetheart, that’s everything I’ve ever wanted to hear. I love that I can speak aloud to you, and you listen. I love that you aren’t scared of my devotion. I will never stop apologizing for chasing you. Sun god, I’m blushing right now. I’m not ashamed of what I’m saying.

Please don’t tell Luka how I feel.

Corvus Malum

Seeing you two get along gets me so fucking hard. My hand is in my pants right now. I fantasize about both of you in bed. You’re both so pretty.


Scorpius Malum

I was wondering why my journal kept vibrating. Did you guys know it was enchanted to include braille?

Of course that deranged therapist wouldn’t let me get out of this shit show.

Since I fucking have to, a relationship is toxic if they don’t like pain and they’re a fucking pussy and only want pleasure. I would feel nothing but embarrassment for them because they were a weak, mindless sheep.

Corvus, I am slightly embarrassed to call you my Ignis right now. Control yourself, you’re coming across as a pervert. I love the idea of hurting, or being hurt, by all three of you during sex. It makes my toes curl.

Also, I wouldn’t mind stabbing John.

Aran Alis Egan

Wait, are all of you named Malum? I’m confused. I thought Mitch was the only one named Malum.

Also, I’m laughing so hard right now I can’t breathe. John is going to hate that.

Orion Malum

Scorpius and I are members of the noble House of Malum through matehood. Mitch is the only heir of the noble House of Malum. Any other questions, sweetheart? I love talking to you and would rather stay up all night writing in these journals than go to sleep if it means I get to communicate with you.

My love language is obsession.

What is yours, sweetheart?

Corvus Malum

My love language is touch. Thanks for asking, Orion. It’s part of the reason my abilities drive me insane. I also love words of affirmation.

I’m moving to a different realm.

Scorpius Malum

Mitch. I’m cackling. I’ll cuddle you more, you little flaming softie. You just had to ask. Also, my love language is pain. Obviously.

Aran Alis Egan

My love language is quality time.

That is why I love the twins so much. They are always there to support me in big and small ways. It is healthy and fills me with comfort when everything else inside me feels very dark.

Also, we know you’re cackling, Scorpius. Everyone can hear you, and Vegar just told you to shut up. Listen to him or we’re all going to have nightmares.

I’m going to stick with Mitch from now on, for accuracy.

Orion Malum

It hurts me to hear you say that about the twins. It makes me realize how much we’ve failed you. Whatever you need, baby, we will give it to you going forward. We support you. Just to be clear, we will never hurt you for fun, never ever again.

Pinky promise.

Also, I’ll scalp Vegar if he gives you more nightmares, sweetheart. No one hurts my woman and lives. I promise. Don’t worry about anything.

We’ll protect you.

Scorpius Malum

I can’t agree to not hurting her for fun. Pain can be very pleasurable if done right. I want to tie you up and stick a…no, I’m not saying that.

Also, Arabella tell Vegar that if he tells me to shut up one more time, he’s getting stabbed.

Aran Alis Egan

Tell him yourself, coward. Or just make Mitch do it, since he’s the scariest with his fire and is supposed to be a leader. Sometimes I find myself attracted to how ferocious he is.

These books are broken.

Corvus Malum

Scorpius, how did you stop yourself from writing?

I’m fisting my dick and squeezing thinking about all three of you beneath me.

Please don’t read that.

Aran Alis Egan

You’re so obsessed with us. It turns me on, the thought of you being turned on.

Orion Malum

I’m also turned on right now, but I’m glad I have more self-control than Mitch. I am also slightly embarrassed for him right now.

Mitch, tell Vegar to stop telling Scorpius to stop laughing. Our Revered is scared of him giving us all nightmares, and it infuriates me. Do something before I kill him.

Aran Alis Egan

Oh my sun god, Mitch, I can’t believe you actually said something!

Vegar’s just brandished an ink dagger, and I think he’s going to throw it at Mitch for talking back.

Scorpius Malum

Their swords aren’t made of ink. They’re made of nightmares.

Orion, leave the killing to me if it comes to that. I want someone writhing in pain beneath me, although no amount of pain has truly satisfied me lately because I want Arabella beneath me.

Unlike Mitch, I am not ashamed of the truth.

Aran Alis Egan

Damn. Vegar threw the dagger. No one is hurting anyone on my behalf. It stresses me out. Please don’t.

Orion Malum

Mitch, are you okay? That’s the second time you’ve been stabbed today. Also, of course, sweetheart, I will kill them secretly so you do not worry.

Anything so my girl doesn’t stress.

Scorpius Malum:

Fuck, I’m jealous. What’s your secret, Mitch? Arabella, will you stab me?

Aran Alis Egan:

No. No one is killing anyone on my behalf, with my knowledge OR in secret.

I might stab you. It sounds fun.

Scorpius Malum

You’re perfect.

Corvus Malum

Too late. I hate when you call me Mitch.

Aran Alis Egan

What does too late mean? Were you referring to hurting people in secret??????? Also, don’t be sad, baby girl. (hahaha)

Orion Malum

Poor Mitchy needs a kissy. I do love you so much, Mitch, and I hope this name does not hurt your feelings too bad.

Scorpius Malum

His love language is touch. I’m going to crawl down and cover him in kisses.

Corvus Malum

Please come touch me, Scorpius. I am so hard just thinking about it. Sun god, please make it stop.

Aran Alis Egan

AWWWWWWWWW. A part of me loves that you are being vulnerable. I like this side to you. LIES.

Orion Malum

It’s okay, Mitch, I’d come sleep on top of you tonight, but I need to watch Arabella, so I can’t. Try to take some deep breaths.

Scorpius Malum

Do you need me to hurt you, Mitchy? I’ll give you love bites.

Corvus Malum

You have five seconds to get down here or I’m crawling up the bunks.

Orion Malum

Listening to you two make out right now is driving me insane.

Aran Alis Egan


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