Psycho Gods: Enemies to Lovers Romance

Psycho Gods: Part 2 – Chapter 16


Amative (adjective): strongly moved by love and especially sexual love.

DAY 9, HOUR 21

Luka pulled the pipes from my lips and pressed them into his mouth. He tipped his head back and inhaled with his eyes closed. The lines of his neck strained, and he shivered.

I gulped.

He tipped his head back forward and licked frost off the pipes like he was savoring my taste.

Students and soldiers moved around us in a mass of flailing limbs. The shadowy darkness of the room wrapped around.

We were blanketed in darkness.

Desire flamed between us.

Courage burned my sternum, and with the room warped in slow motion, I fell to my knees.



His eyes were chips of obsidian, and he tracked my every movement like he was obsessed with me.

He always watched and touched me like he couldn’t get enough. When I was around the twins, I felt cared for.

With Luka, I felt cherished. Special.

He sucked on my pipes, the vapor from drugs curling around him as his fingers tangled in my hair and he looked down at me ardently.

My knees dug into the hard floor.

His pupils were blown wide, swallowing his irises, and he radiated strength. I was powerless before him.

A worshipper on the steps of the sun god’s chapel.

Luka didn’t tell me to stop; instead, he slowly unzipped his cargo pants and widened his stance with smoke above his head like a crown.

Colors swirled in my peripheral vision as demon brew pulsed through me.

My head spun with giddiness.

Drugs in my blood, lust in my veins.

I laughed as someone bumped into me from behind. The crush of bodies swarmed around us, and we were swallowed by the dancing mess.

Everything was surreal.

I still couldn’t feel my face.

Not an ounce of pain streaked across my back because I was floating; I’d entered into a higher plane of existence.

I was incorporeal.

The haze wrapped around me in shades of seductive black.

Luka pulled himself free from his pants and rubbed himself leisurely against my mouth, cold metal and velvet heat.

I stared up with wide eyes up as he stroked his pierced dick across my lips. He groaned deeply.

Obsidian eyes were hooded and his muscles tensed.

He was seconds away from losing control.

A sense of power rushed over me, and I slowly opened my mouth, leaned forward, and took him in.

Cold metal on my tongue.

The music switched, and the floor vibrated to the bass as people jumped around us with their hands in the air.

I lapped at the tip with my tongue and flicked his piercing back and forth. Teased him slowly.

Sweat dripped down the side of his face.

For a second, I imagined a black glittering cape hanging off his shoulders, but I blinked and it disappeared.

Pulling back, I licked wantonly at his head like it was a lollipop. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly.

Long graceful fingers reached down and gripped my chin in a punishing grip. He held my face immobile so I couldn’t move as his dark eyes flashed.

Pleasure coiled in my gut.

The moment was so intense that it left me lightheaded.

Surrealism morphed into hyperrealism as every hair on my body stood at attention.

I tingled down to the tips of my toes.

Nothing could ever compare.

Hands tangled in my curls and powerful legs pressed against my back as John straddled me from behind.

The intensity crescendoed as it reached new heights.

Luka held my face in his grip with his dick between my lips, and John held my curls in his fists as he pressed my face forward.

I was trapped.

I was flying.

The twins towered above me on either side.

The party raged around us as bodies danced and the floor vibrated beneath my knees. There was nowhere else I’d rather be.

They moved in tandem and pulled my face to the left so I was no longer looking up at Luka.

There was a wet pop as I released him from my mouth.

For a second, I stared into the crowd, confused about what they were doing.

Then I realized.

My core pulsed, and I pressed my knees together.

The kings had stood up.

They were unmoving, disturbingly still in the middle of the dancing crowd, as they fixated on where I knelt between the twins. Red flames leaped across Malum’s shoulders and were reflected in silver eyes. Orion whispered in Scorpius’s ear, his pretty features contorted with anger. The blind king was grinding his teeth together with his hands fisted.

Cherry blossoms swirled. A dagger glinted like it was solid. A third eye blinked.

The kings were close to losing all control.

They were murderous.

Good. Satisfaction was heady and warm in my chest as I remembered all the times the kings had fucked in this very room while I watched on dispassionately. They could proclaim their devotion to me as much as they wanted, but it didn’t change the past.

Karma was a bitch.

And so was I.

Without saying a word, the twins turned my head away from the kings.

Luka dragged his thumb across my lower lip slowly as he pulled my chin down, then he leaned his hips forward and pressed velvet-wrapped steel against my tongue.

I gagged around his length.

He pressed himself deeper.

John massaged my scalp as he fisted my curls tightly and pressed my head forward.

I inhaled roughly through my nose as I was speared between them.

Someone bumped into John as they danced, and all three of us rocked, but they didn’t release me.

“You’re taking me so well, my love,” Luka said roughly as he thrust in deep, languid strokes, then groaned under his breath, “Fuck me.”

I flushed with pleasure.

Hardness pressed against the back of my head as John stepped closer and pinned me.

Drool dripped out of my mouth and trickled down my chin.

“We belong to each other, Aran,” John said roughly as he used my curls to bob my head up and down faster on his twin’s dick.

I tried to nod, but I couldn’t move my head.

Students and soldiers stared down at me with envy on their faces as they danced near us. They watched us with lust-glazed eyes like they were imagining taking my place.

I let their attention wash over me in a wave of smug satisfaction.

They could look, but they would never get to touch. The twins were mine.

Luka stared down at me with rapture on his face. “I didn’t exist until you came into my life; there was no purpose or meaning to the monotony. Now I burn with life because I live for you. Every breath I take is yours. You are the totality of my essence. I survive by your mercy.”

I swallowed, and he groaned.

It was the most I’d ever heard him say at once.

Callused fingers squeezed my chin as he thrust deeper. “You’re doing beautifully, my love. You take me so well.”

I floated on his praise.

Then he thrust deeper and stilled. John pushed forward as Luka pulled me close and jerked against my face as he spilled himself down my throat.

It was intimate.


He pulled himself out my mouth, and he spilled down my chin. I coughed, and he pulled me to my feet, then he claimed my mouth with his.

The kiss was depraved.

I exhaled as I collapsed against his chest in a boneless heap.

In one smooth motion, John picked me up and cradled me tightly against his chest.

“Are you okay, Aran?” he asked.

I shivered at how intensely he said my name, and nodded sleepily. The room spun, and my head buzzed.

I closed my eyes.

An RJE device whirled.

Time folded, and I gladly let it go because the twins would take care of me.

I sighed with contentment.

Water blanketed me in a hot spray, and the twins were pressed flush against me in the narrow shower. We were back at our barracks.

John shampooed my hair, and Luka cleaned my body.

I tried to help, but my arms were too heavy.

“Relax, love,” Luka commanded. “Let us take care of you.” His eyes were softer obsidian as he scrubbed every inch of me with painstaking attention.

I relaxed, boneless between them.

“For once, the queen has nothing to say,” John said playfully as he massaged my scalp. “It’s sad that all it took was a public blow job.” He tsked, like he was disappointed in me.

“I’ll still kill you,” I mumbled, then moaned as he dug deeper into my scalp.

He laughed. “You can try, little Smurf. You can try.”

Time melted.

A towel was wrapped around my body as another dried my hair.

Fuzzy socks were pulled onto my feet, and oversize sweatpants that didn’t belong to me were pulled up my hips. I smiled as an oversize sweatshirt enveloped me in heat. Sandalwood and musk wafted from it deliciously.

“Duck your head, love,” Luka whispered, and I squinted with confusion as I climbed into my bed. It was all hard planes and warm skin, and there was barely any room.

“Shh, settle down and lie on me,” John whispered in my ear as I lay spread atop him. “I refuse to sleep apart another night.”

“But Luka?” I asked sleepily.

“Right here, love.” Luka’s hand tangled in my hair, and I opened my eyes. He was sitting on the floor and was leaning against the low bunk bed so he could touch me.

I furrowed my brow and asked him sleepily, “Are you comfortable?”

Luka whispered, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

I fell asleep with John wrapped around me and Luka’s fingers buried tightly in my curls.

That night, a small piece of ice in my chest thawed.

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