Psycho Beasts: Enemies to Lovers Romance (Cruel Shifterverse Book 3)

Psycho Beasts: Chapter 32

Moon goddess, save me from dumbass men.

I sighed heavily as I realized what this little standoff was about, and pushed past Xerxes once again to stand in front of him and face the men.

You could run from male unwellness, but you couldn’t hide.

My omega tried to fight me, but with a swift kick to the side of his knee and an elbow jabbed precariously near his balls, he let me have my way.

Hands on my hips in a power stance, I faced the alphas.

“Yeah, he took my virginity. Who gives a fuck? I wanted him, and he wanted me. Don’t be babies. It’s just a hymen.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about just how my omega had taken me.

Ascher swore.

Cobra’s pupils changed into snake ones.

It was Jax who bellowed, “She’s still missing some of her teeth from the fights. How could you do that…” He trailed off, raking his hands through his long braids as he pointed at my body. “Look what you did to her!”

Xerxes put his hand on my shoulder to pull me back against him protectively, and I didn’t miss the tremor that rolled through him.

He was more scared than anyone that he had hurt me, and the men were making it worse.

I sniffed haughtily. “Stop trying to ruin what happened. It was beautiful.”

Xerxes choked, and I narrowed my eyes as I thought about it.

“Well, maybe ‘beautiful’ isn’t the right word. It was profound. Exciting. Exhilarating. As the kids say these days, ‘It was lit.’”

I grabbed Xerxes’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Literally no one says that,” Cobra snarled.

“I heard Jinx say it,” I snapped back.

“She was talking about setting someone on fire. No one else says that.” Cobra still had snake eyes, and his shadow snakes were going crazy on his flesh.

My own shadow snake gave me a small zip of love.

It was so cute.

Ascher finally regained his composure. “Beautiful my fucking ass. Is that why you’re covered in bite marks and blood like an attack victim? Sorry to break it to you, Sadie, but whatever you two did was not fucking.”

Agitation sparked through my chest. “How dare you? Just because you’ve clearly never experienced true passion doesn’t mean you get to judge us.”

I took a step forward, my voice rising as I saw red. “You’ve never made a woman orgasm dozens of times with a vibrating dick.”

Ascher’s horns expanded larger than I’d ever seen, and amber eyes exploded with fire.

“Oh, Princess, you think because you’ve had sex once, with an omega in a mindless heat, that you could handle an alpha male?” He tipped his golden head back and laughed cruelly.

I snapped, “Well, I seem to remember you fucking my mouth and tits a few days ago. Also, why would I ever want an overrated alpha when I have an omega with a vibrating cock, you closed-minded fuck!”

Cobra’s voice was cutting. “Kitten, you’ll take an alpha, and you’ll like it.”

The shadow snake on my flesh sent more happy sparks as it twirled across my skin.

Jax growled.

Ascher grew taller and wider as he partially shifted, and his tone dripped with scorn. “You couldn’t handle an alpha anyways. Who said we even wanted to fuck you?”

My heart twisted as he hit my insecurities.

Maybe they only wanted me for oral sex; they had never gone all the way.

There was a shhhhk behind me.

Xerxes brandished his twin blades. “How dare you insult her?”

Suddenly, he turned to me and spoke quietly like he needed to explain. “When omegas complete a bond, they go into heat every few months and their bodies burn until they have sex with their mates. It’s a way of ensuring they procreate. But it’s a super intense and intimate experience that they will only do with someone they trust and want.”

He trailed a finger across my jaw. “Understand, even though we aren’t mated, that’s what you are to me, baby girl.”

My heart thumped heavy in my chest as I nodded.

I love you hung in the air between us.

Behind us, Cobra made a choking sound and dragged me out of the spell of Xerxes’s purple eyes.

I gnawed on my lower lip and looked at the other men.

Ascher’s scoffing words lingered and I was afraid to see the rejection on their faces.

“Fuck, Princess, I didn’t mean it.” Ascher pleaded, “You’re just covered in marks, and seem injured, and it’s killing me inside.”

I narrowed my eyes as I weighed the merits of wallowing in a pity party and holding his words against him for the rest of his life, or forgiving him.

It was a close one.

The former definitely won out.

Jax finally gained enough control to speak, and his voice was sharper than I’d ever heard it. “What could you have even done to leave such marks on her body?”

Burned chestnuts filled the space.

I looked up at Xerxes and rolled my eyes at the wide grin splitting his lips.

Men were so predictable.

Abruptly, the three alphas rubbed at their chests and staggered back.

Their eyes glowed with the same bright ring that had appeared when they’d formed a pack, and they stumbled like they were envisioning something.

I grimaced. If Xerxes was showing them what we’d done through their bond, there was no shot that was going to defuse the situation.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Ascher chanted under his breath as he staggered into the wall and hit his head.

Xerxes grinned down at me and dragged his fingers across the back of my neck like he knew exactly what had sparked my arousal.

Damn intoxicating omega.

“Sun god save us,” Jax muttered in prayer.

Cobra’s lips parted. “No.” It was like he refused to believe what he was seeing.

His gorgeous features were carved granite as he stood unnaturally still.

“Yep.” I popped the p, unable to help myself.

Good, I hoped they were watching me cream on Xerxes’s vibrating dick, and I hoped they realized he was more of a man than they would ever be.

How dare they try to shame him and make him think what we’d done was wrong?

Cobra’s head snapped up, and his emerald eyes, colder than the cut jewels they resembled, speared me where I stood.

“So Kitten has a praise kink.”

I scowled. “It’s not that big of a dea—”

Abruptly, Cobra lunged forward, and I sputtered with surprise.

He towered in front of me, shadow snakes in a frenzy across his porcelain skin.

Stepping back, I bumped against Xerxes, who protectively wrapped a bicep around my naked chest.

Still in his hand, the wicked knife glinted menacingly as it lay close to my flesh.

Cobra leaned forward.

Xerxes tightened his grip.

Biting frost mixed with spicy cinnamon, and my eyes watered as the harsh scents mingled.

Lucinda’s assessment that Xerxes and Cobra were more bark than bite flitted through my mind.

Pressed between the two of them, I realized something profound.

My sister was a shit judge of character.

Cobra whispered, “Kitten wants to be choked.”

He crowded my personal space until his gorgeous cheekbones and perfect lips were centimeters from my own.

I hummed in agreement.

“Kitten wants to be bitten.” Cold fingers trailed across my sensitive neck, leaving a trail of ice in their wake.

Sarcasm dripped from my voice. “Obviously.”

“Kitten wants to be thrown against a wall. Repeatedly.” Fingers trailed lower, tickling my chest with frost and lazily running across Xerxes’s tense forearm.

I rolled my eyes. “Groundbreaking observational skills.”

“Kitten wants a cock rammed into her cunt until she blacks out. Kitten wants to come so hard she sobs.” A slightly forked bright-red tongue ran along plush lips. “Isn’t that right?”

Icy fingers slowly trailed across my lower belly.

Nails dragged along my inner thigh.

I studied my cuticles like I was bored. “A high-caliber lady like myself has certain needs. What can I say? Xerxes gets me. He doesn’t just tease me like some people.”

The forearm across my chest tightened until I could barely breathe.

Icy fingernails dug into my thighs.

Two very large, impossibly attractive males pressed their bodies into me, and since I had a pulse, my pussy cramped with need.

Cobra’s nose flared, and his eyes rolled back in his head.

Frost burned my inner thigh as his fingers trailed delicately along the seam of my heat.

“Hmm.” Cobra tapped his free hand across his lips like he was considering something as he said softly, “So you love Xerxes.”

I froze at his words, heart pounding in my chest.

Two chilly fingers parted my folds and sheathed themselves in my heat, and Cobra chuckled as he pumped them inside me.

As I was still sore from Xerxes, Cobra’s ice-cold fingers had me spasming from painful pleasure.

I gushed on his fingers.

“How do you feel about the rest of us?” Cobra hissed softly as he leaned closer, eyes like emerald chips.

He’s jealous.

My legs gave out beneath me as his fingers raked across a particularly sensitive spot inside me, and Xerxes’s arm across my chest was the only thing that held me up.

His warm cock began to vibrate across my lower back.

My omega enjoyed restraining me as his packmate finger-fucked me.

Cobra leaned closer. “What were the words?”

He added a third finger and bent them so they rubbed against a spot inside me, and I moaned at the exquisite pleasure.

Haze blurred my vision as he ruthlessly pumped his fingers, and Xerxes restrained me tighter.

“Oh, right.” Cobra brought his other hand to my clit and pinched it. “Now I remember.”

Frozen cinnamon burned my skin like frostbite.

Xerxes dragged the flat side of his dagger slowly across my chest. He adjusted his fingers on the hilt so his thumb and forefinger were free.

Cobra fucked me with his fingers faster.

Xerxes raked his thumbnail across my chest, then pinched my sensitive nipple.

At the same time, Cobra pinched my clit and tugged it as he slammed his fingers deep inside me.

I choked on a sob as my pussy clenched with euphoria, and my vision blurred.

Cobra sneered mockingly in my face. “Come for me, baby girl.”

Xerxes tormented my overly sensitive nipples.

Cobra tortured my sore pussy, and two other alphas groaned loudly.

Frosty cinnamon, warm chestnuts, and rich pine wrapped around me in a luscious fog.

When my core finally stopped fluttering, Cobra dragged his fingers out of my heat and brought them to his mouth.

Xerxes gave my nipple one last pinch and kissed the back of my neck softly.

“Shit, that was hot,” Ascher growled.

He gripped his tattooed dick in his hand, white cum dripping down his fingers.

Jax stood unnaturally still, nose flared, with a massive erection tenting his sweatpants.

The world had a dreamlike quality as Jax stalked across the room and grabbed Cobra’s hand.

Slowly, Jax dragged Cobra’s pale fingers into his dark-pink lips and wantonly licked my cream off them.

“Obviously,” Jax drawled, his deep voice imitating what I’d said a few minutes ago.

“What?” I asked, legs shaking from my release as exhaustion from the sexual onslaught of the past hours made me want to curl up and sleep for days.

Jax slowly dragged his tongue across Cobra’s jeweled fingers, gathering up every drop.

“Obviously Sadie has a praise kink. Little alpha likes to be bossed around.” Jax arched an eyebrow, reminding me of his large body kneeling over me as he shoved his pierced dick down my throat. “Don’t you, love?”

Xerxes chuckled, and Ascher began to pump his cock again in his fist.

My skin erupted in goose bumps, and I looked away from the men as my face burned with embarrassment.

An uncharacteristic wave of self-consciousness twisted my gut, and I pushed myself out of Xerxes’s hold.

Were the men making fun of me?

On shaky legs, I stumbled around the room with my head down, looking for my sweatpants.

The aftermath of my orgasm left me feeling raw and vulnerable.

All the men were still in a pack without me and were able to communicate with each other.

It hadn’t mattered before, but now it seemed vitally important.

Were they just using me for sex?

I found a pile of ripped clothes and awkwardly flung the tatters over my frame.

“I’m gonna go talk to Aran,” I mumbled under my breath as I moved to the door.

Jax blocked my path, and he gripped my arms. “You misunderstood, little alpha.”

Warm chestnuts saturated the air with musky sweetness. “It was an honor to have you beneath me, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

He dragged his thumb over my lips and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “You’re perfect for us, and we’re going to make you ours. We just need to sit down as a group and clear the air. It’s a lot to expect you to handle all of us at once.” He pressed featherlight kisses across my closed eyelids. “We don’t want to overwhelm you. Is that okay with you, sweetheart?”

I nodded, warmth infusing my chest as my anxiety drained from me.

Jax wrapped me in a bear hug and held me tight, pressing gentle kisses to the top of my head. “I love you,” he breathed quietly in my ear.

“Love you too,” I whispered as I relaxed into his warmth. “You’re right,” I sighed. Chestnuts really were a superior nut.

He said quietly against my hair, “You’re our sweet alpha. We’ll figure everything out, love. We just need to trust one another.”

Cuddled against his chest, I said, “Trust has to be earned.”

Jax smoothed a hand across my forehead and pressed another soft kiss there like I was a delicate flower that might break. “It will be. We’re not giving you up, Sadie.”

Frost nipped at my skin as Cobra stepped close to us and whispered in my ear, “Oh, and Kitten. I will tease you until I decide you’re ready.” He smirked down at me. “Perfection takes time.”

I couldn’t help the shiver that trembled through me, and I mumbled, “Don’t press your luck, you psycho.”

Cobra’s tongue traced the shell of my ear. “You will tell me you love me too, Kitten. Or I will do things to your body that will make your time with Xerxes seem tame.”

I gulped and leaned forward, cold air nipping at my exposed chest as I whispered back to Cobra, “Is that a threat or a promise?”

Cobra hissed. “Oh, Kitten, it’s a fucking threat.”

I squeezed my legs tighter together and tried to ignore the emerald gaze that was slowly trailing over my exposed body.

Xerxes groaned, “We need to get her proper clothes.”

Ascher snapped back at him, “I still don’t get why you had to bite her so many times. Sun god’s tits, your fucking handprints are wrapped around her throat.”

“Jealous much?” Xerxes’s honeyed accent was a smooth drawl.

Cobra snarled, “She was my fucking kitten first. I don’t care what happened here. I want to make it clear to everyone that she is mine.”

I rolled my eyes at his petulant tone. “I’m not anyone’s.”

“YOU’RE MINE!” Cobra screamed and whirled around, slamming his fist against the wall.

“Don’t be rude to her,” Xerxes growled.

“Well, violently fucking Sadie against a wall as you took her virginity was rude,” Ascher snarled back.

“My kitten. Give me her. Now.” Cobra tugged at my arm and tried to pull me out of Jax’s arms. He’d lost whatever pretenses of civility he’d pretended to have.

Jax and I sighed heavily at the same time.

I pushed out of his grip. “Moment’s over, you’re all drama queens, and Cobra, you’re joining Aran and me in therapy.”

Cobra snarled, “I’m not talking to some quack doctor about the fact that I own my kitten.”

I clapped my hands in his face. “I’m choosing to ignore that, so I don’t stab you. Also, I’m going to find Aran right now so I can talk shit about you.”

“Well, I’m going to talk shit about you with Jax,” Cobra taunted back.

I rolled my eyes.

“Remember that I fucking owned you first, Kitten. If you forget, you will pay.”

What. The. Sun. God. Was wrong with him?

I curled my hands into fists and counted to ten.

It didn’t work.

I roared as I shifted into a saber-toothed tiger and stalked across the room.

Cobra hissed back a laugh, jewels transforming into shadow snakes as I cornered him against the wall with my massive furry body.

Before I knew it, I wrapped my mouth around his neck, arm-long fangs grazing his flesh as I shook him back and forth like a doll.

“PUT HIM DOWN, SADIE! SHIFT BACK NOW!” Jax alpha-roared.

I dropped my prey and instinctually shifted back into my smaller form.

Suddenly, Cobra’s hands were wrapped around my throat, and he choked me. He lifted me up by the neck and threw us both against the wall.

“You like this, Kitten? You want it rough?”

I kicked him in the knees and body slammed him into the wall.

Cobra whispered in my ear, “Don’t pretend to play rough, little Kitten, because you won’t be able to handle what I give you.”

There was a loud smack as Jax ripped Cobra back by his hair and threw him across the room as he roared, “You better not be threatening her!”

I marched and grabbed my ridiculously tattered clothes, pulling them around me like a regal cloak.

“Please, we both know that threaten him.”

With as much dignity as a woman who had just shifted into a tiger and shaken a man in her mouth like a doll could muster—which was terrifyingly little—I marched out the door.

There was a loud crash and yells behind me, and it sounded like all four men had started to fight one another.

I rolled my eyes.

They could work through their issues without me.

Still, as I walked down the hall, happiness bubbled in my chest as I thought about Xerxes telling me he loved me, and how amazing the sex had been.

The grand window at the end of the hall showed that it was nighttime, and a storm raged outside.

I opened my bedroom door.

The room was empty and dark.

“So,” a deep voice said from the dark.

I screamed with surprise.

“The slut has returned.”

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