Psycho Beasts: Enemies to Lovers Romance (Cruel Shifterverse Book 3)

Psycho Beasts: Chapter 29

A tidal wave of cinnamon crashed into me and dragged me under. It was overwhelming and breathtaking.

It was everything.

Logs crackled and popped as fresh snow piled higher.

Xerxes’s lush lips trailed down the sensitive part of my neck. He left soft, featherlight kisses. Reverently, he kissed across my clavicle and down my chest until his lips whispered across my belly.

I moaned softly, “Xerxes.” His name was a plea.

“Alpha,” he growled back.

Long, callused fingers gripped my waist.

His kisses trailed lower.

“Xerxes,” I repeated mindlessly.

He sat up, and there was a loud rip as he tore off my sweatpants and they joined the pile of ruined clothes.

Shivering, I grasped his shoulder and tugged his warm body back against me. The soft carpet tickled my back as I panted.

Desperate for him.

Xerxes dragged his tongue slowly across my stomach. “Sweet fucking cranberries.”

He moaned loudly and nipped at my lower belly with his teeth.

I moaned as the pinch bloomed into pleasure.

He dragged his teeth across my flesh, nipping harder and harder until I was a writhing mess.

Suddenly, he bit even harder, and his teeth broke my skin.

I yelped with surprise, the sound turning into a moan as euphoria sparked in its wake.

Xerxes went still.

After what felt like forever, Xerxes finally moved.

He whispered, “Sorry,” and softly kissed my stomach.

His lips gently trailed across my torso, but he never nipped or bit like he had before. The inferno between us dulled, and I squirmed, unsatisfied.

His light touches weren’t what I wanted.

I chewed on the side of my mouth.

Xerxes kept kissing me, like I was so delicate I would break, but it wasn’t what I wanted.

Maybe he likes to be gentle. Don’t scare him.

His tender ministrations continued, and my agitation spiked until I finally begged, “Please.”

Again, he stopped moving and pulled away from me. His face shattered with concern. “I hurt you.”

“No, I meant…” I trailed off, unable to verbalize what I wanted, and turned my head to the side.

Sun god, this was awkward.

Xerxes sighed roughly.

Arms trembling, he pulled himself back, so we weren’t touching and said, “So sorry.”

Fuck, I was blowing it.

I reached for him. He shuddered as I grabbed his shoulders and tugged his body back toward mine.

Don’t be a little bitch, Sadie. As fast as I could, I said, “Please-bite-me-again. I-liked-it.”

Xerxes inhaled.

The energy in the room shifted.

Snowy wind howled louder, as if the nest was sentient and picked up on its omega’s mood.

Delicate touches were forgotten as his fingers dug into my hip bones and his nails raked across my delicate flesh.

Xerxes lowered his mouth to my shoulder and bit down.

Copper tanged the air as his teeth broke my flesh and drew blood.

In another lifetime, if I was more delicate, I might have cared that his fingernails were gouging my flesh as he attacked my neck with his mouth.

His teeth bit my skin, but his tongue soothed the wounds.

Hot fire bloomed, then cool relief.

Xerxes groaned against my neck and dragged his stubble down across my chest.

His scruff scraped across my sensitive nipples, and I gasped loudly, core aching as my hips arched off the ground.

“My alpha likes it rough,” he moaned as his teeth and tongue bit and soothed marks he left all over my small breasts.

“Mm-hmm.” I nodded in agreement and pulled his hair with all my might.

In another life, I might have been offended that hands were squeezing my already bruised flesh so tightly that new bruises were blossoming.

The more Xerxes nipped, sucked, and bit my skin, the more his agitation grew.

He growled loudly, “Say you’re my alpha.”

Flames sparked higher in the fire.

His cool, silky hair trailed across my chest and stomach in a soft caress. A soft contrast to his bites.

He shoved his knee against my core and ground against me.

Xerxes growled, “Say it.”

In another life, I would be outraged by how he ordered me about and staked his claim across my flesh like a conquering pirate.

I tipped my head back and arched my chest up into his bites.

My fingers scored across his back as I tore at his skin, desperate for him to touch me harder, claim me deeper.

The fingers gripping my hips lifted me, then slammed me down against the carpet.

Xerxes dragged his stubble across my nipple, then closed his teeth around my overly stimulated flesh.

“SAY IT!” He bit down.

I screamed.

His knee shoved harder against my core, and it spasmed with flutters. My wetness slicked his knee, and I slid against it and clawed at his back desperately.

My hips slammed upward as he pressed me down harder.

Purple eyes glowed like beacons, and he dragged himself up to snarl in my face. “Say the fucking words.”

I leaned forward until my lips rested softly against his, and he stilled and opened slightly, an invitation for a gentle kiss.

So close, I could see the glowing ruby of my eyes reflected in his.

I inhaled cinnamon, the tangy, spicy fire on my breath, and I exhaled into his mouth. “No.”

There was a split second where Xerxes processed that I’d thrown down a challenge.

The moment he understood, the snow became a blizzard, the soft fire an overwhelming heat.

“Good girl,” Xerxes praised as he grabbed underneath my arms and, in one smooth move, stood up and slammed my body hard against the wall.

I alpha-purred.

He pinned me with his size while he arched forward.

The low ceiling barely cleared his head.

In another life, I would have been outraged by how he tossed my body around.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and bucked my core against him. In this position, the movement of his knot made his thick dick vibrate against me.

Need gushed from me.

I ground against the delicious friction.

Reaching forward, I bit Xerxes’s pec with all my might. Spicy copper exploded across my tongue, and I moved my head to bite beside it.

His hips snapped forward, and the wall shook as my back slapped against it.

My eyes watered at the vibrations against my core. My thighs shook with the beginnings of ecstasy.

White flakes fell around us, and the enchantment coupled with the chill against my back gave the sensation that I was being ravaged in a snowstorm.

I dragged my mouth across his other pec and bit down until my teeth punctured flesh.

Then I did it again until I marked every square inch of his skin.

Claimed him.

Blood dripped down my chin, and I rasped, “My omega.”

Xerxes paused and stared at me.

“Good, baby girl,” he said reverently as his hips threw me harder against the wall, then he leaned down and dragged his stubble across my sensitive neck.

Need pulsed between my chest and core as his chest rubbed against my overly stimulated nipples.

With his hips pinning me to the wall, he brought both hands up to my boobs and palmed them.

I arched my back harder, desperate for more friction.

The cinnamon on my lips, vibrations between my legs, stubble against my neck, and palms against my chest had me writhing, untethered to reality.

He overwhelmed me with need.

I slammed my fists against his muscled back, begging him for something I didn’t completely understand.

Desperately, I hit him and moaned.

There was no warning.

Xerxes’s teeth bit into my neck, his fingers pinched both my nipples, and he slammed his hips forward.

The wall shook.

I screamed.

Xerxes groaned with his teeth still buried in my neck. “My alpha.”

Warm blood poured down my neck and across my chest.

Xerxes’s palms dragged through the warm liquid as he mercilessly pinched and pulled at my nipples. Hot need dripped down my legs and across his pulsating dick.

It was too much.

It wasn’t enough.

I spoke mindlessly between moans. “You’re my omega. No one else’s.”

My nails raked across his back, and I was barely cognizant of the chunks of flesh I took with me.

Xerxes slowly scraped his teeth across my jaw.

I tangled my fingers in his glossy hair and yanked with all my might, desperate to push him over the edge.

He took a step back, grabbed my ass.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself, disappointed as he stepped away from the hard wall.

As I panted loudly, need gushed down my leg, and I pouted. Annoyed, I bit his massive bicep. “Don’t want the bed.”

Spice tingled across my tongue like an aphrodisiac, and my legs slipped off from around his waist.

“You’re so perfect. You’re everything, baby girl.”

Xerxes wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed me back against the wall.

Then, he sucked on both my nipples.


He bucked, and the leather from the knives strapped around his powerful thighs slammed into my lower belly with such ferocity that I knew they left imprints.

I rolled my hips against him.

Once again, my legs wrapped around his hips. Digging my heels into his hard ass, I ground against him with each ragged breath.

The blizzard roared.

“Fucking do it,” I begged as the room shook.

Xerxes grabbed beneath my arms and lifted me higher against the wall. He leaned his head forward so our eyes were inches apart.

With one hand holding me up, he reached down and grabbed himself.

With impossible slowness, he dragged his vibrating dick across my slick entrance. His thick head teased my heat, and tremors shook my core.

I gushed.

Xerxes whispered reverently, “My baby girl,” as he slowly rolled his hips forward.

He removed his hand from his pulsating cock and wrapped it back around my throat as he pushed inside me.

My sex clenched around him.

Slowly, he filled me.

His impossibly wide dick split me open.

The flutters became an earthquake as the vibrations overstimulated my delicate flesh.

I gasped, tears pouring down my face, and could barely articulate, “Stop.”

Xerxes stilled, dick spearing my entrance as he took me against the wall.

He didn’t breathe.

Instead, his fingers tightened around my throat, stealing my breath from my lungs as his cock split my entrance.

The tip hurt as he held still for long seconds.

It vibrated inside me, and I trembled.

I liked pain.

Xerxes pressed his lips against mine and breathed into my mouth, “Poor little alpha. You’re going to take it, and you’re going to like it.”

It was already too much.

His fingers tightened around my neck until I saw stars.

Xerxes gently pulled my neck forward, then banged my head against the wall.

He shoved his vibrating cock a little deeper, leaned down, and sucked my small tit into his entire mouth.

Then the bastard bit down.

I screamed as I came.

I was barely conscious, and his fingers were unrelenting as he choked me harder.

“It’s too much,” I moaned as euphoria blinded me. “I can’t come again.”

Flecks of cinnamon sparkled in the air around us.

I burned alive.

Xerxes chuckled against my neck.

“I haven’t even begun.”

In another life, I would have shuddered at the fact that I was losing my virginity against a wall, to a massive warrior who was once my enemy, as he choked me out, bit me till I bled, pulled my nipples raw, and told me I was his possession.

Dick still spearing my entrance, Xerxes whispered in my ear, “Tell me you’re my alpha, baby girl. Tell me your omega owns your fucking soul.”

I snarled, “Then fucking begin.”

Xerxes released my entire boob with a pop and dragged his tongue wantonly across my lower lip.

The hand choking me lessened its pressure, and I opened my mouth to gasp for air.

He used the opening to angle his head and press his tongue deep into my mouth.

It wasn’t a kiss.

Xerxes mercilessly battled my tongue, shoving cinnamon down my throat. It was a claiming.

With his mouth still consuming mine, he growled into me, “That’s my baby girl.”

The hand around my throat squeezed tightly until I saw stars.

Just before the world could go dark, his fingers released, and I gasped, choking on the cinnamon tongue still buried deep in my mouth.

I dragged my tongue along his and fought to claim him back as he buried himself deeper into my mouth.

Wrenching my head to the side, I snarled, “You’re mine.”

Purple eyes engulfed in fire, too-pretty omega features sneered. “Bet.”

As the word crossed his lips, he rammed his vibrating cock through my virginity, slamming my body against the wall.

I screamed.

He bellowed.

The pain was excruciating—his knot ground against my clit with impossible speed—so was the pleasure.

I sobbed as once again I came.

“MY ALPHA!” he bellowed.

There was no air in the room, only cinnamon, sex, and aggression.

Xerxes pulled back and repeatedly slammed his dick into my cervix.

I’d been right; he was a dark prince.

Purple eyes glowed demonically, long hair billowed on a blizzard, and muscles rippled with impossible strength.

The hilts of his daggers jabbed into my thighs.

I’d always liked villains.

Xerxes quietly growled, “I own your cunt.”

I screamed as another orgasm hurtled through me.

As shock waves pulsed through my core and ass, I brought my lips to his ear. “Fuck you, Xerxes.”

My voice was awed, the words a prayer.

It sounded like, I love you.

The last semblance of any sanity snapped, and Xerxes succumbed to his snarling beast.

Xerxes growled, “No, fuck you, baby girl.”

It sounded like, I love you more.

My omega ravaged me.

His hips were punishing as civility melted off his face. His mask fell.

No one would ever mistake what we were doing for lovemaking.

Xerxes took me aggressively against the wall. He fucked me. His knot ground against my clit and vibrated at a frequency that defied physics.

He used my body, and I used him back.

The omega took me until there was nothing left to take, and I could do nothing but scream in ecstasy as he pounded me into another dimension.

I sobbed.

He bit down.

I bled.

His dick vibrated faster.

I came with a scream.

He slammed me harder into the wall.

I whispered his name.

Xerxes spoke reverently as he rammed his pulsing dick inside me, his knot stimulating my clit until I screamed. “You’re my alpha. I claim you. I own you. There will never be an omega who ever fucks an alpha like I fuck your cunt.”

I came again.

He snarled, “You’re mine, baby girl.”

I bit down on his neck as hard as I could. “No, you’re my omega.”

Xerxes tangled one hand in my hair and one hand around my throat, ripped his dick out of me, pulled my head back at an impossible angle, turned me around, and shoved my chest forward.

Suddenly, my core was uncomfortably empty.

His chest engulfed my back as he pinned me so my body was flush against the wall, my sensitive nipples scraping against wood as he pressed harder.

I couldn’t see anything and growled with disappointment.

He sheathed his dick into me with one motion.

At this new angle, his tip slammed into my cervix, balls tight against my heat. His fingers rubbed against my clit.

I would have screamed as shock waves pulsed through my core, but I’d lost my voice.

The hand in my hair wrenched my face back further, and he shoved his tongue into my mouth as I strained at an awkward angle.

Xerxes slapped my ass and rammed against me at the same time.

His hands twisted my nipples painfully as my face banged against the wall. My core pulsed and wetness dripped down my legs.

Xerxes pistoned his hips faster and sent me hurling to new heights.

He dragged two fingers over my lips, then shoved them deep into my mouth until I choked on cinnamon and musk.

I moaned.

Xerxes gagged me with his fingers.

Suddenly, his other hand slapped my clit, and the sensation was so powerful my womb cramped as I came.

For a second, my omega stopped moving.

Again, Xerxes whispered, “That’s a good baby girl.”

Hot liquid pulsed inside me, and he resumed slamming me against the wall as he pinched my chaffed nipples and rode out his release.

His legs trembled, and he jammed me tighter against him so I couldn’t move.

Strong hands pulled my thighs wide so he hit new depths as he fell to his knees.

He rolled onto his back and held me with my back to his chest, keeping me atop him with his dick buried deep.

“Mine.” He bit down hard on my neck, and my pussy spasmed with agreement.

In another life, I wouldn’t have lain atop him, boneless, with his vibrating dick buried deep inside me.

But I hadn’t fought in the barren wasteland of the shifter realm, in the hot sands of the fae colosseum, and in a Mafia fight club to not enjoy an omega taking my virginity with such violent abandon that I’d touched nirvana and transcended the boundary between mind-numbing pain and exquisite pleasure.

So when Xerxes finally pulled his dick out of my heat, wrapped his hand around my throat one last time, and pushed me onto the floor, I didn’t fight it.

When he raked his fingers across the cum on my thigh and shoved his fingers into my entrance as he stabbed his tongue as deep as he could inside my mouth, I lay back and enjoyed it.

“You’ll keep my cum inside your cunt,” he growled, tongue still in my mouth, fingers still buried deep inside me.

I nodded sleepily and whispered, “Whatever you say, omega,” as an alpha purr trembled through my chest.

Anyway, I was 99 percent sure that, as a female alpha, I couldn’t get pregnant, but I wasn’t about to bring that up. I let him do his thing.

“My omega,” I murmured, my lips curled into a content smile.

Xerxes’s voice cracked on a sob as he whispered, “I love you.”

He trailed featherlight kisses across my face.

My heart froze in my chest. Holy fuck.

The warmth from the fire crackled deliciously and pulled my eyelids lower. Soft jazz music twined around us, fresh snow gathered in piles.

He wrapped his naked body around mine until I was completely cocooned. He shielded me from any harm.

I whispered back softly, “I love you too.”

Because it was true: I didn’t want to go a single day without the fierce omega at my side.

Wetness dripped across my cheek.

He was crying.

In this life, I was too tired to give a single shit.

At some point, a small, fluffy kitten curled up beside me, purring softly, and I pulled it against my chest to cuddle.

I purred back.

Love you so much.

I claimed him.

Smiling, I licked spice off my lips.

One thing flitted across my consciousness before I fell asleep: how had I ever thought that cinnamon was sweet?

It fucking burned.

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