Psycho Beasts: Enemies to Lovers Romance (Cruel Shifterverse Book 3)

Psycho Beasts: Chapter 27

Xerxes omega-whined as I was roughly dragged into the room.

He casually threw me onto the bed like a rag doll.

Fluffy covers enveloped me, and I awkwardly scrambled backwards.

The dimly lit nest room cackled with delicious warmth from an extremely lifelike fireplace projected across the far wall.

Soft snowflakes fell around us.

There was a long moment as we both stared at each other in shock.

Well, I gawked at the half-naked omega, and he devoured me with his eyes.

I pursed my lips. “Should we talk about this?”

Xerxes reached down and ripped off his sweatpants. They fell shredded at his feet.

“So no talkin—”

My ability to speak evaporated as I realized one very important thing.

He wasn’t wearing underwear.

I didn’t bother trying to ignore the elephant in the room, just gaped in shock at the thick dick that bobbed against his stomach.

Instinctually, a soft alpha purr rattled through my chest.

Xerxes threw his head back and moaned as he gripped his cock with both hands.

Sugary cinnamon wafted from him with such intensity that I swore the air sparkled with saccharide.

A log crackled and popped in the fire. Boots crunched softly over freshly fallen snow. Soft jazz music played.

A flickering orange glow bathed the half-naked omega in soft light.

Shadows kissed his overly lush lips and sharp jawline.

His eyes were heavy-lidded, and his long sooty lashes that were fit for a prince cast shadows across his high cheekbones.

Up close, his heavily muscled stomach was impressive, and the network of veins that trailed across his forearms continued across his dick.

Two leather sheaths, one across each of his massive thighs, held wickedly sharp daggers.

I forgot how to breathe.

He stroked along himself softly, then tipped his head forward. Amethyst eyes glowing bright, his ruby-red lips pulled into a challenging smirk.

Once again, I tried to be the voice of reason. “Um, should we talk about this?” I meant to sound commanding, but my scratchy voice was a breathy rasp.

His honeyed, accented voice was practically a growl. “No.”

Then, as if to punctuate his statement, Xerxes gripped his dick tightly and pushed it downward.

He took a step closer to the bed, feet planted wide.

“Look, Sadie,” he commanded.

Since he knew my name, the heat hadn’t turned him completely mindless. That was good.


I couldn’t help but snap back, “Didn’t you want Clarissa to join your heat?”

Yes, I was a jealous ho. I never pretended not to be petty; sometimes you just had to be.

A long omega whine filled the space. “No. Never. Only Sadie.”

I pursed my lips, irrationally comforted by those four words.

The cinnamon scent was growing unbelievably intoxicating, and I licked the sugary spice off my lips. He seemed pretty certain. Who was I to argue against such an eloquent response?

When I didn’t say anything, the omega whine became higher pitched and more broken.

My chest clenched with anxiety, and I fought the urge to jump up and soothe him.

Xerxes brokenly whispered, “Please, Sadie.”

The purr in my chest increased in intensity until the blanket vibrated around me.

His tensed shoulders relaxed at the sound, and he took another step closer so his knees nudged the edge of the massive bed.

The jazz music played softly, and the enchantment created the illusion that piles of fresh snowfall were gathering around us.

The fireplace leaped and spun behind him.

His long hair billowing on a phantom winter’s breeze, the flames surrounded Xerxes in glowing shadows and created the illusion that he was a dark prince from the rumored god realm stepping forth to conquer me.

Something low in my stomach twisted.

My groin spasmed with a feverish intensity.

Mouth watering, I choked on spit.

I keeled over, hacking and coughing on air. A few moments later, after nearly dying from asphyxiation, I realized I had no idea what we were even talking about.

Also, I was slightly miffed because Xerxes hadn’t even offered to get me a glass of water after I’d hacked aggressively on his bed.

He didn’t move an inch, just kept standing with his legs spread aggressively and penis out.

A real power stance.

I rubbed my tired eyes with confusion and asked the important question. “What’s happening right now?”

At the sound of my voice, his eyes glowed brighter.

Xerxes commanded, “Look at my cock.”

For a long second, I squinted and purposefully stared at his face. Who asked someone to do…that?

Seemed a little presumptuous.

The snowbanks piled higher.

Logs popped.

Cinnamon spiked sweeter.

When it became clear that I was not going to look—I wanted to look super badly, but my pride wouldn’t let me give in to his command, and the longer we glared at each other, the more I refused to lose our staring contest—Xerxes reached out his hand toward the bed.

Before I realized his intention, long fingers lightly wrapped around my neck.

Thick calluses dragged across my sensitive skin, and shivers danced along my spine.

Xerxes squeezed lightly, eyes glowing brighter.

I licked my lips.

He groaned.

His callused thumb dragged reverently across my lips, and he whispered, “So pretty. This Cupid’s bow is going to be the death of me.”

My core spasmed.

Need swirled around me in a warm haze, and I sat frozen under his ministrations. Afraid if I moved or breathed, he would pull away and the spell would be broken.

He slowly pushed his thumb into my mouth.

Fuck. I’d been wrong.

His cinnamon wasn’t sweet; it was rich and spicy. Tongue tingling, I dragged it wantonly across his thumb, desperate for more.

My core fluttered and clenched as I lapped at his taste.

I needed to drag my tongue over every inch of his flawless skin. Needed to consume him.

Injected into my veins, it wouldn’t be enough.

I needed more.

Lashes fluttering shut, sensation exploding across my mouth, I moaned and purred harder, desperate for more.

Desperate for Xerxes.

“Look at me,” Xerxes said softly.

His lips curled into a smile, and he clenched his fingers. He pressed his thumb down against my tongue until I had no choice but to move my head downward.

He whispered, “Now look at my cock.”

He used his right hand to hold my face down, and his left hand was wrapped around his dick, pressing it downward.

Xerxes caressed my chin. “Good girl.”

I moaned. His callused fingers left a wake of tingles.

Through a haze of need, I saw…it.

Fuck. Wetness gushed between my legs.

Xerxes’s hand pushed his dick downward because he was trying to show me something.

Unlike the alphas, he didn’t have a large knot that expanded at the root of his cock.

But he still had a knot.

It was just different.

There was a small growth protruding from the springy blond hairs at the top of his shaft. It curved above his dick by a few centimeters and couldn’t have been longer than an inch.

The end of the small hardware was bulbous.

Xerxes’s fingers tightened till his grip was almost painful around my jaw, and he slowly dragged my face forward.

Once again, he whispered reverently, “Good girl.”

I moaned and purred.

A low buzzing sound started, and with my face inches from his powerful thighs, I realized what was happening.

What he wanted to show me so badly.

The knot started to vibrate.

Holy fucking shit.

I purred harder.

His whole dick vibrated.

The implications hit me, and I tipped forward. He hadn’t been expecting my movement, so he wasn’t quick enough to stop me as I tumbled face first off the bed.

On the soft carpet, snow softly crunching around me, I lay like a starfish, in awe.

For the first time in my life, I was blessed.

Because I’d seen eerily similar drawings of sex toys on the walls of the fae sex clinic.

I’d felt a very similar design pressed against my body for hours in the clinic.

The implication of where his knot would align on my body was revolutionary.

It changed everything.

Because omega males had a vibrating clit stimulator on their vibrating cocks.

At that moment, I understood fully why alpha women were obsessed with omega men.

They must know.

This was riot worthy.

Life changing.

I barely had time to work through the implications of everything, when large hands reached down and started tugging off my oversize sweatshirt.

“You’re mine,” Xerxes growled like a caveman.

My groin spasmed.

With my arms up and the sweatshirt tugged awkwardly over my head, I nodded. “One hundred percent. What you said.”

He snarled with annoyance.

Then there was a loud rip as the offending fabric was shredded and discarded with his sweatpants.

As I lay on the floor with my small chest exposed, Xerxes stood over me like a dark god.

The full extent of everything that was happening hit me, and I instinctually covered my boobs with my hands.

Xerxes fell onto all fours, his muscles rippling as he crawled naked atop me and whispered, “Don’t.”

Face-to-face with me, his arms on either side of my head, his body overwhelmed me with its sheer size.

He licked his lips and leaned forward.

Before his mouth found the delicate skin of my throat, he pulled back abruptly and turned his head to the side.

His arms were shaking, and his voice cracked.

He spoke in short bursts, like he was seconds from collapsing. “If you don’t want this. Heat. Overwhelming. I’ll stop. Sadie. Tell me. Please.”

Jazz music danced softly in the background.

The fire glowed.

Our history was a bitter spice.

His bitter betrayal in the shifter realm. My jailer in the fae realm. Angry purple eyes snarling at me. Flashing twin daggers and threatening to kill me. Calling me names. Snarling at me in the hall.

But it was also unexpectedly sweet.

A fluffy kitten purring on my chest. Tucking a blanket over him as he shook from a nightmare. Guarding the bathroom door as I showered.

Xerxes pushing me against the wall and asking if I meant it when I’d said I’d pamper him.

Him turning on the fae queen, twin daggers embedded in the skull of my attacker.

Offering us his home in the realm that hurt him.

Following me into a torture room. Hanging on a rope and begging me to be all right. His screams as I fought in the ring.

Curled up in the fetal position on a chair.

Afraid to care.

Afraid to be cared for.

There was no one else in the realms like Xerxes.

I didn’t want to be with any other omega; I didn’t even want to fight with any other omega.

As the moment extended between us, Xerxes started to sit up and pull away. He took my silence as my answer.

I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Yes, I want this.”

He stilled.

wanted to fight with Xerxes.

My voice was a low whisper. “Please, I want all of you. Don’t hold back.”

The snow became a blizzard. The sparks between us exploded.

Xerxes threw himself atop me and let himself go.

We both did.

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