
Chapter Epilogue


Whatever happened to . . ?

Liv Chase

When the magical community got together to form a new government, Liv was not present. The few who knew of her existence and her race kept quiet. Liv wished to have no part in this magical community, despite herself being a magical creature. She’d grown up most of her life outside of it and done mostly fine, she could do it again. Besides, she was basically the last of her kind (excluding Victoria), which meant negotiating species’ rights would’ve been pointless.

Liv instead lived out her life in Chesnutt Falls, staying in the small town after growing up with Amy and Rick. The Headquarters of the new government of the magical community was actually not far from Chesnutt Falls, so she could visit whenever she wanted to.

(Specifically visit a specific someone)

Magnus Moore

Magnus was elected as one of the prime leaders of the community in later years, having been present for many important occasions that made him eligible (especially the incident involving Hawthorne’s removal from the government and Liv’s success of taking down Victoria).

Eventually the whole court of magical creatures knew of Liv, but since she was living peacefully away from them, they could do nothing about it. Some thought of her as dangerous and thought that she should be apprehended anyways for cause that she might eventually be a threat, but Magnus had to remind them that was the same mistake the former government had made, which shut them up for good.

Magnus and Liv eventually married after years and years of denying anything they felt.

Bella Barnes

Bella grew up to start a fashion firm in New York City, moving away from Chesnutt Falls for good. Though she came back to be the Maid of Honor at Liv’s wedding, she preferred the big city to the quiet small town.

She stayed good friends with Liv, sometimes calling on her to visit so she could ‘research’ clients and potential customers. Having a mind reader/controller best friend did have its perks.

Bella married a man she met in New York called Brian, who had interesting stories about his own friends from LA.

Mr. Barnes

After his wife died, he fell into a depression. He could not find the motivation to do anything. Adding to the fact was that Liv was not in fact some marvel of the human brain, instead she was a magical creature, not the medical mystery he wanted her to be.

But he still stayed informed on the whereabouts of the hunters who’d been related to his late wife, especially when they found other interesting creatures. Even if his prime subject was no longer viable, he found a renowned interest in studying the many strange creatures that he now knew roamed the earth.

Gary Mendes (Bella’s Uncle)

He still stayed a hunter, hunting with renowned force after his sister’s death by a warlock. After learning about Hawthorne’s imprisonment and the new court governing the magical creatures, he sought out rebel creatures even more furiously. It turned out that the other magical creatures actually appreciated when the hunters stopped bloodthirsty creatures who murdered, which kept him in business.

The other hunters

The younger hunter that Liv had controlled into cutting her bonds was ridiculed within the community for being beaten by a little girl, but it was soon forgotten when he took down a whole nest of vampires attacking a small town in Illinois.

The rest of the hunters, now aware of the psychic, Liv, would occasionally come to Chesnutt Falls. Some sought her help, others a chance to take down the most notorious and revered magical creature, but they all faced the same fate. They would make it not a mile into town before suddenly remembering a more urgent appointment, or having the sudden urge to move across the country.

No hunters ever found Liv that she didn’t want to find her.

Ms. Lu

Ms. Lu always noticed something strange happening within the student body at the high school, but she had no proof to her claims. One day she even swore that she saw a student whispering gibberish as he waved his hands widely like he was performing a spell.

She even saw a student – that blasted Olivia Chase, convince a teacher to never giver the class homework again, even if the other classes got some.

She blamed it on pop culture and the media.

Mandy Dawson

After the whole incident with her teacher assaulting her, Mandy’s parents moved her away from Chesnutt Falls. Of course, the teacher was put in jail and Mandy was able to live out the rest of her life happily.

Amy and Rick

After adopting Liv, they lived happily with her. Liv optioned to go to the community college the next town over, as to stay close to them both. Amy and Rick fostered two other kids after Liv, adopting them both after a year with each.

They both lived long and happy lives, never finding out about their new daughter’s strange abilities. Though, on some occasions they found themselves letting her go to parties or late night dates with recognition of ever doing so.

The Real Bryce

After waking up in his room with no memory of the past month, Bryce was confused. For some reason he’d quit the basketball team during his absence of memory, and also he seemed to have asked out his crush, Bella Barnes, and gone on many dates with her. To his surprise, she also showed up on his doorstep that morning to break off the romance that he had no recollection of in the first place.

He eventually did get the opportunity to date her again in senior year, but she never did explain her strange expression whenever she looked at him. They broke it off when they both left for college, but Bryce could not forget the month he’d lost and his supposed escapades during that time.

Arnold (Fake Bryce)

He was put on trial and found guilty of petty crimes, but was mostly viewed as only following orders. After learning that he was still hopeless against Victoria, something he’d been training his whole life to beat, he became depressed. He had no purpose in life anymore.

Well, until he was approached by a strange group of people later on in life who proved that, with their help, he could finally be immune to psychic’s control.

Let’s just say that it didn’t go as planned.


Hawthorne was imprisoned for many crimes, including many counts of murder. He never changed his ways, still acting horrible and mean, even in prison. His daughter never visited him, and with good reason too.

He never forgave himself for killing his wife, thought it might’ve been an accident. He still believed that Olivia had somehow convinced his wife to jump in front of her, even only being the age of five. He was still convinced, even years and years later, that Olivia was the menace he made her out to be.

The other warlocks

Their new government worked out much better than the one before it. The court of members from every known peaceful magical creature species worked flawlessly. They created a democracy and tightened the rules around the killing of humans, which lessened the hunters’ jobs greatly.

They were no longer the ruling race in the magical community, which some found unfair, but most found suitable. The ones who’d lived in the human world for too long were already adjusted to it, but others were not. Many rebellions by the young warlocks flared over the years, but they were shut down by a mysterious third party known only to the elder court members.


Victoria was imprisoned with little to no human contact. The only ones allowed near her cell were warlocks with potentia Sources protecting them against psychics. Only a few existed in the world, so mostly only Magnus was allowed close. You can imagine how little he exercised the opportunity.

Victoria’s rage only grew with her frustration at being locked up in the cage, but her bitterness rewarded her with nothing.

She would rot in the cage until she died, even after a couple failed escape attempts.


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