Protecting Salvation: A Shadow Elite Novel

Protecting Salvation – Chapter 21

It seemed pacing had become her new sport as Peyton turned and made another lap of the waiting room. When Warren had collapsed at her feet, she’d been terrified but Shadow had been like a machine, jumping in and co-ordinating things and getting him stabilised so that Dr Decker could meet them at the private hospital where, unbeknown to her, he’d had his surgery planned for the next day.

The ambulance ride had been long but she’d held his hand and told him she loved him and lectured him about being a stubborn ass as he came in and out of consciousness. Savannah had even spoken to her on the phone and assured her that it was pain causing him to be in and out, along with the meds.

Once at the hospital, he’d been rushed through and now it was four hours later and they hadn’t heard anything. Every member of Shadow was there, including their partners. Sebastian and Gideon had arrived within minutes of each other. Aoife followed moments later with Princess Lucía and Charlie. Watchdog had even arrived and was sitting in the corner with his laptop not talking but he was at least present, which was an improvement. Jack and Astrid had taken the kids with them and Aubrey was in charge of the fallout at the farm where she’d almost met her maker.

Everything had been handled and now all they could do was wait.

“Here, drink this.”

Aoife thrust a large latte in her hand and she took a sip, letting the sweetness glide down her throat. She didn’t want it, but she was functioning on adrenalin and prayers at the moment. “Thanks.”

“Come sit.”

Peyton shook her head. “I can’t. If I sit I won’t get back up.”

“Fine, how about a walk?”

“No, I want to be here.”

Titan walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she let herself sink into his brawny arms. A sob escaped her as he rubbed her back.

“That man is going to be fine. He has everything to live for with you and he’s a stubborn asshole.”

A laugh huffed from her as tears fell down her cheeks faster than she could stop them. “He is.”

“Go sit down and I’ll get you some food.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“I know, but you haven’t eaten since lunch and you picked at it like it was poison. You need your strength if you’re going to be caring for that man when he comes home.”


Titan gave her a squeeze and passed her off to Aoife. She led her to a seat beside Lotus who was incredibly quiet. Peyton took her hand and they sat side by side in silence as the rest of the team talked quietly around them. She listened and ate the chocolate bar that Titan got her and she waited. The clock ticked slower than ever and she prayed for a life with the man she loved, for a chance at a future, whatever that looked like. Around five hours later a very exhausted Savannah Decker walked out pulling her scrub cap off her head.

Her eyes came to Peyton as she smiled slowly. “He did great. We got it all and he should have no ill-effects but we won’t know for sure until he’s up and about. He lost a fair amount of blood so he’s weak but we’re taking him through to ICU where they can monitor him closely.”

“Can I see him?”

“Yes. Only two of you at a time though and not for long. He’s very drowsy and needs rest. Let the nurses get him settled and someone will come and get you.” Savannah squeezed her hand. “He’s strong like you.”

Peyton smiled for the first time in what felt like days but it was only hours. He was alive. Everything else was inconsequential after that.

She hugged Aoife and turned to look for Lotus but she was already gone. She felt like she hugged everyone over the next few minutes and the relief and change of mood in the room was palpable. A sense of buoyancy filled the air now and deep down she knew everything would be okay.

A nurse with blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes came to fetch her and she looked over her shoulder to see who was coming with her.

“You go. Tell him to get well soon and we’ll be back tomorrow.” Bás squeezed her shoulder and she watched everyone leave except Titan and Watchdog.

“I’m gonna be right here when you need to go home, so don’t rush. I might even go find me a Burger King.”

“Thank you, Titan, for everything. You too, Watchdog.”

All she got in reply was a grunt. Neither man was good at receiving gratitude.

The room smelled like antiseptic when she stepped inside and despite knowing what to expect, seeing the man she loved hooked up to machines with breathing tubes and a bright white bandage around his head was hard. He looked larger than life in the hospital bed, his body as vital as ever.


He lay still and she took the seat beside him, taking his hand and holding it in both of hers, kissing it and rubbing it against her cheek. It was warm and his strong heartbeat soothed her enough that she fell asleep with her head on the bed.

Sometime later the nurses came in and removed the breathing tube and fixed a nasal cannula to help him breathe. It was a good sign or so they said. Her eyes wandered over his handsome face and tears fell again as she thought of what might have been. She could have lost him, still could but she couldn’t allow those thoughts to take root.

She must have fallen asleep again because she came awake when she felt fingers threading through her hair and looked up quickly to see him watching her. His warm brown eyes were full of love. Even though he was hopped up on pain meds she recognised it.

“Hey, how do you feel?”

“I love you, sugar.”

Her heart melted into a pool at her feet. “I love you too.”

“I’m sorry.”

Peyton shook her head. “It’s forgotten. We move on. Today is day one of the rest of our lives.”

His smile was infectious and wide and he cupped her cheek. “Marry me?”


“Marry me. I love you and I’ve wasted enough time. I don’t want to take another second for granted.”

“Are you serious?” Tears of a different kind poured down her cheeks now. “You’re on all kinds of drugs, you might regret this tomorrow.”

“Never but I’ll ask you every day until you say yes, because I’m not going anywhere.”


Savannah came in and checked him over and seemed pleased. She talked them through what recovery would look like and what they might expect and said to speak to her anytime but that Charlie would also be able to provide support. Peyton knew Charlie had been shot in the head and by some miracle lived through it, and so had the baby she’d been expecting but any kind of brain surgery was risky and there wasn’t a straight line to recovery.

Titan came by with Snow and Sebastian, who insisted on taking her to dinner. She didn’t want to leave Warren but he was firm that she go rest and eat. Reaper and Bishop had stayed while she grabbed some lunch and that made her feel better. Life wasn’t perfect but it was pretty damn close and, after everything she had been through to get here, she’d take it.

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