Protecting Salvation: A Shadow Elite Novel

Protecting Salvation – Chapter 2

“Is there anything else you want to speak to me about today, Hilary?” Peyton looked at the mousy woman in front of her who, even after four sessions, seemed as terrified of her own shadow as she had been that first day. Her fingers gripped her handbag on her lap and she sat ramrod stiff on the edge of the chair. Her eyes flitted over to the door time and time again.

It was a process, counselling a person who’d been through so much sustained abuse over such a long time.


Peyton stood and kept her distance as she headed to the door with Hilary walking with her head down in front of her. They left the comfort and security of her office, and for a second she missed her old set-up working from home. Even then though she knew she’d never go back, the attack on her carried out by her friend’s father and his men had shattered her illusion of safety and opened her eyes to her own vulnerability. Sharing space in a building in town with other professionals like herself was better.

“Well, you have my number, and if not, I’ll see you next week same time.”

“Okay, goodbye.”

Watching Hilary walk away, with her head bent, and her shoulders curled as if she were trying to make herself small enough that she became invisible made her sad and angry. Some days she hated her job, hated that she was picking up the pieces after the damage had been inflicted on someone’s psyche.

Peyton walked back inside to the window on the third-floor office which she’d decorated in calming beach vibes. Not loud or bright but to give the tranquil feeling that only the sea and the beach could give. At the window, she watched the street below. Three women were talking animatedly as they entered the bridal shop opposite. Peyton smiled, soaking up some of that joy and wondered what it would feel like to be so in love that it couldn’t be contained. She’d never felt it. She’d had boyfriends but none who took up so much of her emotional energy that she could feel it bubbling out of her like that girl.

A movement to her left had her turning to see a figure stepping back into the shadows of the estate agent’s building across from her office. She couldn’t see his face or the upper half of his body, just a set of work boots that were scuffed and a pair of dirty jeans. A shiver involuntarily worked its way up her spine. She watched for a minute and then he seemed to step inside and she let out a nervous laugh of relief.

She was jumping at boogie men. A nice little reminder of her attack to go with her physical scars.


A little bark had her bending down to smile at Bertie her little protector, and she scratched behind his ears. This little ball of white fluff was the most important thing in her life. He’d literally saved her oldest friend’s life when he’d stopped a bullet meant for Aoife. She shuddered at the memory and picked him up, holding him close, placing a kiss on his soft fury head.

“What’s up with you, Bert? You hungry?” He licked her face in answer and she laughed. “Okay. Let’s go home and see what we have for dinner.”

She drove home with him strapped into his doggy seat belt in the front of the car, watching the world go by like a king. It was a Friday night, she was thirty-one years old, and her evening was Netflix, a microwave meal, and a glass of wine.

As she turned into her drive, her phone rang and she shut off the engine and smiled at the caller ID, which read bestest friend in the world. Aoife had changed her caller ID the last time she’d come over.

Peyton answered with a smile. “Hey, Nurse McCullum.”

“Hey, what you up to?”

“Well, right now I’m talking to you, then I’m going to peruse the wide selection of microwave dinners in my freezer, before curling up with a nice bottle of chianti and drooling over Idris Elba. You?”

Aoife laughed. “Well, it looks like I’m saving you from yourself. Me, Snow, Duchess, Lotus, Charlie, and Val are going for a girl’s night and you, my friend, are coming too.”

Peyton groaned. “Nooo, I don’t want to people anymore.”

“Tough shit. You’re my best friend and you’re coming out with me tonight.”

“Friends don’t make each other people when they’ve had enough.”

“Friends also don’t let friends wallow in a dry spell for months on end.”

Peyton stroked Bertie’s head as she tried not to smile. “Hey, it isn’t that long.”

“How long is it, then?”

Peyton gave it some thought and realised it was actually longer. The last guy had been a businessman she’d met at a conference on trauma techniques. He’d been staying at the same hotel as her and they’d met in the hotel bar. “Whatever.”

Aoife laughed and it was good to hear her friend so happy and free. She’d wondered for a long time if she’d ever be either of those things and then she’d met her husband Bram through Peyton’s contact with Fortis and Eidolon. The rest was history. They were one of those sickeningly happy couples that only had eyes for each other when they were in a room together. That made her think of the other reason she was currently in a drought and frowned.

The very gorgeous, very sweet man they called Hurricane. He’d been wonderful after her attack, sweet, friendly, and supportive. She’d thought they’d formed something, a bond but when she’d moved back home and began to live her life again, he’d disappeared from her life.

She wasn’t mad at him, just disappointed because, for the first time, she’d felt a twinge of something. Even though they’d never kissed or even touched in any way that could be construed as inappropriate, she’d liked him. He clearly saw her as a job or a friend of a friend at most.

“Meet us at the Tipple Lounge at eight and wear something sexy. We’re getting you laid.”

“Fine. I’ll come out. I’ll dress up but I’m going home alone. One-night stands aren’t safe.”

“Oh, behave. We can run a background check on him before he even gets his hand up your skirt.”

Peyton snorted. “Weirdo.”

“Yep, but you love me. See you later.”


Peyton hung up and turned to Bertie. “Sorry, bud, looks like a doggie dinner for one for you.”

He cocked his head and yipped and she grinned.

Looking around the Tipple Lounge which was already packed, Peyton clutched her bag and considered turning around and heading home and firing up that new Turkish drama.

“Pey, hey, over here.”

Peyton twisted to her left and saw Aoife waving at her from a table in the corner.

Peyton smiled and made her way over to her on her stupidly high heels.

“Here, I saved you a seat.”

Aoife moved over so Peyton could squeeze in between her and Duchess. “Thanks.”

Aoife shoved a strawberry daiquiri towards her and Peyton took a long sip before smiling and setting the drink back down.

“You look hot. I love that skirt on you.”

Peyton looked down at the teal blue faux leather skirt that was barely covering her hoo-ha now she was sitting and wondered if it was a bit much.

“I feel like an old woman trying to be young surrounded by all these young, nubile teens.”

Lotus laughed and pointed at her. “Nubile, I like that.” Her eyes moved over Peyton and if she hadn’t almost died and been saved by Lotus, she’d be mildly alarmed by the woman. She was direct as hell, but Peyton knew it was a safety mechanism. “Aoife’s right, you look hot.”

“Thanks, so do you.” She wasn’t lying, Lotus was wearing a black skin-tight one-piece that showcased every sexy curve she had.

“Okay, so catch me up on the gossip.”

Peyton slurped down more of the sweet cocktail and felt her body begin to relax. The music was loud dance music but not loud enough that they couldn’t talk. It was more of a cocktail bar vibe than a club, despite the small dance floor at the back.

“Well, Snow and Charlie are over there, trying to resist the temptation to check on their husbands and hoping like hell the babies aren’t running them ragged in case they get horny and want drunk sex.”

“Oh, I love drunk sex.” Duchess grinned, her lips tipping up into a smile that said she was currently running through a very pleasant memory.

“Me too, but angry sex is the best,” Val piped up.

Aoife pointed at her pretending her fingers were mini guns and firing. “Yes, angry sex is the hottest. All that angst and adrenalin and you don’t know whether you want to punch them or ride them until they collapse.”

“Yeah, Bás loves it when I dig my nails into his back.”

“No!” Lotus put her hand in the air and then pointed at Val. “We are not talking about Mum and Dad having sex.”

“You know I’m only a few years older than you, right?” Val smirked at Lotus, her eyes twinkling.

“I don’t care. You put yourself in that role and now you have to suffer the consequences.”

“So you don’t want to hear about this thing he does with his tongue that makes me….”

“No. La la la la. I can’t hear you.” Lotus put her hands over her ears and hummed as Val burst out laughing and wrapped an arm around Lotus’ neck hugging her and kissing her head.

Peyton laughed as another round of drinks was delivered to their table. The waitress bent low to start dishing them out.

“Who ordered these?” Duchess glanced up and everyone shook their heads, so she turned her attention to the waitress.

“Those men over at the bar.”

“Take them away.”

The young woman paused and looked around, clearly feeling awkward. “They’re safe. I watched the bartender make them.”

“That may be but we can buy our own drinks.”

Peyton felt for the girl who looked like she might puke. “Oh, okay.” She began loading her tray back up and Peyton and the others watched as she went back to the bar. The two men leaned over and spoke to her and she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

The taller of the two men, with his dark hair slicked back, looked over, his face smug and she almost groaned. He’d taken their rejection as a challenge and she knew they hadn’t seen the last of him tonight.

“Urgh, I’m so glad I have Bram.”

“Same,” Snow said and around the table, a chorus of agreement rang out.

Peyton looked at Lotus and they both began to laugh. “Gee, thanks so much, friends. Nothing like hearing how special the dating pool is to make two single girls feel better.”

Aoife shrugged. “I didn’t say that. I said I was glad I had Bram. There are good guys out there, it just takes a lot of wading in the mud to find them.”

“Great, so me and my book boyfriends can continue our three-way with my vibrator for a bit longer.”

“Cheers to that.” Lotus leaned across Duchess and clinked her glass to Peyton’s, spilling half of it on Duchess’ leg.

“Damn it, Lotus.”

“It’s only gin, boss lady, not acid.”

Duchess glared and turned her attention to her phone as it lit up with a text. She swiped it quickly, a warm smile spreading over her face.

Lotus squinted. “Are you texting Gideon?”

Duchess hid her phone by her side and looked sheepish. “No.” It came out more like a question than a response.

“Urgh, I hate you all and your perfect sex monsters.”

Charlie giggled. “I mean, I wouldn’t say sex monster, but maybe sex demon.”

“Ooh, good one or sex devil,” Val interjected.

“Peyton, you’re my new best friend and wing woman. You lot can go suck a dick.”

Aoife rolled her lips and she could feel her friend holding back a laugh but it was no use.

“As long as it’s Bram’s dick, then I’m in.”

Peyton laughed as the rest of the table joined in, including Lotus.

“I hate you all.”

Peyton was wiping her eyes as Lotus made her half-hearted statement.

Val squished her cheeks together between her hands. “Yeah, we love you too.”

Lotus batted her away. “Get off me, you maniac.”

A song came on that she loved and she’d loosened up after a few of her favourite cocktails. Her shoulder began to bounce, her head bopping on her head.

“Peyton, let’s dance and leave these old married ladies to talk about knitting and which cabbage leaf is best for cracked nipples.”

Peyton stood and Aoife smiled as she moved past her and took the hand Lotus was holding out for her. She felt eyes on her as she walked past the bar area. The man who’d tried to buy them drinks winked like he was God’s gift to women and she should know it. He had a predatory look in his eyes like he’d spied a weak calf separate from the herd.

It made her laugh because Lotus could probably take down half the men in this room without spilling her drink.

“Bozos,” Lotus muttered before they pulled into the throng of people dancing and the men were forgotten. Peyton let her body move, her hips swaying as Lotus grinned and the music seemed to ease something in the other woman. She was aware they’d lost Rykov because of her close bond with Aoife. She’d seen him and Lotus interact and knew how close they were. This had hit the young woman hard, but not in the way the others probably thought it had. She’d been doing this job long enough to know the different types of broken hearts and nothing about this screamed lost lover, more like a lost brother.

Lost in the music, she didn’t feel the man come up behind her until he grabbed her hips. She turned and the smarmy asshole from the bar grinned at her. In another world, he might have been cute, but he seemed to have the personality of a shark and the hide of a rhino.

Stepping away she tried not to make a scene but the doofus just gripped her tighter. Lotus was lost in her own world and, honestly, she could deal with this. She just didn’t like being manhandled as it gave her flashbacks. “Get your hands off me before I give you a rectal exam with a corkscrew.”

His fingers pinched into her hips but he smiled down at her as if she hadn’t said a word. “Come on, sugar, don’t be like that. You know you want Daddy to make you feel good.”

Daddy! Oh dear God, was this asshole for real? “Not if you were the last man on earth. Now get your fucking hands off me.” She hadn’t wanted to make a scene but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t.

“You heard her, buddy, take a hike.”

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