Protecting Salvation: A Shadow Elite Novel

Protecting Salvation – Chapter 18

The last month had been the happiest of her adult life. Everything seemed to have settled down and although Warren had grown quieter these last few days, he was still everything she’d ever dreamed of.

Titan and Lotus were still working her case, unofficially helping Aubrey tie things up but the others had been pulled into something with Eidolon and she hadn’t seen much of anyone. She was okay with that because she knew how important the work they did was for the security of not only the country but the world. The one constant though was Warren.

He hadn’t left her side except to go for more tests with Savannah or a work meeting, and even then he made sure she wasn’t alone. His hovering and overprotective nature would have chaffed the old Peyton but this one who knew violence, who’d experienced the horrors of an attack like she’d had, appreciated it. Plus, he was so perfect it was hard to be annoyed with anything he did. It was like she was in a relationship with the perfect man.

“You ready to go?”

Warren poked his head into the bedroom where she was sliding an earring into place. Her eyes caught his in the mirror as he gave her a look which made her body melt. This man was dangerous, and it had nothing to do with his profession or size. It was the way he owned her body, the delicious dirty things he did to her. Sex with Warren was a full-body experience and he was insatiable, which was good because so was she now. He’d turned her into an addict for his touch.

“Don’t look at me like that, sugar, or we’re gonna be late for Sunday lunch.”

Since they’d returned from the last mission, Val and Bás had begun a tradition where everyone got together for Sunday lunch when they could. The team had gotten back from whatever it was early this week so this was the first Sunday they’d all be together in a while. It changed locations depending on who was hosting but it was always a proper Sunday lunch which included Yorkshire puddings no matter what meat they were having or, in her case, some kind of substitute.

“Well, we can’t have that.” Standing she held out a necklace for him to put on for her. His touch was infinitely gentle as was the kiss he dropped on her neck as he held her hips against his hard cock. She looked at them in the mirror, him so big and dark, her so small and pale and wondered how it was a man like him could want her.

Warren was gorgeous, everything a woman could want and he only had eyes for her. She was so stupidly gone for him and even though he hadn’t said it back in so many words, he showed her every day how much she meant to him. It wasn’t just his looks that made her heart ache with love for him, it was everything about him.

He was so kind and gentle, thoughtful, and nothing was too much trouble. He was an animal in the bedroom and a cinnamon roll in real life. The dates he’d taken her on were always so well thought out and sweet. In the back of her mind, she knew he was doing it because his future was uncertain and he wanted to give her this. She didn’t need it but she treasured it anyway.

“How about we have dessert at home later?” Her voice was husky as she let him take her weight, his firm fingers gripping her chin and tipping it up so he could kiss her. His kisses were drugging, sometimes passionate, sometimes sweet but always laying his feelings on the line. She felt his love for her in every action he did, every bouquet of fresh flowers that appeared in her office, and every new vegetarian cookbook that showed up in her kitchen. He cared and he took note of the details, the small things.

“I think you are dessert.”

Peyton laughed. “Good call, handsome.”

The drive to Val and Bás’ place was quiet, her hand resting on his thigh, his palm covering her hand every time she tried to take it away. “Neanderthal.”

He lifted her fingertips to his lips and kissed them, before placing her hand back on his thigh. “Only with you, sugar.”

She loved that he called her that. Noting he was in a good mood, she decided to brooch the subject of his health. “How did things go with Dr Decker this week?”

She saw and felt his body tense, his shoulders lifting slightly as he fought to fight his reaction. He hated talking about his diagnosis or a plan. It was like now it was out there he didn’t need to face it anymore. She let him have that but as a woman who cared about him, and as a therapist, she knew pretending it wasn’t happening would only hurt him more in the long run.


“Just fine?”

He lifted his hand to flick the indicator before making the turn but his hand stayed on the wheel this time and he avoided looking at her. “Yeah, that’s what I said. She did a few more tests. Everything is fine. Great.”

Peyton was slightly taken aback by his tone but she wasn’t scared to push when she thought it was needed. “So no worse, no better, no options?”

Warren pulled the car up behind Watchdog’s Ducati and shut off the engine. “Exactly, now can we drop it? I don’t need you putting pressure on me. My medical business is private and not something I want to discuss with every Tom, Dick, or Harry.”

He opened the door and Peyton felt her mouth fall open as he walked inside without her, leaving her completely shocked for a second. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry? Was that all she was to him? Some random person he just happened to be fucking?

What a dick.

She understood he was trying to avoid the conversation but to just walk away after saying that to her was not cool and she wouldn’t stand for it. Exiting the car she headed into the chaos.

Val met her at the door with a kiss on her cheek. “Hey, Pey. Everyone is in the kitchen, just go on through.”

“Something smells amazing.”

She tried to hide the fact her heart was beating double time and her thoughts were in turmoil over that blow-up in the car. She got that he was scared but she wouldn’t be his verbal or emotional punching bag.

“I did something different with the lamb.”

“It’s times like this I wish I still ate meat.”

“How come you don’t if you want to?”

Val followed her through and her eyes found Warren who was standing with a beer in his hand talking to Reaper, Bein, and Bishop. His eyes caught hers, but he looked away and her temper flared. “Too many years living on a farm and getting too attached to animals I shouldn’t have. I just can’t do it.”

“Well, I have something you’re going to love. Hurricane sent me the recipe last week.”

That got her attention. “He did?”

Val laughed. “Yeah, that man is gone for you. He’s bugging all of us to learn more vegetarian stuff so you don’t feel left out.”

That was sweet and brought her anger down a notch, but she still wasn’t going to let him get away with thinking he could behave like a dick and get away with it.

As she spoke with Duchess and Titan in the kitchen she kept an eye on Warren as plates began to be hefted onto the table. “Let me help.”

Peyton grabbed a platter of roast potatoes and took them through to find Warren already seated at the table between Bishop and Reaper. It took her a second to digest that move because they always sat together but he wouldn’t look up at her. Her heart beating wildly in her chest she tried to shake off the feeling of hurt his actions had caused her by plastering a huge fake smile on her face and taking a chair beside Aoife. But she could see by the awkward looks being passed back and forth across the table that nobody was fooled. Bás walked in with a large platter of carved meat and placed it in the middle as Val placed what looked like a beef Wellington in front of her.

“It’s a mushroom, beets, and butternut squash Wellington. Let me know if it’s a disaster.”

She smiled up at her. “It smells amazing and looks delicious. Thank you, Val.”

Val squeezed her shoulder as she went to sit beside Bás, all the couples were seated together and it just made her feel even more foolish. She was sure the meal tasted delicious but it felt like sawdust in her throat as she tried to eat around the hurt his actions had caused her.

This was so unlike the man she had gotten to know. Perhaps she’d pushed too hard, but why didn’t he just tell her that, and not be an asshole. Peyton watched as he talked and laughed with everyone at the table but her, like he was punishing her and she fought back tears as she ignored the pitying looks her friends were giving her.

Lotus leaned in from her other side “Why is Hurricane being a dick to you? Want me to go kick him in the nuts?”

She let out a watery laugh. “Nah, it’s all good.”

Lotus looked at her like a bug under a microscope. “You sure? Because that shit isn’t cool.”

“He’s tired.”

“Peyton Lawson, I don’t care if he is dragging his ass across the floor, he doesn’t treat you like that.”

“Can we just drop it, please?”

Her soft plea seemed to be heard as Lotus nodded and gripped her hand, giving it a quick squeeze, before letting go.

“Who wants dessert?”

“Me!” Warren put his hand up but still he didn’t look at her as others chorused in agreement.

“Well, let’s clear the table first.”

Peyton stood and began helping carry empty plates to the sink. She filled the bowl with hot soapy water and began to rinse as Charlie loaded the dishwasher and Aoife dried. She felt Warren behind her and forced her body not to react as he laid the plates down. She waited for him to touch her or kiss her cheek, anything to show her that they were okay, but he didn’t do any of those things. He just turned and left, walking away from her and it felt huge like he was making a statement. She just wasn’t entirely sure what message it was that he was sending.

Tears pricked her eyes and she knew she needed to get out of there before she made a fool of herself by crying in front of all these badass people. Shaking her hands she dried them off and looked to the garden. Warren was carting Marni around on his big shoulders and despite how she was feeling, she knew how much he cared about that child. They’d bonded in Africa and one day he’d make a wonderful father.

“You coming back out?”

Peyton smiled and turned to Aoife who was in the doorway. “Sure, in a minute. I just need to use the restroom.”

Her friend looked at her, assessing her and Peyton knew what she’d see despite what she tried to hide. Hurt, anger, heartbreak, the fear that it was all over before it began over a simple question.

“He’s under a lot of stress, Pey.”

Nodding, she bit her lip to keep from crying. “I know.”

“He cares.”

Peyton didn’t know how to answer that. This morning she would have bet her life on it but now he was closing her out and doing it in a brutal and public fashion which was cruel. “I’ll be out in a minute. Keep me some apple pie.”

Aoife made a cocking gun motion. “You got it.”

Alone with her thoughts, she tried to figure out what she’d done. What had she said to make him react this way? Could she have backed off quicker? But then she sat upright, seeing her thought pattern for what it was. She was trying to make excuses, to take the blame for his actions and reactions. That wasn’t right and it wasn’t something she was willing to do. Standing she went to the window and saw Warren talking to Bram and Titan, laughing as if he wasn’t breaking her heart in two.

If he didn’t want to talk to her that was fine. Well, not fine but it was his choice. It was also her choice if she stayed and put up with it. Pulling out her phone she called a taxi and fetched her jacket from the hallway closet. Thankfully everyone had gone outside to enjoy the late summer sun and she could slip away.

Slipping out the door she walked down the long drive, hearing the loud laughter and screams of the kids and the voices of everyone talking and she’d never felt more alone. Bouncing on her feet, she waited for the car to pick her up and hoped nobody saw her leave.

She couldn’t cope with well-meaning platitudes or questions right now. When the car arrived, she hopped in the back and gave her home address. A bubble of laughter burst from her as she thought of how Shadow would react to her getting into the car of a person she didn’t know and giving out her home address. Not wanting Aoife to worry, she shot off a text to tell her she’d gone home and to please not tell Warren unless he asked or say anything to him.

A text came straight back saying she loved her and would call her tomorrow. The car was silent as she let her thoughts wander over the last few weeks. Was any of it real or was it a fling that had run its course now? She knew she needed to talk to Warren but right now she didn’t want to see him or speak to him, and she didn’t know if that was because she was angry or if she was just so afraid of what he might say.

She paid the driver and offered him a tight smile but he didn’t care because he was already peeling out of the driveway. With a sigh, she walked to her door feeling more alone than she ever had. This morning her life had been great and now everything felt fragile, like it might disappear.

Opening the door, she waited for Bertie to greet her but the house was silent. A thread of anxiety wormed its way up her spine. Moving into the kitchen she stopped dead when she saw the man pointing a gun at her head.

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