Protecting Salvation: A Shadow Elite Novel

Protecting Salvation – Chapter 16

He woke with the mother of all headaches, his brain felt like it was going to pop out of his eyes as a groan forced its way past his lips. He stayed still as nausea roiled from the pain, an arm slung over his eyes to stop the light from making it worse.

“You need your meds?”


He hated her seeing him like this but if he got out of bed now he’d puke at her feet or, worse, pass out. He felt her get out of bed and even that slight movement was torture. He kept his eyes closed, just concentrating on breathing as she padded back into the bedroom and knelt beside him.

“Here, let me help you sit up and take these.”

Shame twisted his insides as Peyton wrapped her arm around his back and helped him to sit as he heaved and panted. How could she want to be with him like this? He might as well be dead at this point if this was his future.

He popped the tablets in his mouth and took a tiny sip of water and sank back on the bed. He could feel her watching him, feel her pity and he fucking hated it. He loved this woman and wanted her to look at him with desire and love, not to see a weak, pathetic man who couldn’t even stand up right now. She needed to feel protected and he wasn’t sure he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag right now.

“You need anything else?”

“Can you close the curtains a bit more? The light is killing my head.”

He heard the swish of the fabric and the light dimmed a little more. His place at the base was better when he was like this because when he turned out the lights, it was pitch black from being underground. But he needed, no, he wanted to be here with her.


“Should I call Savannah?”

“Nah. I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep it off.”

Her lips were cool as she kissed his shoulder. “Call me if you need me.”


It was all he could manage right now. He managed to fall asleep as the pain eased up and was in and out all day long. When he woke again it was dark outside and the house sounded quiet. Swinging his legs out of bed, he waited as a wave of dizziness hit, clutching at the bed to steady himself. When it passed, he stood and used the bathroom, noting his grey pallor. At least he was on his feet and the pain was manageable now.

Pulling on gym shorts and a tee, he walked downstairs and was greeted by Bertie dancing around his legs.

“Hey, Bert, where’s your mum?” He stroked the little guy and went in search of Peyton. He found her in the living room, reading a book with a shirtless guy on the cover. He’d teased her about her reading material until she read a spicy scene for him and then proceeded to act it out. He was now fully on board and thought romance authors might be the unsung heroes of the world.


She looked up and gave him a sweet smile as he sank beside her and pulled her into his arms. This right here was what he needed, just her in this tiny house. Her fingers threaded gently through his hair and he closed his eyes, letting her touch erase the last of the pain.

“I’m sorry.”

“Whatever for?”

“Being useless and ruining your weekend.”

“Warren Tanner, don’t piss me off. You did not ruin my weekend and you’re far from useless.”

“I was today. If something had happened I couldn’t even get out of bed to help you.”

“Are you saying you’re only here to protect me, because I thought we were so much more than that?”

“No, of course not. I’m here because I’m addicted to you and can’t stay away and I want you safe.”

“And I am safe, so relax.”

He wanted to argue but he didn’t have it in him right now, so he just held her closer, resting his head on her chest and breathing her in, like she was his salvation.

“You hungry?”

“A little.”

“Want some grilled cheese?”

“If you’re making some.”

She patted his arm and moved to get up but he didn’t let go and she fell against him laughing. “You’re the biggest koala I’ve ever seen.”

“Just five more minutes and then you can go.”

Peyton laughed and sat back on his lap, stroking his face as he laid his head back against her chest and let her heartbeat steady him. The rhythm was strong and sure, full of life just like the woman. He could stay here forever but he knew he had some tough choices to make and the clock was ticking. This bout today only pushed the point home.

Dr Decker had said when they’d met Monday that surgery needed to happen soon and the accelerated growth wasn’t a good sign. He was tempted to have the surgery because living like this was no life at all, but dying when he had so much to live for right now was a cruel twist.

They did have one possibility for a blood donor but as soon as he found out who it was, he shut that shit down. He’d rather take his chances than have the blood of a serial killer in his veins. The man was on death row in the US for heinous crimes and the only other option was pregnant, which meant she’d be taking a mammoth risk and it wasn’t something he’d allow.

“You want me to feed you, big guy? Then we can head to bed with some tea and biscuits.”

“Biscuits in bed, you naughty minx.” He chuckled, not willing to think about this anymore.

Peyton laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you sleep with crumbs in the bed.”

“I’d sleep on nails for you, sugar.”

“There he is, my sweet man.”

“I think you meant sexy.”

“That too.”

He let her go and followed her into the kitchen, grabbing a tray and some of their favourite Hobnobs and custard creams. “We taking the grilled cheese to bed too?”

“Yep, I want you in my arms. I missed you today.”

Her eyes were warm and full of emotion that neither had said aloud yet as she watched him, he could see it. He loved her and he was pretty sure she loved him too. So what did that mean for his decision? Either way, she got hurt. She either spent her life caring for him with many more days like today and eventually him not being able to see or he possibly died and left her with a broken heart.

It weighed heavy, even on his big shoulders.

“Hurricane, we got him.”

He blinked at Lotus’ excitement down the line. “Got who?”

“Trevor, we got him.”

It was three days since his last headache that ended in a bed picnic with the woman he loved. “Tell me.”

“I’m on my way over now but Aubrey is going to arrest him this afternoon.”

“I want to be there.”

“I told her you would. She’s got your number.”


He hung up and glanced at Peyton who was watching him. “Lotus is coming over. Apparently they got Trevor.”

“What does that mean?”

“Not sure but it’s good news.”

He was sitting on her couch in her office and she moved around her desk and fell beside him, letting out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

He stroked her knee with his thumb as he grinned at her and she returned it, her eyes full of hope and love. “Maybe Marni can finally have that sleepover with us now the threat is almost over.”

Peyton smiled. “God, I love that kid. She’s welcome at our place any time she likes.”

He loved that she referred to her home as theirs. Even if it wasn’t true in a financial sense, it felt like home to him. More and more of his trainer collection filled the spare room and he even had some of his fitness stuff in a spare corner of her home office.

“Don’t tell her that, we’ll never get a minute’s peace and I quite like my lazy weekends in bed with my girl.”

Peyton pretended to zip her lips. “My lips are sealed.”

Her fingers linked with his and she laid her head on his shoulder as he kissed her head.

“Thank you for being here for me. I’m not sure I would’ve got through this without you.”

He gripped her chin between his thumb and finger and lifted her head, forcing her to look at him. “Yes, you would. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

“Only because you’re here.”

“Not true. You’ve survived more than most and you did it with a smile as you helped others heal. I’m in awe of you, sugar.”

“Ah, ain’t this sweet.” Lotus stood there, hands on her hips, rolling her eyes.

He motioned at Lotus and grinned. “Can you not fix her?”

“Hah, I’m beyond even Peyton’s considerable abilities, buddy.”

“Pfft, you don’t need as much fixing as you think. You just need some self-love.”

Lotus widened her eyes comically. “Peyton, can we not talk about masturbation in front of the boys please?”

“Okay, enough. Start talking about Trevor.”

Titan pushed Lotus through the door and balanced his ass on the desk, crossing his arms.

“Watchdog couldn’t find the ex, so he did some more digging. On the night he disappeared, they were all at Parks, which is an old rave venue that would hold illegal parties. Footage shows him talking with Martin and Trevor and it was heated. So we looked into it more, and Parks is a mile across the fields from your old home.”

“And?” Hurricane rolled his hand not in the mood for theatrics.

“We have to confirm it but we’re pretty sure the ex-boyfriend, Craig Lewis, was murdered by Trevor, and Martin helped him cover it up and bury the body.”

“That’s a stretch.”

“Not really, because we uncovered Trevor’s real identity and he’s child killer Vincent Makin. He was released after serving his sentence and was given a new identity to protect his privacy.”

“He killed that little girl at the Quarry when he was eleven years old?”

Hurricane squeezed Peyton’s hand as she shivered. He remembered that case. There had been a huge hunt for the little girl, ending with them finding her body beaten to death. She was only six years old and it later came out her brother’s friend had gotten jealous of her hanging around and led her there where he’d killed her. He was evil in the extreme and killing Craig would fit.

“We have a body yet?”

“Aubrey has a team ready to go when they arrest him.”

Lotus sounded pissed and he didn’t blame her. Anyone who could do what he’d done should never have been released and sure as not had their identity changed to protect them.

“What about Hilary?”

There she went worrying about other people and it only made him love her more.

“We don’t think she was involved but at this point, we don’t know for sure.” Titan folded his arms across his chest.

Peyton looked around. “So what now?”

“Now you live your life. Trevor will be in custody by dinner time and if we have any say, will never walk free again.”

Hurricane wrapped her in his arms and kissed her temple. “You’re free, baby.”

Her smile made his chest feel like it was caving in on him. She took his breath away with her heart and her beauty. She kept saying she was lucky to have him but the truth was, he was the lucky bastard in this situation.

On that thought he kissed her and dropped her off to see her friend, Lizzie Smith, knowing she’d be safe with Smithy around and headed to watch the man who’d terrorized the woman he loved get arrested.

On the way, he made a call. “Doc, schedule the surgery for a month from now, but I don’t want a blood transfusion.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m happy about that second part but neither am I surprised. Why a month?”

“Gives me time to make memories with my girl just in case it’s all we get.”

“I’ll do everything in my power for you, Warren.”

“I know that, doc, but none of us have a crystal ball and shit happens. We both know it.”

“That’s true. I’ll send you the details.”

“Thanks, and, doc?”


“This stays between us. I don’t want a single soul to know I’m having this operation. If I die on the table it won’t be with the people I love sitting in a waiting room worrying.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s non-negotiable.”


He hung up and felt like one weight lifted and another descended. He now had one month to pack his girl so full of happy memories that it would last a lifetime if he didn’t make it, and that started today.

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