Protecting Salvation: A Shadow Elite Novel

Protecting Salvation – Chapter 14

Waking up with his legs entangled with Peyton’s, his body surrounding hers like a cocoon, was his favourite thing in the world. Her body was lush and soft in his arms, her silky hair tickling his skin. Burying his nose in her neck he nuzzled against her, his arms wrapped around her from behind. His dick was more than ready to slide into her heat. He smiled as she wriggled her sweet ass back into his dick.


“It certainly is.”

“Someone’s in a good mood.”

“I woke with my arms full of a beautiful woman. Why would I be anything but?”

“True story, she sounds like a lucky girl.”

“Nah, I’m the lucky one.”

Peyton rolled into him, burrowing her face into his chest, and making him smile. She was not a morning person, and it took her a while to wake up.


Her arms tightened on his body as he tried to get up. “Nope, I want something else that begins with a C.”

Hurricane grinned against her hair, stroking the strands off her face to see the apples of her cheeks rising in a smile. “Cupcakes?”

Her teeth sank into his chest, giving him a light nip and he rolled her to her back, looming over her as he settled between her thighs, holding her wrists on either side of her head. “Are you a vampire, Dr Lawson?”

“Yup, and I hear you have some very special blood.”

He rocked his hips against her hot, wet pussy, just two layers of thin cotton separating them. He loved that she teased him, that she didn’t shy away from things, neither did she make a fuss. His headaches were becoming more frequent, the blurred vision and dizziness too, but she never made a fuss, just gave him space and got on with things.

Dr Decker had warned him the scans he’d had last week showed the tumour had grown and surgery was becoming more necessary. She wanted him to go in and talk options with her but he’d put it off.

“I have something very special for you right here.”

Her breath was short as he ground his cock against her clit.

“So you do.”

“But I’m hungry. I think I need a snack to keep my energy up.”

“Good plan, wouldn’t want you to get low blood sugar.”

Hurricane kissed his way down her neck, shoving her sleep tank over her head and watching the way her belly quivered as he drew her sleep shorts over her thighs, tossing them somewhere behind him. Then he buried his head between her thighs and fucked her sweet pussy with his tongue. Sucking and nibbling her clit as she soaked his face with her climax.

“Fuck, your pussy is my favourite thing in the world. I could eat you all day.”

He finished up with a final swipe of his tongue through her pussy and then sat up, swiping his hand over his face before shoving his boxers down his thighs. His cock sprang free and Peyton reached for him. Her hand was soft and small as she stroked him and he let her for a few moments, entranced by the sight of her hand on him.

Before she could do more, he gripped her wrist and pulled her hand away and she looked at him in question. “I need to be inside you, baby.”

With his hand in the centre of her chest, he pushed her back and gripped his cock and the base, guiding it to her pussy and watching as she stretched around his length.

“Fuck, you look so good taking my cock.”

“I love your cock.”

His chuckle was deep. “Yeah, you do.”

Morning sex with Peyton was always slow and leisurely, like watching a flower unfurl and turn toward the light. Nothing rushed or frantic, just a slow build until they both went over the edge, her nails raking down his back as she cried out his name.

Breathing heavily she began to laugh, her body shaking against him and he loved that feeling. Being with her was like finding something you hadn’t known was lost until you found it.

He held her before kissing her neck and sucking gently, leaving a small mark on her skin.

“Uh, did you just give me a hickey?”

“Just marking what’s mine.”

“Have I told you that we discovered how to make fire, oh great Neanderthal man?”

He chuckled as he walked to the bathroom. “That’s a lot of sass for a woman with a big red love bite on her neck.”

He watched Peyton roll over in bed and bury her face. “Ass.”

“Sorry, what was that? You love my ass? Aww, thanks, baby. I love yours too.”

He got in the shower to the sound of her laughter. Breakfast was rushed as she had an eight-thirty appointment with a client. He wanted to catch up with Lotus and get an update on Trevor, and if he’d been involved with the break-in at her office or the death of her cousin.

The office was secure and he knew Titan was covering that but he was meeting Lotus in a café that was directly opposite the office building just to be safe. Peyton had shown no interest in wanting to know any details and he suspected that she just wanted to move on and pretend it hadn’t happened. He hoped it was over but his gut told him something else was coming.

Lotus sauntered in five minutes early, her gaze catching on every exit, clocking every person before she sat and turned her chair so she was facing any threat. It was instinctive, more so for some than others, and he was more okay with having his back to people than she was.

Lifting his finger to the young waitress he ordered two coffees and waited for them to be served before looking at Lotus. “Well?”

His friend looked tired, the shadows under her eyes were deep, her cheeks sunken like she wasn’t eating properly. He was worried about her but he didn’t ask because that would open the floodgates for a slew of questions about his own health.

“There’s definitely something off about Trevor Harkness. Watchdog thinks he’s using an alias. His financials are off, and everything is too uniform which is a red flag. Hilary is easier. She was born in Selly Oak and moved here when her father got a job at the Cider factory. She and Trevor met through Martin, who was friends with Trevor and her then-boyfriend, Craig.”

“Fuck, sounds like a headache already.”

“Yeah, it gets worse. Craig went missing six months later and is still on the missing person’s list. Trevor and Hilary got together not long after and married.”

“And how did Martin meet Trevor?”

“Not entirely sure, but they were both into the club scene so it could have been that. They attended the same places and most like crossed paths at an event.”

“Martin have a record?”

“Yes, but it was a juvie record and was sealed. Watchdog opened it and it seems Martin did six months for arson. Want to guess who the arresting officer was?”


“Got it in one. It seems he had a soft spot for him as he petitioned the court to go easy on him.”

“Well, this is quite the web. Can Watchdog find out who Trev was before? That might tell us why he’s hiding and give us more on the man.”

“He’s working on it.”

“Maybe we should talk to Trevor or Hilary?”

“Titan and I are headed there next, so we’ll keep you posted.”

“Still not sure how all this connects back to Peyton though,” he mused, taking a sip of his almost cold coffee and grimacing.

“Me either. Has she said anything to you?”

Hurricane shook his head slowly, not wanting to break a confidence but knowing he needed to trust Lotus and he did. “No, she’s pretty much got her head in the sand about it and as long as she’s safe, I don’t want to push her.”

“She can’t bury this, big guy. That shit will eat her up.”

“I know but I’m hoping we can get it handled and then she can deal with it.”

“I get that. McCain is under review by the Code of Ethics committee and will likely be suspended for misconduct over his treatment of Peyton. By all accounts, Aubrey has come back from maternity leave early and is losing her mind about a few things. She wants her department cleaned up and doesn’t care how many heads she has to roll to get it done.”

Hurricane grinned. “I always liked her.”

“She’s badass.”

“Anything I can do to help? I feel like a lost limb.”

“Just keep your girl safe and call Marni. That kid is missing you.”

He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face at that. He loved that kid and the bond they’d formed in South Africa was tight. Of all the people she could have trusted, it had been the biggest, scariest looking one of them all.

He said it out loud and Lotus shrugged. “Kids have good instincts about people. They can spot a fraud or a good person a mile away and you, my friend, are one of the best.”

“She’s a good kid. I’m glad Bás killed that bastard who created her.”

“Yeah me too and seeing him and Val so happy makes me happy.”

Hurricane wasn’t usually touchy-feely but since Rykov had died Lotus had softened in some ways. It was as if she was looking internally and doing everything she could to be everything to everyone to fix a mistake that had never been hers.

So he reached for her hand. “What about you, Naz?” He used her real name so she knew he was being serious. “You deserve to be happy too.”

Her eyes filled with tears and she looked up and furiously blinked them back. “You don’t know some of the things I’ve done, Hurricane. I don’t deserve happiness and even if I did, who would want a broken woman who wakes up every night screaming or can’t close her eyes without seeing all the shit she’s done, all the hurt?”

“Have you spoken to someone? Peyton could help you.”

She shook her head and laughed. “I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine and I think any man would be lucky to have you.”

“And I think you have rose-coloured glasses on since you fell head first into whatever love potion you and Peyton drank that night at the bar.”

“I’m sure it seems sudden but, honestly, we grew close when she was recuperating after her attack and then I pulled away because….”

“Because you’re a complete dumbass.”

He scowled. “I was going to say I didn’t want to hurt her or drag her into my health nightmares.”

“And now?”

“Honestly, I still don’t want her involved because I know it will hurt her, but I can’t seem to stay away. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d go mental if she locked me out.”

“Yet I bet you take all your calls from Dr D away from her and don’t share shit about your symptoms worsening.”

“How do you know that? Did Watchdog hack me? That is not cool.”

“No, don’t be daft. I know because it’s what I’d do and you just told me.”


“You okay, big guy?”

He knew she was asking about his symptoms. “Yeah, I will be.”

“Good because I can’t lose you. This team needs more wins before it can cope with another loss.”

“I’m going to be fine.”

“Okay.” Lotus stood and knocked a knuckle on the table. “I’ll call you later with an update.”


He watched her leave and thought about what she’d said. He was keeping shit from Peyton but not because he didn’t trust her but because he didn’t want to pile more shit onto her plate. It was also a tiny bit because his options terrified him and he didn’t want to face them. At this point, he’d be blind within the year if Dr Decker didn’t operate. But without blood for a transfusion if he needed it, there was the very real risk of him dying. It was like walking around with an ever-tightening noose around his neck and time wasn’t his friend.

Paying for the coffee he decided that was for another day and headed over to see Peyton. He passed a timid-looking woman on his way in and she kept her head down so he gave her space. His size wasn’t always an asset.

She was typing up her notes when he tapped on the door. “Hey, ready to grab some lunch?”

“Yep. Let me just save these notes and then I’m all yours.”

He liked hearing that. He wanted her to be all his. She made every day better and he was happier than he’d ever been. Did he have a right to drag her into a future that was so uncertain? He didn’t know but he also knew that avoiding it was unfair.

“I’ll wait downstairs. I have to make a call.”

Her smile lit him up from inside as she looked up. “Okay.”

Walking down the narrow stairs he stepped out, his breathing coming fast as a wave of dizziness struck him. Reaching out he braced his hand on the wall of the short alleyway and dragged in air. Pain lanced through his head and he fought the urge to throw up. He sucked in oxygen and waited for it to pass. They never lasted long but it was almost daily now which meant it was soon going to be impossible to hide how bad things were getting.

Dragging his phone out he dialled Dr Decker and waited.


“I need to see you.”

“When can you come in?”


“Ten am?”


“You’re doing the right thing, Warren.”

“I haven’t made a decision yet.”

“We can discuss options though and that’s a start.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

He hung up and immediately felt like a piece of shit for being so short with her. He’d been told the tumour could affect his personality and cause a short temper but this wasn’t the tumour, this was him being an ass and he knew it. He just needed to be a fucking grown-up and face this head-on.

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