
Chapter Dawn

“Well the report is finally in, and I am happy to tell you Ms Dayse that the charges against you have been dropped.

We found bottles of pine-based substance used to poison your family after we’d searched the factory. We also think we have found Elizabeth Lewis.”

“Where?” I asked curiously.

“A few months ago we found a body in the Kingston harbour. It appeared that it had been there for about a year, close to two. We found that she’d been poisoned with the same pine oil used on your family, before she was dumped in the harbour.”

“Oh,” I said feeling a slight wave of sadness.

“What about the crime scene? There are things there that might risk exposing my family.” asked Seidon.

“You don’t have to worry about anything that may lead to any of your family’s secrets being discovered. The factory was mysteriously set ablaze a few days ago.” he smiled.

“Thank you,” said my mother extending an arm towards him. He held it and shook it.

After our little ordeal in the Blue Mountains we unavoidably had to explain a few things about who we really were and our connection to Omayra. It was either trusting him or killing him and we chose the former.

Surprisingly he was quite an attentive listener, not interrupting once until we’d finished telling him our story. All of our family members especially our parents were set on edge when they’d received our phone call from the hills and then finding Thorn and I covered in blood, and with Omayra’s lifeless body to one side and the place swarming with police officers.

The story the detective had coined for us being there put at ease any suspicions that could possibly be held by other members of the force, and it had also won the confidence of our family in him.

I remembered the morning it happened…

“What do we do about Omayra, her body? I mean how do we explain the burns?” I asked the detective. All three looked at the corpse which had severe burns around her torso.

“I have gasoline in my car, but I don’t know how we could get it up here before the others get here.” he said thoughtfully.

“I can go for it.” volunteered Thorn and started getting up.

“No you’re still hurt. I’ll go.” I said. He nodded in consent as he knew it was senseless to fight this. I could still see and feel the amount of pain he was in. Although the wound was healing, he was weakened by the amount of blood he’d lost. “Where exactly are you parked?” I said turning to Adams.

“Right behind your boyfriend’s car, a little way from the trees.” he handed me the key.

“Okay,” I said getting up and ran out the door. I immerged at the upper floor of the building. Everything looked so different in the sunlight streaming in through the windows. I made my way past the vats and out the door.

I skipped out the gate. The sun was above the horizon fully and the trees around me were alive with the sounds of birds. If it was any other day, I would have probably stopped to listen, but I was otherwise occupied this morning.

I ran down the road and started searching. I soon spotted Thorn’s Viper parked among some brushes. He said he wasn’t going to drive it in the city because of the traffic. But I guess traffic wasn’t really an issue at three in the morning, and the speed was needed, especially with a bounty hunting girlfriend on the loose. I felt a twinge of regret as I knew if it wasn’t for me, all this trouble could have been avoided.

I caught sight of Adams’ car. It was the same white one he drove the day of my aunt’s funeral. I made my way to the driver’s side and opened the door. I felt under the seat for the trunk latch, I lifted it and I heard the trunk pop open. I closed the door and made my way around to the back.

I pulled the spare tire and other junk he had in there out of the way and found a huge bottle sitting at the back. I pulled it out and opened it. The sharp yet pleasant in a weird way scent tickled my nostrils. Yep, it was definitely gasoline. I pulled it away from my face and covered it. I shut the trunk and shot towards the factory.

“I have the gasoline, what now?” I said to the detective.

“That was quick, not even a minute,” he mumbled. “Hand it here.” he said hopping towards me and took the bottle from me. I watched him as he doused Omayra’s body with the liquid.

“What are you doing?” asked Thorn as his confused gaze met mine.

“Covering all our bases.” he said without looking back at us. “We will have to make a slight tweak to our story. She tried to torch the place, gasoline spilled on her. When she shot me, sparks started the fire and the sprinklers came on, that’s why the place is so wet.” he said hobbling back towards us. I could see the blood soaking through the makeshift bandages tied around his leg. He then threw the rest around us before throwing down the bottle.

“They are close,” said Thorn.

I held up my head and listened. “About five minutes.”

“I don’t hear anything.” he said straining his head to listen.

“Human ears,” said Thorn.

“Oh,” he nodded and came to sit beside us.

“Hmm, almost gone.” whispered Thorn.

I turned to look at him. He was looking at the wound at his side. It had already started forming scabs, knitting the huge slash that cut across his waist.

“We will have to tear this open in order for our story to fit. Summer will you do it?” he said and looked up at me.

“No, no . . . I can’t do that.” I said my voice starting to tremble. “I can’t intentionally hurt you.” I was terrified that he’d asked me to do this.

“You have to, or our story will not fit and they will be here any minute now.” added Detective Adams.

“Summer, please.” his eyes pleaded with me.

“If you don’t then I will have to . . .” started Adams.

“No!” I said almost shouting. “No, I’ll do it.” I said in a more moderated tone. I got up and found the piece of the sword with the handle still on. I then walked over and kneeled beside him.

My hands started to shake as I held the blade on his torn skin.

“It’s okay, we have to do this.” he said placing his hand on my face. “Just one clean swipe. It will be less painful that way.” he said in a placating tone, which didn’t have the calming effect he was probably hoping for, as my hand started shaking even more. “It’s okay Summer, just do it. I’ll be fine. I’ll heal.”

“Okay,” I closed my eyes and shook my head. I then sank the metal deeper into his waist and swiped my hand in short movement. I heard him grunt and muffle a scream as the sword tore through his flesh. I hurriedly pulled it out of his side and flung it to one side.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I gushed and flung my hands around his neck.

“It’s okay Summer.” he whispered into my ear. He didn’t put his arms around me as they were again clutched to his side. I could feel the amount of pain he was in, building up in my side but that didn’t matter now.

“Don’t ever ask me ever do anything like that ever again.” I said pulling away from him. I looked at his hands which were already dripping with new blood.

“Never again.” he whispered.

The sirens were blaringly loud as the police car and ambulance arrived in the yard. Thorn and I changed back to our human forms before anyone got down here. We heard them moving upstairs and we shouted to get their attention. Soon the whole room was swarming with police officers and paramedics. Thorn and Adams were carted off for immediate medical attention, while I headed straight into questioning. I gave them story line by line, how it had all unfolded, with Thorn and Detective Adams corroborating the facts later on in the hospital.

Adams told the officers that I’d been abducted by Omayra, Thorn had found out where I was being held and he had trailed him here. On his arrival, he’d overheard Omayra’s confession to the crimes and how she was about to burn Thorn and me alive in the place. He tried to stop her but during the struggle she’d spilled some of the gasoline on herself she’d managed to wrestle his gun from him and had shot him twice in the leg. The gunshots had sparked a fire on her setting her ablaze. The water sprinkler came on, putting out the blaze but leaving her and the whole place wet.

We thought she was dead and when he’d tried to get to us, she reportedly attacked us with the sword and Thorn had been cut in the side. She came at us again, but he’d managed to knock her of balance and that the sword fell. I took it up and had used it to slash her throat after she had him pinned down on the floor again.

The sword had been broken because during one of the attacks, she’d flung a piece of furniture after him but he’d evaded it and it had landed on the door taking off the handle and locking us in. We had to use the sword to pry the hinges open before pushing the door out. Where we could call for help.

The story he coined was so convincing that even I would have taken it to be the truth if it wasn’t for the fact that I was actually there when it all unfolded. The matter was taken care of so seamlessly, I was glad that he was on our side.

There was one thing I didn’t understand was why he did all that for us, especially for me and seeing the way he acted towards my family and me during the investigations.

“Well, I better get going. I still have other crimes to solve,” he said getting up from the sofa. He hopped on one leg and then steadied himself with a wooden cane.

“I’ll walk you out.” volunteered Seidon getting up.

“Wait,” I said stopping him. He looked back at us. “There is just one thing I want to know Detective.” he nodded for me to continue. “During the investigation, I’d gotten the impression that you didn’t like me very much, so why did you help us?” I bit my lower lip as I waited for him to answer.

“You were right, I didn’t like you. I don’t like any criminals. But my impression of you changed when I learned that you were innocent. I entered this field to help people, good people by any means possible, no matter how unorthodox the methods. I always ensure that the victims are treated fairly and that justice is carried out. Does that answer your question Ms Dayse?” he said cocking an eyebrow.

“Yes, partially. I still don’t understand why you are keeping our secret, I mean about us not being human.” I continued nervously. The room fell silent, as everyone else was just as apprehensive about the topic.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know why I am either, but I don’t think the world is ready or will ever be ready to handle the news of your existence.” he paused. “Besides, who would believe me? Shape-shifting fire and water throwers.” he laughed softly. “Well, enjoy the rest of your day.” he continued out the room before stopping at the door adjoining the kitchen.

He seemed reluctant to leave as if he was afraid that the strange family of copper and silver-skinned people which stood in front of him were about to disappear.

I could understand his reluctance to leave. As it was hard even for me sometimes to accept the dreamlike quality of my life, although the evidence of it being real was constantly being presented to me day after day.

“Goodbye Detective and thank you again, for everything,” I said waving to him.

“Goodbye.” he nodded once and then continued out the kitchen and out the door, with Seidon following behind him.

“It is finally over,” I breathed easily.

“Yes it is,” said Thorn taking my hand and squeezing it. I turned to him and smiled widely.

“I trust that the two of you know how dangerously close we were to human discovery. You were lucky that it was Adams on the case or things could have ended much differently. I hope that nothing like that ever happens again.”

“We know and I can assure you that it won’t dad,” I said. Thorn and I have been getting the same speech all week from all three of our parents, even our siblings and it was getting a bit tiring to hear.

“Excuse me,” said my mother getting up to answer the phone. I watched her as he paced slowly around the room. She had let out a string of yeses and thanks before she finally hung up. “I have some good news,” she said beaming.

“Well do tell. With all that has been going on lately, we can’t have too much of that,” said Alex.

“It’s about Caleb.” she paused. I clenched my jaws tightly as I was growing nervous. “They said that Caleb has awoken from his coma.” she continued, almost squealing.

“Really that is great news.” said my father hugging her.

“What did I miss?” said Seidon re-entering the room.

“Caleb just woke up,” said Nick filling him in.

“What are we waiting for, let us go and see him,” said Alex gathering her handbag from out the chair.

“Yes, let us go.” said my mother starting behind the rest of my family. “Aren’t you coming dear?” she said turning to face me as I still hadn’t moved from the same spot.

“I, I . . .” I stuttered.

“I will bring her by later,” said Thorn answering for me.

“But don’t take too long,” she said scurrying out of the room.

“I can’t do it. I can’t go and see him.” I said burying my face in my hand. “I can’t when I’m the cause of all this. How can I face him knowing that I am the fault that his parents are dead.”

“Summer, Summer please look at me,” he said pulling my hands away from my face. “Look at me.” I slowly lifted my eyes up to his. “Caleb knows that you aren’t to blame for him losing his parents. That was all Omayra’s fault. He knows it, the rest of our family knows it, I know it. It is time for you to stop beating up yourself and start seeing the truth.” he said softly as he stroked his hand down my face.

“I want to. I do, but still I . . .”

“It wasn’t your fault,” he said softly cutting me off. “So will you go to the hospital to see him?” he prodded softly.

“Yes, but just not now. I think mom will have a lot of news to tell him first. I’ll just give him time for it to soak in.” I said. When Caleb had time to think things through he would see that I am the one to blame, and then only then will I be able to feel that I was being given the just punishment for my actions.

He brushed strands of my curly hair from my face and started humming a soft tune to a song I didn’t recognize, as he gently rocked me back and forth. I stared blindly in front of me, losing myself in the turns of the intricate melody.

I looked up at the sky. It was pale blue and undisturbed by clouds. I walked over to one of the small ponds outside the house and sat down on the patch of lawn beside it. The soft sounds of the water tinkling had seemed to relieve most of my anxiety. I smiled softly at the small group of the silvery guppies as they swam from under one of the broad water-lily leaves.

I lifted my head suddenly as the place seemed to have gone silent. Someone else was here. I could feel it. I stood up quickly and scanned the area. I drew in a sharp breath and my hands rolled reflexively into a fist.

“Thorn, come quickly,” I whispered. Although he was inside giving me space to sort through my emotions, I knew he could hear, as he was probably somewhere close keeping a close watch, just in case.

Almost as soon as I’d spoken, I felt him beside me. I held on to his hand and then we watched the approach of the two men. They stopped a few yards off and stood staring at us. None of them spoke. I think that they were waiting for us to start.

“What are you doing here?” asked Thorn keeping a steady gaze on both of the silver-haired men.

“Oisin O’ Shea. Thorn Rose. Rain Esor North. Many names, the same person.” said one of the men stepping forward.

“Don’t come any closer. What is it that you want?” said Thorn warily, pushing me behind him.

“I see that we have indeed found the right person, but I can assure you that we mean no harm.” replied the other in a thick Russian accent as he stepped forward to stand beside his friend. “I am Vitali captain of the Royal Guard and this is my lieutenant, Dmitri.”

“How can we help you?” said Thorn as he pulled away from me and walked towards the men. He looked back at me briefly and then back at the men. I waited nervously, wondering what next to expect.

“The death of Grand Lune Omayra has left us without a leader and we in the Guard feel that it is time that post is filled. Surely anyone capable of defeating Omayra is deserving of the title.”

“Why should I trust anything that you say. Even if I am whom you think I am, why shouldn’t I think that this is some sort of a plot.”

“You have no reason to trust anything we say, but we can give you our word that we mean no harm. In the Guard, our word is as good as any promise. If it were not so, I would have left the Guard years before your time.” spoke up the lieutenant.

“Although you haven’t assented formally to your name, we do indeed know that you are Esor North, the son of the prophecy,” spoke Vitali. “I have lived with the Grand Lunes long enough to hear and know many things, including Mond’s prophecy, which I can see has come into full fruition,” he said looking at me. “So my liege, if you will, I have come to offer my fealty and that of my men to you,” he said dropping to one knee and bowing. He then got up and straightened himself.

This was definitely not what I was expecting. Another duel maybe, but fealty! Despite my shock, I managed to walk over to stand beside Thorn. I took his hand as I stared up at his face. He seemed pensive. This was what our family had been working towards for centuries and now it was happening. His grey eyes swam down to mine, and he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“I will accept your offer captain, but there is one condition.” he started.

“And what is that my liege?”

“Never bow in front of me again. It might be tradition, but it also suggests that one is more superior to the other. I might have royal blood running through my veins, but I would like to think of us all as equals. That is how I intend to lead my clan. Everyone on equal footing, including Coronas.” he said looking at me then back at him. “Are we agreed captain?” he said raising a brow.

“We most certainly are. We wouldn’t want to offend our future queen.” he smiled as he looked over at me.

“Thank you for your acceptance of me captain and I pray that this newfound amity between our two clans will continue for centuries to come,” I said stepping forward.

“With the both of you at the helm, I cannot see how it will be otherwise.” he paused momentarily and looked around. “We must take our leave now. But Dmitri and I will have to inform the rest of the Guard of the outcome. Until you we see each other again, you will know where to find me.”

“Yes I will,” replied Thorn as we watched the two men walk towards the wall, and disappear over it as if the barrier was non-existent.

Thorn and I stood silently, our hands tightly interlocked. “You are now Grand Lune,” I said softly as the truth of the words finally dawned on me.

“I am, hmm.” his eyes reverting to my face. “We should probably tell the others now, but we could wait until they get back from the hospital.” his brows started to furrow.

“No, news like this cannot wait and I think it is time I went to face Caleb.”

“Okay love.” I closed my eyes as he placed a kiss on my forehead. He then roped one hand around my waist and led me over to his car.

“Summer, Thorn.” said my mother coming towards us. “Are you going to see Caleb now?” her question was directed at me.

“Yes but we have something important to tell you first.”

“Ok, what is it?” she said looking at us curiously.

“It would be better if we tell you at the same time with dad and Nafad,” said Thorn.

“They’re standing over there,” she said starting off.

“Hey Summer,” said Alex, causing the others to turn to face us.

“They have something important to tell us.”

“What is it son?” said Seidon.

“While you were gone, we got two unexpected visitors, the captain and a lieutenant of the Royal Guard.” I started.

“Dmitri and Vitali?” asked Nafad and I nodded.

“What did they want?” said Alex starting to get alarmed.

“It isn’t bad news.” I smiled and looked up at Thorn. “I will let you do the honours.” I said softly.

“Well don’t keep us in suspense. What happened?” asked Nick stepping closer to us.

“Vitali and Dmitri came to us to offer their fealty, and that of the rest of the Royal Guard,” he said with his lips tilting into a slight smile.

“Fealty,” whispered my father. He was wearing a faraway expression. Was it awe or shock, I couldn’t tell.

“So how do we know that it isn’t some kind of a trick?” asked Nick.

“This is not a trick.” said my father coming back from wherever his mind had led him. “I’ve come to know those two very well over the past couple of years, and I know that they always stick with the winning side. Vitali especially, his skill of self-preservation is always high, that’s why he has the trust of almost all of the Guards. They will follow him almost anywhere. We have his loyalty, we have the loyalty of everyone else.”

“So does that mean what I think it means?” asked Jaegari grinning.

“The prophecy has been fulfilled,” said Seidon. “My son is now Grand Lune.” he walked over to Thorn and held him in a tight hug. I, on the other hand, ran right into Alex’s arms and the two of us bounced up and down.

“So tell us everything. Details are vitally important.” gushed my mother.

A few people were starring at us they passed. Some even smiled at us, not that most of us had time to notice it.

I stayed for the first few rounds of questions that our family had bombarded us with as we told them of the events that unfolded while they were here. Although I was elated that everything had worked out so well, I was instantly sobered as I remember that I still hadn’t faced Caleb as yet.

“I am going to see Caleb now,” I whispered as I pulled Thorn away briefly from the rest of my family.

“You want me to come with you?” he asked.

“I want to do this alone. Besides, I’m sure you have couple hundred more questions to answer.” I said watching the impatient expression that had begun forming on my mother’s face. “I’ll see you after I’m done,” I said tip-toeing up to place a kiss on his cheek.

“Call me,” he said holding up his gem. I smiled and nodded before walking off to find Caleb’s room.

I paced up and down the hall of the hospital before I came to an abrupt stop in front of Caleb’s hospital room. I inhaled deeply before turning the handle and pushing the door open.

I saw him laying on the solitary bed in the room, which was propped up into a sitting position. The room was crowded with flowers and cards sent by his friends during the time he was here. He was looking out his window. I softly clicked the door close and he turned to face me.

“Summer,” he said wearing a slight smile. “I heard you were avoiding me.” he teased.

“No, don’t do that,” I said walking up to his bedside. “Don’t smile, you should be angry at me right now.” my voice cracked and a fat tear rolled down my cheek. “This all my fault Aunt Liz, Uncle Frank are gone because of me.” Quite the conversation opener, but I couldn’t hold back the guilt that was boiling up in me any longer. Another tear leaked from my eyes, followed by another, then another, until I couldn’t tell where one started or ended.

He stretched over took my hand. “I miss them too, badly, in fact, I got punched in the face once and thought that nothing could hurt worse than that, but I was so wrong. I am not receiving any physical blows, but it still hurts. I can’t really breathe easily. But you should know that I’m not angry with you or blame you for what happened.” he said earnestly.

I forced myself to look at his face. I saw that he too had started crying. “Thank you, thank you so much,” I said finally breaking down. I got up and buried my face in his chest and I let out all that I’d been holding back for months.

I’d finally remembered how to cry. Really cry. The last few months I was filled with too much anger to feel anything else. Today I’d finally decided to release all the hate and guilt I was harbouring inside. I could feel my heart melting with each shaking sob I released.

I cried because I was sad that my aunt and uncle were dead and that I would miss them very much. I cried because I knew the pain and the sense of loss I was experiencing was nothing close to what Caleb was facing right now. They were his parents, and there was nothing in the world anyone could say or do to bring them back.

I cried at the loss of a friend, I didn’t get to know. I knew now that we inherited the personality or instincts of those who we impersonated. If Omayra hadn’t taken Elizabeth Lewis’ place, I know that we would have become great friends, best friends even.

But I cried the most because I was happy. Happy that Caleb had found it in his heart to forgive me. This was the final application of balm my heart needed to heal, as I was finally able to forgive myself.

I didn’t know when or how I’d stopped, but when I did, my face was flushed, my eyes were red and puffy and my nose was stuffy as hell. But my heart was much lighter and my mind had finally found peace.

This was the beginning of a new day, the dawn of my life. I had so many things to give thanks for, family, friends, the love of my life. I had a new and exciting future set out in front of me. I was finally settling down into my new life.

I smiled and cheered from the crowd as I heard Thorn’s name being called for his diploma. He was the only one out of the three of us who would be graduating this year. I’d been expelled and Caleb had missed too much school to meet the graduation criteria. He didn’t however have to take any of the Cape exams Thorn and I took in May as because of his illness, the predicted results submitted by his teachers earlier in the school year would now become his actual grades.

The torches lining the grassy aisle were burning low as the graduation ceremony finally came to an end. The starry night sky had set the perfect backdrop for the outdoor ceremony. The cricket field was abuzz with noise as people were saying their goodbyes to friends they’d come to know for as much as seven years.

Caleb was speaking with Susan and some of his other friends who hadn’t seen him from before the incident. I on the other hand stood looking on into the crowd alone.

I felt two arms snake around my waist and I felt a slight peck on my cheek. I smiled and turned to face him.

“Aren’t you afraid they’ll punish you for over-familiarity?” I teased as I placed my hands around his waist, bunching up the grey and red gown around him.

“What are they going to do? Expel me?” he chuckled. “Besides, they haven’t seen anything as yet,” he said pulling me closer and tilting my head up to meet his. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. For a moment all the noise, the people around us, disappeared. It was just me and him in our own little bubble. We hadn’t a care in the world outside the two of us.

It wasn’t until I heard someone clearing their throat that we tore ourselves from each other.

“Sorry to disturb you,” said Melissa.

“It is okay, we have plenty of time later.” I smiled and looked at Thorn briefly and back to them. “What is it?”

“It is just that we wanted to apologize to you for the way we were treating you this year. We made judgments we had no right to make and we feel horribly sorry and we are hoping that you would forgive us,” said Monique.

“I don’t blame you guys for reacting the way you did, I’m not very good at showing my emotions, well some emotions in public,” I said correcting myself after my little public display. “You ask my forgiveness, there was no need to as you already had it.” I smiled. “We all make mistakes, right?”

“Yeah we do,” said Melissa.

“So friends again?” I smiled.

“Definitely,” she smiled. “Group hug,” she said as the three of us came together.

“Well I have to go,” said Melissa. “Summer I’m really happy that we sorted this out before we left.” she smiled.

“Me too. Goodbye.” I said waving to them both.

“What was that all about?” asked Caleb who’d walked up with Susan beside him.

“Nothing, just a little housekeeping. They just wanted to clear the air about a few things.”

“About that, Summer I want to say that I am sorry. I was so sure that . . .” started Susan.

“You don’t have to apologize. I was just telling Melissa and Monique that we all make mistakes, it is just human nature. And were all human, right?”

“Yeah, sure we all are,” he said pointing at Thorn, himself, and Susan. “But Summer, you’re a different species altogether.” jibed Caleb.

“Oh shut it, Caleb.” I chuckled. I was happy to see that despite all that he’d been through, he was still his same annoying self.

“Well, I’m not going to spend the rest of my time standing with you, since I get to see you every day. Susan and I are going to say goodbye to a few other people,” he said putting his hand around Susan’s waist. I could see her face redden at his touch.

“Yeah Summer and I have stuff to do also.” joined Thorn.

“Yeah stuff,” he said folding his fist and egregiously kissing the back of his hand.

I rolled my eyes and Thorn chuckled. “I’ll see you at home Caleb,” I said waving him off.

“Hmm hmmm,” he said flippantly waving his hand as he and Susan walked off.

“At least Caleb’s has still retained his jocundity.”

“Yeah, he is still his same annoying self. I don’t think anything can change that.” I said reflectively. “What kind of stuff do we have to do?” I asked as he took off the gown and handed it to the person collecting them in the auditorium before we walked out.

“We could go for a little midnight swim and then talk about I don’t know, the small unimportant matters of us finishing high school, training together and the murder investigation being over.”

“And our ensuing wedding.” I grinned as I finished.

“Yeah, small things like that.” he chuckled. “But that is only if you are up to it?”

“I love you dearly but sometimes you ask some silly questions,” I said turning to him and pecking him on the cheek before sliding into the front passenger seat of his red Viper.

“So the north coast or my house?” he said sitting beside me.

“I couldn’t care which one. Surprise me.” I smiled. He held softly cupped my face between his hands and brought it around to face him. I rested one hand on his chest and crushed myself closer to him as he kissed me.

He looked at me and smiled before he placed the key into the ignition. “Okay love. The North Pole it is.” he smiled.

“Where?” I asked stunned.

“You did say to surprise you.” he chuckled loudly as he backed the car out of the parking lot.

“That you did.” I smiled. “The North Pole doesn’t sound bad though.” I whispered. “It would be cool to see a few polar bears and wolves.” I whimsically.

He stopped laughing and looked at me seriously. “You also know that it would be degrees below zero?” he said turning off the engine.

“I know. That’s why you would be there to warm me up.” I said facing him with an impish smile playing at the corner of my lips. “Besides I hear the sun never sets this time of year. Sounds like my kinda place. Does that mean we are going?”

“Of course not.” he chuckled. “Although the idea of me warming you up sounds, well, tempting…. I think the North Pole can wait until after we are married.”

“Ok,” I sighed. “But I am ready to go if you just happen to change your mind.”

“We’ll see,” he said smiling.

“We will,” I said as I lightly passed my hand down his chest, stopping at the border of his belt.

“You don’t fight fair don’t you?” he said as he watched my hand trace the line of his waistband.

“I guess I don’t,” I said removing my hand and folding it under my bosom.

“You present a very convincing case…but the North Pole still waits until after we are married.”

“Bah! I tried. I guess it will have to wait.” I said pouting slightly. “But can I at least hold your hand?”

“Of course,” he said taking my hand in his own and kissed my finger softly. “Better?” he asked smiling.

“Yeah, I am better now.” I said smiling.

With that, he re-started his car and we were soon zooming through the streets of Kingston.

I knew that the prophecy had set more obstacles for me and Thorn to face and that the road ahead of us would be hard, to say the least.

Omayra was dead.

The Lunes had accepted and recognized Thorn and his, our family, as the rightful leaders at the helm of their clan.

But, at this moment, I didn’t care about that. Politics would take care of itself in due time.

As for now, I had Thorn.

I was happy and the world was smiling.

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