Promise Me Forever: A Single Dad Romance (The Maxwell Brothers)

Promise Me Forever: Chapter 18

The rest of the week was just as intense as the one before. The only thing keeping me sane was going home to Paisley… and to Lexi. I decided to track down her out-of-print book—or rather, I’d put Gran on it. Since she still ran the bookstore, she had access to the market. If anyone could find it, it was Gran; she had an immense talent for finding rare items and convincing people to hand them over.

One week later, Gran called me.

“I found it. I have it right here. The previous owner was a book murderer, but it’s better than nothing.”

“A what?”

“Book murderer. Edges are folded. Some pages have ink stains.”

I chuckled at her description. Who came up with these things?

“This is for Lexi, right?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, Tate. You’re finally giving yourself a chance to be happy. That’s all I ever wanted—for you to take a chance and stop thinking that you shouldn’t have someone in your life until Paisley is older.”

My daughter had essentially told me she was okay with me dating, but who knew if she really would be? I had to tread carefully. I couldn’t let Paisley down again. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t spoil Lexi and make her happy. I could imagine her reaction when she got the book.

“Gran, I have to go. I’ll send someone for the book—”

“Nonsense, I’m going to your house anyway. I’m going to give it to her.”


One hour later, Lexi sent me a picture. She was holding a book next to her face.

Damn. I’d never seen her smile like that. The pure joy on her face brought me to my knees.

Lexi: I can’t believe you got me this. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Tate: You’re welcome. I like your smile.

I leaned back in my chair, looking at that picture for a long time… right until Declan stomped into my office.

“The owners of the buildings next to The Happy Place have joined the lawsuit,” he announced.


I wasn’t surprised, but I was pissed.

I was used to fighting off morons, but usually the fights weren’t personal. Competitors were predictable—they were after profits—but this was different. It was personal. Malcolm and the Halsey Group weren’t acting purely out of business interest. Well, the Halsey Group might have been, but not Malcolm.

He’d thought that by marrying into the Maxwell family, the doors to Chicago would open to him—and they would have. There wasn’t much we didn’t do for the family. But he shot himself in the foot, and his continued interest in Gran’s building smelled of revenge more than a business decision.

“We’ll fight them with all we have,” I said. “Spare no expense. Take whatever risk necessary. I don’t care. The company is doing well enough. I know it, and they know too.”

“I think they’re hoping we don’t want the hassle,” Declan said. With a smirk, he added, “I guess they’re going to learn the hard way what it means to go against the Maxwells.”

“That’s right. They will. A display of force from time to time is necessary.”

Declan grimaced. “You scare me when you talk like that.”

“I mean it,” I said.

“I know you do, hence the scaring part. Who would have thought that having all this would require having to fight for it every day?”

I scoffed, sitting down. “It’s worth it.”

We lived by a code: protect the family at any cost. With money and power came jealousy, and we had people who wanted to take us down. I wouldn’t allow it.

Gran’s building was part of the Maxwell Trust, and no one was going to strong-arm us into anything. Gran once told me that going to the bookstore, The Happy Place, was what kept her alive. I wasn’t going to allow anyone to mess with it.

I had an extreme measure in mind… but I was going to let Declan try the gentle approach first.

“Do you want to tell Reese about the newest development?” he asked tentatively.

I looked up at him. “No, not yet.”

“She’s going to be pissed if we keep this from her.”

I groaned. “We’re not keeping it from her.”

“What do you call not telling her?”

I smirked. “Protecting her. We don’t have all the facts. I don’t see why we should worry her.”

“Maybe because it’s her shithead of an ex-fiancé who’s pulling all this, probably to get to her.”

I groaned again, dropping my pen. It was no use trying to multitask, not when I was this pissed. “Of course it’s to get back at her. The guy thought he was going to have the world at his feet, and now he doesn’t.”

I still remembered the day Reese called to tell me the wedding was off and that she didn’t have the strength to cancel everything.

Maybe it was wrong to keep things from her, but I still remembered how fragile she was those days. Even though it was months ago, I was sure this would affect her, and I wanted to protect her from it as best as I could.

“No word to Reese for now,” I said.

Declan nodded. “Okay, but for the record, if she finds out, I’ll say it was your idea not to say anything.”

“Fine. I don’t care.”

He cocked a brow, knowing I did care. I hated it when my cousins were mad at me, but I was sure Reese would understand. We’d always protected them. We told everyone we were their brothers at school so no one would mess with them, and no one did. No one wanted to pull a prank on someone when you had six angry Maxwells ready to pick a fight.

After he left my office, I tried to distract myself and not think about Reese’s reaction if she found out, but it was no use. While I made the calls all morning to stave off the fire the Halsey Group was stoking, all I could think about was what Reese would say when she eventually found out. I knew I had to tell her. I just didn’t have to do it today.

Maybe I’d ask Luke to do it.

I asked Declan to report to me as soon as he had anything, and I only heard from him twice during the day. I knew that was normal in a lawsuit, but I was still in a bad mood. I wanted to get this over with before it escalated more. Before it could hurt my family.

In the afternoon, I stopped in Declan’s office without knocking.

He looked up at me, cocking a brow. “Why do you look like you’re about to pick a fight?” he asked.

“I’m not. I wanted to check on the status of the lawsuit.”

He leaned back in his chair, brow still raised. “I don’t have any more news than what I sent already. I thought my ignoring your last five emails clarified that.”

I swore, pacing in his office.

“Oh, so I was right. You do want to pick a fight. Why does it have to be with me?”

I turned around, grinning. “Because you’re here.”

“True, but I think Luke is in his office too, and Travis is coming back later today, just in case you want a fight on a bigger scale involving all of us.” His tone was conversational.

I was being an ass. It wasn’t his fault that things were moving slowly. But when I had something on my mind, I wanted it solved on the spot. It frustrated me that it wasn’t possible.

“Dude, you need to relax,” Declan said.


“Don’t look at me for answers. I’m even more of a workaholic than you are.”

I groaned. “I know.”

“Hey, you know who does know how to relax? Luke. Why don’t we head up to his office? I’ll tell them I—’

“No, I’m not in the mood for that.”

A knock at the open door startled both of us. Luke poked his head in.

“Good. Just in time. Tate was about to blow up for no reason,” Declan said.

“You know me. I have a sixth sense. Especially because you two looked like you had sticks up your asses this morning.”

“I didn’t,” Declan said breezily, nodding in my direction.

Luke rubbed his hands, looking around with an exaggerated tilt of his head. “Lucky for you two, I’m only a few doors away to balance everything out. Let’s go up to the bar once we’re done. Or, you know, right now.”

I cocked a brow. “It’s early.”

Luke walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Brother,” he said in a dead-serious tone, “I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but you are the CEO of a huge-ass wine company. You’re your own boss. If you want to leave earlier, you can.”

“Don’t waste your time, Luke. He’s a lost cause. But I’m not. Let’s go up for a break,” Declan said before turning to me and adding, “if you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

I didn’t change my mind.

After the two of them left, I went back to my office. And then the day got away from me, as usual. Preparing the launch of an exclusive collection was no small feat, and I wasn’t too proud to admit that I’d underestimated the effort it would take. But it was going to be worth it.

When I’d started Maxwell Wineries, I wanted to build something my family could be proud of for generations to come. It was still what drove me to this day, even on the busiest weeks.

At five o’clock, I was restless. Out of nowhere, Lexi’s voice popped into my mind. Usually I avoided distractions, but I welcomed this one. In fact, I wanted more of it.

Taking out my phone, I brought up Lexi’s number, and I was surprised to see I had a few unread messages from her.

Lexi: We’re going on a picnic today. Beatrice is with us. She seemed a bit off, but Paisley and I have a plan to cheer her up.

The next message was from a few hours later.

Lexi: We’re still on our picnic. We’re going to be late for dinner, and I’m not sure how much Paisley will want to eat because she’s snacked the whole day.

Tate: Are you still at the lake?

Lexi: YES we are. At Oak Street Beach. I don’t think I can convince anyone to leave 😊) Paisley and Beatrice are dangerous when they’re together.

She sent me a picture of the three of them. They were sitting down and smiling at the camera. Paisley was sticking out her tongue.

I felt lighter for the first time today and made a split-second decision. Rising from my chair, I headed straight out of my office and poked my head into Declan’s. He and Luke had returned a few hours ago from their break.

I’m leaving,’ I announced.

Declan jerked his head back. “It’s 4:15.”

“I know.”

He narrowed his eye“. ‘Are you sick?”

‘No. Lexi, Paisley, and Gran are at the lake. Lexi sent me some pictures.’

“Wait a second. So, when Luke and I asked you to take a break, you gave us the evil eye, but Lexi texts you a few pics and you’re off? I’ll mark this day on the calendar.’

‘You’re an ass,’ I said.

“I’m just remarking that this isn’t exactly your usual behavior.’

I flipped him the bird before leaving the office. He was right, obviously, but if I admitted it, I’d never hear the end of it. I typically had enough work that I could stay at the office until late into the evening, but I made it a golden rule to be home for dinner. I sometimes worked later after Paisley fell asleep, but not often. But I’d never left early, not unless she had an emergency or a recital at school.

Seeing all my girls out at the lake, I couldn’t help myself. I asked Lexi to send me their location, and she replied with what felt like a million emojis, making me laugh. She wasn’t capable of hiding her emotions.

I arrived at the lake half an hour later. My three ladies were sitting under a huge oak tree. Gran was reading on her Kindle. The picnic area was vast, but there were so many people that it still felt cramped.

‘I want to wear this to my birthday,” Paisley was telling Lexi.

It was on the twenty-fifth of September, but she always started talking about it two months before. “Do you think a red dress would clash with my freckles?’

I blinked at the weird conversation. Clash?

‘What? No, I don’t think so, but try on the yellow one as well. It’s so luminous. I think it would make your eyes stand out too.’

They’re talking about fashion? Damn.

‘What are my ladies up to?’ I asked, appearing behind them.

Paisley shrieked, jumping to her feet and then straight into my arms. ‘Daddy, what are you doing here? Did something happen?’

Fuck, that anguish in her voice slew me.

‘No, pumpkin, I just thought I’d join all of you and have some fun. I don’t want you all to have fun without me.’

‘But it’s early,’ Paisley said as if she couldn’t possibly comprehend what I was doing here.

‘Yeah, I decided to leave the office earlier today,’ I said.

Gran was watching me with a knowing look.

Lexi rose to her feet, smiling from ear to ear. The desire to pull her closer and kiss the living daylights out of her slammed into me.

‘We were making a list with summer dresses,’ she said, turning her iPad around and holding it for me to see. ‘They’re all-natural fabrics like cotton and silk. Pastel colors are in this summer. Well, they are almost every summer, but I chose a few that are more powerful for Paisley too.’

It all sounded like gibberish to me, but I was happy Paisley had someone to talk fashion with besides Reese and Kimberly. I’d once asked her why she didn’t talk about it with Gran, and her reply had been, ‘Gran is ancient. I can’t wear what she wears. Everyone would laugh at me.’

I’d avoided the subject since then.

“We’re also making lists for her birthday,” Gran said. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What do you want to do?’ Lexi asked, looking at me. “Want something to eat?’

‘Yes. I’m starving,’ I said. ‘I only had lunch.’

Lexi pointed to a huge hut on the other side of the sitting area. ‘They’re selling delicious fries with chicken wings. We already had a few portions throughout the day.’

‘I’m going to buy something for myself. Lexi, are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?’ I looked at her in a meaningful way.

‘Oh no, I’m—” She broke off midsentence, laughing. ‘You know what? I do. I’m not sure what I want to drink, but I’ll come with you and look.’

Gran looked up from her Kindle but didn’t say anything. That knowing smile deepened. Next time I was alone with Gran, she’d talk my ear off, I was sure of it, but right now, I didn’t care. I wanted to be alone with Lexi, even for just a few minutes.

We walked on the crowded beach, and she was talking nonstop. ‘I love it here. It’s such a fun vacation-like feeling.’

I nodded, looking around as we joined the huge line. I hadn’t been here in a while, but she was right.

“Paisley is so excited about her birthday. She also mentioned her mom is coming.”

My jaw tightened. “Yes, Nora visits once a year on her birthday.”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

“Honestly, I’m not even sure. Paisley gets all excited, and then she’s sad after Nora leaves. But this year, she seems more… cautious.”

“She’s a bit older, so I think she understands everything better. By the way, I’m not sure what’s wrong, but Beatrice wasn’t her usual self today. She was more withdrawn.”

The fact that she was worried about Gran made something twist in my chest.

“The anniversary of Grandad’s death is coming up. She’s always feeling down around this time of the year. She might hang out more often with you and Paisley.”

“Poor thing! Okay, I’m going to ask Paisley what cheers Beatrice up and make a plan next time she’s with us.”

How is this woman real?

“You’re doing that thing again, where you look at me and don’t say anything,” she whispered.

‘You’re changing me, Lexi.’

Her eyes widened. ‘How?’

‘Today, when I saw your message, all I could think about was that I wanted to be here with you, enjoying the afternoon, and not cooped up in my office, even though I had a million things to do.’

‘Oh. Now I understand why Paisley acted that way.’

I grunted. ‘Declan gave me shit too. It’s been a tough day.’


“Because the lawsuit against Gran and Reese is escalating. The owners of the adjacent building are also suing.”

“Oh no. Beatrice didn’t say anything.”

“She doesn’t know about this recent development. Neither does Reese.”

She pressed her lips together. “Did you learn nothing from keeping things from Beatrice?”

“We’re gonna tell them… eventually. Anyway, both Luke and Declan were giving me shit about leaving the office earlier.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. ‘I’ll try to lure you out of your cave more often, then.’


‘Yep. You’re a Neanderthal, and the office is your cave. I just realized that.’

‘I’ll show you how much of a Neanderthal I am.’

She bit her lower lip, driving me crazy. I had been dying to kiss her ever since I got here, and now I couldn’t help myself anymore. With my last drop of self-restraint, I took her hand, drawing her out of the line. I felt more relaxed just because I was here with her. Nothing about the lawsuit was moving forward, but I felt carefree right now.

She giggled. ‘Where are we going? What are you doing?’

I didn’t say anything, just grunted, keeping her hand firmly in mine as we rounded the back of the hut. It was empty, as I was hoping it would be. Without any warning, I turned her around, pinning her against a wall. ‘I want to kiss you. I’ve wanted to do it ever since I saw you this morning. I thought about it all day. Now I can’t help myself anymore.’

‘Then do it,’ she whispered.

I claimed her mouth the next second, kissing her hard and deep, keeping my hands on her waist and pressing her hips against me, wanting her to feel exactly what she did to me. She made me lose control, and I wasn’t used to it. It was something I used to hate, but with her, I couldn’t help myself, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

I deepened the kiss, skimming a hand up the side of her torso and touching her breasts. A groan tore from my chest as I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. She was going to be the end of me. I knew it.

I brought my hand over her nipple. I could barely feel it through the fabric, but I moved my thumb in small circles, knowing it would earn a reaction. I was growing more desperate for her the longer I kissed her, and I wanted her to be just as hungry for me.

When I felt her nipple turn to a hard nub, I groaned, rocking my hips into her.

With a gasp, she pulled back, breathing hard. The contour of her mouth was red. Her eyes were wide. ‘Oh my God,’ she whispered. ‘How can you kiss me so shamelessly?’

‘I can’t kiss you any other way.’

‘I’m starting to gather that. But I’m a teacher, Mr. Maxwell. I’m used to being on my best behavior when I’m in public.” Her tone was sassy, but she looked around nervously. She was goddamn adorable. She seemed to relax when she realized we really were hidden from view.

‘You’re not wearing a bra,’ I said. “And yes, I know one thing has nothing to do with the other. But it’s all I can think of.”

‘Well, no. I had a bathing suit on earlier but changed out of it. The dress has some cups that are sewn inside them. Nothing should be visible.’ She glanced down at herself, and when she looked up, her blush intensified. ‘Unless, of course, someone turns me on.’

‘Not someone,’ I growled. “Me. Only me. Lexi, you’re mine. You’re in my thoughts all the time. And I want to be in yours.”

Her lips parted. I cupped her face, moving my thumb across the red skin around her lips. We hadn’t defined this thing between us. It went past pure physical need. I didn’t know how to describe it, but I knew I needed more than stolen kisses here and there and half nights spent together. I knew that with the surety I knew my name was Tate Maxwell. I wanted her just for me for a couple days.

‘Let’s go somewhere the weekend when Paisley’s at Gran’s,’ I said.

Her body went rigid.


“Where?’ she mumbled.

Is she buying time to say no? Maybe she didn’t want more than this.

‘I want to show you the vineyard where I grew up.’ I felt her soften under my touch, and some of the tension left my shoulders, but I wouldn’t relax until she said yes. ‘Friday to Sunday,’ I said and could hear my pulse thrum in my ears, the thumping of my heart against my rib cage. I’d never felt anything like this.

‘Okay,’ she whispered, and relief washed over me like my bones were turning liquid. ‘But on one condition, Mr. Workaholic.’


‘We leave Friday while it’s still sunny outside so we can enjoy that afternoon too. So, something like three o’clock?’

There was a delicious challenge in her voice.

“I see. So, first you corrupt me to leave the office at four thirty, and now three?”

She held up a finger. “First, you’re the one who decided to leave today. I didn’t even suggest it.” Bringing the finger to her temple, she tapped her head. “But I’d hoped you would. I probably sent you vacation vibes. And as to corrupting you to leave at three, yes—yes, I am. I get you for a weekend, so I want it to last as long as possible. Whatcha gonna do about it?”

“I’ll tell you what I’ll do.” I tipped my head closer, and she widened her eyes before quickly looking to her right and then the left as if thinking I’d kiss her again. She wasn’t far off.

“I’m gonna fulfill that condition. And when we get there, I’m going to lay out my conditions.”

“Oh, sneaky. First you get me there, then you share them with me.” Her lips spread in a smile that lit up her face. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.